00:01:00I told you I don't need another stenographer.
00:01:09Oh, but you will soon, with business getting better and...
00:01:12Who says it is?
00:01:13Everybody says so, even the Republicans.
00:01:17Going down.
00:01:20No, not yet.
00:01:30Good evening.
00:01:56And the back is just as interesting as the front.
00:01:59Don't you think so?
00:02:01What is it you wanted?
00:02:02I'd like to see Mr. Burt.
00:02:04Mr. Burt is in Palm Beach.
00:02:06Oh, that's right.
00:02:07I forgot he wanted me to see Mr. Enright.
00:02:10Mr. Enright's in Spokane.
00:02:12And Mr. Carver never comes into the office on Tuesdays.
00:02:15And we're not taking on any more new girls, nor replacing the ones we have now.
00:02:20How unfortunate for the agency.
00:02:22Good evening.
00:02:32Yes, sir.
00:03:11There, that's it.
00:03:12You got any lyrics to fill it?
00:03:14Listen to this.
00:03:16Buy your socksies where the gang goes.
00:03:19Where they sell clockwise tangos.
00:03:22How's that?
00:03:24Well, if you'd write a good tune.
00:03:25Yes, and you'd still write punk lyrics.
00:03:27Pardon me.
00:03:30Well, what?
00:03:31I'd like a job.
00:03:32With a paycheck attached, please.
00:03:34Sorry, sister, we're fresh out.
00:03:35Now listen to this tune again, will you tell me?
00:03:36Well, I thought...
00:03:37All pipe down.
00:03:38I only wanted to...
00:03:40Won't you sit down?
00:03:41Yeah, and relax.
00:03:42Well, thank you.
00:03:43Don't pay any attention to him.
00:03:45You said you wanted a job.
00:03:48Well, we just laid off two secretaries.
00:03:50I suppose you are a secretary.
00:03:52Yes, but I scrub floors, too.
00:03:54And I really do need a job.
00:03:56Now tell us about the poor starving mother
00:03:58and the four little babies.
00:04:00I'm sorry to disappoint you,
00:04:02but I happen to be an orphan.
00:04:04Well, I wish I could help you, sister,
00:04:05but these would be pretty hard times.
00:04:06Why don't you see one of the partners?
00:04:08Well, I can't afford long-distance calls,
00:04:10and Mr. Carver never comes in on Tuesdays.
00:04:15Had any experience in advertising?
00:04:17Oh, of course.
00:04:19Oh, yeah?
00:04:20Well, I've read a lot of advertisements.
00:04:23Look, honey,
00:04:24why don't you find yourself a nice five and ten cent store,
00:04:27go inside and pull one of those counters
00:04:29right around in front of you?
00:04:30Maybe you think I haven't tried that.
00:04:32You've been to the agencies?
00:04:33If you can think of one decent thing I haven't tried,
00:04:36I'll give you a prize.
00:04:40Prize, that's the word.
00:04:46Did you ever hear of Cluckmeyer?
00:04:47Cluckmeyer's hosiery?
00:04:48Well, I suppose...
00:04:49Have you got any of the music?
00:04:50Well, I...
00:04:51Neither has Cluckmeyer.
00:04:52Now listen to this theme song from his new radio album.
00:04:55Just as smart as a Spanish pandango,
00:04:59work of art, that's the Cluckmeyer tango.
00:05:03That's his new brand of stocking.
00:05:05Their beauty will surprise your eyes.
00:05:08Get it?
00:05:09And you'll find they are a prize,
00:05:12for I'm speaking of Cluckmeyer's tangos.
00:05:19Well, how do you like that?
00:05:21Well, I think it's...
00:05:24Well, then it's sure to score with Clucky.
00:05:26Say, Tony, it's quarter to six.
00:05:28Well, I'd better step on it.
00:05:32Sorry, we couldn't get you a job.
00:05:33Oh, that's all right.
00:05:35Could I loan you a five-spot?
00:05:37Or buy you a meal?
00:05:38No, thank you.
00:05:41So long.
00:05:43Good night.
00:05:44Good night.
00:05:45Good night, Oliver.
00:05:46So long.
00:05:49Well, good night.
00:05:51Good night.
00:05:52Hey, wait a minute.
00:05:54Wait a minute, wait a minute here.
00:05:56Hey, you're stacked up pretty nice.
00:05:58I'm what?
00:05:59I mean, you got swell pins, limbs, legs.
00:06:02Good night.
00:06:03Oh, now, don't get sore.
00:06:04I just had an idea.
00:06:05Hey, now, wait a minute.
00:06:06I'm going to get you a job yet.
00:06:08Come here.
00:06:13Hey, Oscar.
00:06:14Yes, yes.
00:06:15Let go of me, please.
00:06:16Now, quiet, will you?
00:06:17Hey, Oscar.
00:06:23What do you want?
00:06:24I want you to meet a friend of mine.
00:06:25Oh, how do you do?
00:06:27I'm very pleased to meet you.
00:06:28Say, have you made those pictures for the tango campaign yet?
00:06:30I just got started, yes.
00:06:33I worked pretty hard on those.
00:06:35Do you like it?
00:06:36You don't think a thing like that's going to make people tango conscious, do you?
00:06:39You don't call that advertising.
00:06:41Oscar, it's about time somebody taught you the ABCs.
00:06:44Here, go on.
00:06:45Put those on.
00:06:46You wrecked it.
00:06:47Oh, pipe down.
00:06:48Go on, back in there.
00:06:49Put them on.
00:06:50Hurry up.
00:06:51Go on, hurry up.
00:06:52Now, Oscar, the ABC of advertising is attraction, beauty, and charm.
00:06:55Do you get it?
00:06:56I worked two hours to arrange those.
00:06:59Two hours for what?
00:07:01Can you imagine anybody getting excited over a thing like this?
00:07:04Now, why do women buy silk stockings?
00:07:07To, uh...
00:07:08You're right.
00:07:09To show off.
00:07:10And to show off to who?
00:07:11Well, I guess...
00:07:12You're right again.
00:07:13To men.
00:07:14And what man wants to look at an empty silk stocking?
00:07:17Oh, but I...
00:07:18You guessed it!
00:07:19No man.
00:07:20You got those things on?
00:07:22Yes, I have.
00:07:23Well, come on, hurry up, hurry up.
00:07:24Come on, let's get going.
00:07:25Get over on this thing.
00:07:26Stand up on there.
00:07:27Here, Oscar, play with this.
00:07:28Play with...
00:07:29Here, now put this shawl around you.
00:07:31Wrap it around, you know.
00:07:32Wrap it around so you get that Spanish there.
00:07:35That's the idea.
00:07:37Now we're getting somewhere.
00:07:38Wait, we'll undo this thing here.
00:07:39Just a minute.
00:07:40Pardon me.
00:07:41No offense.
00:07:42My goodness.
00:07:43My goodness, have you gone crazy?
00:07:45All you have to do is be still, look, and learn.
00:07:48I'm teaching you the elements of advertising.
00:07:56Now, let's see.
00:07:57Put this thing around you here.
00:08:01Oh, put this thing over there.
00:08:05Hey, put your hand up there.
00:08:06Hold it.
00:08:07Come on.
00:08:08Hold it.
00:08:09That's the idea.
00:08:11Now raise your skirt up.
00:08:12Raise it up.
00:08:13A little higher.
00:08:14A little bit higher.
00:08:15That's it.
00:08:16Now we're...
00:08:17Please, not behind you.
