A recipe for disaster when going to a restaurant is when a right-handed person sits next to a left-handed person. In fact, it's more than a recipe for disaster — it's a battleground for airspace dominance! Stephanie filmed her husband Joey and son Haygan battling elbows and struggling to eat at a Mexican restaurant.
Next, why choose just a McFlurry or just an apple pie at McDonald's when you can try this? Adrian Widjonarko stuffed an oreo McFlurry into an apple pie to create the ultimate fast food dessert. The trick is, you just have to find a McDonald's where the McFlurry machine is working!
Next, why choose just a McFlurry or just an apple pie at McDonald's when you can try this? Adrian Widjonarko stuffed an oreo McFlurry into an apple pie to create the ultimate fast food dessert. The trick is, you just have to find a McDonald's where the McFlurry machine is working!