00:02:00You fancy buggy. I'd like to. Be fancy driver.
00:02:18You need lunch in here. I plan to swirl so much.
00:02:24Do I know you? You don't have to be introduced formal.
00:02:28No, but I prefer. OK, lady. Excuse me for trying to be friendly.
00:02:41They put a guy in jail, he pops right out again. It's a waste of the taxpayer's money.
00:02:46What'll it be, folks? As if the taxes aren't high enough already.
00:02:49Coffee and a hamburger.
00:02:52I'll have an egg salad sandwich and a glass of pineapple juice, please.
00:02:55Well, I might have to look for the juice. Won't you have... I'll wait.
00:02:59Is that what you run that jalopy on? Pineapple juice?
00:03:03Uh-huh. Well, I'll go look for it. Be right back.
00:03:07Ever race it?
00:03:10You ever look into that race that goes to Mexico, the international?
00:03:14I'm racing it.
00:03:15Real sport, huh?
00:03:17I couldn't find anything back there, but I put your hamburger on.
00:03:20Oh, forget it. A grapefruit juice will do.
00:03:22That I know we haven't got.
00:03:24Say, did you two hear about that guy that broke out of jail up in Coachella?
00:03:28Some jail they got up there, huh?
00:03:30I'm telling you, honey, it ain't safe on the road these days.
00:03:34Well, I wouldn't worry.
00:03:36Well, worry or not, it ain't safe.
00:03:38This guy, they call a Webster, drove a car up there.
00:03:41Murder, that's what it is.
00:03:43You could say that again.
00:03:45Murder. You from up that way?
00:03:47No, a buddy of mine told me about it.
00:03:49Cops got him, let him go again.
00:03:51Well, he won't get away from us.
00:03:53You and who else?
00:03:55Listen, every trucker on the highway is watching for this guy.
00:03:58We'll find him.
00:04:00And when we do, we won't even have time to think about getting away.
00:04:03What do you mean?
00:04:05I could shoot him.
00:04:08What do you mean?
00:04:10I could shoot him straight as any cop.
00:04:12Well, they put it on the radio what he looked like.
00:04:14But they said they didn't have a picture of him.
00:04:18Just keep your eye open.
00:04:20Oh, don't worry, I do.
00:04:22I talk to people all the time.
00:04:24And I get to figuring them out, too.
00:04:26You want to take my money?
00:04:30This guy don't seem much interested in the case.
00:04:32I wonder if you could get the pineapple juice.
00:04:36Sure, lady, be right back.
00:04:42I didn't see your car out there.
00:04:44I'm walking.
00:04:46Oh, I'll give you a lift.
00:04:48What's your name?
00:04:50Bob Nielsen's mine.
00:04:52Myers. Bill Myers.
00:04:54Myers, huh?
00:04:56Where are you from?
00:04:58You ask a lot of questions, Mr. Nielsen, but I'm from El Centro.
00:05:01I'd know where Webster killed that guy, huh?
00:05:04You know him? Webster?
00:05:06Hear about it?
00:05:08How can I help?
00:05:14No, I'm not.
00:05:16If I'm giving you a lift, Myers, I'd like to see your identification.
00:05:19I didn't say I wanted to.
00:05:22Maybe I'd better see it anyway.
00:05:29No, no, you don't!
00:05:31Stop it!
00:05:37He's hurt. We'd better get a doctor.
00:05:39Come on.
00:05:41Where do you think you're going?
00:05:45You're not going to leave that man here.
00:05:47With you.
00:05:49Give me the car keys.
00:05:53Come on.
00:06:06Come on.
00:06:27Well, I had to turn everything upside down, but I finally found...
00:06:30Well, where is everybody?
00:06:40I'm ready.
00:06:42I'm ready. Give me the police.
00:06:44Right away, quick.
00:06:46Hello? Hello, police?
00:06:48This is Wilma Belding at the Saddle Peak Lodge Cafe.
00:06:51Yeah, yeah, Wilma. W-I-L...
00:06:56I want to see a... I want to report a murder.
00:06:58Yes, a murder.
00:07:00I can't tell you about it on the phone.
00:07:02Highway 74.
00:07:04Oh, for heaven's sake, hurry up!
00:07:24It's a police car.
00:07:28I've got a bullet for them and one for you.
00:07:29You're going to see a lot of cops and lots of people before we cross the border.
00:07:32Just behave yourself, act natural, and there won't be any trouble.
00:07:41I like quiet women. Stay that way.
00:07:53There's a gas station ahead. Better fill up before dark.
00:07:55You can do better than that.
00:07:58All right, look at the gas gauge.
00:08:26Fill her up.
00:08:28Right. Keys?
00:08:33You want the gas from the gas tank, don't you?
00:08:47Could you tell me where the ladies' room is, please?
00:08:50It's over there, lady.
00:08:52Thank you. Excuse me.
00:09:03Your wife?
00:09:06Pretty girl.
00:09:16Hey, would you check the oil in the tires, please?
00:09:32I got me a pretty hot little old V8.
00:09:37It's a wreck, but I had her modified and she goes like a bomb.
00:09:46Had to throw the traps up a dry run.
00:09:49Did 103 miles an hour.
00:09:52What'll this one do, then?
00:09:55I said, what'll this one...
00:09:58I've been talking to myself.
00:10:05Going someplace?
00:10:22Well, she's all checked out and ready to go.
00:10:24That'll be four hours.
00:10:26Sure a nice day to go cruising around.
00:10:29Weather's like this tomorrow, I'm going to take my old wreck and go for a spin.
00:10:34You interested in racing?
00:10:35Well, I just fool around.
00:10:38Got my old wreck to the point where she'll go from zero to 50 in just 12 seconds.
00:10:43What'll this one do, then?
00:10:52She does.
00:10:55But he don't seem like the jack type.
00:11:16We got the call only a few miles from here.
00:11:18What took you so long?
00:11:20He's still alive. You better call an ambulance.
00:11:24Did you see it?
00:11:25I was right here when he shot him.
00:11:27There's no gun wound.
00:11:28Well, it must have been Frank Webster.
00:11:29How do you know?
00:11:30Well, I was the one that recognized him.
00:11:31I told this fellow here that's who he was.
00:11:33And then that girl that was looking...
00:11:34Girl with Webster?
00:11:35Well, she must have been.