00:08:21Oscar, don't get up and come here and treat your eyes to a feast that'll make them just
00:08:26cry for tango hosiery.
00:08:28There it is, the ABCs.
00:08:29Attraction, beauty, and charm.
00:08:38Boy, that's beautiful.
00:08:39That's perfectly...
00:08:42Tomorrow I'm going to get her a real costume.
00:08:44I'm going to light her as she should be lighted.
00:08:47And then...
00:08:48And then, but in the meantime, will you put her under a salary as a regular model?
00:08:53You bet you my life.
00:08:59A real salary.
00:09:01Oh, thanks a lot.
00:09:02Oh, skip it.
00:09:03Say, I've just got time to drop you off at your home on my way to rehearsal.
00:09:07Sure, my orchestra rehearsal.
00:09:09I just have this job here as a meal ticket.
00:09:10As soon as I get my band in shape, I'll be in the real money.
00:09:12Come on, I gotta get going.
00:09:13Oh, and listen, when you come to work tomorrow, be sure and ask for me.
00:09:17Say, say, what's your name?
00:09:18Oh, pardon me.
00:09:20Mr. Oliver Houston.
00:09:22Charmed, I'm sure.
00:09:23Mr. Houston, I'd like you to know Miss Treasure McGuire.
00:09:27Did you say treasure, treasure?
00:09:30But don't blame me for it.
00:09:31The orphanage matron got poetic.
00:09:40Treasure McGuire.
00:09:52Hello, Joe.
00:09:54Oh, hi, Treasure.
00:09:57I've been waiting for you.
00:09:58Square me with Betty, will you?
00:10:00Well, what's wrong now?
00:10:01Oh, I don't know.
00:10:02She ain't speaking to me again.
00:10:04All right, come on.
00:10:10Hiya, Betty.
00:10:11I'm sorry I'm late.
00:10:13Well, you missed a swell supper, but I saved you some anyway.
00:10:16That's good.
00:10:18Oh, looks like bad luck followed you in.
00:10:22Oh, now, sugar, can't you...
00:10:23I told you to beat it.
00:10:25Now, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:10:26What brought this whore on?
00:10:27Oh, he's been at it again.
00:10:29At what, ducky?
00:10:30You shut up.
00:10:32He's been asking me to marry him.
00:10:34That's all he can say, and it's getting on my nerves.
00:10:37If he opens it, you have to sneeze.
00:10:39I say no from force of habit.
00:10:41Oh, well, I didn't mean it exactly.
00:10:44Oh, so you've been giving me the runaround, huh?
00:10:47No, not that, sugar.
00:10:48I just sort of knew you wouldn't say yes.
00:10:50Oh, you gearbuster bastard.
00:10:52Come on, back to your corners.
00:10:54This is no time to fight.
00:10:56We're going to celebrate.
00:10:57Celebrate what?
00:10:58Of the custom law against dumbbells?
00:11:01We're going to celebrate my going to work.
00:11:04Treasure, did you find a job?
00:11:06Oh, a pip of a job.
00:11:07Well, now we can get...
00:11:09Say it, and I'll sock you.
00:11:11Oh, well, I was going to say, was it now we could go to the movies?
00:11:14Sure, the movies.
00:11:15That is, if you two can sit in the dark without cutting each other's throats.
00:11:19There's a swell movie at the Little Grand.
00:11:21Oh, swell my neck.
00:11:22A lot of sloppy love stuff.
00:11:24Oh, love's a wonderful thing, honey lamb.
00:11:27We'll go see the new Frank Buck picture.
00:11:29I understand he brought one of your relatives alive.
00:11:37Oh, oh, that's fine.
00:11:40That's fine.
00:11:47Hold it.
00:11:48Hold it, girls.
00:11:49That's fine.
00:11:50There we are.
00:11:52There we are.
00:11:55Now, just one more, and then we'll...
00:11:58Excuse me, girls.
00:11:59Excuse me.
00:12:05Oh, yes.
00:12:07Yes, he's here.
00:12:08Yes, yes, right away.
00:12:10Yes, sir.
00:12:12Oh, Miss McGuire, Mr. Foster Carver wants to see you in his office right away.
00:12:18What for?
00:12:19Well, I don't know.
00:12:20He didn't say.
00:12:21I could guess.
00:12:25Never you mind.
00:12:26He'll be calling me again some of these days.
00:12:30Yes, of course.
00:12:32You can send me the usual form letters.
00:12:34Now, in regards to...
00:12:37I'm Miss McGuire.
00:12:38Oh, yes, please sit down.
00:12:40That'll be all, Miss Lewis.
00:12:48After finding these photographs on my desk, Miss McGuire, I've been terribly curious about you,
00:12:53your background, environment.
00:12:55I filled out a personnel card.
00:12:57Yes, I know.
00:12:59Age, 19, white, unmarried, some secretarial training, no previous experience.
00:13:05That's all superficial.
00:13:06Now, what about you?
00:13:07You've never worked before?
00:13:09Yes, I have, but...
00:13:12But just to sort of fill in jobs, to pay my way through secretarial school.
00:13:16And what sort of jobs are fill-in jobs?
00:13:19Well, I was a waitress and a manicurist, a taxi dancer, and I was a solo dancer, too,
00:13:24and once I worked in a window.
00:13:27In a window?
00:13:28Demonstrating a reducing machine, but I started to put on weight and they fired me.
00:13:34Do you prefer being a model to a secretary?
00:13:37Well, there's not much future to posing for photographs.
00:13:40Smart girl.
00:13:42Sometimes I use an extra secretary.
00:13:44If you want, I'll slide you gently away from Oscar and into this branch of the work.
00:13:48You'll have a chance to learn the business.
00:13:49Oh, I'd appreciate that.
00:13:51That's all right.
00:13:52And let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.
00:13:58Get me Oscar.
00:14:05Hello, Oscar?
00:14:07I've just been talking to Miss McGuire.
00:14:09I think we might be able to use her as a model in that jewelry account.
00:14:13I want you to photograph her in a gown that I'll get for you.
00:14:16It may be late this afternoon, but I want you to wait till it arrives.
00:14:19You understand?
00:14:24There, that's wonderful, dear.
00:14:26There, hold that.
00:14:28The one thing I hate about this business is we work all day,
00:14:32and just when we finish, why, we start to work again.
00:14:36Now, just hold it.
00:14:37Just hold that, dear.
00:14:38Hold it.
00:14:39That's very good.
00:14:40Very good indeed.
00:14:46There we are.
00:14:48Now, just one more plate and then we go home.
00:14:52That's good.
00:14:55Oh, Miss McGuire.
00:14:56Oh, how do you do, Mr. Carver?
00:14:58Would you mind working overtime tonight?
00:15:01Why, no.
00:15:02My regular secretary's gone home and something of an emergency has arisen.
00:15:05I'll have to phone my roommate.
00:15:07She's expecting me.
00:15:08Well, of course.
00:15:14I'd, um, I'd be glad to stay if you want me to.
00:15:18I won't need you, Oscar.
00:15:23I'm sending word up to Betty that I shan't be home for dinner.
00:15:25I'm working overtime tonight.
00:15:29Oh, if you'll wait just a minute, I'll get into my other clothes.
00:15:31That dress will do perfectly.
00:15:33This dress?
00:15:34You're going to help me entertain an advertising manager.
00:15:36Oh, but I thought you said...
00:15:37You see, usually I take my own secretary, but she's gone home.
00:15:39And if you can stay on dining and dancing with me,
00:15:41we may be able to bring a real Carver to our firm.
