• 4 years ago


00:01:18I'm Paul Cartwright.
00:01:21My father was Judge Albert Cartwright,
00:01:24once lieutenant governor of the state.
00:01:27He was killed two years ago in a mysterious accident.
00:01:31We were not only father and son, but friends.
00:01:36The shock of his violent death still haunts my mind.
00:01:40I can't help but think of him.
00:01:44The shock of his violent death still haunts my mind.
00:01:47My nights are troubled by strange dreams.
00:01:54Albert, you've come back to me.
00:01:56I'm happy again.
00:01:58Mother, no.
00:01:59This man isn't father.
00:02:01I thought my happiness was gone forever,
00:02:03but you've come back to me.
00:02:04Mother, listen to me, Mother.
00:02:06Don't waste your breath, Paul.
00:02:08She can't hear you.
00:02:09I am your father now.
00:02:11You're not.
00:02:12You're not my father.
00:02:17What is it, Paul?
00:02:18Dorothy, speak to Mother.
00:02:19Tell her he isn't father.
00:02:20Tell her.
00:02:21Of course he is.
00:02:23Look at the lovely bracelet he gave me.
00:02:25Isn't it beautiful?
00:02:26It has a lion's head.
00:02:28Dear Father, thank you.
00:02:32Thank you so much.
00:02:39Stop the train!
00:02:46Just what I've been waiting for.
00:02:53My father.
00:02:54The train.
00:03:07Paul, wake up.
00:03:11It's you, Doc.
00:03:13The way you were yelling,
00:03:14I thought a wildcat had broken in.
00:03:16What's the trouble?
00:03:19What a nightmare.
00:03:21Well, you get up and dress.
00:03:22I'll go out and get breakfast started.
00:03:41Well, too, Paul, here's your breakfast.
00:03:54Doc, do you remember what you said once in psychology class
00:03:57about the phenomena of dreams
00:03:59the phenomena of dreams foreshadowing future events?
00:04:03But to healthy-minded people, a dream is just a dream.
00:04:07Come on, Paul, there's nothing like an early start
00:04:09for good fishing.
00:04:14Doc, I'd like to go home today.
00:04:18Why, Paul, what's the matter?
00:04:20I'm worried about Mother.
00:04:22Now look, you're not going to let a dream
00:04:23spoil our outing, are you?
00:04:25Why do you suppose Mother didn't
00:04:26want me home for the holiday?
00:04:28Oh, she probably had some reason.
00:04:30Now get on with your breakfast.
00:04:32I'd like to tell you about this nightmare I had, Doc.
00:04:35Well, all right, if it'll make you feel better.
00:04:37Let's finish our eggs, and I'll get the tackle,
00:04:39and you can tell me on the way down.
00:04:42He said, you have hallucinations.
00:04:45Come with me, I'll take care of you.
00:04:46And he held onto my arm.
00:04:48That was when you woke me up.
00:04:51Quite an extraordinary dream, it easily explains.
00:04:54At the inquest after your father's death,
00:04:55if you remember, the engineer on the train
00:04:57testified that he caught a glimpse of the Acme Trucking
00:05:00Company sign as the truck pulled away.
00:05:03Although nothing's been seen of it since,
00:05:05it still remains the only clue to the unsolved mystery.
00:05:08Naturally, it will be impressed upon your mind.
00:05:10Oh, yes, but.
00:05:11And the Schumann Concerto was your father's
00:05:13favorite composition, if I recall correctly.
00:05:16But it all seems so real, and I remember every detail.
00:05:19The bracelet, the abandoned farm buildings,
00:05:22and the things this man said like,
00:05:24it's just what I've been waiting for.
00:05:26And the terrible danger to Mother and Dorothy.
00:05:30Forget it, Paul.
00:05:31You've been working too hard at school.
00:05:34This is a perfect way to relax.
00:05:37Hey, they're jumping like crickets, come on.
00:05:54Come on.
00:06:07Hi there.
00:06:09Hi, Mac.
00:06:11What are you doing down here, spying on us, you old fox?
00:06:14Sure, that's my origin.
00:06:16You better have your licenses.
00:06:18How are you biting?
00:06:22Better for you, Paul.
00:06:38It's from the Wainfield Trust,
00:06:39been forwarded up here from the school,
00:06:41and I figured it might be important,
00:06:42so I brought it up to you.
00:06:43Oh, thanks, Mac.
00:06:44No trouble, if there's any answer,
00:06:45I can mail it for you over in the village.
00:06:47Well, there's no answer, it's a letter from my father.
00:06:51Say, you're not pulling my leg, are you, Paul?
00:06:54I don't know, Mac, Dad left a series of letters
00:06:55with the office of his estate.
00:06:56I get one every few months.
00:06:58Well, I'll be darned.
00:07:00Leave it to the judge to think of something like that.
00:07:03Uncanny smart, that man was.
00:07:06Well, you'll want to read that sort of private.
00:07:16Good fishing, huh?
00:07:18Fine, Mac.
00:07:19How long you figuring on staying up here?
00:07:21Oh, Doc.
00:07:22Yes, Paul.
00:07:24Would you mind coming over a minute, please?
00:07:26Not so long, boys.
00:07:28Goodbye, Mac.
00:07:33What is it, Paul?
00:07:34I received one of Dad's letters.
00:07:36I'd like to read part of it to you.
00:07:38Go ahead.
00:07:40It will be your responsibility,
00:07:41as the man of the family,
00:07:43to protect your mother and Dorothy
00:07:45by being constantly vigilant of their associates.
00:07:48I have always guarded your mother,
00:07:50who is so much younger than I,
00:07:52for in my experience, I've had ample opportunity
00:07:54to observe the cunning of unscrupulous impostors.
00:08:00Fits right in with your dream, doesn't it?
00:08:02Curious coincidence.
00:08:04Oh, I hate to ruin your trip, Doc,
00:08:06but I'd really like to go home.
00:08:08All right, Paul.
00:08:09It wouldn't do you any good anyhow
00:08:11with this worry on your mind,
00:08:12and if everything's all right, we can come back.
00:08:14Meantime, I can have a nice little visit with my sister.
00:08:16Let's get our stuff.
00:08:18Thanks a lot, Doc.
00:08:19You're welcome, Paul.
00:08:21You can reach me at my sister's.
00:08:22Okay, so long, Doc.
00:08:24Hello, Ben.
00:08:25Mr. Paul.
00:08:26Well, this is a surprise.
00:08:28Oh, I got kind of homesick.
00:08:29How's everything, Ben?
00:08:30Well, everything's about the same so far.
00:08:34Where's my mother?
00:08:35Mrs. McClain, I'm afraid she's not well.
00:08:38Oh, I see.
00:08:39Well, I'm afraid she's not well, either.
00:08:41Well, I'm afraid she's not well, either.
00:08:42Well, I'm afraid she's not well, either.
00:08:44Well, I'm afraid she's not well, either.
00:08:45Well, I'm afraid she's not well, either.
00:08:46Where's my mother?
00:08:47Mrs. Virginia?
00:08:48Mrs. Virginia?
00:08:50She went over to the club to have lunch with Mr. Curtis.
00:08:52Well, who's he?
00:08:54Well, he's been coming around here every day
00:08:56for the past month.
00:08:57You mean he's been coming around to see Mother?
00:08:59He sure ain't been coming to see me, no sir!
00:09:02What's he like, Ben?
00:09:04Well, he's a fine looking man, nice-talking, too,
00:09:07but that ain't exactly my place to venture an opinion,
00:09:10no sir!
00:09:11You don't like him?
00:09:12Well, you see, Hortense, being with the judge so many years,
00:09:16I got to know just what folks he like and don't like.
00:09:19And I kind of suspect this Mr. Curtis
00:09:21wouldn't be on the list, no sir.
00:09:23I see.
00:09:27But don't you take no pre-congested ideas from me,
00:09:30Mr. Paul, to inconstitution.
00:09:32Like the judge used to say,
00:09:34to exert undue influence on the page, no sir.
00:09:37That's right, Ben.
00:09:39I better take your bag upstairs.
00:09:40Should I run you a bath, sir?
00:09:42Never mind, I'll just take a shower.
00:09:47Yes, sir.
00:10:02Thanks, Ben.
00:10:04Hello, George?
00:10:07Well, for God's sake, well, where are you?
00:10:11Well, why didn't you let me know?
00:10:14Come on over, I want to talk to you.
00:10:16It's confidential.
00:10:24Hello, George?
00:10:27Well, I'm sorry, I'm in a...
00:10:29Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about.
00:10:31Come on, let's go.