00:11:36She sent me out of the back room, and when I came back, he was lying there.
00:11:38Then you didn't see it.
00:11:39Well, I practically didn't see it.
00:11:41Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:42Well, I practically didn't see it.
00:11:43Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:44Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:45Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:46Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:47Well, you didn't see it.
00:11:49This is Samuels.
00:11:51I'm at the Saddle Peak Lodge Cafe.
00:11:53Yeah, that's right.
00:11:55I'm gonna need an ambulance out here.
00:11:58Not determined yet.
00:12:00That's right.
00:12:05What was the girl like?
00:12:07Oh, kind of...
00:12:08You know the kind of girl you'd see with a guy like that.
00:12:11Did you, uh, know what kind of car they were driving?
00:12:14A jalopy.
00:12:15Oh, did you see it? Can you describe it?
00:12:17No, I didn't.
00:12:18But, uh...
00:12:19But that's what he called it, the one they shot.
00:12:21He called her car a jalopy.
00:12:23You better broadcast what you can figure out.
00:12:25Young man and woman, old car.
00:12:27Uh, get roadblocks set up.
00:12:29I wonder if you could come down to headquarters.
00:12:33I'd love to get out of this death trap.
00:12:36Funny thing, here I am talking to a guy who turns out to be Frank Webster.
00:12:39And then this dame comes in and orders pineapple juice.
00:12:42And I was telling her,
00:12:43a lady just ain't safe on the street these days.
00:12:45Do you want a cup of coffee?
00:12:47Then I find him on the floor.
00:12:49I better put some lipstick on.
00:12:50They might want to take my picture, huh?
00:12:53And then I noticed this other guy wasn't a bit interested in the case.
00:12:56So I told the girl.
00:12:57I said, look...
00:13:04I'd appreciate you returning my car and my freedom.
00:13:07You said that before.
00:13:09I'm running out of variations.
00:13:12I'm also running out of patience.
00:13:14Any idea what to do about it?
00:13:16Several ideas.
00:13:18None of which I intend to discuss with you.
00:13:20I'm sorry if I cause you any trouble.
00:13:23Oh, don't let it bother you.
00:13:27I guess I should be grateful you haven't murdered me yet.
00:13:30Don't tempt me.
00:13:33What do you expect to get out of all this?
00:13:35You and this fancy car and my passport out of this country.
00:13:38I expect to get a few more years to live.
00:13:41And I suppose you'd do anything to get...
00:13:43Just about.
00:13:52Don't try that again.
00:13:53I don't want to see you hurt.
00:13:56Why not?
00:13:57Because you're a nice kid.
00:13:58Besides, I haven't got time.
00:14:03I hate you.
00:14:05Just hate me all the way to Mexico.
00:14:07I not only hate you, I dislike you.
00:14:10I always did have trouble making friends.
00:14:12A conceited, ruthless, cruel...
00:14:37Got a road map?
00:14:45Then on the dash lights.
00:14:49Now what do you think you're doing?
00:14:51That trucker talked, I'll be looking for me in this car.
00:14:56You hope he's dead.
00:14:59So he can't describe the car.
00:15:01Sure, Connie, sure.
00:15:04But there's a road here, if I...
00:15:08We're going over the mountains and around the cops, okay?
00:15:11Am I supposed to say yes?
00:15:38Stop this car.
00:15:40He's liable to shoot at that, what do you want?
00:15:56Stop the car!
00:16:07Stop the car!
00:16:19Just don't make a move.
00:16:25In a rush, aren't you, folks?
00:16:27Just wanted to tell you your taillight's out.
00:16:29Better get it fixed.
00:16:31You know, for a while there, I thought you were running away from me.
00:16:34All this speed, you ought to save it for the race track, you see.
00:16:38Now, take it easy along here.
00:16:45Got any more ideas?
00:16:48Not at the moment.
00:16:51Let's take a walk.
00:17:04Come on.
00:17:12You're more trouble than you're worth.
00:17:22Why didn't that officer recognize you back there?
00:17:25Maybe he's not one of my fans.
00:17:27Start looking.
00:17:29For what?
00:17:31The ignition key.
00:17:32The ignition key. What did you think, the diamonds?
00:17:40See anything?
00:17:42I'm not looking.
00:17:47Got any matches?
00:17:52Listen, if you want to play rough...
00:17:53I don't want to play at all.
00:17:54Well, then don't.
00:17:55All I wanted was you to give me back my car and let me alone.
00:17:59I would have to pick on someone like you.
00:18:03Come on.
00:18:13Someone will come along soon.
00:18:15With my luck, you're probably right.
00:18:20Connie Adair, huh?
00:18:21What are you doing?
00:18:24I'm going to try to make this thing start.
00:18:27Without a key?
00:18:28It wasn't my idea, you know.
00:18:32Come on.
00:18:38Would you care to tie yourself to the wheel or shall I?
00:18:45It's almost midnight.
00:18:47Do you ride off on a broom?
00:18:54Didn't you know coyotes were afraid of humans?
00:18:58Do you start all your cars this way?
00:19:00Only the ones I steal.
00:19:09What's that?
00:19:11An extra key.
00:19:14Why didn't you tell me you had it?
00:19:16Why didn't you ask me?
00:19:25I don't think you can get much out of him, Sergeant.
00:19:26But you can try.
00:19:29It's difficult to say.
00:19:31Must have hit his head pretty hard.
00:19:33Mr. Nielsen, can you hear me?
00:19:37I'm a policeman.
00:19:38Can you give me any information?
00:19:39Can you hear me?
00:19:41Why don't you try telling him what you think happened,
00:19:43and he'll respond to that.
00:19:45You were in a fight, Nielsen.
00:19:46A man and a woman were there.
00:19:48Do you know who they were?
00:19:50Do you know what kind of car they were driving?
00:19:52Can you tell us?
00:19:54Were they driving an old car?
00:19:56Do you know the man who hit you?
00:19:59Couldn't it have been Frank Webster?
00:20:02He's trying to speak.
00:20:04He slipped up again.
00:20:06Nurse, call me if anything develops.
00:20:09These concussions are pretty tricky things, Sergeant.
00:21:00This isn't necessary.
00:21:02Of course not.
00:21:07I said I was sorry.
00:21:09You're about the sorriest creature I've ever known.
00:21:22Please leave me alone.
00:21:24I'm sorry.
00:21:26I'm sorry.