00:15:44Well, of course I'll be glad to try.
00:15:47I need you really.
00:15:48And when Colin sees you in that dress,
00:15:50he'll be too entranced to know what he's signing.
00:15:52Oh, I hope so.
00:15:53I'll try to help.
00:15:58We have to hurry, or they'll be there ahead of us.
00:16:26Have a cocktail?
00:16:27No, thanks.
00:16:28I'll just concentrate on crackers.
00:16:31I can't understand why they're late.
00:16:33Colin's at 8 o'clock sharp.
00:16:35Does he know you have a private dining room?
00:16:37No, we always have one.
00:16:38Couldn't hear ourselves thinking that racket downstairs.
00:16:48I'm sorry, I'm late.
00:16:52I have a message for you, Mr. Carver.
00:16:54Well, Mr. Johnson just...
00:16:56You mean Colin, don't you?
00:16:57Yes, sir.
00:16:59Mr. Collins regrets that he cannot keep his appointment.
00:17:03How unfortunate.
00:17:04Shall I serve now, sir?
00:17:05Yes, please do.
00:17:10Well, it seems as if our business meeting has turned into a party for two, doesn't it?
00:17:13Perhaps you'd better take me...
00:17:14Not in your present starving condition.
00:17:16I'm much rather...
00:17:17I refuse to let Colin spoil an entire evening for me.
00:17:20You mean, uh, Johnson.
00:17:23Oh, yes.
00:17:24Stupid way to...
00:17:25You know, I think I'll take that cocktail after all.
00:17:38Oh, you can save it those two places.
00:17:49I beg your pardon?
00:17:50You idiot.
00:18:06Taxi, lady?
00:18:10Oh, you angel!
00:18:12Angel nothing.
00:18:15I distinctly heard feathers rustling.
00:18:17What you heard were Tilly's bearings knocking.
00:18:19Come on, get in here, you little fathead.
00:18:23I must be in my second childhood.
00:18:26Playing boy scout to a dame dumb enough to fall for one of Carver's business meetings.
00:18:30I suppose that was the gang.
00:18:32It was.
00:18:33How did you know?
00:18:34I know him.
00:18:35Do you always appear at the crucial moment?
00:18:37Well, I tried to follow him, but Tilly couldn't keep up with the cyclone that guy drives.
00:18:41I've been to every roadhouse on this highway looking for his car.
00:18:45Oh, yeah.
00:18:46But if you'll stop at the first restaurant, I'll buy the hamburgers.
00:18:49Lady, my middle name is Wimpy.
00:18:55Give her time now.
00:18:58Oh, Wimpy.
00:18:59Give her time.
00:19:12Miss McLyre hasn't come in yet.
00:19:14When she does, have a report to me.
00:19:16Yes, sir.
00:19:27What's up?
00:19:28Shh, please.
00:19:32We're going to hide, quick.
00:19:35Under the desk.
00:19:37How's that coffee coming, Tony?
00:19:38It's not quite ready yet, Forster.
00:19:46You can come out now.
00:19:49Now, would you mind telling me what this is all about?
00:19:51I'm just trying to dodge old help with the helpless till noon.
00:19:54Thank heavens it's Saturday.
00:19:55You must mean Forster.
00:19:56Yeah, old bright ideas himself.
00:19:59I'm sure he's got a good idea.
00:20:01I'm sure he's got a good idea.
00:20:03I'm sure he's got a good idea.
00:20:04I'm sure he's got a good idea.
00:20:06You kind of got in for him, haven't you?
00:20:08Did he ever try to create a future for you?
00:20:10Oh, he isn't such a bad egg.
00:20:12Neither was Bluebeard.
00:20:14Oh, what's your name?
00:20:17Treasure McGyre.
00:20:19Treasure McGyre.
00:20:20Start laughing.
00:20:22I think it's a grand name.
00:20:24You know, I set up half a last night just looking at your pictures.
00:20:28I mean, and writing copy that goes with it.
00:20:30Look, I'll show you.
00:20:32It's a little over-laid out.
00:20:34Say, this is nice.
00:20:36Would you have lunch with me?
00:20:38For what good reason?
00:20:40Oh, just to prove to you that all we carvers aren't bluebeards.
00:20:43All we carvers? You mean...
00:20:45You mean you and the...
00:20:47Yes, I'm Tony Carver. He's my brother.
00:20:49Great galloping mackerel.
00:20:52But you will have lunch with me, won't you?
00:20:56Miss McQuire, Mr. Foster Carver is waiting to see you at once.
00:21:05I thought I could help you.
00:21:07Thought you were a smart girl.
00:21:09But I see I'm wrong on both counts.
00:21:13And so, Miss McQuire, I'm greatly afraid that the company will have to continue without the benefit of your services.
00:21:19That is, unless you change your viewpoint.
00:21:23I'm afraid, Mr. Carver, I'm too intelligent to be smart.
00:21:27Well, in that case, you can get your closing check from my secretary.
00:21:34I tell you, I cannot wait. It's too important.
00:21:37I must see him right away.
00:21:40You... You are the one.
00:21:42I know you.
00:21:44Please don't go away. Stay here.
00:21:47Oh, you are so beautiful.
00:21:49I tell you, it is great.
00:21:51It's grand. It's marvelous.
00:21:53It's colossal.
00:21:55Congratulations, young man.
00:21:57I tell you what I'm going to do.
00:21:59I bubble my... I'll snubble my...
00:22:03What's the matter with my tongue?
00:22:05I double my budget.
00:22:07Everything. Newspapers, magazines, billboards.
00:22:11I understand. What's so tremendous?
00:22:14You don't... What is so tremendous?
00:22:16This girl.
00:22:18That photograph.
00:22:21That photograph. This girl.
00:22:23I tell you, all the other ideas, they are no good at all.
00:22:27I based my whole campaign on this girl.
00:22:31This girl.
00:22:33She's my girl now.
00:22:35The tango girl.
00:22:37She is what you may call...
00:22:39She is my trademark.
00:22:42Would you like to be my trademark?
00:22:45Yes? No?
00:22:46Oh, yes. Yes, sir.
00:22:48That is wonderful from you.
00:22:50I tell you what you will do.
00:22:52You will make me a lot of photographs of her.
00:22:55All poses. Hundreds of them.
00:22:57Right away.
00:22:59My idea exactly.
00:23:01And, Miss McGuire, you may report to Oscar at once for the photographs Mr. Kluckmeyer desires.
00:23:05And we get our recent conversation.
00:23:07Certainly, Mr. Carver.
00:23:09Sit down, Mr. Kluckmeyer. We'll talk this thing over.
00:23:11I tell you, I have never seen anything like it.
00:23:14You shouldn't take Forster so seriously.
00:23:16Personally, I think he's a little bit cracked.
00:23:18Cracked? Here's your pie, miss.
00:23:20Oh, thank you.
00:23:22He wants to be high society.
00:23:24Put on the dog.
00:23:25One of the socially prominent Carvers.
00:23:27Just like mother.
00:23:29He never takes any interest in the advertising racket.
00:23:32Puts in a day or so a week.
00:23:34Fiddles about and calls that working.
00:23:38But I take after dad, I guess.
00:23:40I want to do it right.
00:23:41Learn all I can about it.
00:23:43Make it a man-sized job.
00:23:45You know what I'm going to do?
00:23:48I'm going to start my...
00:23:49Another cup of coffee?
00:23:50No, thank you.
00:23:51Want your check now?
00:23:53Yes, please.
