• 3 years ago


00:01:58It's about noon, let's have a little chow.
00:02:03Say Sheriff, how about loosening these things, they're killing.
00:02:08Sure, I'll loosen them.
00:02:15I'll loosen your buddy too.
00:02:19Build us a little fire.
00:02:21Sure, this is just like a picnic.
00:02:24It could be if you guys would do a little talking, you might save yourselves a lot of trouble.
00:02:29Nothing to talk about, I already told you we were hunting.
00:02:34Suit yourself, but the hunting season's closed.
00:02:39Some other people besides myself would like to know what you two were doing out there.
00:03:01Hey Trigger, maybe that's Betty.
00:03:12No, it couldn't be, I never saw that plane before.
00:04:57Wait a minute, you'll get lost out there, besides he's got too much of a head start on you.
00:05:01You're bleeding pretty badly, let me take off your shirt.
00:05:06At least there's no bones broken, probably hit an artery.
00:05:12This will stop it for a moment, but you need a doctor.
00:05:17If you tell me how to get to Manzanita Springs, I will fly you there.
00:05:21Well I can tell you how to get there, but with both of us in that plane, I doubt if you can clear those trees.
00:05:25Let me worry about those trees.
00:05:30Trigger you stay here with him, I'll send the boys out to help you.
00:05:34Be sure and stomp that out, I can make it to the plane.
00:05:36We don't want a forest fire on our hands.
00:05:37Oh sure, sure.
00:05:46This is all my fault, I'm sorry.
00:05:49Forget it.
00:06:02You may be right about the top of those trees.
00:06:05So before it's too late, permit me to introduce myself.
00:06:08My name is Nicky Lopez.
00:06:10Mine's Rogers.
00:06:12I sure hope you're lucky.
00:06:14So do I.
00:06:16But if we cannot go over them, we'll go through them.
00:06:46Hey breezy!
00:07:08You recognize that one?
00:07:20Well, I don't know.
00:07:22In spite of all our tough luck, we're not in that bad shape yet.
00:07:25We've still got one good plane.
00:07:28But I'll tell you Mr. Bredis, if we're ever forced to give up the airline, you'll get first crack at it.
00:07:32But don't hold your breath till we do.
00:07:34Well you can't blame a businessman for trying.
00:07:36Why don't you try someplace else?
00:07:39I'll see you later.
00:07:42That guy gives me, oh I knew I had something to tell you.
00:07:45There's a plane coming in.
00:07:46Okay cookie.
00:07:52I've never seen that one before have you?
00:07:54Me either.
00:07:55Maybe they got some news about Sid.
00:07:57Boy I hope so.
00:08:07Please, call the doctor.
00:08:09It's Roy.
00:08:11Hey breezy!
00:08:13Go get Doc Petersen, the sheriff's been hurt.
00:08:16And hurry!
00:08:18What happened?
00:08:19Oh he's shot.
00:08:20I'll tell you about it later.
00:08:21Easy does it.
00:08:24Sit down in this chair Roy.
00:08:27Oh by the way this is Nicky Lopez.
00:08:31Did you see anything of the plane?
00:08:32Not a thing.
00:08:34I searched every inch of ground between here and the Walker mine.
00:08:36I couldn't find a trace of Sid or the plane.
00:08:38I can't understand how a plane can completely disappear from the face of the earth.
00:08:42Especially when Sid is such a good pilot.
00:08:45Hello Roy.
00:08:46Hi Tex.
00:08:47Any news about Sid?
00:08:49Not a clue.
00:08:51I don't know, it beats me.
00:08:54He's on the last lap of his trip.
00:08:55The weather was perfect.
00:08:57If anything had gone wrong he could have made a forced landing in any of these meadows.
00:09:01You know Roy, hey what happened to you?
00:09:04He had a little accident.
00:09:07Come on everybody let's get out of here and let Roy get some rest.
00:09:09He can tell us all about it later.
00:09:11We'll have plenty of time to talk.
00:09:14I'll get you some water Roy and see if I can hurry up the doctor.
00:09:20Sheriff will be all right.
00:09:22His arm will be stiff for one of two days.
00:09:24That's all.
00:09:25I'm familiar with those kind of things.
00:09:27You are?
00:09:28Well do you get shot very often?
00:09:31But you see, I was a bullfighter.
00:09:33You were a bullfighter?
00:09:35You're Nicky Lopez, a great bullfighter.
00:09:38At your service.
00:09:40Gee I saw you fight at Tijuana.
00:09:42I never will forget that great big black bull you killed.
00:09:47When it comes charging and snorting.
00:09:51I got great big goose pimples all over.
00:09:54So did I.
00:09:59By the way, did a cute girl with black hair about this high?
00:10:04She sure did.
00:10:06Miss Richards flew her in a little while ago.
00:10:08That spitfire and the little firecracker baggage all over the place.
00:10:12Put it here, put it there.
00:10:14Give me this, take that.
00:10:16Move it here, move it.
00:10:17I never saw anything as spoiled in my life.
00:10:19If she was mine, I'd take her over my knee and I'd spank the...
00:10:25She's not your wife?
00:10:26Not yet.
00:10:27But that description fits perfectly the girl I'm looking for.
00:10:30Well you found her.
00:10:31She's spoiled.
00:10:33Her father is very rich.
00:10:34Can you take me to her?
00:10:35Well sure, she's on her way to the spa now with the pioneer.
00:10:38Says she's going to be around here for a while.
00:10:40I'll get my luggage.
00:10:41I'll get the car.
00:10:44Hey, hey.
00:10:45Hey, hey.
00:10:46Did you hear who he said he was?
00:10:49Gee, maybe if he likes me he'll teach me to be a torador.
