• 4 years ago


00:02:04Hi, this morning, boys.
00:02:06Hi, Pop.
00:02:07How are you?
00:02:08Hello, Mr. Miller.
00:02:15You ain't fixin' to go into the ropin', are you, Pop?
00:02:17I sure am.
00:02:18Better not.
00:02:19It's gonna be rough.
00:02:20Well, that's just what I'm hopin', Doobie.
00:02:22Now, look, you're liable to get hurt.
00:02:24See here, Sonny,
00:02:26I can rope calves better with my left hand
00:02:28than you young'uns can with both hands.
00:02:30Now, look, Pop, we mean it.
00:02:32We know you're good,
00:02:33but you're not as young as you used to be.
00:02:35After that tumble you took the other day...
00:02:37Listen, that wasn't my fault.
00:02:38And I didn't get hurt no how, did I?
00:02:40Maybe not, but it shook you up plenty.
00:02:42This is the last day.
00:02:43No use crowdin' your luck.
00:02:45You get pitched off
00:02:46and it's liable to break you in two.
00:02:48Listen, Blub,
00:02:49I've had so many bones broken
00:02:50I'm practically glued together.
00:02:52Now, all you young'uns have to do
00:02:54is to take care of yourselves
00:02:55and keep out of my way when I get in there.
00:02:58Here you are, Blub.
00:03:04It's gonna be a cinch for you, Pop.
00:03:06They're just scared you're gonna beat them.
00:03:08That's the spirit, Jerry.
00:03:32His leg is broken.
00:03:34It'll have to be destroyed.
00:03:36No, no.
00:03:37No, I won't let you.
00:03:38No, it'll have to be done, old man.
00:03:39Don't you understand?
00:03:40Why, we can't fix a horse's broken leg.
00:03:42No, I won't let you.
00:03:43Don't let him do it, Pop.
00:03:45No, I won't, Jerry.
00:03:46Look, Kristen,
00:03:47don't you understand?
00:03:49Briar's my living.
00:03:51More than only that.
00:03:53But he's my horse.
00:03:55Don't you understand what that means to me?
00:03:58You can't shoot him now.
00:04:01you've got to give me a chance
00:04:03to do something for him.
00:04:04Let me keep him until morning.
00:04:06If I can't do anything for him by then,
00:04:08you can handle him any way you want to.
00:04:11But I've got to have a chance for him.
00:04:14And I promise you this, Mr.
00:04:16I won't let Briar suffer.
00:04:18I just want to help him.
00:04:20You can't do this.
00:04:26All right.
00:04:28All right, old man.
00:04:34Now, you're going to be all right, Briar.
00:04:36All you have to do is just take it easy.
00:04:51Well, how are you, boy?
00:04:52I got some of the boys, Gary,
00:04:53to help us load him into the trailer.
00:04:55Put the sling under him
00:04:56till we get him to a vet.
00:04:57And you're going to stay in the back
00:04:58and you keep awake.
00:04:59I sure will, Pop.
00:05:00All right.
00:05:01Now, come on, men.
00:05:02We'll ease him up easy now.
00:05:04Come on.
00:05:05Help me with that, Al.
00:06:07It was a lovely service.
00:06:08Thank you, Mrs. Crawford.
00:06:09It's nice to have you back again.
00:06:11It's becoming a habit.
00:06:13I guess it's the minister.
00:06:15I tried to telephone you yesterday.
00:06:16I hope I'm not too late with my invitation.
00:06:19Can you come to dinner?
00:06:21Sandra and I would both love to have you.
00:06:23I'm sorry.
00:06:24I promised Mrs. Crawford,
00:06:25that is, your sister-in-law,
00:06:26that I'd have dinner at home today.
00:06:27Pamela's coming over.
00:06:30Oh, I'm sure that'll be very nice.
00:06:32Well, can we steal you for supper?
00:06:34You see, Sandy's only home weekends.
00:06:37We'd so enjoy having you.
00:06:39If I can, I'll let you know.
00:06:40I'm going to call you to make sure.
00:06:42All right.
00:06:43Bye, Sandy.
00:06:46That was a fine message this morning.
00:06:48This may be your first pastorate,
00:06:49but you're doing good work, my boy.
00:06:51A little unconventional and two-fisted,
00:06:53but that's what we've needed for a long time.
00:06:55Thank you, Mr. Payne.
00:06:56I have to say what I feel.
00:06:57And let the chips fall where they may.
00:07:00I am for you, young fellow.
00:07:02Goodbye, Mr. Payne.
00:07:05Reverend Owens,
00:07:06your sermon this morning was the best yet.
00:07:08Thank you, Mrs. Crawford.
00:07:09And your organ playing's the finest I've heard
00:07:11in the six months I've been here.
00:07:14It wasn't any better, was it, David?
00:07:16The collection, I mean.
00:07:17No, the building fund still has only $96.40 in it.
00:07:21It wasn't fair to put such a load on you
00:07:23and your first church.
00:07:24I asked for it.
00:07:25I knew the church was in trouble when I accepted the job,
00:07:28but I thought I could solve the problem.
00:07:29Right now, I'm not so sure.
00:07:31But I haven't given up yet.
00:07:32If only some of the members who can would loosen up.
00:07:35I heard Charlie Kane giving you three cheers
00:07:37instead of $500.
00:07:39I'll have to beat that situation.
00:07:40Mr. Kane says I'm unconventional.
00:07:42If he and the congregation only knew
00:07:43how unconventional I could be to save that church.
00:07:46Aunt Frances could do it in a minute if she wanted to.
00:07:50And I know how she could be persuaded.
00:07:53Marry her.
00:07:54Marry her?
00:07:55She certainly wants that.
00:07:56Marry her?
00:07:57Why not?
00:07:58She's young and loaded with money.
00:08:00But she guards very carefully?
00:08:01Except when she wants something.
00:08:03And she wants you.
00:08:04There must be a less drastic way than that.
00:08:06And besides, I don't like you trying to marry me off.
00:08:09I was in hopes you'd...
00:08:10Still, it is a solution, and she is beautiful.
00:08:16Oh, Parson.
00:08:20I got a horse here with a bad leg.
00:08:22Can you steer me to the nearest veterinary?
00:08:24There's no vet in Winona.
00:08:26See, the accident happened almost 24 hours ago,
00:08:29and he's suffering plenty already.
00:08:31Well, that's too bad.
00:08:32Let's take a look at him.