00:10:36Mr. Paul's home.
00:10:38What brought him home?
00:10:39Well, uh, he said he got homesick.
00:10:41He's up in his room.
00:10:53Paul, darling.
00:10:54Hello, princess.
00:10:57Didn't you like the fishing?
00:10:58was all right, but I wanted to come home.
00:11:02Well, I had so many engagements, dear.
00:11:04Of course, if I'd realized that-
00:11:05I'm clean, Mrs. Cartwright.
00:11:07Who's the Romeo?
00:11:09Benjamin told you.
00:11:11Well, his name is Brett Curtis, and he's most charming.
00:11:15You know, I haven't even been slightly interested in any man
00:11:17since your father died.
00:11:19But I must admit, I like this one.
00:11:21You'll meet him tonight at dinner,
00:11:22and I want you to like him, too.
00:11:29Are you sure he's all right?
00:11:31Of course he is.
00:11:32Everyone finds him fascinating.
00:11:34He's amusing and interesting.
00:11:35He's been everywhere, and he's most attractive.
00:11:38You know, in some ways, he reminds me of your father,
00:11:40except he's younger.
00:11:43Oh, don't look so worried.
00:11:46Well, you're my responsibility now, you know.
00:11:53Paul, you know how lonely I've been.
00:11:57Yes, I understand that.
00:11:59Darling, I've got to change.
00:12:03I hope you have a decent suit to wear.
00:12:05I've been bragging about how handsome you are.
00:12:07I'll probably slide down the banister in my pajamas.
00:12:09If you dare!
00:12:11Oh, excuse me, Mrs. Cartwright.
00:12:13Hello, George. How's Lydia?
00:12:14Poorly, ma'am. Poorly.
00:12:16But she'll be all right when she finds out Paul's home.
00:12:19Hiya, Paul.
00:12:20The old guy. Gosh, I'm glad to see you.
00:12:22What's all this confidential business?
00:12:25How about this guy my mother's got in tow?
00:12:27Oh, him.
00:12:28Well, what gives?
00:12:29Does he rate?
00:12:30By me, strictly poison.
00:12:32Dorothy and I are washed up on account of that guy.
00:12:35Oh, George, says she.
00:12:37You're so prude and carol.
00:12:38Why can't you be more like Brett?
00:12:40Smooth and sophisticated.
00:12:42Women, they get on my nerves.
00:12:44Sounds like a purely personal reaction, George.
00:12:47I'm after facts.
00:12:48Is he solid?
00:12:50Well, all I know is what I hear at keyholes.
00:12:51Mom and dad say he's a cosmopolitan,
00:12:53but from my dough, he's a first-class...
00:12:56Hello, sis.
00:12:57Hiya, small fry.
00:12:59Well, what happened to the fishing trip, Paul?
00:13:01Canceled on account of family affection.
00:13:04What's with this Curtis I've been hearing about?
00:13:06If you've been listening to George, you can just ignore it.
00:13:09Brett's positively out of this world,
00:13:11and the princess is mad about him.
00:13:12Yeah, and so am I.
00:13:14Well, at least he has manners,
00:13:15which is more than I can say for some people.
00:13:19Of course, it must be quite a shock to realize
00:13:21that one simply doesn't measure up to civilized standards.
00:13:26See what I mean?
00:13:27You know how we used to get along.
00:13:29Now where am I?
00:13:30Oh, take it easy, George.
00:13:31It may blow over.
00:13:32Nah, she'll never be the same.
00:13:33And I'm too old to change.
00:13:36There he is now.
00:13:37Brett, how are you?
00:13:40For me?
00:13:42Oh, you're too divine, Brett, really.
00:13:44Brings a flower, so big droop.
00:13:47You'll simply turn my head.
00:13:49Turn her head?
00:13:50I'd like to wring her neck.
00:13:51She thinks he's a great wit, but nothing can change that.
00:13:54Great wit?
00:13:55But nothing I say is funny anymore.
00:13:59How about staying to dinner, George?
00:14:01I don't feel like facing this alone.
00:14:04I'll call up home.
00:14:05You'll have to lend me a tie.
00:14:06Oh, sure.
00:14:14Gosh, do I look all right?
00:14:15Maybe I should have gone home and changed.
00:14:17You'll do.
00:14:19How nice you both look.
00:14:24Paul, this is Brett.
00:14:26How do you do?
00:14:27I'm glad to know you, Paul.
00:14:28Of course you know George Hanover.
00:14:30Hello, George.
00:14:33I've been hearing quite a lot about you.
00:14:35Mother and Dorothy have been giving you quite a build-up,
00:14:38Well, I hope you won't hold it against me.
00:14:41I feel as if I'd met you somewhere before.
00:14:43That's because Brett looks like father.
00:14:46Oh, I don't think so.
00:14:48Except maybe his nose a little.
00:14:50Thanks, Paul.
00:14:51I'd rather not look like anybody but myself.
00:14:53Paul is a great deal like his father.
00:14:55I understand you have his talent, too.
00:14:58Maybe a speck of it.
00:14:59I've been reading one of his books on criminology.
00:15:02My friend, Professor Muehlbeck, the psychiatrist,
00:15:05recommended it to me.
00:15:06The professor thinks your father had a brilliant mind.
00:15:09Well, father's best book was never completed.
00:15:11I hope I'll be able to finish it for him someday.
00:15:14I knew you two would like each other.
00:15:16Dinner's served, ma'am.
00:15:22Oh, thank you.
00:15:23Paul, I have everything you want.
00:15:34You don't mean to tell me you like him.
00:15:36I didn't say I liked him.
00:15:37I just said I could see why Mother likes him.
00:15:39Yeah, but does Dorothy have to drool over him like a goon?
00:15:42Oh, Dorothy's nothing but a child.
00:15:44Child nothing.
00:15:45She's a first-class flirt.
00:15:47The way she hangs on that guy's words.
00:15:49Honest, Paul, it sickens me.
00:15:51Pure jealousy.
00:15:58Gosh, that's right.
00:15:59Maybe I am.
00:16:05Paul, look.
00:16:06It was in the box that the corsage Brett gave me.
00:16:09Isn't it beautiful?
00:16:10It's a lion's head from India.
00:16:12Brett has such divine taste.
00:16:15Well, don't you like it?
00:16:17Nice girls aren't supposed to take jewelry from strange men.
00:16:20He's not a strange man.
00:16:30What's wrong?
00:16:31You're as white as a sheet.
00:16:34I feel kind of...
00:16:43Gosh, he's fainted.
00:16:44I'll get Mother.
00:16:46Oh, Martin.
00:16:47What's the matter, Virginia?
00:16:48What happened?
00:16:49I don't know.
00:16:50Dorothy said he simply keeled over.
00:16:52When he came to, he babbled something about a dream
00:16:54and wanted to see you.
00:16:56He seemed all right at dinnertime.
00:16:58Let me see him.
00:17:00Feel better?
00:17:02Say, you know, I had an uncle once.
00:17:04He used to get fits.
00:17:05They had to put a spoon in his mouth.
00:17:09Oh, Doc.
00:17:11Well, young man, what's this all about?
00:17:13Darling, what is wrong?
00:17:14Nothing, Mother.
00:17:15If you don't mind, though, I'd like
00:17:17to talk to Dr. Vincent alone.
00:17:19Well, I guess I'll watch along home then.
00:17:21Hope you feel better, chum.
00:17:22Oh, I'll be OK.
00:17:24See you tomorrow.
00:17:26You look feverish.
00:17:28Oh, I just had kind of a mental shock.
00:17:32Remember the dream I told you about this morning, Doc?
00:17:37The part about Dorothy and the bracelet?
00:17:40Well, there's a man Mother's seriously interested in
00:17:42Who is this man, Paul?
00:17:43Brett Curtis.
00:17:44And he did give Dorothy a bracelet.
00:17:46But, Paul.
00:17:47And it was in a corsage.
00:17:48And there was the music, the same music,
00:17:50the Schumann concerto.
00:17:54This may sound kind of crazy, Doc,
00:17:56but that dream is beginning to happen.
00:18:00Now, wait a minute, Paul.
00:18:02Nothing has actually happened.
00:18:04The only similarity to the dream is the bracelet.
00:18:07And that could be a coincidence.
00:18:09You know, Dorothy's very fond of trinkets.
00:18:11And anybody who knew that might buy her a bracelet.
00:18:14As for the music, it's probably sitting on the piano.
00:18:18I wouldn't worry too much about it, son.
00:18:21Have you told your mother about this dream?
00:18:25Mother thinks I've got too much imagination.
00:18:29Besides, she's gone overboard for this Curtis.
