• 4 years ago
Need to snag a last-minute holiday gift? RTM alumnus Sergio and his best pal Emilio have got just the products to put a smile on the face of anyone who sees it! Introducing the [SurgeTheNerd](https://www.teepublic.com/user/surgethenerd) shop — your one-stop shop for keepin' it real! Sergio and Emilio created dozens of designs in a wide range of colors, styles and formats for every person in your life. The designs don't just have to go on a shirt, either! Stickers, masks, mugs, and hoodies are available for purchase. (Make sure to read the design descriptions, too — they're just as funny as the designs themselves!)

You can find Sergio and Emilio on all platforms at [SurgeTheNerd](https://www.instagram.com/surgethenerd/?hl=en).