00:08:33All right.
00:08:37Hello, son.
00:08:40What seems to be wrong with him?
00:08:42Well, I was contesting down at this Toulouse rodeo.
00:08:46Kind of got jammed up a little bit.
00:08:48Rodeo officials said he'd broke his leg
00:08:50and they wanted to shoot him.
00:08:52Of course, I couldn't let him do that,
00:08:54so I sneaked him out until I could find somebody
00:08:56to help me take care of him.
00:08:58Of course, he may not walk as good as he used to,
00:09:01but better than letting him die.
00:09:04Let's take him in the backyard and see what we can do for him.
00:09:08They said his leg was broken?
00:09:09Well, his foot was all twisted under him.
00:09:12Sure looked like it.
00:09:13What's your word, Parson?
00:09:15Well, his leg's not broken.
00:09:16There's this crack someplace I can't feel,
00:09:18and that I don't think.
00:09:20No, I think it's just a bad sprain.
00:09:23You know about horses?
00:09:25I've been handling them all my life.
00:09:27I was raised on a ranch.
00:09:28My father was a veterinary.
00:09:29Well, then I'd say that you were just a godsend to us.
00:09:32Keep him off his feet for five or six weeks
00:09:34and he'll be as good as new.
00:09:35You mean that, Parson?
00:09:36I'll bank on it.
00:09:37You had dinner yet?
00:09:40Oh, we figured to eat after we got Briar fixed up.
00:09:42Pamela, ask your mother to hold dinner for a little while.
00:09:44Have her set two more plates on the table for our guests.
00:09:46Of course.
00:09:47Oh, but Parson, we can't make it in.
00:09:49As long as you show your appreciation by eating a lot.
00:09:51Well, that won't be very hard to do.
00:09:53Didn't you tell me that there was a vet over at Dorchester?
00:09:57Yes, but we got plenty of room for him right here.
00:10:01What, you mean that you'll keep Briar here
00:10:03and that you'll treat him?
00:10:04Why, sure.
00:10:05We'll find a place for you and Carrie, too.
00:10:07Well, that's mighty swell of you, Parson.
00:10:10We can't let you do that.
00:10:12Of course, you don't know us.
00:10:13We're just a couple of tramps.
00:10:15At least I am, following rodeos,
00:10:17picking up a little bit of change.
00:10:19Well, we could be anybody.
00:10:21Yes, you could be, but I wouldn't worry about that.
00:10:23And there's another thing.
00:10:25Briar getting himself bunged up this way,
00:10:27just as I was starting to win,
00:10:29done me out of my prize money.
00:10:31I ain't got over about 10 or 15 bucks.
00:10:33Who said anything about money?
00:10:35I know that you don't make too much
00:10:38and try and spread it over the three of us.
00:10:41You know, Pop,
00:10:43as long as you're trying to do the right thing,
00:10:45you don't have to worry about what anybody says.
00:10:47You never have to worry about where the money's coming from.
00:10:49I guess you're right with that, Parson.
00:10:52We could rig up a sling right there in that garage.
00:10:54I don't have a car anyway.
00:10:56And after dinner, we'll send Gary up to the drugstore for a few minutes.
00:10:59That's mighty fine of you.
00:11:01Come on, I'll help you get him out of the trailer.
00:11:02All right.
00:11:13You're new here, aren't you?
00:11:15Yeah, I just got here.
00:11:16I thought so.
00:11:17I know most of the kids...
00:11:20I mean, boys and girls in this part of town.
00:11:22Are you going to live here?
00:11:24Yeah, I reckon so for a while anyway.
00:11:26Where did you come from?
00:11:28No place.
00:11:29Pop, that's my grandfather.
00:11:31He and I travel together.
00:11:32We're in show business.
00:11:33Oh, an act?
00:11:35No, none of that painted-up imitation business for us.
00:11:38We do the real stuff.
00:11:43calf-roping and everything.
00:11:44You mean you handle horses all the time?
00:11:46Do all that dangerous riding?
00:11:50I enter in the junior events sometimes.
00:11:52I've been riding since I was four years old.
00:11:54Well, that must be wonderful.
00:11:56I love horses.
00:11:57I love everything about them.
00:11:59Do you have any horses of your own?
00:12:01Do we?
00:12:02We've got the greatest horse in the world.
00:12:04He's a thoroughbred, a champion.
00:12:06And you're really going to stay here in a sleepy town like Winona?
00:12:10Well, Briar, that's our horse.
00:12:12He had an accident yesterday in Toulouse.
00:12:14He hurt his right foreleg.
00:12:16We're going to stay here until he gets well.
00:12:18Gee, I'd like to see him.
00:12:20Would you?
00:12:21Come on, I'll show him to you.
00:12:27Well, hello, little lady.
00:12:29I see you brought back more than medicine, Gary.
00:12:31Yes, sir.
00:12:32She's Sandra Crawford.
00:12:34She's Miss Palmer's cousin.
00:12:36She asked if she could see Briar.
00:12:38Well, she's more than welcome.
00:12:40He's beautiful, Mr. Miller.
00:12:42How is he?
00:12:43Will he be all right?
00:12:45I reckon so.
00:12:46That's the way we aim to make him anyhow.
00:12:48Could I...
00:12:49Can I touch him?
00:12:52Briar's a smart horse.
00:12:53He knows when he sees a pretty girl.
00:12:55And he likes them, just the same as Gary and me.
00:13:02What on earth are you doing here?
00:13:05I'm just...
00:13:06Back here with strange stablemen.
00:13:08People you shouldn't even be seen with.
00:13:10Mother, please.
00:13:11Sandra, I forbid you to talk to such people.
00:13:13I thought I saw you come in here.
00:13:14Now come along with me.
00:13:15It was all my fault, ma'am.
00:13:16I have no doubt.
00:13:17It was just because she wanted to come back here to see...
00:13:19Look, my dear, I need no information from you.
00:13:21Just a moment, ma'am.
00:13:22You see, Gary's no ordinary stableboy.
00:13:24And the little lady just came in to say hello to Briar.
00:13:27That's the horse.
00:13:28You see, we're rodeo performers.
00:13:30Oh, rodeo performers.
00:13:32Rodeo performers.
00:13:34Why, that's even...
00:13:35I wonder if Mr. O...
00:13:37Just what are you doing here?
00:13:39Well, you see, in the first place...
00:13:40Never mind, I don't care.