00:18:33And you can't talk to people in this state.
00:18:37You can't talk to people when they
00:18:39feel like that about someone.
00:18:41You're pretty young to know that.
00:18:43I felt the same way about a girl last year.
00:18:45Nobody could tell me anything until I
00:18:47found it out for myself.
00:18:49And you may be entirely wrong about this man.
00:18:52Now, the best thing to do is to find out all we can about him.
00:18:56Suppose you and I go down and see Bill Allen tomorrow.
00:18:59A banker doesn't usually take people at face value.
00:19:02We'll let him investigate.
00:19:04That's an idea.
00:19:06Oh, and Doc, when you go downstairs,
00:19:09I wish you'd drop in and meet Curtis.
00:19:12I'd like to find out what you think about him.
00:19:15All right, Paul.
00:19:16Now stop worrying.
00:19:25Come on, Paul.
00:19:26Mr. Allen's a busy man.
00:19:28Thank you, Mr. Allen.
00:19:29Goodbye, Paul.
00:19:30Goodbye, Bill.
00:19:36Good morning, Curtis.
00:19:37Oh, good morning, Doctor.
00:19:38Hello, Paul.
00:19:39How are you feeling?
00:19:40Oh, I'm fine, thanks.
00:19:41You certainly gave us a scare last evening.
00:19:43I hope you've laid down the lot with Doctor.
00:19:45What he needs is more fresh air and exercise.
00:19:48Well, you can't pass exams on fresh air.
00:19:50Not in my school.
00:19:51No, Paul takes his studies very seriously.
00:19:54Come along, Paul.
00:19:55Good morning, Curtis.
00:20:02Good morning, Doctor.
00:20:03How are you feeling?
00:20:05Good morning.
00:20:20You don't suppose he followed us here?
00:20:22Oh, come now, Paul.
00:20:23The man banks there.
00:20:25Aren't you convinced that Allen knows what he's talking about?
00:20:28My intuition isn't.
00:20:29I take it easy on that intuition business, son.
00:20:32It can become an obsession, you know.
00:20:34mind of Curtis.
00:20:40I'm not going anywhere near the club I go right by there I've been oh thanks it's
00:20:46a nuisance to find a taxi when you want one I don't drive myself that's unusual I
00:20:52thought everybody drove these days I was in rather a bad accident when I was a
00:20:56youngster and it made such an impression on me that I had never learned to drive.
00:21:01But. He decided to walk home for the exercise.
00:21:19What gives what a gang here we're going to the river to watch
00:21:22a boat race and I thought you'd like to come along.
00:21:24I already. Have you. Not letting me know thing about coming home.
00:21:38And what are you doing with that picture Miss Virginia wants to take it up to the
00:21:41study why I couldn't say.
00:21:44It. Was mother.
00:21:56Come on let's go we don't want to get down there after it's all over OK come on
00:21:59come on with you OK I guess we're not getting my car. We can all.
00:22:14Are you deliberately trying to avoid me because if you are I just as soon you come
00:22:19right out and say so no I'm not ready I just don't feel like going that's all.
00:22:44I'm sorry. I sure did hate to move the judge out of his.
00:22:50Maybe this is where he'd rather be Ben. Spent most of his time up here anyway yes.
00:22:58It looks so alive. Almost as if he could speak I wish he could.
00:23:11Then when is Curtis coming here again. He's going to lunch I want you to do
00:23:17something for me and you say when you take his class off the table don't touch
00:23:22it use a napkin and put it aside you know what I want to. Oh and then I'd like
00:23:28a sandwich and a glass of milk up here please do you have the keys to the file.
00:23:34And. Thanks.
00:24:15Prominent in unsolved crimes is the record of Claude Barrington an amazingly
00:24:21clever and dangerous individual. He was suspected of innumerable crimes including
00:24:27attacks on young girls even murder. Yet the police have never been able to find
00:24:33sufficient evidence to warrant his arrest. His quick disappearances the failure of
00:24:39witnesses to identify him the lack of fingerprints or photographs. Indicated a
00:24:44marked talent for crime. Suspicion first fell upon Barrington when in 1932 he
00:24:53married a wealthy young widow Cecilia Gordon who was drowned within six months
00:24:58of their marriage leaving him a substantial legacy. However no evidence could be
00:25:05found to prove that Barrington was in the vicinity at the time of her death.
00:25:13Call darling what are you doing up here.
00:25:19Reading up on something in dad's files such a lovely day you should be out there.
00:25:28I'm sorry about moving the picture I want to change things in the living room it's
00:25:33so fashioned I want to break it up a bit it's all right mother.
00:25:41Paul are you going to make things difficult I haven't said anything what you say it's
00:25:46your attitude why don't you like bread. Just don't want you to make
00:25:51a mistake that's all. How much do you know about him everything he's told me all
00:25:58about himself. Paul why are you so mistrustful. I received one of dad's letters
00:26:04yesterday maybe you'd better read it.
00:26:20He saw so much of crime and wickedness he was bound to become over cautious. Now I
00:26:26understand why you're so anxious dear. What is it you want to know. Has Curtis ever
00:26:32been married before you know he's a bachelor was going to be married a few years ago
00:26:37the girl drowned shortly before the wedding. It was terribly broken up about it of
00:26:42course she was drowned quite a tragedy she was so young.
00:26:46Well Paul. Anything else. Where does he get his income he owns
00:26:53mines and things I had Mr Allen check into all that you see I'm not as irresponsible
00:26:58as you think I am. You're not going to marry him for a while yet are you. I don't know
00:27:03Paul. I think you should wait but I don't want to make you unhappy but that's one
00:27:09thing I must decide for myself.
00:27:17You mean you're going to marry him right away I mean but you can't you've got to
00:27:22give me time to give you time. Well to. To get better acquainted
00:27:29with him darling you'll be going off to school soon your life will be occupied with
00:27:34other things for years. Paul try to understand try to be fair please.
00:27:41For my sake. All right.
00:27:46You'd be down for lunch no Benjamin's bringing my lunch up here I'll be down later
00:27:50maybe you could play some tennis with Brett he plays an excellent game you just give
00:27:54a chance to be himself you two would probably be the best of friends in no time I've
00:27:59got to go. Don't work too hard.
00:29:10Lucky I got to get a play up lady.
00:29:23How you feeling OK How's the boat race team the blue moon one you should come with
00:29:28us Paul Liddy is furious or she'll get over it I've got too much on my mind.
00:29:36Any lunch left for me then the sandwiches and milk in the breakfast room was
00:29:41very thanks Ben.
00:29:53Hello darling hello Paul have you been hiding I had some work to do I hear you're
00:29:58taking law college just the groundwork my main interest is criminology Mr Curtis
00:30:05do you believe there's such a thing as
00:30:06a perfect crime it's possible I've been reading about some perfect crimes in my
00:30:12father's files he believed there were more undetected criminals at large than have
00:30:17ever been caught. I shouldn't be surprised the police have their limitation
00:30:24out of more of a conversation but it's too bad you change you could play some more
00:30:28tennis with Paul I wouldn't have time darling I promised to go up to Middleborough
00:30:31and look at some property for
00:30:32a friend of mine Oh Brett why couldn't we drive you up the road would do Paul good
00:30:37you know that's
00:30:37a nice of you Virginia but it'll take hours to look at tracks and I'll be talking
00:30:42business I'll phone you when I get back I'll walk down to the gate with you Paul
00:30:47goodbye Brett see you later darling.
00:30:53Understand you've traveled a lot yes I've always been curious about what was beyond
00:30:57the next horizon ever been in Nevada yes. Magnificent country it is too makes
00:31:05a man wish he could paint you'd like it what's Reno like oh that's indescribable
00:31:10it's a hodgepodge of wild west and wild east cowboys divorcees mink and mustangs
00:31:17dude ranchers and the real thing all shuffled together I'd like to see some of
00:31:20those old ghost towns and a real silver mine I have an interest in several mines
00:31:27but we'll take a trip some day you know Colorado. Right well
00:31:35Wayne field must seem pretty tame after those places. I've seen pretty much
00:31:40everything worth seeing I'll be glad to settle down right here. Well goodbye Paul
00:31:48see you tomorrow. I hope we're going to hit it off together.
00:32:23Hello, fellas.
00:32:24Hello, Mr. Curtis.
00:32:25Professor's expecting you.
00:32:26Yes, sir.
00:32:27Mr. Curtis.
00:32:28Send him in.
00:32:29All right, in.
00:32:36Good afternoon, Professor.
00:32:37Hello, Curtis.
00:32:38Well, how does it go?