00:23:55I'm going to start my own...
00:23:57Both on one?
00:23:58If you please.
00:24:00Can't we go someplace where I can talk to you?
00:24:02You have the afternoon off, haven't you?
00:24:04Well, yes.
00:24:05We'll find some little place in the country.
00:24:07Say, I know a swell spot.
00:24:09It's right on the other side of...
00:24:10Oh, that's fine.
00:24:11Thank you very much.
00:24:14Wait just a minute.
00:24:15Here's your check.
00:24:20I'm tired of taking orders from Forster, mother.
00:24:23I want to stand on my own feet.
00:24:24I can understand that.
00:24:26Can you really?
00:24:28Share a secret?
00:24:30I'd love to.
00:24:31Well, I'm going to have my own advertising agency.
00:24:35When I'm 21.
00:24:36That's when I get my inheritance.
00:24:38The money dad left me.
00:24:39Subject to mother's okay.
00:24:41And then...
00:24:42And then what?
00:24:45I think I can tell you more about that later.
00:24:54I felt a drop on my face.
00:24:57You know, that wet stuff.
00:25:00So I...
00:25:02Then we'll get soaked.
00:25:03That's right.
00:25:04I'll race you to the car.
00:25:06All right.
00:25:19Well, if it isn't grandma.
00:25:22Hello, Mary Sunshine.
00:25:23What happened to you?
00:25:27He took me to the taxi driver's picnic.
00:25:30Where'd they have it?
00:25:31In the North River?
00:25:32Well, it rained.
00:25:33Maybe you noticed that.
00:25:35Yeah, I noticed it.
00:25:39When the first five drops fell,
00:25:41those meter maniacs grabbed their taxis and tore up the town.
00:25:45You sit tight,
00:25:47lovey-dove Joe says to me,
00:25:49and wait here.
00:25:50And I'll make enough money and tips to buy you an engagement ring.
00:25:54And I haven't seen since.
00:25:57You came home in a rich enough car.
00:26:00Who's the fella?
00:26:01He's Tony Carver of the Carvers.
00:26:05The ones you read about on the society page?
00:26:08But he's not like the rest.
00:26:11Well, he's different.
00:26:22Thank you, Wilson.
00:26:23That will be all.
00:26:32I think you are taking Tony's little affair with the Maguire girl too seriously, Foster.
00:26:37After all, he's young.
00:26:38Yes, young and susceptible enough to drag our name into a scandal.
00:26:41That's possible, of course.
00:26:42In view of the fact that he's been seen here almost every night for the past several weeks,
00:26:45I'd call it probable.
00:26:46I refuse to worry about it too much.
00:26:49After all, you've had your moment.
00:26:51Yes, but I never showed symptoms of marrying him.
00:26:54Now you are being ridiculous.
00:26:56Tony couldn't be such an utter fool.
00:26:58No, I think not.
00:27:00Tony, will you come here a minute, please?
00:27:05What is it, Foster?
00:27:06I'm a bit late now.
00:27:07You're going out with Miss Maguire tonight?
00:27:08Yes, sir.
00:27:09How did you know that?
00:27:10We're expected at the Norton's.
00:27:12I'm sorry, Mother.
00:27:13You've been slumming a lot lately, haven't you?
00:27:16Why, you...
00:27:17Anthony, please.
00:27:18I'm sorry, Tony.
00:27:19I thought you knew what you were doing.
00:27:22Good night, Mother.
00:27:27Now, have I proved my point?
00:27:29A bit crudely.
00:27:30But you see now...
00:27:31Tony's a silly little idiot.
00:27:33We'll have to look after him.
00:27:38As you know, Miss Maguire, my brother is young and inexperienced.
00:27:42He doesn't fully realize that there are definitely prescribed limits to,
00:27:46shall we say, casual infatuations.
00:27:50Fortunately, your posing for the tango advertisements is completed.
00:27:54And I think that you understand.
00:27:58I understand.
00:28:01I believe this will more than tide you over until you find another position.
00:28:07I have $20 in salary coming to me.
00:28:09That's all I want.
00:28:11In other words, you intend to continue seeing my brother?
00:28:15That's up to Tony, isn't it?
00:28:18Very well.
00:28:27Hey, Duchess.
00:28:29Since when are you going to lunch at 10 o'clock?
00:28:31Well, from now on, you can be the tango girl.
00:28:34I've just retired.
00:28:36Retired? Why?
00:28:38Not so loud.
00:28:39I'd rather Tony didn't hear.
00:28:41Foster, eh?
00:28:43Parental pride to the fore.
00:28:45Never shall the fair name of Carver be sullied, soiled, and stuffed.
00:28:50You should wear a turban and carry a crystal.
00:28:53I don't need to, lady.
00:28:55I've been expecting this for a week or so.
00:28:57Well, goodbye.
00:28:59And good luck.
00:29:00Oh, I'll be seeing you.
00:29:26Hold it!
00:29:27Oh, never mind.
00:29:28Well, Duke.
00:29:29Since when have you been going to lunch at 10 o'clock?
00:29:32You know what?
00:29:33I'm getting so absent-minded.
00:29:34You know what I just did?
00:29:35I shook hands with the time clock and punched the boss.
00:29:38You idiot.
00:29:39And just because I...
00:29:40Oh, I was going to quit anyhow.
00:29:42Me and my band are starting a regular job next week.
00:29:44That's swell.
00:29:46Say, why don't you come along with us?
00:29:47We used to sort of dance them up.
00:29:50Oh, yes, but don't worry about me.
00:29:52I'll get along.
00:29:53But if you don't...
00:29:54If I don't, I'll remember.
00:29:56That's a bet.
00:29:59Going down.
00:30:00Yells out.
00:30:13Hello, Joe.
00:30:15Oh, hello, treasure.
00:30:16Any luck today?
00:30:17Eight more firms promised to keep my name on file.
00:30:20In the wastebasket.
00:30:22Well, I asked my uncle to give you a job in his meat market,
00:30:25but I guess it didn't work out.
00:30:27Well, thanks anyway.
00:30:29You know what Betty and I can't understand is,
00:30:31how you got canned so sudden like?
00:30:33Betty thinks it was that dude with the hot chalk car.
00:30:36Oh, it wasn't at all.
00:30:37Well, Betty thinks it was.
00:30:38Anyway, she said she's tired of telling me you're not in.
00:30:41You'll get discouraged pretty soon.
00:30:44I'd be glad to poke him on the snoot for you.
00:30:47Oh, no thanks, Joe.
00:30:48Oh, no trouble at all.
00:30:50Say, listen, treasure.
00:30:52Why don't you let me give you a knockdown of this Jerry Moriarity?
00:30:55Who's Jerry Moriarity?
00:30:57Oh, you know, the guy I was telling you about.
00:30:59The mechanic that works down the garage.
00:31:01Why, all the dames are crazy about him.
00:31:03Ah, and he's got muscles like a Jim Launders.
00:31:05Well, you ought to see him lift up a cylinder head with just one dupe.
00:31:07No thanks, Joe.
00:31:09I'd rather go to the movies.
00:31:10Well, are you coming in?
00:31:12No, I'm just leaving.
00:31:13I've got to take the can back.
00:31:14But I'll be back later.
00:31:16I'm going to ask her again tonight.
00:31:18I wish you luck, Joe.
00:31:19Well, I think she's coming around to my way of saying yes.
00:31:21Because the last five times I asked her, she didn't even suck me.
00:31:34Treasure, where have you been?
00:31:36Why have you been avoiding me?