00:13:41Sandy, come on.
00:13:44That's the way to handle those kinds, son.
00:13:46Mrs. Crawford.
00:13:47Hello, Sandy.
00:13:48Oh, David.
00:13:49How nice.
00:13:50You'll have to excuse my appearance.
00:13:51I'm dressed to do a little veterinarian work.
00:13:54Yes, Mr. Miller's horse was injured yesterday.
00:13:56So I volunteered to take care of him.
00:13:59So they're friends of yours?
00:14:01Well, yes, for more than an hour now.
00:14:02Would you like to meet them?
00:14:05Mrs. Crawford, this is Pop Miller.
00:14:06One of the most famous rodeo stars in the country.
00:14:09I'm very happy to know you.
00:14:11We're honored, ma'am.
00:14:12And this is his grandson, Gary.
00:14:15Oh, we've met.
00:14:17Why don't you go in the house
00:14:18while we see what we can do for the horse?
00:14:20Pamela's here with her mother.
00:14:21Oh, Pamela's here.
00:14:22Oh, yes.
00:14:24Yes, come on.
00:14:25Mother, may I please stay and watch?
00:14:27Of course, darling.
00:14:28If Mr. Owens doesn't mind.
00:14:30Why, certainly.
00:14:31Glad to have you.
00:14:32We'll be in a little bit.
00:14:33All right.
00:14:37Hello, Pop.
00:14:38Evening, Parson.
00:14:39I see the church trustees are here already,
00:14:41but I thought I'd drop by and say hello to you and Briar.
00:14:45Well, he's doing just all right.
00:14:47He's doing fine.
00:14:50Well, I'll see you later.
00:15:06Something bothering you, Pop?
00:15:08You know, Parson, I've been doing a heap of thinking.
00:15:12We've been sponging on you too long already.
00:15:15And without money, you can't keep going on,
00:15:17no matter how good you've been to us.
00:15:20And another thing, I know that you've been getting in Dutch
00:15:23on account of us.
00:15:25I wouldn't worry about that.
00:15:26Well, you know, I've always been more or less
00:15:28of an independent cuss all my life,
00:15:31paving the way as it went along.
00:15:33Paving the way as it went along?
00:15:35I can't stop.
00:15:37Besides, I've figured out a way to fix things up.
00:15:41Well, I understand that they're starting a wild horse roundup
00:15:44over at Caldwell in a couple of days.
00:15:46I can go over there and pick myself up
00:15:48three or four hundred bucks.
00:15:50I've done it a lot of times before.
00:15:52How long ago, Pop?
00:15:53Oh, about 10, 15 years.
00:15:56You mean 25 or 30, don't you?
00:15:58No, Pop, that's too rugged for you.
00:16:01Not for me, it ain't.
00:16:02And besides, Parson, I've got to have some money.
00:16:05I want to send Gary to a real school.
00:16:08Sure you do, but that's not the way.
00:16:11Now, don't you worry about me.
00:16:13I can take care of myself all right.
00:16:15I know you can, but it's not a matter of days,
00:16:17it's a matter of weeks.
00:16:18No, Pop, you gotta promise me right here and now
00:16:20that you won't try it.
00:16:22Well, bless my soul.
00:16:24I didn't think that you'd be so dead set against it, Parson.
00:16:27I am.
00:16:28Will you promise me?
00:16:31I promise.
00:16:32The way you put it up to me, I can't hardly refuse you.
00:16:35That's better.
00:16:36Good night, Prior.
00:16:37Don't worry, Pop.
00:16:38Good night.
00:16:39Good night, Parson.
00:16:47Boy, it looks like it's gonna be tougher on you
00:16:49than it is on me.
00:16:51You're a bad bastard I hate to turn down a chance like this.
00:16:55But you know you can't argue with a fella
00:16:57that's been as good to us as the Parson has, can you?
00:17:01But Dad brushed it anyhow.
00:17:04Good night.
00:17:06Pastor, the board of trustees is solidly behind you,
00:17:10but very little disturbed.
00:17:13Now, as you know, in a town as small as ours,
00:17:17gossip is most undesirable.
00:17:20Gossip is always undesirable.
00:17:22It's one of the cheapest and lowest forms of conversation.
00:17:24Yes, of course, but I'm afraid you don't quite understand.
00:17:29Frankly, it's somewhat embarrassing
00:17:31to have our own pastor discussed unfavorably.
00:17:35Yes, there's talk not only of your close association
00:17:39with people who are, well, little more than vagabonds,
00:17:43circus followers, if you will,
00:17:45but that you keep them for weeks here in the Parsonage,
00:17:49precincts which, well, in a sense,
00:17:51should be considered almost as sacred as the church itself.
00:17:54Pop Miller and Gary certainly do not desecrate it,
00:17:56and I plan to let them stay as long as they need help.
00:17:59That, gentlemen, is my decision, and I plan to stand by it.
00:18:02I'm disappointed and sorry that you disapprove.
00:18:05This boy, he should be in school.
00:18:08Pop Miller knows the educational laws.
00:18:10He himself instructs Gary and sees that he studies.
00:18:13Uh, from what we know of him,
00:18:15he's hardly qualified as a teacher.
00:18:17But all this discussion is ridiculous.
00:18:19Yes, it is.
00:18:20I thought this meeting was called to discuss
00:18:22a far more important problem,
00:18:24one that reflects more discredit upon you men
00:18:26on the Board of Trustees
00:18:27than the presence of an old man does upon me.
00:18:29Now, just a moment, Pastor.
00:18:31In a few weeks, we face the loss of our church
00:18:33for one of a few thousand dollars.
00:18:35I think it would be much more the point
00:18:37if you gentlemen concentrated on that problem
00:18:39rather than whether I gave a helping hand
00:18:41to a small boy and a man who needs it.
00:18:43Promise or no promise?
00:18:45That's settled.
00:18:49Good night.
00:18:55You're rather rough on us, Pastor.
00:18:57More so than we like.
00:18:58I'm sorry. It was necessary.
00:19:01You, too, have a responsibility in this matter.
00:19:03I think I'm shorter in my responsibility.
00:19:05Are you? Entirely?
00:19:07You know, there's a way in which you could solve
00:19:09all the church's financial problems.
00:19:11Now, ordinarily, I wouldn't think of stepping
00:19:13into your personal affairs, but this is a crisis.
00:19:16And, uh, well, the widow Frances Crawford
00:19:19and her very obvious interest in you.