00:32:40There's a new development.
00:32:41The boy?
00:32:42Yes, he came home unexpectedly.
00:32:46An erotic type.
00:32:48Interested in criminology.
00:32:51He asks a lot of questions.
00:32:53Remarkably intelligent for his age.
00:32:56I have the feeling he knows more than he should.
00:32:58Does his attitude affect her?
00:33:00It hasn't yet.
00:33:02But he's a persistent little devil.
00:33:06This morning, he made inquiries about me at the bank.
00:33:09Nothing to worry about there.
00:33:10Everything is in order.
00:33:12This afternoon, he was looking through his father's files.
00:33:15When he came downstairs, he asked me
00:33:17if I believed there was such a thing as a perfect crime.
00:33:21He'll bear watching.
00:33:23Has she accepted you?
00:33:24She hasn't yet, but she will.
00:33:26What's the girl's attitude?
00:33:28Oh, Dorothy, a complete conquest.
00:33:32A little beauty, too.
00:33:33Be careful.
00:33:34I warned you before.
00:33:35That weakness of yours will ruin all our plans.
00:33:37Don't worry.
00:33:38Nothing will ruin our plans.
00:33:41I've waited a long time to get back at Cartwright.
00:33:44I'll make them pay for his meddling interference
00:33:46if it's the last thing I do.
00:33:48You'll do as I tell you.
00:33:49Don't forget, I'm in this, too.
00:33:52Perhaps I made a mistake.
00:33:54Perhaps I should have kept you as a patient
00:33:56instead of making you an associate.
00:33:58Don't forget, I'm concerned with the financial outcome
00:34:00in this case, not your personal revenge.
00:34:02You have nothing to complain of.
00:34:04Everything's working out.
00:34:05The boy is the first hitch.
00:34:07He sounds like a subject for mental analysis.
00:34:10You might suggest it to the mother.
00:34:13Sometimes, these cases destroy themselves.
00:34:17The important thing is to get the wedding over with as
00:34:19quickly as possible.
00:34:20When you are legally in possession,
00:34:21we can take care of him here.
00:34:23Funny, that thought was in my mind, too.
00:34:26But why wait till I'm in possession?
00:34:30As her husband, you would be in a position to comfort her.
00:34:32As her fiance, such a tragedy might
00:34:34cause a revulsion against you.
00:34:36That's true.
00:34:37Therefore, you must lose no time.
00:34:38The stakes are high, and there's constant danger
00:34:40if the boy is following the Barrington trail.
00:34:42Barrington is legally dead.
00:34:45Fortunately, so is the judge.
00:34:47However, fools and children sometimes
00:34:49stumble upon details which even the most
00:34:51careful strategist is overlooked.
00:34:53I had better meet the lady as soon as possible.
00:34:55Meanwhile, you must impress her with my professional distinction.
00:35:01Now, be careful.
00:35:02If you can't accomplish this within the week,
00:35:04our relationship shall revert to that of doctor and patient.
00:35:08I'm spending the weekend with them.
00:35:10I'll have her consent before Monday.
00:35:11I give up.
00:35:13I bet you've bewitched the dice.
00:35:15I seem to be lucky at everything but love.
00:35:18You don't really mean that.
00:35:20Virginia, why do you keep putting me off?
00:35:23You promised me you'd give me time to think it over.
00:35:26You know how much I care for you.
00:35:28We've both been lonely.
00:35:30Why should we put off the happiness of being together?
00:35:33I don't know.
00:35:34I don't know.
00:35:35I don't know.
00:35:36I don't know.
00:35:37I don't know.
00:35:38I don't know.
00:35:39I don't know.
00:35:40I don't know.
00:35:42Fred, the water's wonderful!
00:36:12My answer is yes.
00:36:22When, Virginia?
00:36:23I'll give a dinner party to announce it.
00:36:25You're not going to put me through a formal wedding, are you?
00:36:28No, just a dinner party.
00:36:30We'll slip away quietly and I'll send the announcements out later.
00:36:33We'll elope.
00:36:35That sounds so young and reckless.
00:36:36Doesn't seem right with two grown children.
00:36:40We do like them, don't you?
00:36:42Like them?
00:36:43A handsome, full-grown family on a silver platter?
00:36:46And you?
00:36:47What more could a man ask?
00:36:49Darling, do you realize that you haven't kissed me since we've been engaged?
00:37:00Not much privacy around here, is there?
00:37:02Well, that's family life.
00:37:04Why don't you come in for a swim, Fred?
00:37:06The water's wonderful!
00:37:08How about a swim for dinner?
00:37:10Oh, no, darling, you go.
00:37:11I want to write the dinner invitation.
00:37:13Is there anyone special you'd like to ask?
00:37:15Why, yes, my old friend, Professor Muhlbach, you know, the psychiatrist.
00:37:19You'll enjoy meeting him.
00:37:21Enjoy your swim, darling.
00:37:26I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but I think it's only fair you should know.
00:37:31Oh, I kind of suspected.
00:37:33I guess they didn't tell me because they know I don't approve.
00:37:37I don't either.
00:37:40I thought all you girls were goofy about him.
00:37:43I was at first, but not anymore.
00:37:47No, really, Paul, I mean it.
00:37:49Remember the other day by the pool here?
00:37:53Well, Fred came for a swim.
00:37:56Once, when I dived under, he...
00:37:59I don't know how to tell you this.
00:38:02I haven't told anyone.
00:38:04What happened?
00:38:05Well, he...
00:38:07He swam underwater,
00:38:09got a stranglehold on me,
00:38:11and started kissing me.
00:38:14I know it doesn't sound like very much, but...
00:38:17It was horrible.
00:38:19I can't describe it.
00:38:22I pulled away.
00:38:24He followed me,
00:38:26and said he hadn't meant any harm,
00:38:28and asked me if I'd just forget about it and be friends.
00:38:33I've felt sort of queer about him ever since.
00:38:39You won't mention this to him, will you?
00:38:42No, and don't you say anything about it.
00:38:45What you've told me adds up with other things.
00:38:48What other things?
00:38:49Oh, I can't tell you now.
00:38:51The trouble is, I may be wrong.
00:38:53I haven't any proof, just a hunch.
00:38:56Nobody wants to believe me.
00:38:58I believe you, Paul.
00:39:00Thanks, sugar.
00:39:01Well, there's Dr. Benson.
00:39:02I've got to talk with him.
00:39:03You'd better run along with you.
00:39:05Oh, but Paul, are you...
00:39:07Well, what I mean to say is,
00:39:09you still like me, don't you?
00:39:11Oh, sure.
00:39:12But everything's on ice for a while.
00:39:14No dates.
00:39:15Yes, all right.
00:39:16Honey, don't forget.
00:39:21Okay, funny face.
00:39:31Hello, Paul.
00:39:33They're announcing their engagement.
00:39:35I suspected as much.
00:39:37What have you found out?
00:39:39Nothing unfavorable to Curtis.
00:39:42Mr. Allen gave me these answers
00:39:44to some inquiries he made.
00:39:46After reading them, you'll probably agree
00:39:48it looks like a clean bill of health.
00:39:50Well, that may be so,
00:39:51but Lydia just told me something.
00:39:53Would you mind coming up to my room a minute, Doug?
00:39:55Not at all, Paul.
00:40:02I'll be right back.
00:40:22Good evening, sir.
00:40:26Doug, good evening, Professor.
00:40:27I'm glad to see you.
00:40:28Good evening, Curtis.
00:40:29Well, I was afraid you wouldn't get here.
00:40:30Of course. Virginia, this is Professor Neubauer, Mrs. Cartwright.
00:40:33How do you do, Professor Neubauer?
00:40:35I'm honored, madame. It was most gracious of you to invite me.
00:40:39Fred told me so much about you. I was anxious to meet you.
00:40:41Thank you, madame. Happy occasion, they say. Curtis is a lucky fellow.
00:40:46Come in. Come in, Professor.
00:40:49Now I'll show you something in the Barrington record that ties in with what Lydia told me.
00:40:55That's funny. This drawer was locked. It's been opened.
00:40:59Maybe you just thought you locked it.
00:41:01No, I'm sure I locked it yesterday. I haven't opened it since.
00:41:05Curtis was here, too.
00:41:11May I come in? Or is this a private huddle?
00:41:13Hello, Doctor.
00:41:14Hello, Dorothy.
00:41:15The princess wants you in the drawing room.
00:41:17There's a big psycho something-or-other that she wants you to meet.
00:41:20A friend of Fred's. You too, Paul.
00:41:22Oh, I don't want to go down.
00:41:24But, Paul, you must. You can't spoil Mother's party.