00:31:37What have I done?
00:31:38Oh, nothing.
00:31:39I've just been busy.
00:31:40You can't treat me this way.
00:31:42I won't let you.
00:31:43I've got to talk to you.
00:31:44Oh, but totally not now.
00:31:46I've got to go upstairs.
00:31:47Come sit in the car, please.
00:31:48Just for a moment.
00:31:52Now tell me.
00:31:53Why did you quit your job?
00:31:55Why did you leave without telling me?
00:31:57I almost went crazy just wondering.
00:31:59Don't you know that I...
00:32:00How about it, Treasure?
00:32:01You want me to paste this dude in the snoop?
00:32:02Oh, no, no.
00:32:03Everything's all right.
00:32:04Oh, just say the word.
00:32:05It'd be a pleasure.
00:32:06Oh, Tony, I want you to know Mr. Sloan.
00:32:08How do you do?
00:32:09Listen, wise guy, I'm going to give you an earful.
00:32:11Oh, Joe, please.
00:32:12Can't we go someplace where we'll be alone?
00:32:14Look it, Treasure.
00:32:15Tell Betty I may be late for dinner.
00:32:17Oh, I don't understand you girls.
00:32:19Oh, I don't understand you girls.
00:32:32Maybe we'll have a little privacy here.
00:32:34Now tell me why.
00:32:36Why what?
00:32:37Why everything.
00:32:39Well, I found a chance for a better job and so I quit.
00:32:44I don't believe you.
00:32:45You don't have to.
00:32:48Why have you been evading me?
00:32:50But I haven't evaded you.
00:32:52I've just been out when you called.
00:32:54That's all.
00:32:55Well, if I make dates in advance, will you keep them?
00:32:58Oh, I'm afraid my fiancé would be jealous.
00:33:01Your fiancé?
00:33:03Who is he?
00:33:04Well, his name's...
00:33:05His name's Moriarty.
00:33:07Jerry Moriarty.
00:33:08He's a mechanic.
00:33:10And he's terribly jealous.
00:33:12So it was Forster that made you leave.
00:33:14Well, it wasn't at all.
00:33:16That's ridiculous.
00:33:18You're a terrible liar, I tell you.
00:33:20Oh, Tony, don't you see that it would never work out?
00:33:23Don't you see that they're right?
00:33:25Forster, your mother, and everybody?
00:33:28But you do love me, don't you?
00:33:29No, I don't.
00:33:32And even if I did, it wouldn't change matters any.
00:33:36Now that you've said everything you were told to say,
00:33:39why don't you say what you really mean?
00:33:41But I do mean it.
00:33:42That's sensible.
00:33:44Oh, Tony, please take me home.
00:33:47I'll take you home.
00:33:48I'll take you to our home.
00:33:51We'll be married, treasure.
00:33:52Married right away, this afternoon.
00:33:55Oh, but your inheritance.
00:33:57Oh, hang the inheritance.
00:33:58No, wait a minute.
00:34:00I need that.
00:34:01I want it for you.
00:34:02To give you the things you've never had.
00:34:04Furs, clothes, servants, and a fine home.
00:34:06Oh, Tony, don't be silly.
00:34:09I've got it.
00:34:10We'll be married secretly.
00:34:12Across the state line.
00:34:13When I'm 21, we'll tell the family.
00:34:15They can't do anything about it then.
00:34:17Oh, but what if they...
00:34:18Oh, will you?
00:34:24Did you say yes?
00:34:30I can't hear you.
00:34:34Yes, I'll marry you.
00:34:37Sorry, sister.
00:34:38I'm married already.
00:34:42And so, by the authority vested in me as a minister of God,
00:34:46and by the laws of the state,
00:34:48I hereby pronounce you man and wife.
00:34:52Heavenly Father, we ask thy blessing upon these two
00:34:55who have come together and made their vows before thee.
00:34:58Aid them by thy wisdom and love
00:35:00to maintain the union they have established.
00:35:03Guide them and keep them forever.
00:35:15Now, this is just the apartment you're looking for, I'm sure.
00:35:23Gosh, it's small.
00:35:24Oh, it's cute.
00:35:26You couldn't even swing a cat in it.
00:35:28Who wants to swing a cat?
00:35:30Well, you couldn't even swing a kitten.
00:35:32You just step this way.
00:35:35Isn't this a cozy little kitchen?
00:35:37What does it look like when you unfold it?
00:35:39Oh, hush.
00:35:40Don't pay any attention to him.
00:35:41He was brought up in the Grand Central Station.
00:35:43Oh, a railroad man.
00:35:46Henry, he's my husband.
00:35:47He used to be a conductor on the Great Northern.
00:35:49Oh, Tony, look here.
00:35:52Isn't this perfect?
00:35:53This swaddley little glass.
00:35:56What does that mean?
00:35:57Oh, I don't know, but isn't it?
00:35:59It is.
00:36:00If you come with me, I'll show you the bedroom and the bath.
00:36:02It has a lovely shower.
00:36:05Don't you think we'd better be running along, honey?
00:36:07Don't you like this?
00:36:09I wouldn't pin my wife up in a converted clothes closet.
00:36:12Oh, Tony, you goose.
00:36:14This is the most perfect place I could hope for.
00:36:16Do you really like it?
00:36:17Oh, it's heavenly, divine, magnificent, gorgeous.
00:36:21And swaddley?
00:36:22Absolutely swaddley.
00:36:24Okay, we'll take it.
00:36:27Oh, don't you want to?
00:36:28Oh, pardon me.
00:36:30But don't you want to see the other rooms?
00:36:32How much is this apartment?
00:36:34Well, if you'd move in right away, I could let you have it for $50 a month.
00:36:38But you haven't seen the other rooms.
00:36:42Here you are.
00:36:45All right, I'll make you out a receipt when we get downstairs to my office.
00:36:49And when would you like to move in?
00:36:51Oh, we're in.
00:36:53Without any baggage?
00:36:56I don't know that.
00:36:57Here's our marriage certificate, if you'd like to see that.
00:36:59Oh, newlyweds.
00:37:02Well, not exactly.
00:37:03We've been married for two hours.
00:37:04Well, well, well.
00:37:05I can remember my own wedding day.
00:37:07It was a raining cats and dogs.
00:37:09And Henry, he's my husband, he said to me, he said...
00:37:11Well, I'm very anxious to have a receipt.
00:37:13All right, I'll make it out as soon as I get downstairs.
00:37:15And Henry, he said to me, he said, maybe we'll...
00:37:17Would you mind making out a receipt?
00:37:21All right, I'll make it out right away.
00:37:24And to what name shall I make it out?
00:37:26Mr. and Mrs. Anthony...
00:37:36Oh, for Pete's sake.
00:37:37She's crying.
00:37:38She's a dear.
00:37:40I could rip off a crier to myself.
00:37:43Why, treasure, what have I done?
00:37:46Yes, yes.
00:37:47Oh, Tony, you've made me awfully happy.
00:37:57But remember, not a word of this to anyone.
00:37:59So help me, unless you go ripsy on me.
00:38:02Oh, as if I would.
00:38:04Oh, well, not that I blame you.
00:38:06Because it's not in the cards for Mrs. Anthony Thorne Carver of the Carvers
00:38:10to pal around with the wife of a taxi pirate.
00:38:13The wife of...
00:38:14Betty, you haven't...
00:38:17I slipped up and said yes to the big lug.
00:38:19Oh, Betty.
00:38:21Oh, but I haven't married him yet.