00:19:23You're stepping too far into my personal affairs.
00:19:25What you suggest is preposterous.
00:19:27Why? It is best for the minister to be married.
00:19:30And Mrs. Crawford is young, beautiful, charming,
00:19:34and wealthy.
00:19:36It's an insult to me and my integrity
00:19:38to suggest such a cold-blooded alliance.
00:19:40It would violate every ideal conception of marriage
00:19:42that I've held, with which I preach.
00:19:44Just a moment, Pastor.
00:19:45You want me to prevent a disaster
00:19:47caused by your neglect.
00:19:48My neglect?
00:19:49Look at Winona. It's a prosperous town.
00:19:51Your homes are beautiful.
00:19:52You've taken care of yourself while you've let your church
00:19:54slip into a financial and physical ruin.
00:19:57And you want me to save the pieces.
00:20:00My personal life is not on the auction block.
00:20:04I'm sorry, Pastor. Good night.
00:20:06Good night.
00:20:43Let me help you, Pop.
00:20:45Oh, thanks, son.
00:20:46Don't you think you've had about enough?
00:20:48You've taken a tough beat in the past couple of weeks.
00:20:50You're all beat up and tuckered out.
00:20:52Oh, I'm all right.
00:20:54I've been in more wild horse roundups than you've got years.
00:20:57Well, I wouldn't doubt that.
00:20:58But you'd be smart if you quit now and went home.
00:21:00You've made yourself a few dollars.
00:21:02Well, not many.
00:21:04Not near enough.
00:21:05I'll take it, Pop.
00:21:06No, it's fine.
00:21:07I'll take it, son.
00:21:30You come to the end of the trail.
00:21:37The sun settles down in the west.
00:21:46Shadows get along.
00:21:50Nightbirds sing their song.
00:21:55It's time for a well-deserved rest.
00:22:02Pretty soon little stars will say howdy.
00:22:11Then the man in the moon tells a tale.
00:22:20Skies nevermore will be cloudy
00:22:28when you come to the end of the trail.
00:22:37Go to sleep, old timer.
00:22:45Let your cares and your troubles set sail.
00:22:54The roundup is through.
00:22:58And your dreams will all come true
00:23:04when you come to the end of the trail.
00:24:17Must have hit his heart.
00:24:18I saw him fall.
00:24:21Looks like Pop's hurt pretty bad.
00:24:23I told him he had no business trying it.
00:24:25We better get him to a doctor, quick.
00:24:34Dear Gary, it's a swell roundup.
00:24:36I'm doing great and having a swell time.
00:24:39Tell a person I'm sorry I broke my promise
00:24:41and I couldn't help it.
00:24:43Be a good boy.
00:24:44See you next week.
00:24:46Mr. Ross!
00:24:47Mr. Ross!
00:24:48Why, his leg's as good as new.
00:24:49Is he really all cured?
00:24:51It's a card from Pop.
00:24:53Sir, that's good news.
00:24:54Gosh, won't he be tickled
00:24:55when he sees dryers well again?
00:24:57I can hardly wait until he gets back.
00:24:59And he feels the same way.
00:25:00You can bet on that.
00:25:01Can I really ride him today?
00:25:02I don't know why not.
00:25:03We've thrown the sling away.
00:25:05I'll help you saddle him.
00:25:07He's beautiful.
00:25:08The most beautiful horse I've ever seen.
00:25:11And he knows me.
00:25:12I bet he does, darling.
00:25:18Can you tell us where to find a doctor
00:25:20and the house of a preacher named Owens?
00:25:22Yes, sir.
00:25:23Mr. Owens lives right down the street,
00:25:24next to the church.
00:25:47What are his chances, doctor?
00:25:49Pretty serious.
00:25:50Here are the x-rays, doctor.
00:25:52They don't go in there.
00:25:54And keep an eye on the patient.
00:26:04He's been pretty badly mauled.
00:26:07The main trouble is his heart.
00:26:09Of course, he's got a chance to live,
00:26:11but it's a very slim one.
00:26:13He needs an oxygen tent and some special equipment
00:26:16as soon as possible.
00:26:18But this equipment is not to be found here.
00:26:21They may have it in Dorchester.
00:26:23If not, we'll have to send to Langdon for it.
00:26:25Send for it immediately.
00:26:27I will.
00:26:28Of course, you understand that with equipment of this type
00:26:31sent from outside, a substantial payment
00:26:34would have to be made when it is delivered.
00:26:36How much, doctor?
00:26:38In the neighborhood of $150.
00:26:40I see.
00:26:42The money will be here when the equipment arrives.
00:26:44Very well.
00:26:45I'll see to it at once.
00:26:46Thank you, doctor.
00:26:47What's the matter?
00:26:48Who's sick?
00:26:50It's grandfather.
00:26:51He's hurt.
00:26:52Your grandfather had an accident, Gary.
00:26:53Dr. Clark's doing everything he can to make him comfortable.
00:26:56I want to see him.
00:26:57He's sleeping now.
00:26:58We must not disturb him, boy.
00:27:01Thank you, doctor.
00:27:02Gary, get the doctor's hat, will you?
00:27:04Goodbye, doctor.
00:27:11Where are you going to get it, David?
00:27:13At the moment, I don't know.
00:27:15Yeah, I wish I could help, but it's only a wish.
00:27:18So often, the people there find it wonderful, like you.
00:27:21Like me?
00:27:22It's the generous ones who want to help and can't,
00:27:24while those who can't.
00:27:25Like Aunt Frances?
00:27:26Yeah, she's probably more against Pop than anyone else.
00:27:29But she's not against you, David.
00:27:31No, she isn't.
00:27:33I think I'll make a loan from your aunt.
00:27:42I'm surprised, David.
00:27:43You should ask me this favor.
00:27:45I'm not asking a favor, Mrs. Crawford.
00:27:47I'm requesting a loan.
00:27:48For someone who's caused me nothing but trouble.
00:27:51Caused trouble?
00:27:52You know very well, Sandra's been unmanageable
00:27:54since this old man and this wild boy came into town.
00:27:58There would be money thrown away.
00:28:00Very well.
00:28:01I was just thinking of an old man who's gasping away his life
00:28:04because nobody will help him.
00:28:06Goodbye, Mrs. Crawford.
00:28:07But David, David, please wait.
00:28:10David, I'm not heartless.
00:28:13I just...