00:41:28That's right, Paul. Come along. We can talk later.
00:41:37However, I must say that I think that we won that robbery.
00:41:44Why, because Virginia was keeping score, Paul.
00:41:49Virginia's arithmetic is delightful.
00:41:51She subtracts by counting backwards on her fingers.
00:41:54Ten, nine, eight, seven, six.
00:41:58That means ten minus five equals six.
00:42:06Well, that's right, isn't it?
00:42:07Of course it's right.
00:42:15We got it. We got a perfect score.
00:42:18Well, tell me about psychiatry, Professor.
00:42:20It must be very interesting.
00:42:22I'd love to be psychoanalyzed sometime.
00:42:24I'd be delighted to do it. Anytime you say.
00:42:36Well, my friend, here's a chance to display your domestic accomplishments.
00:42:40It's just what I've been waiting for.
00:42:48It's just what I've been waiting for.
00:43:04I don't appear well today.
00:43:06Excuse me.
00:43:08You stay here, Virginia. I'll take care of him.
00:43:11Paul hasn't been himself lately.
00:43:13An extremely sensitive boy, madame.
00:43:15I would like to talk to him.
00:43:16I have been most successful with the juvenile neurosis.
00:43:19It's nothing serious, Professor. I'm sure.
00:43:24Paul, what is it now?
00:43:28Words in my dream.
00:43:31Curtis said it's just what I've been waiting for.
00:43:36When he said that, I could hear the train coming and then the crash.
00:43:41Gosh, Doc, it's spooky. It's got me.
00:43:45You better pull yourself together, Paul.
00:43:49Now let's look at this thing realistically.
00:43:52I understand Bill Allen's going to announce the engagement.
00:43:55He's known your mother all her life.
00:43:57Do you think he'd sanction the match if he weren't sure of Curtis?
00:44:01I can't figure it out.
00:44:03Maybe I'm going wacky, Doc, but I could swear he's Barrington.
00:44:06Barrington's dead, Paul.
00:44:08I don't believe he is.
00:44:09But it's too fantastic.
00:44:16How is the young man feeling, Doctor?
00:44:18Oh, he's all right. He was just having a dizzy spell.
00:44:21Perhaps I can be of some assistance.
00:44:23Nerves are my specialty. May I come in?
00:44:25Well, it's just a reaction from overwork at school.
00:44:28Ah, yes. I was an intense student myself at his age.
00:44:32Do you mind if we have a little talk, young man?
00:44:35I feel all right.
00:44:36Perhaps the doctor had better go downstairs.
00:44:39Seems a pity to spoil Madame's party.
00:44:41I'd rather have Dr. Vincent stay.
00:44:43Of course, I have no objection.
00:44:45Let's sit down and be comfortable.
00:44:48I understand you're an unusual boy, Paul.
00:44:51Extremely talented.
00:44:53You intend to pursue your father's research into criminology?
00:44:57Interesting subject.
00:44:58But something must be done about these nervous attacks.
00:45:01They're not exactly normal at your age.
00:45:04I presume you are devoted to your mother?
00:45:07Of course.
00:45:09As one student of human nature to another, may I speak frankly?
00:45:13Go ahead.
00:45:14In some cases, filial devotion to a mother goes beyond the borderline of normality.
00:45:19It can frequently produce hallucinations.
00:45:23Did you say hallucinations?
00:45:26Do not be offended. I'm merely stating a theory.
00:45:29Let go!
00:45:30Please don't agitate yourself. I'm only trying to help you.
00:45:33I don't need a psychiatrist.
00:45:35But you do.
00:45:36I believe it is your emotional aversion to your mother's remarriage
00:45:39which produces these neurotic symptoms.
00:45:41I'm sure I can cure you in a very short time.
00:45:44I would like you to place yourself under my care at Restview.
00:45:49That's a sanitarium for mental cases.
00:45:52Yes, but I wouldn't consider you a patient.
00:45:54Merely a guest.
00:45:56Well, that's right of you.
00:45:58Good night, Professor.
00:46:01I'm sorry.
00:46:02I assure you I meant no offense.
00:46:04May I see you a moment, Doctor?
00:46:09I'll be right back, Paul.
00:46:13The boy's agitation reveals an emotional influence
00:46:16which should be corrected immediately.
00:46:18I hope you can persuade him.
00:46:21I'll speak to him.
00:46:36The same words as your dream, weren't they?
00:46:39It's extraordinary.
00:46:47Those two are mixed up together somehow, Doc.
00:46:51Do you believe that stuff?
00:46:53I've read about it in textbooks.
00:46:55And according to him, I've got him.
00:46:57He seems to think so.
00:46:58What else did he say, Doc?
00:47:00Well, he wanted me to ask you to go to his sanitarium
00:47:03and let him analyze you.
00:47:05You know, Doc, that might not be a bad idea.
00:47:08But I don't think it's necessary.
00:47:10But, Doc, I might find out something up there.
00:47:13But, Paul, if those two men are what you think they are,
00:47:16they'd be mighty dangerous.
00:47:18Well, you could come up every day
00:47:19and keep an eye on me, couldn't you?
00:47:21Besides, it might be a good way to stall for time.
00:47:23I'd make Mother promise not to marry Curtis till I got back.
00:47:26And meanwhile, you could take these to Armstrong
00:47:28and get him to analyze them,
00:47:29their fingerprints off a water glass.
00:47:35I'll talk to Muldbach.
00:47:38Paul, you're a very clever boy.
00:47:40Thanks, Doc.
00:47:41I'd be in a tough spot without you.
00:47:43Maybe we're both crazy.
00:47:47Then again, maybe we're not.
00:47:50It's a lovely room, isn't it, Paul?
00:47:52Very nice.
00:47:53I hope you'll find it comfortable.
00:47:55My routine is a simple one, a few heart-to-heart talks,
00:47:58plenty of food and rest.
00:48:00Believe me, Mrs. Cartwright,
00:48:01you'll return home a healthier and happier boy.
00:48:03I'm sure you will.
00:48:05Goodbye, darling.
00:48:07Don't read too much.
00:48:09You'll take good care of him, won't you, Professor?
00:48:11Of course, madame.
00:48:13I'll see you later.
00:48:17Of course, madame.
00:48:19I'll drop in tomorrow and see how he's getting along.
00:48:21Please do, Doctor.
00:48:22I'm always happy to have the cooperation of my colleagues.
00:48:25Goodbye, Paul.
00:48:26I'll see you tomorrow.
00:48:27Goodbye, Doc.
00:48:28Goodbye, Francis.
00:48:29Goodbye, darling.
00:48:31I'll see you later.
00:50:16Well, uh, I forgot my tennis shoes.
00:50:19Do you happen to know where I could get a pair?
00:50:21I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:50:46Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:50:48I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:50:51Well, uh, I forgot my tennis shoes.
00:50:53Do you happen to know where I could get a pair?
00:50:55I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:50:58Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:00I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:03Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:05I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:08Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:10I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:13Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:15I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:18Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:20I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:23Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:25I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:28Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:30I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:33Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:35I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:38Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:40I'm sure Professor Muelbach can lend you some.
00:51:43Well, uh, I don't know where I could get a pair.
00:51:45That's a funny place to hang your coat.
00:51:46Oh, I got tired of looking at myself.
00:51:48Same old face.
00:51:49Touc of infuriary, eh?
00:51:50We'll overcome that.
00:51:55I encourage tidiness as much as possible.
00:51:59Orderly room, orderly mind.
00:52:01I hope you have a good appetite for lunch.
00:52:03Pretty fair.
00:52:04Anything special you prefer?
00:52:05Well, I'm not fussy, Professor.
00:52:08That's a nice garden you have.
00:52:11Gardening is my hobby, I'm very proud of my flowers.
00:52:12How about the rest of the place? Do you have many patients?
00:52:16Quite a few, but don't let your mind dwell on that.
00:52:19We are facing in the direction of normality.
00:52:21I hope you will have complete confidence in me.
00:52:24I will ask you many personal questions.
00:52:26You must be truthful and accurate in your replies.
00:52:28That's important.
00:52:30Remember, we're friends.
00:52:32Just call the office if you want anything.
00:52:34Is it all right if I use the phone to call outside?
00:52:36Certainly. Feel free to call anyone you wish.
00:52:41I'll see you at lunch.
00:52:47I'd like to get Waynefield 1531, please.
00:52:52Hello, Vixen. What's mixing?
00:52:54Oh, Paul. Where are you?
00:52:56I'm up at Middleborough getting my brain unscrambled.
00:52:59It's all very scientific.