00:10:52You know, how to fight the bull.
00:10:55You ought to make a good pupil.
00:10:57You already know how to throw it.
00:11:02A gay ranchero, a caballero, can always find someone to pet.
00:11:09That's a señorita, a sweet papita.
00:11:12Her other loves will soon forget.
00:11:16If he's insistent.
00:11:17¿Qué vas a hacer?
00:11:18And she's not desperate.
00:11:19Todo va muy bien.
00:11:20The señorita will confess.
00:11:22I guess.
00:11:23Her gay ranchero, her caballero, need only ask and she'll say yes.
00:11:30And there'll be siesta with a blushing bride.
00:11:33And the gay ranchero standing by her side.
00:11:36If they find a promise that they have in store.
00:11:39They'll be counting little chico's by the score.
00:11:43Vamos a Tepa, tierra soñada, donde la vida es un primor.
00:11:50Allá me espera mi chapeciata, la única dueña de mi amor.
00:11:57Es tan bonita, mi chaparrita, que cuando va al templo a rezar,
00:12:04Todos le llaman, lo dicen chita, de la boquita de corazón.
00:12:11Now to end the story that I once was told.
00:12:15Here's the little secret that I must unfold.
00:12:18For they found the promise that they had in store.
00:12:22Now they're really counting chico's by the score.
00:12:25Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis.
00:12:30Hey, that's enough I think.
00:12:34That's the tale of the gay ranchero.
00:12:44Well, here we are.
00:12:48This is what we call home.
00:12:50Bien, traigame la maleta.
00:12:53Come on, Nacio.
00:12:55Come on.
00:12:58Vamos, vamos, flojos, que yo estoy acostumbrada a que siempre me den buen servicio.
00:13:02Y si ustedes no lo pueden hacer, iré a otro lugar mejor.
00:13:04No, don't worry.
00:13:15She sure got an even temper, always mad.
00:13:18I'll take it from here. The poor child is so upset.
00:13:21I must get her back home.
00:13:23I'd rather fight a bull.
00:13:24So would I, but I promised her father.
00:13:26Well, thank you very much for the ride.
00:13:28You keep your appointment with me. We'll talk about bullfight.
00:13:31Oh, don't you worry. I'll be there. You go on in. I'll take care of the baggies.
00:13:47I'll take care of this, Mary. This is extra special.
00:13:49Sure, Bob.
00:13:50Now, if you just sign right here, Miss...
00:13:53Flanagan? That's Irish.
00:13:55Well, I'm Irish. You should be able to tell by my accent.
00:13:59I think.
00:14:01Oh, yes. Sure.
00:14:04Well, now, let's see. There was...
00:14:06That was two rooms that you ordered, Miss...
00:14:09Oh, I see. You're expecting somebody else.
00:14:12Of course not.
00:14:13The biggest room is for Nacho.
00:14:15He should have absolute rest and quiet.
00:14:18What do you think we came here for?
00:14:21Nacho, how many times have I told you to take your hat off in the house?
00:14:26Well, Mr. Nacho, if you'll just sign the register right here.
00:14:37See what I mean? His nerves are all upset.
00:14:40What's the matter, Nacho?
00:14:44So, I can't trust you.
00:14:47You follow me.
00:14:49I don't like you anymore, neither does Nacho.
00:14:56You cannot stay here.
00:14:57Your father sent me to take you back.
00:15:00So we can get married and live in happiness in my ranch.
00:15:03But you will not fight the bulls anymore, and I cannot marry a coward.
00:15:07Already I have told you thousands of times why.
00:15:10I will not fight the bulls because I love you and so I don't want to die.
00:15:15That's no excuse.
00:15:21Good boy, Nacho.
00:15:23I suppose you'll be needing a room.
00:15:25Yes, I will.
00:15:26I didn't get the name, sir.
00:15:27Oh, Lopez.
00:15:28Oh, Lopez.
00:15:29Oh, Lopez, another Irishman.
00:15:33Take some of this mineral water. It's good for your ulcers.
00:15:36Take some of this mineral water. It's good for your ulcers.
00:16:02Hey, look who's here.
00:16:07Slim, you're alone.
00:16:10Where's Roberts?
00:16:12What happened?
00:16:13Rogers caught up with us.
00:16:14I made a break for it and shot them both.
00:16:16That's what you think.
00:16:18You only winged the sheriff.
00:16:19Saw him around here this morning.
00:16:21But you did get your friend Roberts.
00:16:23Why, you devil.
00:16:24And you.
00:16:25And this goes for you, too.
00:16:27You two guys are always sending us out to do that dirty work while you sit around here and take it easy.
00:16:30As for Roberts...
00:16:32I thought he'd told you.
00:16:34Slim, we don't hold you responsible for what happened to Roberts.
00:16:36You did right.
00:16:37What about the plane?
00:16:38Ah, nobody will ever find it.
00:16:40We pulled it in a canyon and blew a whole mountainside down on top of it.
00:16:43And the pilot?
00:16:46The gold got through.
00:16:49We got it.
00:16:51Now take this and get out of town.
00:16:53But don't let Rogers see you leave.
00:16:55But where and how long?
00:16:56As far as you can.
00:16:57We'll tell you when to come back.
00:16:59And use the back door.
00:17:02Well, hello, Bredas.
00:17:04Morning, Sheriff.
00:17:05I just dropped in to see how your arm is coming along.
00:17:07It's as good as new, thanks.
00:17:09Any news on the missing plane?
00:17:11I'm afraid not.
00:17:12Nothing about the pilot, either.
00:17:14There's a lot of gold on that plane.
00:17:16Are you sure the pilot didn't go south somewhere?