00:38:22I may get my brains back.
00:38:27I thought we'd better lay our plans before he found out that we knew.
00:38:29There's no doubt that it was Tony.
00:38:33Fool fools have their marriage license made out in their real names.
00:38:36Is there any possibility of bringing the girl here, educate her, dress her,
00:38:40make her presentable?
00:38:42But her girl was raised in an orphanage.
00:38:44She told me she'd been a manicurist, a dancer, and I don't know what else.
00:38:48Besides, how could we ever buy this to our friends?
00:38:56Of course we can have the marriage annulled.
00:38:58Tony won't be of age till June.
00:39:00Yes, we'll have to do that for Tony's sake.
00:39:01Yes, we'll have to.
00:39:03I'll phone the attorney.
00:39:04Now, wait a minute.
00:39:05There's more to it than that.
00:39:07If we simply have the marriage annulled, he'll remarry her the day he's 21.
00:39:10But I...
00:39:11So it's up to us to disillusion him
00:39:13and make him see the girl as she really is.
00:39:15There's the way we wash our dishes, wash our dishes, wash our dishes.
00:39:18There's the way we wash our dishes.
00:39:22Oh, phooey.
00:39:24What did you expect, Peppermint?
00:39:26You know, as a rank amateur at this dish-drying racket,
00:39:29I think I'm pretty super-superb.
00:39:31Your talent simply astounds me.
00:39:36Who are you there?
00:39:37Well, my cook is the prettiest, loveliest, sweetest little wife in all the world.
00:39:41With the craziest, homeliest, silliest husband.
00:39:44She loves me.
00:39:46Tony, put me down the dishes, Tony.
00:39:49But Tony, the dishes.
00:39:50Hang the dishes.
00:39:51Now put me down.
00:39:54Why, you brute, you beast, you villain.
00:39:57Oh, darling.
00:40:00Oh, honey.
00:40:02It's wonderful, isn't it?
00:40:04Much too wonderful.
00:40:06But suppose your family finds out, then...
00:40:09There isn't a ghost of a ghost of a spook of a chance.
00:40:13I suppose that...
00:40:14But if they did, they'd take one look at you and get three loud cheers.
00:40:18Oh, honey.
00:40:20Bet you.
00:40:21Bet you my life.
00:40:22But they're really awfully nice underneath.
00:40:24Mother and Forster.
00:40:26Oh, I'm sure they are.
00:40:37Well, did you get the keys?
00:40:38Yes, I've done, sir.
00:40:39Mr. Tony was sleeping soundly.
00:40:41I found those on his dresser.
00:40:44And door key, garage, car?
00:40:48This one.
00:40:50For his locker at the club, sir.
00:40:53And this?
00:40:54I've never seen that one before, sir.
00:41:01Elston Apartments.
00:41:18Elston Apartments.
00:41:22No, there's no Mr. and Mrs. Carver here.
00:41:26No, the only new tenants are a Mr. and Mrs. McGuire.
00:41:31Go find a key maker and have this key duplicated.
00:41:33At this time of night, sir?
00:41:34Get him out of bed.
00:41:35Pay him what he asks.
00:41:37And have the duplicate stamped the same as this.
00:41:39Elston Apartments, 422.
00:41:42Yes, sir.
00:41:43Then put these keys back before my brother awakes.
00:41:46Very good, sir.
00:42:08Now you cover the codfish with cold water.
00:42:11Not so fast.
00:42:13Add the minced onions.
00:42:15Drain it.
00:42:17Add to the white sauce.
00:42:22May I come in?
00:42:23Why, of course.
00:42:31Won't you sit down?
00:42:40I want you to know that I came here only at my mother's request.
00:42:44Then, uh...
00:42:46Then she knows.
00:42:48Yes, and I'm sorry to say that she insists upon an annulment.
00:42:53Oh, no.
00:42:54I've tried to dissuade her.
00:42:56I'd honestly like to see you and Tony make a go of it, but her mind's made up.
00:43:02I see.
00:43:03I know what you must think of me, and I don't blame you.
00:43:06I'm rather fond of Tony in my own way, and for his sake, I'd like to help him.
00:43:11Help him?
00:43:13But how?
00:43:15By suggesting that you do not contest the annulment, and that I may be able to help her mother later.
00:43:21Oh, but...
00:43:24But I had intention of contesting.
00:43:26You're all right.
00:43:27I guess that's all.
00:43:29Except to thank you for making a very unpleasant duty tolerable, and I wish you good luck.
00:43:36Oh, may I ask you a favor?
00:43:38Would you mind not letting Tony know I was here?
00:43:40I'd rather he didn't know.
00:43:41I understand.
00:44:01Is that the right pose?
00:44:03You'll do.
00:44:05Oh, you darling.
00:44:06All right, you stay put while I get dinner.
00:44:11Anybody here today?
00:44:14Oh, no.
00:44:15No visitors.
00:44:19What's this?
00:44:21What's what?
00:44:26Why, isn't that attractive?
00:44:28Where'd it come from?
00:44:29It's not an easy chair.
00:44:30It almost bit me.
00:44:31Must have been left there by the nice tenants.
00:44:34Very nice, too.
00:44:35Come on, honey.
00:44:36Hurry with the dinner.
00:44:39The sooner we get it over with, the more time I'll have to tell you how much I love you.
00:44:41Oh, do you have to leave early again?
00:44:43I'm afraid so.
00:44:44I don't want the family to get suspicious.
00:44:47Oh, do you...
00:44:48Do you think they might be?
00:44:50Not as far as I know.
00:44:54But some super reporter in that hick town found our names in that marriage license register
00:44:58and called me at the office today.
00:45:04You've got to promise me something.
00:45:07Anything your heart desires.
00:45:09Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll come to me on your 21st birthday.
00:45:15I promise you, treasure.
00:45:17No matter what happens, I'll come to you when I'm 21.
00:45:24On June the 3rd.
00:45:30My darling.
00:45:40Hello, Tony.
00:45:42Did mother speak to you?
00:45:44Yes, she did.
00:45:45I know it seems awfully unfair, old man, but it's the right thing to do.
00:45:49I was thinking it might be best if you were transferred to the London branch of the agency.
00:45:53Just till things blow over.
00:45:54I'm staying here.
00:45:56Okay, kid.
00:45:58Just trying to make things easier.
00:46:03Where'd you find my case?
00:46:06Your case?
00:46:07Yes, I've been looking everywhere for it.
00:46:10Are you certain that's yours?
00:46:12Well, of course.
00:46:13Where'd you find it?
00:46:14Well, I found that case in my wife's apartment.
00:46:16And you...
00:46:19Of course it couldn't be mine.
00:46:20It must be a similar one.
00:46:21How did that case get in my wife's apartment?
00:46:24Well, uh...
00:46:25Do you want the truth?
00:46:26I do.
00:46:28Okay, kid.
00:46:29You asked for it.
00:46:30Come with me.
00:46:40Here you are.
00:46:47Well, what was this for?
00:46:53I don't understand.
00:46:55Well, compare it with your key to her apartment.
00:47:07You see, Tony.
00:47:09I knew you were mistaken.
00:47:19I'll leave for London in the morning.
00:47:22Yes, miss.
00:47:23For London.
00:47:26The day before yesterday.
00:47:29No, miss.
00:47:30He left no messages.
00:47:33That girl again?
00:47:34Yes, sir.
00:47:40Hello, mother.
00:47:41Hello, dear.
00:47:44Well, what happened?
00:47:45Well, the attorneys have arranged everything.