00:53:01Cures hives and hangnails and improves the disposition, it says here.
00:53:04Are you missing my kissing?
00:53:07Was that some kind of code?
00:53:09No, just juvenile vernacular.
00:53:11What places the significance?
00:53:13Young romance in the modern manner.
00:53:15Romance, I see.
00:55:401, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:55:421, 2, 3, 4
00:55:451, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:55:471, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:55:491, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:56:019, 3, 4, 9, 6
00:56:03I'll get you a sedative.
00:56:04Go to your room.
00:56:05We don't permit the patients to wander
00:56:06through the corridors at night.
00:56:08Well, I'm not a patient.
00:56:09I'm a guest.
00:56:13I must admit, the boy puzzles me.
00:56:15I can learn nothing from him except that he suspects you.
00:56:18I'm sure he knows your Barrington.
00:56:19Now, he arrived at that conjecture, I don't know.
00:56:22From his father's files, I found the Barrington
00:56:24photo in his room.
00:56:25I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:26I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:27I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:28I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:29I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:30I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:31I'm sure it's the one.
00:56:32I found the Barrington folder in his desk.
00:56:35The boy's as persistent as his father was.
00:56:38I won't be in a clearance till I get
00:56:40squared with the entire family.
00:56:43It'll be quite ironic, won't it?
00:56:45The elusive Barrington, married to the widow
00:56:47of the Honorable Judge Albert Cartwright.
00:56:49He won't be appalled to know this.
00:56:51Right now, his main idea is to delay the marriage.
00:56:53He's managed that already.
00:56:55She promised him not to marry me until he returns.
00:56:58There must be some way to overcome that.
00:57:00I have some pretext to leave town,
00:57:01then persuade her to join you.
00:57:02You should have sufficient influence to overcome
00:57:04her promise to the boy.
00:57:06I will detain him here as long as possible.
00:57:08As soon as I have word from you that the ceremony
00:57:10has been performed, his troublesome opposition
00:57:13can be eliminated.
00:57:15How do you propose to do it?
00:57:18I will attend to it.
00:57:22Come in.
00:57:24Mr. Curtis, ma'am.
00:57:25Oh, Brad.
00:57:28I didn't expect you so early.
00:57:30I had to see you, dear.
00:57:32I have to go to Washington on business.
00:57:34Oh, darling, what a shame.
00:57:35I want you to come with me.
00:57:37We can stop off at Richmond and be married.
00:57:39I couldn't do that, Brad.
00:57:40I promised Paul.
00:57:42Are you going to let Paul spoil things between us, Virginia?
00:57:45Darling, don't even think such a thing.
00:57:47Then come with me.
00:57:48We'll turn the trip into a honeymoon.
00:57:51Couldn't we wait till Paul gets back?
00:57:53I'd feel so much better about it.
00:57:55Virginia, from the first moment we met,
00:57:57everything went perfectly between us.
00:57:59Then Paul came home, and you began to change.
00:58:03We announced our engagement.
00:58:05Everything will go as we planned.
00:58:06Let's go down and get the license
00:58:08and have it over with today, right now.
00:58:11I couldn't.
00:58:13Very well, then.
00:58:14Just as you wish.
00:58:16I'll be leaving this afternoon.
00:58:18I'll be gone for several weeks.
00:58:20Brad, do you really have to go?
00:58:22Perhaps it'll be just as well if you have
00:58:24time to think this out alone.
00:58:26I want you to be sure of your feelings, Virginia.
00:58:28But I am sure.
00:58:30You know that.
00:58:31Then why not marry me and stop worrying about Paul?
00:58:34I can't help being concerned about him, Brett.
00:58:36He's my own boy.
00:58:38But he's getting the best of care.
00:58:40You'll back will have him well again in no time.
00:58:43Let's call him up and find out how he's getting along.
00:58:51Of course, he's doing splendidly, madame.
00:58:53You have no cause to worry.
00:58:55I don't need to delay your marriage.
00:58:58Allow me to offer my felicitations.
00:59:08How long will it take you to check some fingerprints?
00:59:10Whose are they?
00:59:12Paul got them.
00:59:13He asked me to turn them over to you.
00:59:15He's a chip off the old block, all right.
00:59:17The judge hung on like a bulldog whenever he
00:59:19got his teeth into anything.
00:59:20That's right.
00:59:21I'll have these checked just to prove there's nothing to it.
00:59:24Let me see.
00:59:25Where does Curtis hail from?
00:59:27Oh, he's lived in Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, California.
00:59:31California's good.
00:59:32They get thumbprints on driver's licenses.
00:59:35Curtis says he doesn't drive.
00:59:36Well, we won't take his word for that.
00:59:38Check those with Washington, Tom, and try
00:59:40the California License Bureau.
00:59:42OK, chief.
00:59:43So long, doc.
00:59:44I'll let you know, doctor, if anything develops.
00:59:46Goodbye, Mr. Armstrong.
00:59:54What are we going to do with him, Dad?
00:59:57Well, it's all right.
00:59:58I'll take care of this.
00:59:59I know it's going to be a long day, but I've got to go.
01:00:03Let's go, son.
01:00:04I'll get that for you, son.
01:00:05Good boy.
01:00:06Good boy.
01:00:07I'm glad you're all right, son.
01:00:08Good boy.
01:00:09Thank you, Curtis.
01:00:10Good boy.
01:00:11Thank you, Curtis.
01:00:12Thank you, Curtis.
01:00:13Good boy.
01:00:14Thank you, son.
01:00:16Good boy.
01:00:17Come on, son.
01:00:18Good boy.
01:00:19Good boy.
01:00:20Good boy.
01:00:21Hey, boy.
01:00:22I really like you.
01:00:23of having a nightmare.
01:00:24Can you tell me about it?
01:00:25Only that something dangerous was going to happen.
01:00:28Do you have such dreams often?
01:00:31Can you remember anything definite about them?
01:00:34The train, my father's death.
01:00:37I dream of that often.
01:00:39I understand, of course.
01:00:40Shocking accident.
01:00:42It preys on your mind.
01:00:43It wasn't an accident, Professor.
01:00:46It was murder.
01:00:48That was never proven.
01:00:49You have some theories on the subject?
01:00:52Indeed, I should be interested in hearing them.
01:00:54I'd rather not talk about them now, Professor.
01:00:56It gives me a headache.
01:00:58Very well, Paul.
01:00:59Now what would you like to do by way of diversion?
01:01:02Oh, I see you have some binoculars.
01:01:03They must be good ones.
01:01:04They are excellent.
01:01:05Would you like to examine them?
01:01:06Could I?
01:01:07Of course, go right ahead.
01:01:09There you go.
01:01:27Oh, they're swell.
01:01:29I'd like to take a good look.
01:01:30Come along.
01:01:31You can see Waynefield through them from the roof.
01:01:39Over here, Paul, you can see the ferry crossing the river.
01:01:52What's that building down there?
01:02:02Just an abandoned farm.
01:02:04Over this way, Paul.
01:02:05See the ferry?
01:02:06You can almost distinguish the people's faces on the deck.
01:02:07Nice binoculars.
01:02:17Yes, they are.
01:02:24Well, there's Dr. Vinson.
01:02:25We'd better go down.
01:02:26Yes, sir.
01:02:27Would you mind going to your room?
01:02:28I'd like to have a talk with the doctor.
01:02:55I'm very glad you came, Doctor.
01:02:57I'm having a little difficulty.
01:02:58I feel there's something on Paul's mind
01:03:00which he does not confide to me.
01:03:02If there's something you know, you may speak freely.
01:03:05All I know is he has nightmares about his father.
01:03:07That he has told me, but he will not say any more.
01:03:09His reticence hinders my diagnosis.
01:03:12If you could persuade him to discuss these matters
01:03:14more fully, it would be of great assistance.
01:03:18I'll see what I can do.
01:03:19Where is Paul?
01:03:20In his room.
01:03:23Show Dr. Vincent to Cartwright's room, please.
01:03:39Come in.
01:03:43Hello, Doc.
01:03:44How are you, Paul?
01:03:45Sure glad to see you.
01:03:46How's mother?
01:03:47A little worried about you, otherwise all right.
01:03:49I saw her this morning.
01:03:50Well, Professor Muehlbach's a good host.
01:03:52I'm enjoying it here.
01:03:52That's fine.
01:03:53Oh, look, Doc.
01:03:55I found something in Plato I'd like to show you.
01:04:08Oh, yes.
01:04:12Great chap, Plato.
01:04:14Modern today as he was in his own time.
01:04:21Paul, how'd you like to take a little ride with me?
01:04:23Well, that depends on Professor Muehlbach.