00:17:19I'm afraid not.
00:17:20I'm afraid not.
00:17:21I'm afraid not.
00:17:22I'm afraid not.
00:17:23I'm afraid not.
00:17:24I'm afraid not.
00:17:25I'm afraid not.
00:17:26I'm afraid not.
00:17:27I'm afraid not.
00:17:28I'm afraid not.
00:17:29Are you sure the pilot didn't go south somewhere?
00:17:32You better not say that around some people I know.
00:17:34Just an idea, Sheriff.
00:17:36You can never tell.
00:17:37Breezy, where's Betty?
00:17:58I guess she's in the office.
00:18:01You're welcome.
00:18:08I never thought I'd be doing this for Sid.
00:18:10After all the years we flew together, Australia, Saipan.
00:18:14You know, I'll never forget those strikes we made on Japan.
00:18:18That was plenty tough.
00:18:21You know, it's funny.
00:18:23After all he went through during the war, he has to disappear this way.
00:18:27I don't care about the plane, the gold, or anything.
00:18:30We could just have Sid back.
00:18:32Well, I couldn't fight him.
00:18:33Nobody could.
00:18:34But if we only knew.
00:18:37Here's a letter addressed to you, Cookie.
00:18:39For me?
00:18:45Dear gang, if my number ever comes up,
00:18:50I'll owe the following articles to the following people.
00:18:54To Tex, the best wingman I ever had in my leather jacket.
00:19:01May it always be in luck.
00:19:05To Betty, that big kiss I was always trying to steal.
00:19:12To Cookie, this little prayer to say for me.
00:19:18May the headwinds that I fought through life
00:19:21drift me through the pearly gate.
00:19:28And to all, I leave my corny sense of humor.
00:19:40Am I interrupting?
00:19:44I just got the last report from the CAA.
00:19:50I wish I knew what to do.
00:19:52If we lose this place, we'll all go broke.
00:19:54And the spa, too.
00:19:56Holy smokes, I almost forgot my first lesson.
00:20:00My lesson, you know, my lesson.
00:20:04The reason I came to see you, Betty, was to find out when your next flight is.
00:20:09We're making the pickup run to the mines.
00:20:11Here's our flight plan.
00:20:12That's about the same as the other one.
00:20:14Just about.
00:20:15The last hop is from the Walker mine right back here.
00:20:18You be sure that everything on that plane is double checked.
00:20:20And call me before it leaves.
00:20:23So long, Roy.
00:20:24So long, Tex.
00:20:27I checked that wiring system again, Miss Richard.
00:20:29It's all right.
00:20:31I'll tell Cookie.
00:20:32Say, what did Cookie mean by his first lesson?
00:20:35I think he's got a date with a bull.
00:20:40First, I'm going to show you how to use a cape.
00:20:42The bugle blows.
00:20:44The bull comes charging into the arena.
00:20:46El Toro.
00:20:47He sees you and then he wants to kill you.
00:20:49Yeah, but you said I had a lot of courage.
00:20:51I'll kill him first.
00:20:52That is the idea.
00:20:53The bull charges at you.
00:20:55All your assistants jump over the fence.
00:20:58Well, how high is the fence?
00:21:00Oh, not you.
00:21:01Not me?
00:21:03Gracefully, you hold out your capote.
00:21:06The bull is mad.
00:21:08He pulls the cape away as he misses you by inches.
00:21:13Then the bull charges again.
00:21:15One again.
00:21:18The crowd cheers.
00:21:20Then you talk to the bull.
00:21:23Sometime, if he's a good bull, you can even sing to him.
00:21:28That's real.
00:21:29I never could sing.
00:21:30But you're my student.
00:21:32I'll teach you that, too.
00:21:34Granada, tierra soñada por mí.
00:21:40Mi cantar se vuelve gitano cuando es para ti.
00:21:48Mi cantar, hecho de fantasía.
00:21:55Mi canción, flor de melancolía.
00:22:02Que yo te vengo a dar.
00:22:21Granada, tierra ensangrentada en paredes de toro.
00:22:29Mujer que conserva el embrujo de los ojos moros.
00:22:36Tu sueño rebelde y gitana cubierta de flores.
00:22:43Mi beso, tu boca de grana, tu voz amanzana que me habla de amores.
00:22:56Granada, manola cantada en coplas preciosas.
00:23:05No tengo otra cosa que darte que un rabo de rosas.
00:23:13De rosas de suave fragancia que le diera el marco a la virgen morena.
00:23:22Granada, oh tierra, está llena de lindas mujeres de sangre y de sol.
00:23:37Oh, Nicky, I knew it all the time.
00:23:40You are going to fight the wolves again.
00:23:42No, Consuelo.
00:23:44But Nicky, el toro, the cape.
00:23:48I'm sorry, but I'm only teaching my new pupil Cookie.
00:23:51Someday he will be a great matador.
00:23:54So, just as I thought.
00:23:56You're still afraid.
00:23:58My cape.
00:24:00So I'm afraid, am I?
00:24:02But I'm not afraid of you.
00:24:04Just a minute.
00:24:05You're not afraid, huh?
00:24:07You'll see.
00:24:13This flight plan is practically the same as last time.
00:24:17It'll be easy.
00:24:19You see, from the walk of mine back is the last leg of the trip.
00:24:22Now, if he runs out of gas a short while after he takes off,
00:24:25the only place he can set down is Big Meadows.
00:24:28I figured it out on the map,
00:24:30and it ought to take just three and a half hours to get to the meadows.
00:24:33And we'll fix it so there's only three and a half hours' fuel in the tanks.
00:24:37Breezy, the important thing is to fix that gauge so they think they have plenty of fuel.