00:28:15Very well.
00:28:16I'll loan him the money.
00:28:19David, you know as well as I do that he can't live long.
00:28:23He can't repay it.
00:28:24I know you feel you must do this for this man, Miller.
00:28:28I'm sorry I have to look at this in a business light,
00:28:30but what security has he to offer?
00:28:34This horse, Briar, it's his own, isn't it?
00:28:36Yes, it is.
00:28:38Very well.
00:28:39I'll give you the money if you'll put up the horse in security.
00:28:42I'll make all the arrangements.
00:28:44I'll send Joe over in the morning to pick him up.
00:28:47Goodbye, Frances.
00:28:50Just the last time for a while, Briar.
00:28:52Now, you've got to be a good horse while you're gone.
00:28:57He looks okay.
00:28:58I haven't been on a horse for a while,
00:29:00but I guess I haven't forgotten how to sit on a saddle.
00:29:03If you're going to sit any saddle, that's not the one.
00:29:05Why, there are two?
00:29:06Not unless you brought one.
00:29:08I always carry a spare saddle in my pocket just for times like this.
00:29:11Come on, Gary, get Briar ready and I'll get going.
00:29:13Not with that saddle, he won't.
00:29:15Mrs. Crawford made a deal for Briar and nothing else.
00:29:17Gary's right, Joe.
00:29:19But gosh, I might...
00:29:20I beg your pardon, sir, but I can't ride this horse bareback.
00:29:23Maybe if he had a steering wheel and a gear shift I could, but...
00:29:25A deal's a deal, and we're keeping the saddle.
00:29:28Sorry, Joe, I can't help you.
00:29:30Well, you can lend me the blanket, can't you?
00:29:32Sure, Joe, sure.
00:29:33Sure, we'll lend you the blanket.
00:29:47Gary, you know Briar won't let Joe ride him without a saddle.
00:29:50Yes, sir, I know it all right, but he shouldn't be riding my horse.
00:29:53Suppose he falls off and gets hurt.
00:29:55Oh, Joe won't get hurt. He might get a little tired.
00:29:57But in that case, he can always lay down on the blanket.
00:30:03What are we going to do now, Mr. Owens?
00:30:05Don't worry about it, Gary.
00:30:07A horse like Briar can't disappear for long.
00:30:09Yeah, but why didn't he come back here?
00:30:11He knows Papa and me are here.
00:30:13Why, he's been with us for...
00:30:16Hello, Mrs. Crawford.
00:30:18Has that horse been back here yet?
00:30:20No, not yet.
00:30:21And never will.
00:30:23Well, let's go, then.
00:30:25Let's go.
00:30:26Let's go.
00:30:27Let's go.
00:30:28Let's go.
00:30:29Let's go.
00:30:30Let's go.
00:30:31Not yet.
00:30:32And never will.
00:30:33I didn't want to get into this.
00:30:35See what happens?
00:30:36He'll come back, Mrs. Crawford.
00:30:38Where's Francis a day or two ago?
00:30:41Oh, David, I don't want you to think I'm cold and grasping.
00:30:45I'm not, really.
00:30:47It's just this has all upset me very much.
00:30:49I know, and I'm sorry, Frances.
00:30:52Well, I simply can't wait for him to reappear.
00:30:56You may as well know I'm offering $50 reward for his recovery.
00:31:01It's Friar!
00:31:07It's Friar!
00:31:19I knew it was you.
00:31:24It's Friar!
00:31:25Oh, hello, dear.
00:31:26Is this yours?
00:31:27Oh, what a lovely horse.
00:31:28Oh, beautiful.
00:31:29It's Friar.
00:31:30Friar, the horse I told you about.
00:31:32Don't tell anybody, promise.
00:31:34We promise, won't we?
00:31:37But what are you going to do with him?
00:31:39Take care of him.
00:31:40Right now, I'm going to ride him.
00:31:42Help me.
00:31:43You can.
00:31:44Sure I can.
00:31:48Remember your promise.
00:31:49Don't tell anybody.
00:31:50Not anybody.
00:31:52Where are you going?
00:31:53Oh, a special place where nobody will find him.
00:31:55Let's go, Friar.
00:32:01Hi, Grandpa!
00:32:03Well, that's my buttons.
00:32:05Hiya, Sandy.
00:32:09Come on, darling.
00:32:10Where in tarnation did you get that horse?
00:32:12And what are you doing here?
00:32:13What's the idea of breaking up a man's morning
00:32:15right in the middle of my housework?
00:32:17What's the matter?
00:32:18Is your cough bothering you again?
00:32:21Oh, yes.
00:32:22Yes, it's been killing me all morning.
00:32:24Maybe you ought to take some more of your cough medicine.
00:32:27Well, Sandy, that's right nice of you.
00:32:33There, now I feel better.
00:32:35And now, young lady, what's this all about?
00:32:37I don't see you very often, and then it's usually
00:32:40when you're in trouble.
00:32:41I can say the same for you, Grandpa.
00:32:46Uh, Grandpa, I know how you can make $50 a month.
00:32:52Uh, Grandpa, I know how you can make $50 very fast.
00:32:59But I wish you wouldn't.
00:33:01Good, now I'm a mite too old to wrestle anybody, Sandy.
00:33:05If you want to make it, all you have to do
00:33:07is take Friar back to Mother in Winona.
00:33:10Back to Mother?
00:33:12Don't tell me you rode that horse all the way from over there.
00:33:15Of course not.
00:33:16I found him just a little while ago.
00:33:19Mother's offering a $50 reward for its return.
00:33:22Well, that's more than she ever offered for my return.
00:33:25Uh, how come she wants this horse to bed?
00:33:27She hates horses.
00:33:29And if there's a reward up, why don't you collect it yourself?
00:33:32Because she does hate horses, and she hates the man
00:33:34who owns this one, and I don't want her to have it.
00:33:36And that's why I brought it here, because I want you to keep up.
00:33:38No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:33:40A man would have to be in his prime
00:33:41to keep up with that fast horse.
00:33:43Now, you mean you want me to keep him here, him in hiding?
00:33:47How are you going to hide a horse?
00:33:49But Sandy, it's going to be awfully hard to keep a horse
00:33:52where nobody will find it.
00:33:54Well, can't you put it with all those pink elephants
00:33:57that nobody but you see?
00:33:59Yeah, I think you got something there.
00:34:01Now, don't you worry about the horse, honey.