00:21:28Please leave me alone.
00:21:30I intend to.
00:21:39Here, I could sleep like this.
00:21:42Would you rather change sides?
00:21:46Please untie me.
00:21:50I'd like to have you close.
00:21:53Don't worry.
00:21:54I've known things to go along like this for years.
00:21:58And then get worse.
00:22:16I don't know who you think you're looking for.
00:22:18Well, it could have been Webster.
00:22:20But I thought you said it was some fancy kind of car.
00:22:22He could have changed cars.
00:22:28Country reminds me of the time I was bitten by a rattlesnake.
00:22:31Only five years old.
00:22:33Me, not the snake.
00:22:36The snake died.
00:22:37It figures.
00:22:39What's the matter?
00:22:40Did you get up on the wrong side of the car?
00:22:42I don't like this belt around my wrists.
00:22:44It suits you.
00:22:46It's a little tight.
00:22:48It's a little tight.
00:22:50It's a little tight.
00:22:52It's a little tight.
00:22:54It's a little tight.
00:22:56It suits you.
00:23:06All the comforts of home.
00:23:09Go wash your face.
00:23:11And you'll wake up feeling fresher, happier, and ready to beat the world.
00:23:16Now, here's late news on the manhunt for the truck driver wanted for murder.
00:23:20Police have broadcast the description of Frank Webster still reported at large.
00:23:23In a wild race through the Coachella Valley, Webster forced another truck into the ditch.
00:23:28The truck overturned and killed the driver.
00:23:30Webster was arrested but escaped from jail.
00:23:32Now, a general alarm is out for this dangerous criminal.
00:23:35And police through the southern half of the state are combing the area all the way to the border.
00:23:39It is reported Webster is accompanied by a young woman.
00:23:41But nothing is known of her.
00:23:46They make you sound so exciting.
00:23:48Not at all like you.
00:23:54Hey, you stop more than you ride.
00:23:56Well, whoever they were, they must have gone on through to the highway.
00:23:59Well, maybe.
00:24:01It's unurgent to keep trying, though.
00:24:03I wish I'd taken a better look at them last night.
00:24:05Oh, let's take a break.
00:24:07Once over this road's enough for me.
00:24:24We'll coast around the cops.
00:24:26Come on.
00:25:40I'm hungry.
00:25:42I'm still hungry.
00:25:45So am I.
00:26:01The welcoming committee.
00:26:05I'm sure they'll welcome you.
00:26:08The welcoming committee.
00:26:21They sure get up early.
00:26:23You know, for some reason I'm going to miss you.
00:26:28Maybe you won't get a chance.
00:26:30Who's in those sport cars?
00:26:32I don't...
00:26:33Racers, maybe? Headed for the race?
00:26:35I suppose.
00:26:36Mexico, huh?
00:26:38They'll recognize you.
00:26:40Not if you're a good girl.
00:26:42And if you are when this is all over, you'll still be alive.
00:26:45And beautiful.
00:26:47You'll never get away with it.
00:26:50Maybe not.
00:26:52But I'm going to try.
00:26:54Viva Mexico.
00:27:09Remember what I told you.
00:27:11Don't try anything.
00:27:27You with the others?
00:27:31I'm going to get some air.
00:27:33I'm going to get some air.
00:27:35I'm going to get some air.
00:27:36You with the others?
00:27:39Where are you going?
00:27:42Is this your wife, Mr...?
00:27:45Myers. Bill Myers.
00:27:48What's the trouble, officer?
00:27:50Looking for...
00:28:06So Mr. Myers and his wife are going to Mexico.
00:28:10Where do they start from?
00:28:13How do they get there?
00:28:15Mr. Myers?
00:28:17Are you going to ride with me in the International tomorrow?
00:28:21Just so right.
00:28:31Tell the sergeant he's coming around.
00:28:33Tell him to hurry.
00:28:35Mr. Nielsen.
00:28:37Mr. Nielsen.
00:28:38How is he?
00:28:39Better make it fast.
00:28:40I'm a policeman. I'm trying to help you.
00:28:42Try to understand.
00:28:43A man and a woman were in the cafe.
00:28:45A man attacked you.
00:28:46You know what they were driving. Can you remember?
00:28:51Yes, go on.
00:28:54It's unconscious.
00:28:58I suppose he means by that.
00:29:00Think the waitress could shed any light on it?
00:29:01No, no, she couldn't.
00:29:06Jaguar, it's a racing car.
00:29:08The waitress said it was a jalopy.
00:29:11Anyway, at this point we've got to try anything.
00:29:13By tomorrow, most of those cars will be at the International
00:29:15fenced into a five-acre park.
00:29:35Now that we're in the park, we could stop and have lunch.
00:29:39Or is that impossible?
00:29:41It is.
00:29:43Maybe you'd rather register for the race.
00:30:01What do I have to do for the race?
00:30:03Or is that impossible too?
00:30:10Look, Connie, would you give me a break?
00:30:12Why should I?
00:30:14You drive people off roads.
00:30:16Leave injured men unconscious.
00:30:18Maybe someday I can explain.
00:30:23All right, don't give me a break.
00:30:25Just remember, I've got a gun and I know how to use it.
00:30:29Checkpoint number one.
00:30:30Checkpoint number one, number 54, J.L. Clancy, approaching fast.
00:30:47Get that truck off the course. Let Clancy pass.
00:30:50Okay, Clancy. Oh, hi, folks. Going to register?
00:30:54All right, just write the name of the driver in the car there.
00:31:00Okay, Clancy, you've qualified. Number 54, Clancy, you've qualified. Come on in.
00:31:09Oh, Miss Constance Adair driving?
00:31:12Yes, I'm right here.
00:31:13I guess you hadn't heard. They had a meeting last night.
00:31:16This course is too dangerous. All lady drivers are banned.
00:31:19But I've got to.
00:31:20I'm sorry, but that's what they decided.
00:31:24I'll drive.
00:31:26Oh, you're a racer, too.
00:31:28Put me down.
00:31:29What name?
00:31:31Myers. Bill Myers.
00:31:35El Centro.
00:31:48Okay, that does it.
00:31:50This is a map of the course, Mr. Myers.
00:31:53Now, first, the qualifying run today is the first two miles of tomorrow's race.
00:31:58That keeps the trials entirely within the park.
00:32:00And we allow one run to get familiar with the course.