00:24:43This trip will break them and make us.
00:24:46Boy, and all that gold.
00:24:49I'll make the spa the fanciest gambling casino in the country.
00:24:52We'll fly the suckers into our own planes.
00:24:55Then you'll see what real money looks like.
00:25:17Hey, we've taken out the amount of gas you told us to.
00:25:21Should we stop?
00:25:24Don't take any more out.
00:25:26I fixed the gauges so they all still read full.
00:25:29Let's go.
00:25:47Then I was cornered by an enraged bull.
00:25:51My cape was gone.
00:25:53My sword was broke.
00:25:55What do you think happened?
00:25:57You were saved by the bell.
00:26:04Hello, Roy.
00:26:06Listen carefully, Cookie.
00:26:08I just got all the reports from the government files on Araby.
00:26:11Me too?
00:26:12Yes, you too.
00:26:14I'm not sure, but I think I got a couple of clues.
00:26:17Tell Betty not to let that plane leave the field this morning.
00:26:20It may be a matter of life or death.
00:26:22But Roy, I can't.
00:26:24Tex is already gone and Betty went with him.
00:26:28How long have they been gone?
00:26:30I see.
00:26:32They should be leaving on the last train.
00:26:35I'm afraid so.
00:26:37I see.
00:26:39They should be leaving on the last leg of their flight about now.
00:26:43Don't say anything to Breezy about this.
00:26:45In fact, don't say anything to Breezy about anything.
00:26:48I'll see you later, Cookie.
00:27:07All right, fellas.
00:27:26Here's the rest of your reception committee.
00:27:28All right.
00:27:29Now, if everything works out the way we figured,
00:27:31the plane will land out there in that clearing.
00:27:33The wind's coming from the north,
00:27:34so they'll glide in this way for a landing.
00:27:36You fellas get on the other side and stay hidden.
00:27:39We'll take care of things over here.
00:27:41Be sure and keep your faces covered.
00:27:43All right, get going.
00:28:00What are you smiling at?
00:28:01Oh, I was just thinking what a beautiful day this is.
00:28:03What a nice haul we've gotten back.
00:28:05Boy, what an easy way to make a living.
00:28:08I'm glad you feel that way because I don't know what we'd do without you.
00:28:11Ah, forget it.
00:28:12It's fun working for people like Cookie.
00:28:14And you.
00:28:15It'd be more fun if you could get paid regularly, wouldn't it?
00:28:17Skip it.
00:28:18The important thing right now is to keep the airline running.
00:28:21You're a swell guy, Tex, and we appreciate it.
00:28:24Boy, are you corny.
00:28:26Well, Sid left us his corny sense of humor.
00:28:29Well, another thing that Sid left that I might collect at the end of this run,
00:28:32that little kiss.
00:28:34The only thing you'll collect is a pineapple soda that Cookie said he'd have waiting for you.
00:28:39If there's a pineapple soda,
00:28:42hit the wobble pump, Eddie.
00:28:49There they are, just like he said.
00:28:51Yeah, that breezy sure gave us the right dope.
00:28:55He doesn't do any good.
00:28:57The gate says half full with plenty of gas.
00:28:59Must be a plug fuel line.
00:29:02I'll set it on that clearing right straight ahead of us.
00:29:04If that's what it is, I can fix it in ten minutes.
00:29:06Check your safety belt.
00:29:07Hang on.
00:29:08Here we go.
00:29:13Hey, when that breezy fixes anything, it stays fixed.
00:29:31Hey, what is this?
00:29:44You ought to be able to guess that.
00:29:45Get down.
00:29:51Hey, Betty!
00:29:56Hey, don't!
00:29:57There's too many of them!
00:29:59Get off him, you big bully!
00:30:01Let him go!
00:30:08All right.
00:30:21This is what happened to the other plane.
00:30:24What'd you do to Sid?
00:30:25Careful, lady, or you'll find out.
00:30:27Oh, who are you anyway?
00:30:44Oh, Dex.
00:30:47You filthy murderers!
00:30:50You killed them both the same way!
00:31:09Tie her on my horse.
00:31:10We may need you.
00:31:39Let's go.
00:32:09Let's go.
00:32:29Let's go.
00:33:05Roy, you've got to catch them.
00:33:07They killed Dex!
00:33:10I know.
00:33:11But I'm taking care of you first.
00:33:15We've got to make a forced landing in that clearing.
00:33:18They were there waiting for us.
00:33:20Are you supposed to be new?
00:33:22I don't know, but that's what we're going to find out.
00:33:44I can remember when a cowboy tended cattle.
00:33:56I can remember open a calf or two.
00:33:59But today, if you make your living as a cowboy,
00:34:03you've got to be able to saw a woman half and two.
00:34:06Oh, take me back.
00:34:08Oh, take me back to cowboy country.
00:34:13Let me earn my pay like an old cow hen.
00:34:20Oh, take me back.
00:34:23Oh, take me back to cowboy country.
00:34:28Let me live and die in the cowboy land.
00:34:36I can remember when a cowboy owned a saddle.
00:34:40I can remember breaking a bronco or two.
00:34:44But today, if you make your living as a cowboy,
00:34:47you've got to be able to toot a horn and yodel too.
00:34:50Yodel-a-hee-ah, hee-ah-ah-do.
00:34:54Oh, take me back.
00:34:56Oh, take me back to cowboy country.
00:35:01Let me earn my pay.
00:35:03Let me earn my pay like an old cow hen.
00:35:09Oh, take me back.
00:35:11Oh, take me back to cowboy country.
00:35:17Let me live and die.
00:35:19Let me live and die in the cowboy land.
00:35:31Hey, Pat, aren't you going to do any work?