00:34:03We'll take care of him.
00:34:05Well, you won't take that $50,
00:34:06and you won't let anybody else take it, will you?
00:34:09Now, don't you worry, honey.
00:34:10You leave it to your old grandpappy.
00:34:17Pop Miller had countless thousands of friends
00:34:20from all parts of the country
00:34:22who would wish to be here if they knew of his passing
00:34:24in this community where he was a stranger.
00:34:28So in their name,
00:34:30we few who've grown to know him and to love him
00:34:32pay him this last homage,
00:34:34grateful for the brief hour of friendship
00:34:36that we spent with him.
00:34:38And as for Pop himself,
00:34:40he can truthfully say,
00:34:42I've put up a good fight.
00:34:44I've finished my course, and I'm rolling home.
00:34:46I've kept the faith.
00:34:49Henceforth, there is laid up for me
00:34:51a crown of righteousness.
00:35:55I have something to tell you.
00:35:57I didn't have a chance before.
00:36:04Pop would like to know this too.
00:36:07That's why I'm telling you here.
00:36:11I've got Briar, Gary.
00:36:13Got him safe in Dorchester.
00:36:19You have Briar?
00:36:23I found him.
00:36:25I had him hid at my grandfather's.
00:36:29Oh, gosh, Sandy, how is he?
00:36:32But we'll have to keep it a secret,
00:36:34or else they'll take him away from me.
00:36:37We mustn't tell anybody.
00:36:39Not even Mr. Owens.
00:36:44Did you hear that, Pop?
00:36:46Briar's okay, and I'm gonna live with Mr. Owens.
00:36:50Oh, gosh, Pop.
00:36:53Pop was a pretty brave man.
00:36:55I don't think he wants you to stay here and cry for him.
00:37:03So long, Pop.
00:37:05I'll be back to see you as often as I can.
00:37:08Mr. Crawford, it's sure swell of you
00:37:10letting me come over here.
00:37:12Oh, that's okay, son, and so are you.
00:37:14I reckon Sandy was right about you.
00:37:16You sure took good care of Briar,
00:37:18you and your grandfather.
00:37:20Let's ride him.
00:37:21Let's both ride him.
00:37:22Can't we, Gran?
00:37:23You mean both at the same time?
00:37:26Oh, I think I'd better get going.
00:37:28I'll see you later.
00:37:35Can't we ride him at the same time?
00:37:37Oh, I think that's too heavy, even for Briar.
00:37:39Maybe it would help if you give him
00:37:40some of your cough medicine.
00:37:42Yeah, but no, no, no, no.
00:37:44I reckon Briar can handle it all right.
00:37:46Come on, you get on.
00:37:47Come on over here.
00:37:50Look at that.
00:37:51Wasn't that funny?
00:37:52Here, I'll help you.
00:37:53Now, get up there.
00:37:54Now, you sure, Gary, you can handle him all right, okay?
00:37:57Sure, I've done it lots of times.
00:37:59You mean you've had other girls riding here like this?
00:38:02No, you're the first girl.
00:38:03All right, let's go.
00:38:04Now, Gary, no one-armed driving.
00:38:17You know why I sent for you, Gary?
00:38:19Sure, to see Briar.
00:38:20That's only part of it.
00:38:21I had to talk over something with you.
00:38:24Something awful serious.
00:38:26What is it?
00:38:27You won't be able to pay mother the money on time, will you?
00:38:31They sent the $40 pop turn in the round-up to Mr. Olin
00:38:34to send to your mother.
00:38:36That leaves over $100 that has to be paid to him on the 28th.
00:38:39And I promised Grandpa I'd take Briar back
00:38:41if the money wasn't all paid.
00:38:43So we have to get it somehow.
00:38:46Yeah, how?
00:38:48There's a big sulky race here on the 28th in Dorchester.
00:38:52And if Briar could win that, the first prize is $5,000.
00:38:56That would pay back mother and leave you a lot besides.
00:39:00Then I could pay for that church debt
00:39:02that Mr. Olin's so worried about.
00:39:04Well, not exactly worried.
00:39:06He never worries about anything.
00:39:08He just works hard and says he knows that everything
00:39:10will be all right.
00:39:11He's sure slow to me.
00:39:13Wish I could do this for him.
00:39:14We have to, Gary.
00:39:15And we mustn't tell anybody.
00:39:17Even Grandpa wouldn't hear of it.
00:39:20That's why I wanted to come out riding.
00:39:22Well, one of the reasons.
00:39:24So he could talk it over.
00:39:26I found out something else.
00:39:29Mr. Felix, who owns the stable, likes me.
00:39:32And I told him a friend of mine might want to enter
00:39:34his horse in that sulky race.
00:39:36But they'd have to rent a sulky.
00:39:38And he said he had one he'd rent.
00:39:40And I thought we could get it tomorrow morning before school
00:39:44and take Briar over to the fairgrounds.
00:39:46Maybe you could drive him and see if he's fast enough
00:39:49to win that race.
00:39:50Gee, that's a swell idea.
00:39:52But I haven't got any money.
00:39:54Not much more than my bus fare back to Winona.
00:39:57Mr. Felix said he'd rent the sulky for $2.
00:40:01And I have more than $2 left out of my allowance.
00:40:06We can do it, Gary.
00:40:09Sure sounds good.
00:40:11Are you sure you can drive him the same as in a race?
00:40:15I'm going back there for a start.
00:40:17And when I come by, you check me.
00:40:19If we can go around this track in less than three minutes,
00:40:22we've got a chance to win the sweepstakes.
00:40:24But what'll I check you with?
00:40:26Oh, here's Pop's watch.
00:40:52One minute.
00:40:57Two minutes.
00:41:14He did it!
00:41:19He did it!
00:41:30How fast?
00:41:31Two minutes and 25 seconds.
00:41:33Gee, that's swell, Sandy.
00:41:34We just gotta enter Briar Nut Race Saturday.
00:41:38But we're just kidding ourselves.
00:41:39They won't let me or you driving in the race.
00:41:42And we gotta keep everything so secret.
00:41:44We couldn't ask anybody else to drive him.
00:41:47No shucks.
00:41:48It just won't work.
00:41:50And anyway, it costs money to enter a horse in a race.
00:41:53How much money?
00:41:54Oh, about $50 for the kind of race we want to enter him in.
00:41:58Is Briar fast enough to win that race?
00:42:00Sure he is.