00:32:08Nice going, Clancy.
00:32:10Well, now after you've made this practice run,
00:32:12double back over this road and make a running start for your qualifying run.
00:32:17That'll be checked by an electric timer.
00:32:19But just remember, this race is over the old road,
00:32:22through the mountains, along the coast into Mexico.
00:32:24It's a dangerous course.
00:32:26People can get killed.
00:32:29Well, Mrs. Adair can ride with me, can't she?
00:32:31Well, with the trials if she wants, but not tomorrow.
00:32:35You know, we've always had nothing but drivers in this race.
00:32:38Are you ready now?
00:32:40As ready as we'll ever be.
00:32:43Well, uh, here are your numbers.
00:32:4655. Stick them on before the test.
00:32:48Well, I'll be watching you, and I...
00:32:51Well, what's the matter, young lady? Are you hungry?
00:32:54Well, yes, I am.
00:32:56Well, if you'd like a sandwich...
00:32:57No, thanks. Never mind. She's always hungry.
00:33:02Notice all checkpoints. Notice all checkpoints.
00:33:05Number 55, Bill Myers, is about to start.
00:33:09Clear all portions of the course.
00:33:11Clear all portions of the course.
00:33:13Bye, honey.
00:33:19Faber, I...
00:33:20Connie, what's the matter?
00:33:22I had a meeting last night. Won't allow any women drivers.
00:33:25Oh, poor little Connie.
00:33:27And some of them are the fastest drivers in the business.
00:33:29And the best.
00:33:30That's what I meant.
00:33:31You gonna take over?
00:33:33Guess so.
00:33:35Well, we'd better get started with the trials.
00:33:37I never saw this car before. Is it fully modified?
00:33:41You seem pretty new at this. Done much racing?
00:33:43A little.
00:33:44Take more than that.
00:33:46You're in with the best drivers in the country in this one.
00:33:48That's what I hear.
00:33:49Toughest road I've ever been on, and I've been over them all.
00:33:51Good for you.
00:33:53Say, Connie, why don't you just pull out as long as you can't drive?
00:33:57I said, Connie, why don't you just pull out as long as you can't drive?
00:34:00It might be easier than taking a chance with the car.
00:34:02I think I can manage it.
00:34:05Say, Connie, how about taking in the antique race with me this afternoon?
00:34:09Or are you busy with your driver?
00:34:11We'd be glad to. Thanks.
00:34:13What are you, her keeper?
00:34:15Sure thing. Thanks.
00:34:18You forgot your numbers.
00:34:20All right, checkpoint two.
00:34:22Straighten that line of bales near the edge.
00:34:24Pull the truck off the course till Myers goes by.
00:34:28Where'd you get the Bill Myers?
00:34:31From a drunk of that name.
00:34:33It was a small jail. You might say we traded.
00:34:39Nice boyfriend you got there.
00:34:44One of your crowd, I suppose.
00:34:47If he didn't have money, he wouldn't last five minutes.
00:34:51He might even become a criminal, like you.
00:34:54If he got lucky.
00:35:04Put this on.
00:35:06You may as well look the part.
00:35:09They'll put hay bales on the track to protect you during the race.
00:35:13Dangerous course, huh?
00:35:17Especially for hay trucks.
00:35:23Gear down.
00:35:25Put it in the lower gear at all sharp turns.
00:35:27Don't lose RPMs.
00:35:29You mean like this?
00:35:31Now step on the gas after we hit the curb.
00:35:34Ever driven a sports car before?
00:35:36No, but I've driven everything from hot rods to tanks.
00:35:39If you gear down first, you don't have to nurse the motor back once you shift into high.
00:35:43Seconds count.
00:35:48The way you drive, you didn't run that truck off the road by accident.
00:35:51I thought you already decided that.
00:35:53Would you like to win the race?
00:35:55I always like to win.
00:35:57I don't think you'll win.
00:35:59I'll win.
00:36:01I always like to win.
00:36:03I don't think I can make it.
00:36:06I don't think you will.
00:36:10I said thanks.
00:36:11You're welcome.
00:36:22Okay, Myers, you can double back to your qualifying run now.
00:36:26This is going to be a crowded one.
00:36:29Mr. Hillman?
00:36:30Yes, what can I do for you?
00:36:31Officer Faraday of the state police.
00:36:33Wonder if I could check over your list of entrants.
00:36:36Why, yes, sure, but why?
00:36:38We're looking for someone who might be hiding out in the park.
00:36:41We think he's driving a Jaguar.
00:36:43Well, that's a new one.
00:36:44It sure is.
00:36:45Well, I'll do anything I can to cooperate.
00:36:47You checked all the identifications of the entrants?
00:36:49Oh, yes.
00:36:50They'll cross the border, you know.
00:36:52We don't expect to see them in the race, but we have to take every precaution.
00:36:55Well, go right ahead, officer.
00:36:58Okay, Myers, this is your qualifying.
00:37:00Let her go.
00:37:20Cross the court.
00:37:21Post 12, that truck.
00:37:22Post 12, that truck.
00:37:25All right, you guys with trucks, that was close.
00:37:28But now maybe you know what I've been talking about.
00:37:31Nice driving, Myers.
00:37:33You and trucks just don't seem to get along.
00:37:35You can say that again.
00:37:38How are we doing?
00:37:39Don't lose speed.
00:37:41I won't.
00:37:48Oh, wow.
00:37:54Looks like the little lady sure approves of her driver there.
00:37:57Okay, 55.
00:37:59Myers, 55.
00:38:00You've qualified.
00:38:02Second fastest time so far.
00:38:04That will put you second to last in the starting line.
00:38:06Second to last?
00:38:08I sure get the breaks.
00:38:10I feel almost as sorry for you as you do.
00:38:14You're a real fighter, aren't you?
00:38:18And you're a criminal wanted for murder.
00:38:22And now you can add kidnapping.
00:38:24We're getting out of this little playground.
00:38:29Did you find anything to help you out?
00:38:31No, thanks.
00:38:32I'll just hang around and keep my eyes open.
00:38:52This can't be a roadblock.
00:38:54Oh, but it is.
00:38:57You'd think I was Dillinger.
00:39:00Does all this attention make you feel important?
00:39:03Not very.
00:39:04You didn't get word to them.
00:39:06I wish I had.
00:39:09I'll bet you do.