00:35:34Or are you just going to sing?
00:35:36Wouldn't it be easier to carry this thing home?
00:35:44Hi, Roy.
00:35:46Well, the runway's all clear.
00:35:48Yeah, you did a good job.
00:35:50What do you think, Nicky?
00:35:51Sure, plenty of room.
00:35:56Let's clear everything out of here, fellas.
00:35:57We're ready to go.
00:35:58Hiya, Nicky.
00:35:59Hello, Betty.
00:36:00Did you check the fuel lines?
00:36:02What about the gas tanks?
00:36:03They're all packed up.
00:36:04Time to take off.
00:36:09Well, you got a whole new panel.
00:36:11I checked it myself.
00:36:12It's strange.
00:36:13They shot out all the gauges.
00:36:15What good could that do them?
00:36:16I don't know.
00:36:17It beats me.
00:36:18That plane should have burned up when they shot into those gas
00:36:22Maybe they were empty.
00:36:23The indicator read a quarter full.
00:36:25Hey, Breezy, you're the mechanic.
00:36:27What do you think?
00:36:28Why, I don't know.
00:36:29That is I.
00:36:46It's swell of Nicky to pull us out of this hole.
00:36:48Yeah, he can sure fly.
00:36:58I've been expecting this.
00:36:59Uh, no.
00:37:01Hey, fellas.
00:37:02Come here a minute.
00:37:05We're all going to have to look for a new job.
00:37:07They won't extend our credit any longer.
00:37:10I'm sorry about this.
00:37:11I know how hard all of you worked to put the airline in the spa
00:37:15Sure, Roy.
00:37:16How much time have we got?
00:37:17Not much.
00:37:18According to law, I have to hold an auction by sealed bid as soon
00:37:21as possible.
00:37:25Well, it ain't going to bother me much.
00:37:27I'll just live off the fat of the land.
00:37:30Yeah, but I ain't got no land.
00:37:42Well, Mac, the place looks pretty good.
00:37:44We'll own it in a few hours.
00:37:46Yeah, but suppose somebody outbids us.
00:37:48Who else around here has that much dough?
00:37:58It looks like I finally won.
00:38:00You have to come home with me now.
00:38:03I'm not leaving until I get ready.
00:38:20Anything new?
00:38:22Might as well get it over with.
00:38:25Hi, Sheriff.
00:38:26Hi, Timmy.
00:38:27Hello there.
00:38:28Folks, I guess there's no use talking about why I'm here.
00:38:30I'm instructed to open all sealed bids for the purchase of the
00:38:33Manzanita Springs Spa and the Manzanita Airlines.
00:38:36It's now 3 o'clock, and the bidding is closed.
00:38:39I received two sealed bids for the purchase of these properties.
00:38:44The first is from Mr. Vance Bredos.
00:38:50The other one is from Miss Consuelo Belmonte.
00:38:57For submitting the highest bid, the purchase is hereby awarded to Miss
00:39:04Consuelo Belmonte.
00:39:07Wait a minute, Mike.
00:39:09Wouldn't be smart to start a fuss now.
00:39:11Consuelo, I forbid you to do this.
00:39:13I've got plenty of money.
00:39:15Senores, right now I can only say that there will be no changes.
00:39:21Betty, we'll talk about the airlines later.
00:39:24Okay, boss.
00:39:25We'll talk about it right now.
00:39:27Oh, I forgot the reason I bought this place.
00:39:32From now on, Senor Lopez's room will be vacant.
00:39:35Now, get out!
00:39:37You evicted.
00:39:39That is a joke for the sheriff.
00:39:40I have my rights, you know.
00:39:44Congratulations, Consuelo.
00:39:45I think you made a good investment.
00:39:47Thank you, Roy.
00:39:48You see?
00:39:50Let's have a big celebration.
00:39:52Tomorrow you're all invited to a fiesta.
00:39:54It will be in honor of Nacho's fifth birthday.
00:40:01I expect you to be there.
00:40:02That's Senora.
00:40:04We'll be there.
00:40:05I'm glad you got the place instead of Breda's.
00:40:07Yeah, me too.
00:40:09And Senor Lopez will give an exhibition of full fighting.
00:40:14If he's not afraid.
00:40:18Come on.
00:40:24You know, Roy.
00:40:25I'm going to do something I've been thinking about for a long time.
00:40:37Well, I lost again.
00:40:38You have to help me.
00:40:40We have to take Consuelo away from here.
00:40:42She has no right to buy this place.
00:40:45She didn't.
00:40:47What do you mean?
00:40:48Breda's bid was higher.
00:40:49Then why did you...
00:40:50I didn't want Breda to get his hands on this property.
00:40:52Besides, I'm going to put him in jail.
00:40:55If there's anything I can do to help...
00:40:58There is.
00:40:59Just keep your eyes on Consuelo.
00:41:01This is pretty rough country.
00:41:02You never can tell what might happen.
00:41:08How could we tell that that silly game was going to outbid us?
00:41:11I've got a hunch that Rogers has something to do with this.
00:41:13Yeah, and I've got a hunch we ought to do something about it.
00:41:15Maybe you're right.
00:41:17Oh, by the way, how much did she outbid us?
00:41:19Now that you mention it, I don't know.
00:41:21Listen, we can't take this lying down.
00:41:24Let's go to that party tomorrow.
00:41:26That boyfriend of hers is going to give an exhibition with a bull.
00:41:29And I know a little trick that'll make that bull mad enough to make that exhibition plenty exciting.
00:41:34You do, huh?
00:41:36She doesn't know it yet, but she just bought herself a hunk of trouble.
00:41:39Maybe she'll clear out after that bull goes to work on her boyfriend.