00:42:01Then we've gotta enter him, whether we're kids or not.
00:42:04Well, I bet I could raise the money to enter him.
00:42:07You could?
00:42:09From the kids at school.
00:42:10They all have pretty good allowances.
00:42:11Of course, we spend it all.
00:42:13Then if I hurry, I bet I could do it.
00:42:16But then you'd have to tell them all about Briar.
00:42:20I could make it sort of mysterious, like a secret.
00:42:23Oh, I could do it, Gary.
00:42:25We've just gotta get a driver.
00:42:29That's the trouble.
00:42:31No, it ain't.
00:42:32Mr. Owen says if you need something bad enough,
00:42:35and it's right, you always get it no matter what.
00:42:38We just gotta have faith.
00:42:40And you need the works, too.
00:42:41You're right, Sandy.
00:42:49Here, Sandy.
00:42:52Here, Sandy.
00:42:53You can have it all.
00:42:54How are you kids coming?
00:42:55I have $3.20.
00:42:57I have $7.
00:42:58Somebody put a slug in my bank.
00:43:00Here, Sandy.
00:43:01Gee, Sandy, I don't know how you do it.
00:43:03All these girls are donating.
00:43:05We don't even know what it's for.
00:43:07All I can tell you is that it's for a very worthy cause.
00:43:10And please remember, Jeannie, don't tell a soul.
00:43:13Not a single soul.
00:43:14How can I tell anyone when I don't know anything myself?
00:43:18Won't you give me just one little clue?
00:43:21It's gotta be a secret.
00:43:23But I'm so curious.
00:43:25Jeannie, please don't ask me.
00:43:27I'll be thinking so much about it,
00:43:29I won't be able to sleep nights.
00:43:32Here's a dollar back.
00:43:33Go buy yourself some sleeping pills.
00:43:36Is this a private reverie, or can anyone join in?
00:43:39You're off early.
00:43:40Yes, Mr. Hodges had to go out of town,
00:43:42so he said I could have the afternoon off.
00:43:44I thought I'd come over to your place and help Mother.
00:43:46It's a good excuse, anyway.
00:43:49For what?
00:43:50It's a secret.
00:43:51How's Gary?
00:43:52Does he still grieve much?
00:43:54Yes and no.
00:43:55He puzzles me a little, though.
00:43:56I don't know whether it's the influence of Sandy,
00:43:58but he seems more cheerful since his trip to Dorchester.
00:44:00I'm surprised he doesn't miss Briar more than he does Sandy.
00:44:03I'm surprised he doesn't miss Briar more than he does.
00:44:12Maybe he's reconciling himself to the inevitable.
00:44:14I can't believe it's that.
00:44:16Briar's situation's very serious to you, isn't it?
00:44:19Yes, in a way.
00:44:20The money's due on Saturday, and we haven't it.
00:44:23There's only one thing to do.
00:44:25If and when Briar's found, he must be sold to pay the debt.
00:44:28It'll be hard on Gary.
00:44:29I don't know, maybe too hard.
00:44:31What is it, David?
00:44:32I've been walking for an hour trying to decide what to do.
00:44:36You can't always solve your problems the way you want to.
00:44:38Sometimes it's the way you dread.
00:44:40But if it's the only way, what can you do?
00:44:42You mean there is a way that you know of one to solve it?
00:44:45Yes, I've known of it for some time.
00:44:47In fact, we both laughed about it.
00:44:51You mean you're going to ask Aunt Fran to?
00:44:54If only I cared about her, but...
00:44:57I can't let the church go under if it's up to me.
00:44:59When the church moves from this corner, it should be to a bigger church, from necessity.
00:45:02Not to makeshift quarters in poverty.
00:45:05Marriage is a very sacred thing, Pamela.
00:45:08You'd make it sacred, David.
00:45:11I've thought this out day after day, night after night, trying to decide what to do.
00:45:15I have an ideal of marriage.
00:45:17One that I hope someday to realize.
00:45:19But this, everything in my mind, everything in my conscience tells me it's wrong.
00:45:23But is it?
00:45:24Is it just selfishness prompting me?
00:45:26Why do you talk to me about this, David?
00:45:29Because she's the only person in the world I've ever wanted to talk to about love and marriage.
00:45:36Oh, David, I...
00:45:41Here's Aunt Fran. I'll be in the kitchen.
00:45:48This is a surprise. Won't you come in?
00:45:50Hello, David.
00:45:53You mean I'm two days early?
00:45:54Two days?
00:45:55Lady Shylock.
00:45:57As a matter of fact, I did want to talk to you about that.
00:46:00I... May I sit down?
00:46:02Why, of course. Do.
00:46:07I mean I use every excuse of a chance to see you.
00:46:11You're flattering, Frances.
00:46:14Just wishful.
00:46:16Embracing, too.
00:46:19But to be serious for a moment, and practical.
00:46:23Is there any prospect for that loan being paid on Saturday night?
00:46:26At the moment, no.
00:46:28Well, I have information that I think will lead to the horses being in my hands very soon.
00:46:33And I certainly don't want it.
00:46:35It'll have to be sold.
00:46:37Of course, anything over the amount due will be paid to you and the boy.
00:46:41That horse means a great deal to Gary, Frances.
00:46:44Well, you can't afford to pay the loan.
00:46:47And the boy can't possibly earn it.
00:46:49I think when you know me a little longer, you'll be grateful for my business judgment.
00:46:54I'd be grateful?
00:46:56Yes. I hope so.
00:46:59I'm glad you've decided I'm not so hard.
00:47:03I hope that concession from you is an inkling of a much deeper sentiment.
00:47:09I told you I was brazen.
00:47:13David, am I such a repulsive person?
00:47:17On the contrary, Frances.
00:47:19When you're not being ruled by your passion to prove yourself a business expert,
00:47:22you can be completely charming.
00:47:24Well, isn't it possible that what you call a passion for business
00:47:29is just something that fills a void in a very lonely life?
00:47:34I'm very lonely, David.
00:47:37Oh, David, a minister shouldn't be oppressed by money worries.
00:47:41Undoubtedly, it would give him a lot of time for other services.
00:47:44Yes, that's what I mean.
00:47:47Oh, David, don't make me humble myself.
00:47:50I know you understand.
00:47:53I do understand you, Frances.
00:47:55You permitted yourself to become utterly selfish
00:47:58and gauge everything in terms of what you want
00:48:00and what you can buy to satisfy yourself.