00:39:11You're lovely all the way.
00:39:20What's going on down there?
00:39:21Oh, the cops.
00:39:22They're looking for a guy that they think is here in the park.
00:39:25You think this should be a crazy place to hide?
00:39:27Well, you never know what they're going to pull next.
00:39:29They figure he's going to be driving a Jaguar.
00:39:33What makes them think that?
00:39:34Some fellow broke out of jail with a murder rap.
00:39:37They don't expect him to be racing,
00:39:39but for that kind of a car,
00:39:40he'd hang around here until the heat's off.
00:39:43I doubt it.
00:39:44Are you folks racing?
00:39:46Wouldn't miss it.
00:39:47Hey, that's a nice-looking Jag you got there.
00:39:51They're looking for him to have a young woman with him.
00:39:55Come on, dear.
00:39:56If you're going to get any rest, we'd better go.
00:39:59Hey, the fellow they're looking for is Frank Webster,
00:40:01in case you run into him.
00:40:02Good luck on the race.
00:40:18Oh, let's take a break.
00:40:21Why here?
00:40:22Nobody ever comes here.
00:40:24There's an old house up the road.
00:40:25It's been abandoned for years.
00:41:18Thanks, again.
00:41:20I discovered this place
00:41:21when I first started coming down to the races.
00:41:24I've sort of considered it mine ever since.
00:41:27Thought you'd come into my parlor.
00:41:34What's the pitch?
00:41:36I'm not sure.
00:41:37It's a good pitch.
00:41:38It's a good pitch.
00:41:39It's a good pitch.
00:41:40It's a good pitch.
00:41:41It's a good pitch.
00:41:42It's a good pitch.
00:41:43It's a good pitch.
00:41:44It's a good pitch.
00:41:45It's a good pitch.
00:41:46What's the pitch?
00:41:49I'm just tired.
00:41:50So are you.
00:41:52Besides, you said something about an explanation,
00:41:53Besides, you said something about an explanation,
00:41:54and I'd like to hear it.
00:41:55and I'd like to hear it.
00:41:56On the level?
00:41:57Well, at the moment,
00:41:58the only thing I have against you
00:41:59is I never got that egg salad sandwich.
00:42:05Suppose the starter's accusing his wife
00:42:07of not packing a lunch.
00:42:12He run away?
00:42:32Maybe we can mail it to him.
00:42:36Nice hideout, huh?
00:42:38Couldn't be better.
00:42:40You know, I've never seen anyone else here.
00:42:42Good spot.
00:42:44No cops, no robbers,
00:42:46no eagles.
00:42:48When are you going to give yourself up, Frank?
00:42:51I'm not going to.
00:42:53You've got to face that jury sometime.
00:42:56If you've got some romantic idea
00:42:57that I'm going to give myself up
00:42:58and face a jury that's stacked against me,
00:42:59you can forget it.
00:43:01What makes you so sure
00:43:02the jury's going to be against you?
00:43:04Honey, look, you're a smart girl.
00:43:05You know a lot about Jaguars,
00:43:06but don't tell me about a fix in a small town
00:43:08when it's mad,
00:43:09or a card game when you haven't got any cards.
00:43:12Look, Frank, the whole world isn't against you.
00:43:14You'll get an even break
00:43:15if you give it a chance.
00:43:18Sure, I'll give it a chance.
00:43:24Listen, Connie, all my life
00:43:25I've been trying to get by on my own
00:43:26because that's the way I figured it.
00:43:29After the army,
00:43:30I saved some money,
00:43:31so I bought myself a truck.
00:43:32Not two trucks or a fleet.
00:43:34No partners, just me.
00:43:36Turned out I was bothering somebody.
00:43:39Guy who owned a lot of trucks.
00:43:40He tried everything.
00:43:41Undercut me, everything.
00:43:43But I figured I had my rights,
00:43:44so I stuck.
00:43:46And one of his drivers
00:43:47tried to run me off the road.
00:43:48All I was trying to do
00:43:49was keep from getting killed.
00:43:51And his truck went over the side.
00:43:53And how come they accuse you of murder?
00:43:57Two minutes later,
00:43:58one of his other drivers was there
00:43:59yelling his head off
00:44:00about how I drove his buddy over the cliff.
00:44:01He didn't even seem to care
00:44:02much that he was dead.
00:44:04Why did you break out of jail?
00:44:06No jury in the world
00:44:07would convict you
00:44:08if you told them what happened.
00:44:09If I got to a jury.
00:44:11Those truckers were coming to get me.
00:44:13They weren't waiting for a trial.
00:44:14I had to break out of jail.
00:44:16That gang of hoodlums
00:44:17probably slept it off the next morning.
00:44:19If you go back now,
00:44:20they won't have anything to do with it.
00:44:21They've got everything to do with it.
00:44:23But you can't prove
00:44:24you're innocent running away.
00:44:25I can't prove it dead.
00:44:28Look, I'll tell them
00:44:29what happened at the cafe.
00:44:30We'll get lawyers.
00:44:32You've got to believe in yourself.
00:44:34In the law.
00:44:36In someone.
00:44:39Sure, Connie.
00:44:43How do?
00:44:45Good afternoon.
00:44:46Is that your car?
00:44:48Well, you ain't supposed
00:44:49to be here, you know.
00:44:53No, I didn't know.
00:44:55Are you folks from the races?
00:44:58Sure would like to see them.
00:45:01Boy, that's a good-looking car.
00:45:04Luckily, I came by.
00:45:06You know, after sunset,
00:45:07the cops patrol the park.
00:45:10And they arrest you and pinch you.
00:45:12Cops would come here?
00:45:14Yeah, looking for the kids, you know.
00:45:16Kind of a lover's lane.
00:45:19Well, good evening.
00:45:24Frank, I didn't know.
00:45:26You're smart, like I said, Connie,
00:45:27but not smart enough.
00:45:28Frank, I swear.
00:45:29Got any more hideouts,
00:45:30cute spots, picnic spots
00:45:31nobody knows about?
00:45:33Trust somebody.
00:45:34You see why I don't?
00:45:35Well, what do you expect?
00:45:37You hate the world,
00:45:38and the world hates you.
00:45:40And that specifically
00:45:41and especially includes me.
00:46:06Let go of my arm.
00:46:07I'll break it for you
00:46:08if you try any more tricks.
00:46:36Faber, hey!