00:41:43Could be.
00:41:45Could be.
00:41:51Oh, boy.
00:42:21Oh, boy.
00:42:52Hey, I always have a good time at my own party.
00:43:09Wait till I get my sunshine in the moonlight
00:43:14Wait till I get underneath the western skies
00:43:20With the yucca and the sage all around to set the stage
00:43:25And the stars are making faces in her eyes
00:43:30Wait till he finds the moon above on my side
00:43:35I'll get her beneath that good old Indian side
00:43:40Wait till I get my sunshine in the moonlight
00:43:45That's when I'll make my sunshine mine
00:43:50Wait till I get my sunshine in the moonlight
00:43:55Wait till I get underneath the western skies
00:43:59With the yucca and the sage all around to set the stage
00:44:04And the stars are making faces in her eyes
00:44:09Wait till he finds the moon above on her side
00:44:13She'll get him beneath that good old Indian side
00:44:18Wait till I get my sunshine in the moonlight
00:44:22That's when I'll make my sunshine mine
00:44:26Oh, mine
00:44:27That's when I'll make my sunshine mine
00:44:35Oh, thank you so much.
00:44:37And now Señor Lopez will...
00:44:40Why haven't you got your matador costume on?
00:44:42Because I'm not fighting any bull today.
00:44:44I'm too busy.
00:44:45But I promised everyone.
00:44:47I even have a bull here.
00:44:49I know, my sweet.
00:44:50But they won't be disappointed.
00:44:52Amigos, it is going to be my pleasure to introduce to you
00:44:56my student, Señor Cookie Bull Fincher,
00:44:59who is going to give you a great exhibition of bullfighting.
00:45:24Remember, all you have to do is just follow me
00:45:26and I'll give you the signals when to start and when to stop.
00:45:33I never can seem to get ahead.
00:45:36Take it easy, don't rush me.
00:45:56Sing to him, Nicky.
00:46:05Sing to him, Nicky.
00:46:25Sing to him, Nicky.
00:46:45Oh, Nicky, you sing.
00:46:46You better get out of here if you want to keep it that way.
00:46:53Oh, Nicky, I'm so sorry.
00:46:56I was wrong.
00:46:57You were brave.
00:46:58You were magnificent.
00:47:00All these people.
00:47:02You are not married.
00:47:03That's all that matters.
00:47:09Nobody's hurt?
00:47:11I hope.
00:47:12Thanks, Nicky.
00:47:14I think I need another lesson.
00:47:20Roy, I've fought many bulls, but I've never seen one as crazy as that one.
00:47:24He acted like he was full of local weed.
00:47:26Local weed?
00:47:27Yeah, dope.
00:47:28Who would want to do a thing like that?
00:47:30Sheriff, I want to talk to you.
00:47:32Bates, you don't happen to know how that bull got out of the chute, do you?
00:47:35What do you mean?
00:47:36Mike and I were standing here in the crowd watching the exhibition.
00:47:38Incidentally, Sheriff, about those bids, I'd like to take a look at them.
00:47:43You know I don't carry things like that with me.
00:47:46Besides, we're busy.
00:47:47I'll be in your office at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning with my attorney to take a look at them.
00:47:51You'd better be there.
00:47:53There might be a new sheriff.
00:47:57Hey, we didn't plan on this.
00:48:00It doesn't look very good for me.
00:48:02We better work fast.
00:48:04We have to have the new boss on our side.
00:48:06You can count on me, Roy.
00:48:08Me too.
00:48:11Obrados, you better make that appointment at 12 o'clock.
00:48:15I'd forgotten about the shipment of gold the airline's picking up in the morning.
00:48:18All right, Sheriff, I'll see you at 12.
00:48:21Roy, there's no flight scheduled to the mines tomorrow.
00:48:25There is now.
00:48:26There'll be a plane leaving here the first thing in the morning.
00:48:28Who's going to fly it?
00:48:32Well, it's nice of him to tell us.
00:48:34We can always use a little more of that stuff.
00:48:36It's funny how much trouble people make for themselves.
00:48:38Let's have a talk with Breezy.
00:48:45All right.
00:49:15Hello, Breezy.
00:49:36Working pretty late, aren't you?
00:49:38That's my business.
00:49:40Mine too.
00:49:42What are you doing here?
00:49:44I work here, remember?
00:49:48That door's locked from the outside.
00:49:50You came in the same way I did.
00:49:53So what?
00:49:56I don't carry a gun.
00:49:57I got nothing to hide.
00:49:59I think you better come down to my office.
00:50:01I have a few things to check over with you.
00:50:03Anything you have to say to me, you can say it now.
00:50:05This won't take long.
00:50:06Then go on.
00:50:12Now don't! Don't!
00:50:14That wasn't a very smart thing to do, Breezy.
00:50:17Now you're under arrest for assault on an officer of the law.
00:50:19Come on.
00:50:42This will give you a chance to cool off and think things over.
00:51:02Hello, Cookie?
00:51:04Get over here as fast as you can and bring Betty.
00:51:07There's a friend of yours here that has something to tell us.
00:51:20Hey, Bredos.
00:51:21Breezy's in jail.
00:51:22You're kidding.
00:51:23No, I'm not kidding.
00:51:24You know what a temper Breezy has.
00:51:26Well, instead of going along peaceably when the sheriff wanted to question him,
00:51:29he took a poke at him.
00:51:30I just talked to him through the jail window.
00:51:50What happened, Breezy?
00:51:51I got in a beef with Rogers and he locked me in here to talk.
00:51:54Did you?
00:51:56Where'd he pick you up?
00:51:57At the hangar.
00:51:58Did you know about the plane?