00:47:47It'll all be done very quietly.
00:47:48I've been thinking, Foster.
00:47:49Suppose the girl writes to Tony.
00:47:51Oh, she will.
00:47:52But her letters will be forwarded to me.
00:47:54Tony will never see them.
00:47:55But if he doesn't answer her?
00:47:56Oh, he will.
00:47:57Keep her suspicions lulled until we've got Tony married to some eligible girl.
00:48:03For the 16th time, treasure,
00:48:05won't you pull out of that boarding house and move in with Joe and me?
00:48:10Well, why?
00:48:11Two reasons.
00:48:12Newlyweds shouldn't have chaperones.
00:48:15And I'd only have to leave when Tony comes back.
00:48:18When did you hear from him last?
00:48:20A week ago.
00:48:22Did he send you any money?
00:48:23Well, you know his folks don't allow him very much.
00:48:26Oh, he didn't, huh?
00:48:28Treasure, you've waited almost a year.
00:48:31You know you're an awful factor.
00:48:32Oh, no, I'm not.
00:48:33Oh, but I...
00:48:34Look, honey, I have to run along now.
00:48:37Job hunting again, huh?
00:48:38Yeah, but I got a real lead this time.
00:48:40A lead?
00:48:41Yes, I learned yesterday
00:48:42that an old friend of mine's back in town.
00:48:46Run along.
00:48:47I'll take care of it.
00:48:50Well, am I glad to see you, funny face.
00:48:53Oh, I'm glad to see you too, honey.
00:49:17I'm glad to see you too, honey.
00:49:19Aw, sit down here.
00:49:20How long has it been, a year?
00:49:23Well, I tried to get you a half a dozen times.
00:49:25Did ya?
00:49:26Yeah, and I say, I heard about your annulment,
00:49:29and I want ya to know that I'm sorry.
00:49:31You needn't be.
00:49:33Can you keep the secret?
00:49:34With both hands.
00:49:35Tony's coming back next month,
00:49:37and we're gonna be married again.
00:49:39Oh that's grand.
00:49:41Yeah, but in the meantime,
00:49:42little funny face needs a job.
00:49:44A job?
00:49:45Well, doesn't Tony...
00:49:46He sends me money whenever he can, but his folks don't allow him very much.
00:49:50Oh, huh. Yeah.
00:49:52Well, I'm going to need a job myself after Saturday. This joint's closing.
00:49:56Oh, that's too bad.
00:49:57Yeah, it's a rotten shame. This is a good spot, too.
00:49:59With the right management, it'll be a gold mine.
00:50:01Wish I had the money to take it over.
00:50:04Oh, well.
00:50:06Why don't you pose for those tango ads again?
00:50:09I'm about as popular with that agency as a canceled account.
00:50:12Well, skip the agency. Go to Cluckmeyer himself.
00:50:16Now, that's not a bad idea.
00:50:18You're telling me?
00:50:19Listen, I'll drive you down to Clucky's office.
00:50:21Maybe he needs a new theme song for his radio dribble. Come on.
00:50:25If we talk fast enough, we can talk the guy into anything.
00:50:292,000 pairs of these stockings we sent him, and now he only wants 1,000 pairs.
00:50:36Last week, he sent Pearl Fox Incorporated's all-daisy downstream.
00:50:40And now he wants peach blushes.
00:50:43Is this a madhouse, or ain't it a lunatic asylum?
00:50:46Which? Which is it?
00:50:49You don't know!
00:50:50She don't know!
00:50:51I don't know!
00:50:52Nobody knows!
00:50:54Get out! Get out of my office!
00:50:56Will you please get out, you unsatisfactory hen!
00:51:05What do you want?
00:51:07Cluckmeyer speaks!
00:51:10Ah, hello, Hans.
00:51:14How are you, Hans?
00:51:16Ah, sure, everything is wonderful, Hans.
00:51:20It couldn't be any better. Business is terrific.
00:51:24Sure, Hans, you know I like you, Hans.
00:51:30Herr Platten comes to Hans.
00:51:34Hello, Mr. Cluckmeyer.
00:51:35Get out of my office! Who let you in?
00:51:37What do you want?
00:51:39Don't you know me?
00:51:40I don't know nobody. Why should I?
00:51:43Look at him, Mr. Cluckmeyer. Don't you remember her?
00:51:47I never saw that face before.
00:51:55Mr. Cluckmeyer.
00:51:59Ah, my little Miss Trademarker!
00:52:05My tango girl!
00:52:08Come, please, sit down. Make yourself at home.
00:52:14What can I do for us?
00:52:16Well, we want a job.
00:52:18You want a job? So you have one.
00:52:21You are my tango girl.
00:52:24You will have some more pictures taken. That's very easy.
00:52:26I will call up the agency.
00:52:27Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I have a better idea.
00:52:30But, my dear Miss Trademarker, from such a broody face, I don't want to hear ideas.
00:52:38Now, wait a minute, Mr. Cluckmeyer. It's colossal.
00:52:41Suppose I told you how to get a new radio program,
00:52:44a new way of advertising tango host and make a whole lot of money besides.
00:52:48What would you say to that?
00:52:50I would say it in a language which you don't speak.
00:52:53I wouldn't be able to find the words in American.
00:52:56You and Oliver and I are going to open a nightclub.
00:53:00A nightclub?
00:53:02I should be running stockings with a club?
00:53:06Yes, the club Tango with its own broadcast.
00:53:10And the original tango girl in person?
00:53:12And maybe, probably, perhaps the Philly Harmonica Orchestra too?
00:53:16Now, listen to me. I really have a very good idea.
00:53:57Ladies and gentlemen, at this time it gives me great pleasure to introduce our featured attraction.
00:54:02The original Cluckmeyer tango hosiery girl, Miss Treasure McGuire and her partner, Mr. Barlow.
00:55:09Mama, isn't she a tank scale?
00:55:21Don't you think... needs control?
00:56:4313, 20, 30, 35.
00:56:49That's 35.
00:56:54That makes exactly $2,452.87.
00:56:58Not bad at all.
00:56:59Bad? Bad?
00:57:01All these years I have been stockings making.
00:57:04It's nightclubs I should have run.
00:57:07Don't forget, this was the opening night.
00:57:09We might not do so well later on.
00:57:11If that's so, what am I to proposition to you?
00:57:14I buy out your shares in this club and put you both under contract to me.
00:57:18I'll take my chance on a partnership.
00:57:20And I'm quitting on the 2nd of June.
00:57:23Quitting? Why, you shouldn't even say such a word, not even in fun.
00:57:27Oh, but I mean it, Mr. Cluckmeyer. I'm getting married.
00:57:31Don't you do it. Follow my advice. Don't do it. Now, listen to me.
00:57:35Come on, Mr. Cluckmeyer. She's all tired out. I'm going to take her home.
00:57:38All right, take her home. But remember, do not get married.
00:57:43Good night, Mr. Cluckmeyer.
00:57:44Good night, my sweet child. Sleep well.
00:57:53Here you are, missy.
00:57:55Yes, sir.
00:58:00Say, you better say goodbye to Tilly. I'll take her to the pasture tomorrow.
00:58:03Goodbye, Tilly.
00:58:09Maybe you'd like to come with me tomorrow and help me pick out Tilly's successor.
00:58:12Oh, no, thanks. I have a heavy day ahead of me.
00:58:15I'm going to re-rent the apartment Tony and I had.
00:58:17Oh, I see.
00:58:19Say, Treasure.