00:46:38Sit down.
00:46:49Just waving to my boyfriend, you know.
00:46:51We have a date.
00:46:52You wouldn't go without me.
00:46:53I'm not going to go.
00:46:54I'm not going to go.
00:46:55I'm not going.
00:46:56I'm not going.
00:46:57I'm not going.
00:46:58I'm not going.
00:46:59I'm not going.
00:47:00I'm not going.
00:47:01I'm not going.
00:47:02I'm not going.
00:47:03I'm not going.
00:47:04You wouldn't go without me,
00:47:05would you?
00:47:07I'm serious, Connie.
00:47:08Don't try anything.
00:47:09Hi there.
00:47:11Well, where have you two
00:47:12been hiding out?
00:47:14Say, this isn't a big romance,
00:47:15is it?
00:47:16Oh, of course not.
00:47:18What time does the
00:47:19antique race start?
00:47:21We ought to make it
00:47:22just about now.
00:47:23Connie, I'll let you
00:47:24ride with me.
00:47:26No, thanks.
00:47:27We'll meet you there.
00:47:29Don't run away again.
00:47:47And in this opening race,
00:47:48we have everything but
00:47:49the Stanley Steamer.
00:47:51Oh, I take it all back.
00:47:52Wait a minute.
00:47:53Here is the Stanley Steamer,
00:47:55ready to defend its honor
00:47:56against the model T.
00:47:58Wait a minute.
00:48:00Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:48:02Here comes Benny's Maxwell.
00:48:04Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:48:06Well, folks, you can see
00:48:07for yourselves the race
00:48:08is about to begin.
00:48:16Not everybody can get
00:48:17to the marshal's stand.
00:48:19Looks like everybody has.
00:48:28Tell me, where have you
00:48:29two been all afternoon?
00:48:30Oh, we just picked up
00:48:31a bite of lunch.
00:48:32When are you going to
00:48:33get your check?
00:48:35I said, when are you
00:48:36going to get your pit check?
00:48:39You made your point.
00:48:40Why don't you tell him?
00:48:42Isn't it exciting?
00:48:44Oh, we're going to get
00:48:45checked over and gassed up
00:48:46in the morning.
00:48:47Say, Mr. Myers,
00:48:48how did you and Connie
00:48:49ever meet each other?
00:48:50Oh, look.
00:48:59And now we have
00:49:00the announcement of the
00:49:01winner in this,
00:49:02Mr. A.J. Jones
00:49:03driving his Maxwell.
00:49:11How about something to eat?
00:49:14Would you like to join us,
00:49:15Mr. Myers?
00:49:16Yeah, thanks.
00:49:22The winning cars
00:49:23in the Concord Elegance
00:49:24are now on display
00:49:25on the lawn.
00:49:27The grand prize winner
00:49:28in the $10,000 and over class,
00:49:30a Rolls-Royce convertible
00:49:31owned by Mr. Jack Milner
00:49:32of Beverly Hills
00:49:33is at the head of the line.
00:49:41A man who drives
00:49:42as well as you should see this.
00:49:44Sure, it'll be an education.
00:49:48He'll be so interested.
00:49:50May we see your car, sir?
00:49:51Certainly, may.
00:49:53Now, this is one of the few
00:49:54convertible Rolls-Royces
00:49:55ever made.
00:49:56Exactly like the one
00:49:57owned by the King of Denmark.
00:49:59It's beautiful.
00:50:02Say, Connie,
00:50:03the way you stowed away
00:50:04those hot dogs,
00:50:05I thought you said
00:50:06you just had lunch.
00:50:07It's the fresh air.
00:50:08The peace and quiet
00:50:09of the country.
00:50:10Peace and quiet?
00:50:11They're keeping it undercover,
00:50:12but a friend of mine
00:50:13told me they're looking
00:50:14for a murderer.
00:50:15A guy named Frank Webster.
00:50:16They think he's in the park.
00:50:18You should think this
00:50:19would be a nice place
00:50:20to hide out.
00:50:21They don't actually know
00:50:22he's guilty, do they?
00:50:23He's guilty.
00:50:26Say, where'd you say
00:50:27you were from?
00:50:28Build, isn't it?
00:50:29El Centro.
00:50:31Say, do you know
00:50:32Elmo Redding up there?
00:50:34No, I don't.
00:50:36That's funny.
00:50:37I thought everybody knew Elmo.
00:50:38Owns half the town.
00:50:40No, I don't remember.
00:50:42Say, how'd you and Connie
00:50:43ever get together?
00:50:45I needed a driver.
00:50:47I heard they might
00:50:48ban women drivers,
00:50:49so I asked Bill
00:50:50to drive for me.
00:50:52Thought you said
00:50:53you hadn't driven much.
00:50:54But he has.
00:50:55He's driven lots.
00:50:57You don't look like
00:50:58a sports car man.
00:51:00How can you tell?
00:51:02Well, it's a rather
00:51:03expensive hobby.
00:51:05Money doesn't make
00:51:06a good driver, Peter.
00:51:07Well, I didn't say it did, Connie.
00:51:08All I said was that
00:51:09Bill didn't look like
00:51:10a sports car man.
00:51:12Looks more like
00:51:13a truck driver to me.
00:51:16Come on, Bill.
00:51:17Let's get up to the pit.
00:51:19Say, Connie,
00:51:20I never thought I'd see you
00:51:21with that type.
00:51:22Don't ever see me
00:51:23with your type, either.
00:51:25Mrs. John Howell,
00:51:26your small son Peter
00:51:27is at the announcer's booth.
00:51:29He says he isn't lost,
00:51:31but you are.
00:51:33If anyone has a set
00:51:34of extra spark plugs
00:51:35for a Ferrari,
00:51:36please check...
00:51:37This won't get checked over.
00:51:42Hi, Mrs. Adair.
00:51:43How are you?
00:51:44Fine, Eddie.
00:51:45How are you?
00:51:46Can't complain.
00:51:47How's the car feeling?
00:51:48Oh, it's fine, too.
00:51:49Would you check it over for me?
00:51:52I guess you'd better
00:51:53I guess you're not
00:51:54driving in the race.
00:51:56This is Bill Myers.
00:51:57He's driving.
00:51:58She sure is a hot one,
00:51:59Mr. Myers.
00:52:01She sure is.