00:51:59The country suspects something, but he doesn't know about that.
00:52:02Did you fix the gauge?
00:52:03Yep, it's okay.
00:52:05I copied the flight plans but got rid of them before he had a chance to search me.
00:52:09It's the same as last time.
00:52:11This will keep you company.
00:52:15Things look pretty rough.
00:52:16You might be in here for a while.
00:52:18A long while.
00:52:20If you want to use it on Rogers, it's all right with me.
00:52:22Don't worry.
00:52:24No sheriff's going to keep me in here.
00:52:26That's the way to talk, Breezy.
00:52:32What'd you want to give him that gun for?
00:52:33Rogers can't hold him anyway.
00:52:34I take a chance.
00:52:35I'm any judge of human nature, there'll be fireworks in there any minute.
00:52:38If he kills Rogers, that's just standing.
00:52:40Yeah, but what if he gets killed?
00:52:42Rogers is a dead shot.
00:52:43Then he won't be able to tell Rogers anything.
00:52:45And the sheriff will be just where he started.
00:52:51What's the matter?
00:53:00Hey Rogers, I'm thirsty.
00:53:02I want a drink.
00:53:04Water's the best I can do.
00:53:24All right, sheriff.
00:53:25Just stick your hands up.
00:53:27Now back up there and give me those keys.
00:53:31Go on.
00:53:41You didn't think you could keep me in here, did you?
00:53:44I got friends.
00:54:33Corner Burnett?
00:54:34This is the sheriff's office.
00:54:35Can you run over here right away?
00:54:37There's been some trouble.
00:54:39Breezy, a mechanic at the airline.
00:54:42Yeah, Breezy.
00:54:44Okay, I'll wait for you.
00:54:46What about Breezy?
00:54:48He's in the cell block.
00:54:49Oh, he is?
00:54:50What's he done now?
00:54:52There's no use going in there, Betty.
00:54:54I had him under arrest and he tried to shoot his way out.
00:54:57Under arrest?
00:54:58Shoot his way out?
00:54:59Where'd he get the gun?
00:55:00One of the gang he belongs to must have slipped it to him.
00:55:02The same gang that's been hijacking your planes and shooting the pilots.
00:55:06Whose gang?
00:55:07Vance Bredo's.
00:55:08You see, I told you he was no good.
00:55:11Breezy fixed the gas gauge on that plane to read full.
00:55:14But the tanks weren't full.
00:55:16They had to be empty or the plane would have burned when they shot into it.
00:55:20Look at this.
00:55:22That's our flight plan.
00:55:24It's an imprint.
00:55:25This is the pad Breezy made the copy on.
00:55:27That's enough for me.
00:55:29Come on, let's go get him.
00:55:30Just a minute, Cookie.
00:55:32I could arrest him now, but I couldn't prove anything.
00:55:35Tomorrow he's going to come looking for those bids.
00:55:37We've got to nail him first.
00:55:39How can you do that if you haven't got anything on him, like you say?
00:55:42He'll trap himself.
00:55:44That's where the flight comes in.
00:55:46I want him and all the others, too.
00:55:48You better run along now and get some sleep.
00:55:50I'll see you the first thing in the morning.
00:55:52Good night.
00:55:53Good night.
00:56:10Goodbye, Consuelo.
00:56:13Cookie, what's the matter?
00:56:15Where is Nicky?
00:56:16I'm flying with Nicky.
00:56:18We're setting that trap for Bredis and the gang, and I'm the bait.
00:56:23But they told me it wasn't dangerous.
00:56:28You may never see Nicky and I alive again, but don't you worry.
00:56:33I'll do or die for old Manzanita Airlines.
00:56:39Oh, poor Nicky.
00:56:57Good morning. Is everything ready?
00:56:58Ready as far as we're concerned, Roy.
00:57:00I just topped all the tanks. They're so full they won't hold another drop.
00:57:04Roy, do you think it'll work?
00:57:06I hope so, Cookie. If it doesn't work, we're all in trouble.
00:57:08Yeah, especially me and Nicky, too.
00:57:11Looks like if trouble comes, you're ready for it.
00:57:13Huh? Well, you know the old saying, an ounce of prevention.
00:57:17Looks like pounds and pounds to me.
00:57:22Good morning, Roy.
00:57:24We have the big surprise ready for those banditos.
00:57:26You know what to do, Nicky.
00:57:28Come in on a long glide like you're out of gas.
00:57:30When you see Bredis and his gang coming after you,
00:57:32give it the gun and get away from there as fast as you can.
00:57:34The boys and I will take over from there.
00:57:41Roy, if anything happens to me, don't let the cat get my goldfish.
00:57:48All clear?
00:57:54Where is Consuelo? I'd like to say goodbye to her.
00:58:00I don't see her.
00:58:01Will you say goodbye for me and tell her that I love her?
00:58:05Okay, Nicky. I'll tell her.
00:58:08Good luck.
00:58:32I wonder what happened to Consuelo. She certainly disappeared in a hurry.
00:58:35She probably couldn't stand to see Nicky leave.
00:58:37Boy, she's really gotten sad, hasn't she?
00:58:40I'm sorry.
00:58:58Well, they should be taking off by now.
00:59:00Bredos better get here.
00:59:01Is he going with it?
00:59:02Well, he said he was.
00:59:03You better round up the boys.
00:59:05Tell them to meet us at the same place and they'll get the same cut.
00:59:07Sure, Mike.
00:59:10Hi, boys.
00:59:15Where's he going?
00:59:16Round up the boys.
00:59:18Everything's all set.
00:59:20I'm sorry, Mike.
00:59:21The deal's off.
00:59:23What's the matter, Bredos?