00:58:21I, uh, I suppose I'm talking out of turn, but...
00:58:24But what?
00:58:25Well, aren't you counting an awful lot on Tony's coming back?
00:58:29Oh, I know he'll be here.
00:58:31Yeah, but, well, suppose something should happen.
00:58:34Nothing will.
00:58:36Nothing will.
00:58:38Okay, I just wanted to keep you from getting too hopped up.
00:58:41Good old Oliver.
00:58:42Yeah, good old Oliver, right in the class with good old Tilly.
00:58:45Good evening, Miss McGuire.
00:58:46Good evening.
00:58:47I was waiting up for you and when I heard you out here, I thought maybe you'd lost your key like it's not.
00:58:53You want to take him up to your room now?
00:58:55Well, you see, I was just about to go.
00:58:58She doesn't mean you, you goose.
00:59:02Well, then who?
00:59:04Ah, here he is, Miss McGuire.
00:59:08Oh, I thought I saw his head off.
00:59:15This is the hymn, Oliver.
00:59:18Hymn? Uh, yours?
00:59:21Tony's and mine.
00:59:29Look at the little monkey shake hands with me.
00:59:34Oh, no wonder you're so sure Tony's coming back.
00:59:37Oh, but Tony doesn't know about the baby.
00:59:39Oh, he doesn't?
00:59:40I didn't want to worry him at first and now I want to surprise him.
00:59:45I see.
00:59:47Well, um, well, good night.
00:59:50Oh, good night, Oliver.
00:59:52Good night.
01:00:01Know what that means?
01:00:05That's right.
01:00:06Your daddy's coming home today.
01:00:17Yes, sir.
01:00:18It kind of makes me feel like that, too.
01:00:23Good night.
01:00:32Strange the way we feel it ought to be in the headlines.
01:00:36New drive-on reckless voters.
01:00:39Elections show return to bases of two parties.
01:00:45Dizzy Dean pitches one-hit game.
01:00:48You'll be more interested in that later.
01:00:52Mrs. Cartwright-Palmer to be hostess for the Friday morning club.
01:00:56Isn't that just dandy?
01:00:58Mrs. William Andrew Morton announces the engagement of her daughter, Helen Teresa, to...
01:01:42Hello, Oliver.
01:01:43Good morning, good morning, good morning.
01:01:44And how was everything this morning?
01:01:46Thought I'd bring a few clothes in to sort of help decorate up the joint.
01:01:50Add a little light.
01:01:51That looks pretty sporty, I'd say.
01:01:57And another one.
01:01:58Sorry I can't stay and see the boys.
01:02:01Well, I can do that later.
01:02:04What's the matter, Treasure?
01:02:08I'm afraid Tony isn't going to keep our date.
01:02:11Not going to keep...
01:02:12What are you talking about? What is it?
01:02:21Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Treasure.
01:02:38Treasure, let me go to Tony and tell him about the baby.
01:02:40Then I know he'll be sure...
01:02:41Oh, no.
01:02:42I'll never let him know now.
01:02:44I don't want him to come back from his festive duty.
01:02:47Promise me you'll never tell him about the baby.
01:02:49Promise me, Oliver.
01:02:51I promise.
01:02:53Oh, remember, he may come anyhow.
01:02:56He may.
01:02:58Look, honey.
01:03:00I know this isn't the time,
01:03:02but I want you to know that...
01:03:04well, I'd like to look after you and the baby if Tony doesn't come, I mean.
01:03:09You've been a wonderful friend, Oliver.
01:03:11Someday I'd like to be more than a friend.
01:03:14Someday I'd like to be more than a friend.
01:03:17Oh, I know it wouldn't be the same,
01:03:20but I've loved you in my own way for a long time.
01:03:25I know.
01:03:27Well, if Tony doesn't come, may I see you later?
01:03:30Of course.
01:03:33Goodbye, dear.
01:03:45He's not come in yet?
01:03:47Well, when do you expect him?
01:03:49Oh, never mind. I'll call later.
01:03:51Professor Oliver?
01:03:53Yes. I've been trying to get Tony Carver all day,
01:03:56but I got a hunch that precious family of his is trying to stall me.
01:03:59Well, can I help? I mean, uh...
01:04:01No. Yes, you can.
01:04:03You get on that telephone and keep calling until you locate Tony,
01:04:06and then let me know.
01:04:07Sir, what kind of a monkey-do-the-business is this?
01:04:09It's for treasure.
01:04:10If it is for treasure, it's for me.
01:04:12It's for treasure.
01:04:13If it is for treasure, it's a pleasure.
01:04:15Wait a moment!
01:04:16What's the telephone number?
01:04:18Gramercy 8-5942.
01:04:20Gramercy 8-5942.
01:04:42I got him. He's home.
01:05:09Oh, thanks.
01:05:10I'm telling you, you can't go away now.
01:05:12Who's going to lead the band?
01:05:14You lead it.
01:05:15I... I...
01:05:16I'm deleting the band.
01:05:18I'm deleting it.
01:05:20What a life! What a life!
01:05:25Yes, I want to see Anthony Carver.
01:05:27But I'll have to announce you, sir.
01:05:28I'll announce myself.
01:05:32Hello, Oliver.
01:05:33What's up?
01:05:34I want to see you.
01:05:35Now, what's the meaning of this?
01:05:36Now, you keep out of this.
01:05:37Young man.
01:05:38And you, too.
01:05:39Now, sober up.
01:05:41You and I are going to have a talk, Tony.
01:05:42What about?
01:05:43About treasure.
01:05:45I'm afraid I'm not interested.
01:05:47Well, you'd better be.
01:05:49But what I have to say may cost me more than you'll ever know.
01:05:52Now, there's one thing I can't tell you.
01:05:53But there's a lot more that I can.
01:05:55I don't want to hear about it.
01:05:56You're going to tell me why you lied to her in those letters.
01:06:00Well, I didn't lie to her in any letters.
01:06:04I thought so.
01:06:06Now, will you listen?
01:06:09Well, of course, honey.
01:06:10It's your affair.
01:06:11And I don't blame you for wanting to get away.
01:06:13But what are you going to do when you get to Chicago?
01:06:16Oh, forget things for a while.
01:06:18Well, couldn't you forget just as well in my spare bedroom?
01:06:28All set?
01:06:30Just about.
01:06:32I'll lug the trunk down to the cab.
01:07:02You can take the bags down now, Joe.
01:07:17You did remember, didn't you?
01:07:19Yes, Treasure.
01:07:22I'm glad you did, even though it isn't quite as we planned.
01:07:27I want to congratulate you on your engagement.
01:07:30Oh, it's all a mistake.
01:07:31I'm not engaged, Treasure.
01:07:34Well, I read about it in the papers, and I...
01:07:37I hope you'll be very happy, just as happy as I am.
01:07:41Are you happy?
01:07:42Well, of course, very.
01:07:43I was just leaving on a trip, a little pleasure trip.
01:07:48I'm not happy.
01:07:49I haven't been since the day I left you.
01:07:52Oh, I have so much to explain, so much to apologize for.
01:07:56We'd better forget.
01:07:58I can't forget, ever.
01:08:01I've heard your voice wherever I went.
01:08:03I've seen your face everywhere I've looked.
01:08:05Oh, I love you, Treasure.
01:08:07I've always loved you.
01:08:10But Tony, don't you understand?
01:08:13I've changed.
01:08:14We can't just pick up just like that.
01:08:44Hey, bags ready to go?
01:08:48What's the matter?
01:09:03THE END