00:52:03Can I leave it here tonight
00:52:04and get it first thing
00:52:05in the morning?
00:52:06I'll have it ready for you
00:52:07first thing in the morning.
00:52:08Thanks, Eddie.
00:52:18Hey, Sally!
00:52:20Hi, Connie.
00:52:21How are you?
00:52:28Where's your wheel?
00:52:29We left that car in the pit.
00:52:31You been buzzing any
00:52:32hay trucks lately?
00:52:34That was the most.
00:52:35Oh, uh...
00:52:36Sally Phillips,
00:52:37this is Bill Myers.
00:52:38Glad to know you.
00:52:39Come on.
00:52:40We're going to a party.
00:52:43What for?
00:52:44For fun.
00:52:45I mean,
00:52:46what's the occasion?
00:52:47Oh, uh...
00:52:48All of us lady drivers
00:52:49who aren't allowed to drive
00:52:50are going to celebrate
00:52:51the breaking training.
00:52:52Now, you know
00:52:53you've never been in training.
00:52:54Does that mean
00:52:55I can't break it?
00:52:56Come on.
00:52:58what are you two saying tonight?
00:52:59Or, um...
00:53:00should I ask?
00:53:01We're looking.
00:53:02You'll never find
00:53:03anything around here.
00:53:04This town's packed.
00:53:05Do you want to stay with us?
00:53:06Oh, we don't want
00:53:07any intrusion on your folks.
00:53:08Oh, it won't be any trouble.
00:53:10We'll have a ball.
00:53:11You haven't got a friend,
00:53:12have you?
00:53:14Believe me,
00:53:15he hasn't.
00:53:16Well, it won't be any intrusion.
00:53:17My folks are going to be
00:53:18up all night anyway.
00:53:19How come?
00:53:20Well, my dad's a deputy
00:53:21and I'm his friend.
00:53:22Oh, goodness sakes.
00:53:24Then who isn't?
00:53:25But they'll be out
00:53:26beating the bushes
00:53:27and coming back for coffee
00:53:28and out looking
00:53:29and coming back for sandwiches
00:53:31well, let's go.
00:53:32You know, I just remembered
00:53:33we do have a place to stay.
00:53:35Well, you can come
00:53:36for a drink, can't you?
00:53:37No, I'm afraid not.
00:53:38It'll make us late.
00:53:39Well, if you're in such a rush,
00:53:40I'll give you a lift.
00:53:42No, it'll make us late.
00:53:44I begin to understand
00:53:45why you haven't got a friend.
00:53:46You think it's worth it, Connie,
00:53:47to find a guy that can drive?
00:53:49Well, uh...
00:53:50Nice to have met you, miss.
00:53:52Likewise, I'm sure.
00:53:54Say, if you don't want to go to the party,
00:53:55would you like to join the manhunt?
00:53:57No, thanks.
00:53:59I didn't think so.
00:54:14Where are we going, Frank?
00:54:16The park's getting hot.
00:54:17Wouldn't you rather give up
00:54:18than get caught?
00:54:20Come on.
00:54:23Me and that car together
00:54:24are just too hot for this park
00:54:25till we're on our way to Mexico.
00:54:27Well, where are we going now?
00:54:29For a walk.
00:54:30It takes all night.
00:54:33Oh, Frank,
00:54:34what on earth are you trying to prove?
00:54:35That it's harder to hit a moving target.
00:54:37But you keep moving.
00:54:40I feel safer with you.
00:54:42You don't even trust me, do you?
00:54:43Any reason why I should?
00:54:45Oh, no.
00:54:46Oh, no, of course not.
00:54:48I haven't been any help at all.
00:54:51You're good company, though.
00:54:54Couldn't we just stop
00:54:55on the side of the road?
00:54:58What's wrong with that?
00:54:59I said no!
00:55:03I'm tired.
00:55:06Exercise is good for your figure.
00:55:08There's nothing wrong with my figure.
00:55:11I've noticed.
00:55:13I'm not going any farther.
00:55:16Come on.
00:55:30Everybody's on your side.
00:55:37I like it here.
00:55:39I thought you were.
00:55:43Come on.
00:55:44Oh, no.
00:55:58Oh, Frank,
00:55:59you're as tired as I am.
00:56:01Don't tell me you like it here, too.
00:56:14Come on.
00:56:28I just want to carry you
00:56:29over the threshold.
00:56:36It may not be much,
00:56:37but we call it home.
00:56:40How did you know about it?
00:56:42Criminal mind
00:56:43checking hideouts.
00:56:45Oh, Frank,
00:56:46why didn't you tell me
00:56:47we were coming someplace definite?
00:56:48I like surprises.
00:56:50Oh, well, I don't.
00:56:53Oh, Frank.
00:56:55Look better after the furniture arrives.
00:56:58I'd rather walk.
00:57:01Don't go away.
00:57:04Oh, Frank,
00:57:05you're not still afraid I'll run away?
00:57:06We kid around a little, Connie,
00:57:07but this is life and death,
00:57:09so we'll play it real safe.
00:57:11All I want you to do
00:57:12is give yourself up
00:57:13and face the charges.
00:57:14And I want you to mind your own business.
00:57:19For all I care,
00:57:20you can go to Africa
00:57:22and stay there.
00:57:25Why should I
00:57:26try to convince you?
00:57:27Don't cry.
00:57:29I'm not.
00:57:38Why should I try to
00:57:39convince you that...
00:57:40I love you.
00:57:41I love you.
00:58:04Good morning.
00:58:05Good morning.
00:58:08Come here.
00:58:12Come here.
00:58:20Great day for the race.
00:58:23You're beautiful in the morning.
00:58:26I'll miss you.
00:58:29You won't have the opportunity.
00:58:33Meet me in Mexico?
00:58:35If you go to Mexico,
00:58:36you'll give up
00:58:37the only chance you've got.
00:58:39That's not the way I see it.
00:58:40You believe me,
00:58:41you see it wrong.
00:58:42If you'll give me a chance,
00:58:43I'll prove it.
00:58:44Send me a postcard.
00:58:46Don't you want me?
00:58:49I want you.
00:58:51You're the most beautiful thing
00:58:52I've ever known.
00:58:53But I can't afford to stay.
00:58:55Oh, but you're innocent.
00:58:57It isn't what you are
00:58:58that counts.
00:58:59It is.
00:59:00It's what you get taken for.