01:04:25We'll have to ask him.
01:04:26Well, let's do that.
01:04:33Well, how do you find your patient, Doctor?
01:04:34He looks rested, but I'd like to take him
01:04:36for a drive in the fresh air so he won't feel shut in here.
01:04:38That is, if you have no objections.
01:04:40Not at all, provided you don't keep him out too long.
01:04:43Oh, a half hour or so.
01:04:44We'll take a drive through the hills.
01:04:45This is beautiful country.
01:04:47I trust you will urge Paul to relax and talk more freely.
01:04:51I'm very anxious for him to get straightened out
01:04:53so he can go back to school.
01:04:54If he falls any further behind, I'm
01:04:57afraid he'll overwork again.
01:04:58Of course.
01:04:59Well, come along, Paul.
01:05:00We won't be long.
01:05:09That was luck.
01:05:10I didn't think he'd let me go.
01:05:12He couldn't very well refuse.
01:05:14I saw Armstrong.
01:05:15He's having the prints checked.
01:05:17And Paul, while I was at the city hall,
01:05:20I saw your mother and Curtis go into the marriage
01:05:22license bureau.
01:05:23But Doc, she promised me.
01:05:25I know how you feel.
01:05:26It hasn't been easy for me to accept this situation either.
01:05:29Maybe you won't have to.
01:05:31What do you mean?
01:05:32There's an abandoned farm building near here,
01:05:33exactly like in my dream.
01:05:35I saw it from the roof.
01:05:36Paul, one ramshackle old building
01:05:38looks much like another.
01:05:39Maybe, but something very strange
01:05:42happened on that roof this afternoon.
01:05:45I had a feeling that Neil Bach was going to shove
01:05:47me off when you drove up.
01:05:49Are you sure you're not just imagining these things, Paul?
01:05:52Sure, I'm sure.
01:05:53And I'll tell you something else, too.
01:05:54Curtis drove himself up here last night.
01:05:56Curtis driving?
01:05:58That's strange.
01:05:59He told me he couldn't drive.
01:06:00I know.
01:06:01That's why I got the license number.
01:06:02I thought maybe you could find out who owns the car.
01:06:14I don't know.
01:06:15I don't know.
01:06:16I don't know.
01:06:17I don't know.
01:06:18I don't know.
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01:09:33I don't know.
01:09:34I don't know.
01:09:35I don't know.
01:09:36I don't know.
01:09:37I don't know.
01:09:40Miss Coltrane.
01:09:41Where are you?
01:09:43Out here.
01:09:44We have a visitor.
01:09:46Hello, Levia.
01:09:47Hello, Mr. Cartwright.
01:09:48Well, goodbye.
01:09:50That's strange.
01:09:52What on Earth happened?
01:09:55She just came looking for Dorothy.
01:09:56What did Dr. Stone say?
01:09:58Dr. Stone.
01:09:59Oh, yes.
01:10:00He's busy all day today in the sea thing.
01:10:03But I made an appointment for noon tomorrow.
01:10:05Oh, good.
01:10:06Why not go to that little inn where we first had dinner together?
01:10:11Brad, I'd rather not go out tonight.
01:10:13I've got packing to do and a few letters to write.
01:10:16I'll just have dinner on a tray in my room with Dorothy, and tell her the news.
01:10:20She goes back to school on Monday, and I won't have another chance to see her.
01:10:24I hope I may look forward to your exclusive attention on our honeymoon, Mrs. Curtis.
01:10:28Well, you shouldn't call me that, not yet.
01:10:30It's very unlucky, you know.
01:10:32With all the luck I have, I can afford to be reckless.
01:10:37I'll phone you later, darling.
01:10:54Come in.
01:10:58Hello, darling.
01:11:00Is anything wrong?
01:11:01No, dear.
01:11:02You've been crying.
01:11:04It's just my nerves, that's all.
01:11:05Benjamin's going to bring supper up here.
01:11:07I thought it'd be nice and cozy, just the two of us.
01:11:10Come on, sit down, darling.
01:11:12Something is wrong.
01:11:14You're lacking.
01:11:16Dorothy, Brett and I are going to be married tomorrow.
01:11:20Married tomorrow?
01:11:24For a minute, I thought you'd quarreled with him.
01:11:26Brett has to go to Washington on business.
01:11:28We decided to make it a honeymoon.
01:11:31He's breaking my word to Paul.
01:11:34That's what has me upset, I guess.
01:11:36I'm worried about him.
01:11:38Oh, now, don't be foolish.
01:11:40After all, it's your life.
01:11:42Paul won't mind, as long as you're happy.
01:11:44Where's he going to be?
01:11:46What are you going to wear?
01:11:48I'm going to be there, of course.
01:11:49Of course you are, dear.
01:11:50You're going to be my bridesmaid.
01:11:52Oh, darling, that's marvelous.
01:11:54What'll I wear?
01:11:55Oh, just something simple.
01:11:56Your blue dress.
01:11:57We're going to be married at the minister's house,
01:11:59and then we'll leave you at the Allens.
01:12:01Brett and I will go up to the cottage for a day or two
01:12:03and then we'll go to Washington.
01:12:04What did he say?
01:12:05Did he kneel down?
01:12:06Of course not, silly.
01:12:07But he was very determined about not leaving me here.
01:12:10Oh, Brett is so masterful.
01:12:13You'll write to me, won't you?
01:12:14Of course.
01:12:16Every day.
01:12:18That's the story, Mr. Armstrong.
01:12:20And strange as it sounds, you must admit
01:12:22it's not just a figment of Paul's imagination.
01:12:24Well, I've run across some strange disclosures in my career,
01:12:26but the stream detection beats anything I've ever heard.
01:12:31Want me?
01:12:32You bet.
01:12:34Hey, where did this come from?
01:12:35Paul Cartwright dug it up on an abandoned farm in Middleborough,
01:12:38near the mule bark place.
01:12:40Well, I'll be doggone.
01:12:41All we need now is the truck that goes with it.
01:12:43Better start a search up there.
01:12:45Send the car out.
01:12:46Any news on the fingerprints?
01:12:47No, not yet.
01:12:48Put in a call and speed it up.
01:12:50Miss Farber, didn't you get that number yet?
01:12:53It must answer.
01:12:54Lydia's waiting to hear from me.
01:13:03What do you mean by disconnecting the phone
01:13:05when I'm trying to get a call through?
01:13:07I want you to be absolutely quiet.
01:13:09You are agitated.
01:13:10I was afraid your outing today would be too much for you.
01:13:13I'm getting out of this place, but quick.
01:13:15Not in your present condition, my boy.
01:13:17You are hysterical.
01:13:18I couldn't possibly allow you to leave in such a state.
01:13:21Allow me?
01:13:22You don't think you can keep me here if I want to go, do you?
01:13:26Well, I don't think so.
01:13:29You don't think you can keep me here if I want to go, do you?
01:13:32I'm afraid that may be necessary.
01:13:34You seem to be forgetting that I'm a guest.
01:13:37All my patients are guests.
01:13:39Sit down, my dear boy, and calm yourself.
01:13:42Tell me, what has upset you?
01:13:45Was it something you found at that farm
01:13:47where you went this afternoon?
01:13:50You followed us.
01:13:51I observed you from the roof with the binoculars.
01:13:54All right, since you know so much.
01:13:56We found the truck that killed my father.
01:13:58The police ought to have the evidence by now,
01:14:00and I know you and Curtis were mixed up in it.
01:14:02Again, you're having hallucinations.
01:14:15Oh, hello, Professor.
01:14:16Where have you been?
01:14:17I've been trying to reach you for the past hour.
01:14:19I went to the station for tickets.
01:14:20We're being married tomorrow noon.
01:14:22That's impossible now.
01:14:23I'll explain when I see you.
01:14:25I'll be in half an hour at the east end of the golf course.
01:14:28I'll be there.
01:14:36I don't like to exaggerate Paul's danger, Mr. Armstrong,
01:14:39but that place up there gives me the creeps.
01:14:41I'm uneasy about the boy.
01:14:43Why does everything take so long?
01:14:45It's the machinery of the law, Doctor.
01:14:46It's much better than it used to be.
01:14:54The car driven by Curtis is registered under the name of Charlotte Farber.
01:14:57Does that name mean anything to you, Doctor?
01:14:59Why, yes.
01:15:00She's Mubach's secretary, eh?
01:15:02Put a blanket out for her.
01:15:03Get going.
01:15:06The California Motor Vehicles has a thumbprint on Brett Curtis.
01:15:10It matches the print taken from the body in the mine
01:15:12identified as Barrington.