00:59:24You getting soft?
00:59:25Nope, I'm getting smart.
00:59:27There's something phony about that bid.
00:59:29I'm seeing Rogers at 12.
00:59:31He's got a hunch.
00:59:32Yeah, but what about the gold?
00:59:33Well, the gold's a...
00:59:36Slim, I thought I told you.
00:59:38Slim, I thought I told you to stay out of town.
00:59:41Do you want to get us all hung?
00:59:43I'd hate to shave.
00:59:45I got tired of eating beans and listening to coyotes howl at night.
00:59:52Besides, how'd I know you guys wouldn't give me the slip?
00:59:56Are you accusing us of double-crossing you?
00:59:59Maybe I am.
01:00:00Well, you sure...
01:00:01Now, wait a minute.
01:00:03You stay out of this.
01:00:16You've given me a lot of dirty jobs to do.
01:00:19But this one I like.
01:00:57Okay, you're next.
01:01:00Looks like a soft-livin' caught up with him.
01:01:02Got your letter just in time.
01:01:03Yeah, and you got here just in time.
01:01:05Thought I was going to have to do the job myself.
01:01:07The deal's all set, and Breda's was gonna back out.
01:01:09Let's go.
01:01:10Drag him in the closet. I'll clean out the safe.
01:01:15Yeah, by the time he comes through, we'll be a long ways from here.
01:01:18Never could understand why Breda's wanted to mess around with that spa.
01:01:22It's quicker and cleaner this way.
01:01:24I don't want part of it either.
01:01:26Just give me the cash and I'm happy.
01:01:28One more haul and we won't have to work for years.
01:01:31Not even this kind of work.
01:01:32Tell the others Breda's is going to wait here for us.
01:01:34He will.
01:01:37You know, I'm very unhappy about Consuelo.
01:01:39She didn't even come to say goodbye to me.
01:01:41Oh, you know how women are.
01:01:44Maybe she's upset.
01:01:46I'm upset.
01:01:47You should be upset.
01:01:49We're in perfume.
01:01:50Perfume, me?
01:01:52Just a minute, I'll have a cookie.
01:01:54Maybe I'm dreaming, but...
01:01:57Remind me of the first time I sang to Consuelo.
01:02:00I'll never forget that day.
01:02:03Remind me of the first time I sang to Consuelo.
01:02:06Were you under her balcony?
01:02:08Was there a great big moon?
01:02:11It was.
01:02:12Then what happened?
01:02:14You belong to my heart
01:02:21Now and forever
01:02:28And our love had its start
01:02:33Not long ago
01:02:39We were gathering stars
01:02:42While a million guitars
01:02:45Played our love song
01:02:49Darling, you are the song
01:02:54And you'll always belong
01:02:58To my heart
01:03:02Una vez nada más
01:03:07Se entrega el alma
01:03:11Con la dulce y tenaz
01:03:21Y cuando este milagro realiza
01:03:24El prodigio de amarse
01:03:29Darling, you are the song
01:03:34And you'll always belong
01:03:41To my heart
01:03:51Why, you...
01:03:54Hey, here's our perfume.
01:03:56Oh, Nicky.
01:03:57Hey, watch where you're going.
01:03:59What are you doing here?
01:04:01This is not a place for a girl.
01:04:02Are you crazy?
01:04:03Yes, I love you.
01:04:05Oh, but you will be in great danger.
01:04:06There will be shooting.
01:04:07I don't care.
01:04:08When I discover how brave you are,
01:04:10I decide to come with you.
01:04:11If you die, I die.
01:04:13We all die.
01:04:14Hey, wait a minute.
01:04:15Don't count me in on this.
01:04:16Hey, we're just about there.
01:04:17I'm sorry, cookie.
01:04:19I can't risk Consuelo's life.
01:04:20Her father will kill me.
01:04:21What about Roy and the boys?
01:04:24First, you blame it on the bulls.
01:04:25Then, you blame it on my father.
01:04:26You're still afraid.
01:04:31Sure does it.
01:04:33We're going in.
01:04:49Well, I don't see any trace of him.
01:04:51Do you suppose they know it's a trap?
01:04:53I hope not.
01:04:54But you never can tell.
01:05:04Is it Nicky?
01:05:06Yeah, that's him all right.
01:05:19Don't look like anybody's coming to our party.
01:05:23Well, I figured this one wrong.
01:05:25They're not going to show up.
01:05:28I'll signal the boys to land.
01:05:32Well, we might as well go in and land.
01:05:49Take off, quick!
01:05:59You better stay here.
01:06:00It might get a little rugged down there.
01:06:02That's the plan, boys.
01:06:03Let's go.
01:06:19Well, it looks like Brado's was right.
01:06:21It's a trap.
01:06:22Let's go.
01:06:26They know it's a trap.
01:06:27Roy will never catch it.
01:06:29If I thought something like that would happen.
01:06:33We're going to back.
01:06:34I circled them.
01:06:49Oh, my God!
01:07:19Oh, my God!
01:07:49Oh, my God!
01:08:18Where's the...
01:08:21What are you doing?
01:09:48Come on out, Mike.
01:09:56If you want me, come on in and get me.
01:09:58If you want me, come on in and get me.
01:10:29Okay, Mike.
01:10:31Get going.
01:10:32We've got to get you passed up so you and Brado's can keep a date with the judge.
01:10:59Mi chapetera.
01:11:01La mica dueña de mi amor.
01:11:05If he's insistent, and she's not distant,
01:11:08La señorita will confess.
01:11:12Her caranchero, her caballero,
01:11:15Need only ask, can she say yes?
01:11:19Say yes to the king ranchero.
01:11:28THE END