00:59:01Someday what you really are
00:59:02is going to catch up with you.
00:59:03It'll be worth fighting for.
00:59:05I just hope it isn't too late.
00:59:11Thanks for everything.
00:59:20I'll tell them where you are.
00:59:22Oh, Frank!
00:59:23Please, don't do this.
00:59:25I'm sorry.
00:59:36All drivers who have not yet
00:59:37signed their insurance forms
00:59:39please report to the booth.
00:59:43Dr. Sampson, call your office.
00:59:47Hi, Eddie.
00:59:48Oh, good morning, Mr. Myers.
00:59:50How is she?
00:59:51Great little car.
00:59:52She's in top shape.
01:00:08Somebody come and help!
01:00:11Your attention, please.
01:00:13All cars on the starting line.
01:00:15All cars.
01:00:17Good luck, Mr. Myers.
01:00:20Jackson, 39, get in the starting line.
01:00:23This is the feature race,
01:00:24the International.
01:00:25A 98-mile race into Mexico.
01:00:28The track is closed.
01:00:30Where's Connie?
01:00:33She sure has a lot of faith in you.
01:00:35Seems to.
01:00:36Too much, in my opinion.
01:00:39I still don't think you belong here,
01:00:41and I think I'll prove it.
01:00:43Good luck.
01:00:44Thanks for everything.
01:01:42Starter Al Torres is back up now.
01:01:44The race will start any moment now.
01:02:30Can you give me a ride to the race?
01:02:31Sure, but...
01:02:32I'll explain later.
01:02:39The field is spreading out.
01:02:41Daniels in the lead.
01:02:42Robinson second.
01:02:43Nagel third.
01:02:46Daniels is moving the lead,
01:02:47but Nagel is moving up
01:02:48to challenge Robinson for second.
01:02:50All looking down on the course.
01:02:52The two modules are shaping up.
01:02:54Training the field after the inverted start
01:02:56on the two fastest monowires.
01:02:58Will Myers at 55
01:02:59is driving cautiously,
01:03:00seemingly just in time for the ride.
01:03:02When he's being pushed,
01:03:03the lever has to yield.
01:03:04Who's driving that very hot 17C
01:03:06and wants to make a real race of it.
01:03:25It's Nagel off in front
01:03:26of the very fast English Aston Martin.
01:03:28But he's flatting out on the turn
01:03:29and takes the escape path.
01:03:30He's turning around now
01:03:31and coming back onto the track.
01:03:33He's too fast and he'll have trouble
01:03:34getting that lead back again.
01:03:37Bill Myers and Paper Hatfield
01:03:38are still fighting it out,
01:03:40with Hatfield pressing Myers all the way,
01:03:42almost forcing him to stay in there.
01:03:44He's grounding Myers into the turn
01:03:46and Myers can't make it.
01:03:47He's not on the escape route.
01:03:49He's swinging around
01:03:50and back on the course picking up speed.
01:03:52He was driving cautiously on this,
01:03:54but now he's really moving.
01:03:56Maybe he wants to bring Hatfield back
01:03:58with that grounding on the turn,
01:03:59but he'll have to catch it first.
01:04:02Henry, turn number seven.
01:04:03Bucker has pulled into the lead.
01:04:05Jensen seconds it.
01:04:0659 spins out, but he's all right.
01:04:08It's a very sharp turn
01:04:09and the boys are digging it fast.
01:04:13Hatfield is still moving up,
01:04:14but Myers, trying to argue with him
01:04:16on the board,
01:04:17is trying to get back up there with him.
01:04:22Morton leads Packy to turn number seven
01:04:24where Jensen spun out.
01:04:25They're pulling pretty fast.
01:04:27They lose control.
01:04:29He loses control.
01:04:30He's in the center zone.
01:04:32Myers in there.
01:04:33He pulls into the lead again.
01:04:37Myers trying to argue
01:04:38until he is back in position
01:04:39without pressing Hatfield.
01:04:44Myers passes.
01:04:47As they approach the last turn
01:04:48onto the park,
01:04:49it's Tucker holding the lead
01:04:50without pressing those guys.
01:04:52Myers and Hatfield are in a challenging position
01:04:54for the lead
01:04:55as they swing out of the park
01:04:56and into the mountains
01:04:57on the way to Mexico.
01:04:59For further progress on this great race,
01:05:01The International,
01:05:02listen to the bulletins on your radio.
01:05:18All right, there's the phone guy.
01:05:19I don't see what good it's going to do you.
01:05:20The race has already started.
01:05:25give me the police.
01:05:28listen very carefully.
01:05:30The driver of car 55
01:05:32in The International
01:05:33is Frank Webster.
01:05:36Just tried to stop him at the border.
01:05:38He's innocent.
01:05:44Thanks for the lift.
01:05:57Well, it looks like it's okay now, Eddie.
01:05:59Yeah, she's all ready.
01:06:01Connie, how are you?
01:06:02Too bad you can't drive in the race.
01:06:04Connie, what's the matter?
01:06:05Why aren't you racing?
01:06:06Something happened to the starter, but...
01:06:07Is it all right now?
01:06:08Yeah, sure, but...
01:06:09Could I use your car?
01:06:10Connie, it's too late to drive in the race.
01:06:12I've got to get to the border.
01:06:13I'll use the main highway.
01:06:14Say, what is this?
01:06:15I'll explain it later.
01:06:16It's important to me, Harrison.
01:06:18Hey, Eddie,
01:06:19is she ready to go now?
01:06:22are you sure you're all right?
01:06:23I will be.
01:06:24Thank you, Harrison.
01:06:26You're welcome.
01:09:22The white Jag!
01:09:23Here he comes!
01:09:24What is it?
01:09:27That's Frank Webster!
01:09:31I'll get him.
01:09:34That's Frank Webster, I'll get him.
01:11:34He's all right.
01:11:39How'd the cops find out?
01:11:41I turned you in.
01:11:43How'd you get out?
01:11:45Set the building on fire.
01:11:51You're a pretty dangerous character yourself.
01:11:54You could've run away instead of helping him.
01:11:57Why didn't you?
01:11:59Because you're right, Connie, and I'm going back.
01:12:02Besides, I'm used to you.
01:12:05Oh, thanks.
01:12:07What you really are is worth fighting for.
01:12:10And it isn't too late.
01:12:12For us, it's just the beginning.
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