01:15:14That means Curtis was killed in the mine, not Barrington.
01:15:16Paul was right.
01:15:17And Barrington is just cunning enough to pull something like that, too.
01:15:20Then it is unlikely that Curtis could be Barrington.
01:15:25Well, Chief, we got what's left of the truck,
01:15:27buried under a ton of hay.
01:15:28Any fingerprints?
01:15:29Yep, in the tool compartment.
01:15:31Compare those.
01:15:37They match all right.
01:15:39They match the Curtis prints Paul got from the water glass.
01:15:42Well, are you satisfied?
01:15:43Go to the country club.
01:15:45Pick up Brett Curtis.
01:15:46Suspicion of murder. Cartwright case.
01:15:48Aye, Chief.
01:15:50We've got to get to that boy, Armstrong.
01:15:52Bluback and Curtis are working together,
01:15:54and there's no telling what may have happened to him by this time.
01:15:56Everything about place said Middleburg.
01:16:01Now, don't worry, Doctor. We'll find out in a few minutes.
01:16:14Hello, Dorothy. What are you doing here?
01:16:16Princess told me about tomorrow.
01:16:18Oh, Brett, I'm so thrilled.
01:16:20Mother's going to let me be your bridesmaid.
01:16:22Isn't that wonderful?
01:16:23I thought we might drive down to the florist
01:16:25and get dozens of roses and take them to the cottage.
01:16:27I want to do something special,
01:16:29and I'm sure the princes would love it.
01:16:32That's a charming idea, Dorothy.
01:16:34I should have thought of that myself.
01:16:35Well, then, let's go.
01:16:36Now, just a moment.
01:16:38I was going to meet somebody here.
01:16:41But I'll, uh, I'll leave a note for him.
01:16:43Don't be long.
01:16:45That's strange.
01:16:47Come on, Doctor. My car is downstairs.
01:16:50Let's go.
01:17:21Professor Newback?
01:17:23Mr. Curtis asked me to give this to you.
01:17:50Open up!
01:18:11Open up!
01:18:15What's the meaning of this?
01:18:16How dare you break in? This is private property.
01:18:18From what far we know,
01:18:19we're just nuts looking for a padded cell.
01:18:21Where's the Cartwright boys?
01:18:22I know nothing. I'm just an employee here.
01:18:24Well, we'll just have to go around breaking down doors.
01:18:26You have no right to search this place.
01:18:28You have no warrant.
01:18:29The district attorney wants Paul Cartwright,
01:18:31and he wants him alive.
01:18:32Of course he's alive. He's in his room.
01:18:34Which room?
01:18:35The first one down the hall, but it's locked.
01:18:36Do you have a key?
01:18:37No. Professor Newback has the key.
01:18:39He's out for the evening.
01:18:41Slade, take this woman in custody.
01:18:43Hold her as a material witness.
01:18:45Come on, Langdon.
01:18:51I'm afraid we're too late.
01:18:52I'm not so sure. Look at this.
01:18:55Good Lord. He got away.
01:18:57I hope.
01:19:01There's no connection here.
01:19:02We can call from the search board.
01:19:10I'm afraid we're too late.
01:19:11I'm not so sure. Look at this.
01:19:13Good Lord. He got away.
01:19:15I hope.
01:19:22Are you calling his home?
01:19:23No, I'm calling Lydia.
01:19:24I don't know when to alarm Virginia just yet
01:19:25but Curtis may be there.
01:19:26That's right.
01:19:27I better have the Cartwright house covered.
01:19:30Hello, Lydia.
01:19:32Yes. This is Dr. Benson. I'm up at Moon Box.
01:19:34We've been trying to get you at Mr. Armstrong's office.
01:19:37Paul's here.
01:19:39Hello, Doc.
01:19:40Oh sure, I got out.
01:19:43I knew it! Boy, this is really it.
01:19:44What is it?
01:19:45Hello, Lydia.
01:19:46Paul come home for the wedding?
01:19:47What do you mean, wedding?
01:19:48Well, don't you know?
01:19:49Mrs. Cardwright's marrying that dupe Curtis,
01:19:51the first thing tomorrow.
01:19:52How do you know?
01:19:53Well, I saw Dorothy and Curtis come out of the forest
01:19:55with a big box, and they drove off in her car.
01:19:57Mike Peppis told me they were going up to decorate the cottage
01:19:59on account of Mrs. Cardwright.
01:20:00Curtis and Dorothy have gone up to the cottage alone?
01:20:03Listen, Paul.
01:20:04Just a minute, Doc.
01:20:05Curtis and Dorothy have gone up to the cottage together alone.
01:20:08Doc, my sister and Curtis went up to Lakewood.
01:20:11She's alone with them.
01:20:12Mulebot knows the police have happened.
01:20:13Anything can happen.
01:20:14We're getting out there.
01:20:15So long.
01:20:16Where's the car?
01:20:16It's outside.
01:20:17Lydia, you better stay here.
01:20:18Not me, I'm coming with you.
01:20:19Well, why doesn't somebody tell me something?
01:20:22Oh, my God.
01:20:23Oh, my God.
01:20:24Oh, my God.
01:20:25Oh, my God.
01:20:26Oh, my God.
01:20:27Oh, my God.
01:20:28Oh, my God.
01:20:29Oh, my God.
01:20:30Oh, my God.
01:20:31Oh, my God.
01:20:32Oh, my God.
01:20:33Oh, my God.
01:20:34Oh, my God.
01:20:35Oh, my God.
01:20:36Oh, my God.
01:20:37Oh, my God.
01:20:38Oh, my God.
01:20:39Oh, my God.
01:20:40Oh, my God.
01:20:41Oh, my God.
01:20:42Oh, my God.
01:20:43Oh, my God.
01:20:44Oh, my God.
01:20:45Oh, my God.
01:20:46Oh, my God.
01:20:47Oh, my God.
01:20:48Oh, my God.
01:20:49Oh, my God.
01:20:50Oh, my God.
01:20:51Oh, my God.
01:20:52Oh, my God.
01:21:03He must have turned off.
01:21:05I don't see him.
01:21:06Better backtrack.
01:21:20You don't have to.
01:21:31Put up your hands and get out.
01:21:33What's the meaning of this?
01:21:36You're under arrest, Marge.
01:21:37This is an outrage.
01:21:39You must be mistaking me for someone else.
01:21:40Come along.
01:21:41Of course, the princess will arrange them all over again.
01:21:42She can make flowers look as if they just grew out of a vase.
01:21:44The princess will arrange them all over again.
01:21:46She can make flowers look as if they just grew out of a vase.
01:21:50Well, we'd better be starting back, Fred.
01:21:53What about a ride and a lunch?
01:21:56It's perfect out on the lake.
01:21:59There are a million stars floating on the water,
01:22:01and the crescent moon looks like something out of Omar Khayyam.
01:22:06Fred, you are the most romantic person.
01:22:09Most men around here never even heard of Omar Khayyam.
01:22:12If they did, they'd think he's a Turkish wrestler or something.
01:22:15Mother's really lucky.
01:22:17I'm glad you think so.
01:22:19Why are you looking at me like that?
01:22:22Because you're very lovely in the moonlight.
01:22:25Oh, everybody is.
01:22:26But I adore compliments.
01:22:28The best I ever got from George was,
01:22:30oh, come on, you look all right.
01:22:32You know, Brett, I've grown out of that crowd.
01:22:34I don't know what I ever saw in them.
01:22:37I'm really quite poetic and all.
01:22:39Only it's positively legal to let anybody know about it in our crowd.
01:22:42They simply jeer.
01:22:47I heard a car, didn't you?
01:22:49Probably out on the main highway.
01:22:51Come on.
01:22:54But, Omar, I'm so tight.
01:22:56Oh, I'm sorry.
01:22:58The steps are so uneven, I was afraid you might fall.
01:23:00Really, Brett, I think we'd better not.
01:23:03I must be getting back.
01:23:04Mother will be worried.
01:23:05Where is your spirit of adventure?
01:23:07I thought you were romantic.
01:23:09All right.
01:23:11But we won't stay long.
01:23:23We're here, all right.
01:23:25There's no lights on in the house.
01:23:29There's a light in the boat house.
01:23:41They're in here.
01:23:42Come on, Eve.
01:23:46All right.
01:23:47All right, Barrington.
01:23:50You meddling fool.
01:24:20It's clearing now.
01:24:22Look, Mother, we can see ahead.
01:24:26No, Virginia.
01:24:28Don't look back.
01:24:29It's all over.
01:24:31Don't look back.
01:24:33It's all over.
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