00:48:04I didn't come here for a lecture, David.
00:48:06No, but perhaps you need one.
00:48:08Whenever you give anything, it always has strings attached to it.
00:48:11It's not from the heart, it's what can I get in return for this?
00:48:15So that's what you think of me.
00:48:18You despise me.
00:48:20No, I feel sorry for you.
00:48:24You feel sorry for me?
00:48:26Yes, sincerely.
00:48:28You spend all your time trying to make more and more money that you don't need
00:48:31to the point that you neglect what should be your most priceless possession, Sandy.
00:48:35Sandy is my affair, if you don't mind.
00:48:38And I'm not so blind as you think.
00:48:41It's Pamela.
00:48:43She puts her way in, torn me down.
00:48:45It's not Pamela.
00:48:46It is Pamela.
00:48:48I can't deny my feelings about Pamela.
00:48:50And she's everything I'm not, of course.
00:48:53It's hard for me to believe that anyone could sit in that church Sunday after Sunday
00:48:57and watch it be destroyed for the want of a gift that you could so easily afford
00:49:01and it'd be such a blessing to the church.
00:49:03Which is precisely what I'm going to do.
00:49:06I came here humbling myself, shaming myself,
00:49:10willing to do it, knowing what I could do for you,
00:49:13and wanting the chance to do it in return for a little happiness for myself.
00:49:18I've overlooked the fact that you've alienated my daughter from me,
00:49:21encouraged her to associate with people whom I detest.
00:49:24Well, very well, you can have your sugary, penniless Pamela
00:49:27and that uncouth little tramp, Gary.
00:49:31And you can also have the pleasure, as I will.
00:49:34I've seen your church fall apart,
00:49:37and I'll not lift one finger or give one cent to save it for you.
00:49:40Frances, I beg.
00:49:41Yes, you beg.
00:49:43You always beg, because you were made to be a beggar.
00:49:52I'm sorry, David.
00:49:54We've both got to try to help her, Pam.
00:49:56I'm afraid she won't accept much from either of us.
00:49:58I think for a moment I almost asked her to marry me.
00:50:01You know you would have broken my heart, don't you?
00:50:03No, but...
00:50:06Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Owens.
00:50:08I didn't mean to interrupt.
00:50:10Could I see you for a minute?
00:50:11It's awfully important.
00:50:13And, Pam, it's very private.
00:50:15Oh, I see.
00:50:16I'll give you exactly five minutes.
00:50:21Gary, let's sit down and have a little talk, huh?
00:50:24I saw Mrs. Crawford drive up.
00:50:26I had a hunch, so I listened to nearly everything she said.
00:50:30I know, sir, that Mr. Owens, she's Sandy's mother and all.
00:50:34She ain't like Sandy.
00:50:35And, oh, gee, Mr. Owens, she was crowding you.
00:50:38I just have to tell you right now.
00:50:40Gary, what are you talking about?
00:50:42Briar, sir, he's not lost.
00:50:44Sandy found him in Dorchester.
00:50:45She's hiding him at Grandfather Crawford's.
00:50:47That's why she told me to come up there, so I could see him.
00:50:50In Dorchester? Sandy?
00:50:51Yes, sir.
00:50:52Briar's entered in that race Saturday.
00:50:54Sandy raised enough money for the entry fee.
00:50:56And I tried Briar out myself.
00:50:58He did the mile in 2.25, the first time out.
00:51:02And I know Briar can win, sir.
00:51:04But we haven't got a driver yet.
00:51:06But we'll get one somehow.
00:51:08And I know Briar can win.
00:51:10And then you won't have to.
00:51:12Gary, you and Sandy are priceless.
00:51:14But Briar should have been returned to Mrs. Crawford.
00:51:16No, sir, he shouldn't.
00:51:18He's got to run that race, win that money, and help the church.
00:51:21That's why we did it, sir.
00:51:25Maybe our cause is big enough that we can keep him for another two days.
00:51:29And I hope as much as you do that you get a good driver.
00:51:32Gosh, Mr. Owens, you're the best there is.
00:51:34And that sure takes a load off of my mind.
00:51:37And puts a new one on mine.
00:51:38But I'll see if I can't carry it.
00:51:40You and I will leave for Dorchester early in the morning.
00:51:42Gee, that's swell, Mr. Owens.
00:51:44Now I've got to do some more work.
00:51:45I'll see you later.
00:51:46Bye, Gary.
00:51:50We'll have to tell Sandy's grandfather about everything.
00:51:53Yeah, I suppose so.
00:51:54But he's on our side anyway.
00:51:55That's what I thought.
00:51:57That's why we shouldn't keep any secrets from him.
00:51:59That'll give us a whole day to find a good driver for Briar.
00:52:01With you taking it over, I know we can find one, Mr. Owens.
00:52:04Sandy and I sure didn't know what to do.
00:52:07I couldn't stay here.
00:52:08She's smart, but she's also pretty young.
00:52:11Don't you underestimate Sandy.
00:52:12She's done pretty well.
00:52:16Hey, look.
00:52:17There's Briar.
00:52:18I wonder who's driving him.
00:52:22Hey, Sandy.
00:52:23Come on, brother.
00:52:24Come on.
00:52:28Hi, Sandy.
00:52:29Hi, Gary.
00:52:30Who's that driving Briar?
00:52:32It's Gramps.
00:52:33Isn't he doing swell?
00:52:34Sure is.
00:52:35Hello, Mr. Owens.
00:52:36Hello, Sandy.
00:52:44This is Reverend Owens, Grandpa.
00:52:46How do?
00:52:47How do you do, sir?
00:52:48We were looking for you.
00:52:49Thought maybe we were a little early.
00:52:50Not a bit too early, son.
00:52:51We were up before the chickens this morning.
00:52:54I thought we'd be early enough to see some of Grandpa's
00:52:56green snakes and pink aloes.
00:52:58No, no, no.
00:52:59That's a little story for the children.
00:53:01You understand.
00:53:04What kind of medicine is it?
00:53:05It's a special prescription.
00:53:07I think I understand.
00:53:09We've got a driver, Gary.
00:53:11Grandpa, he knows all about everything.
00:53:13And he said he'd do it.
00:53:14That's right.
00:53:15Sandy finally broke down and confessed all about these
00:53:17mysterious drawings on.
00:53:19I didn't have a chance to write to Gary.
00:53:21And I didn't dare anyway.
00:53:23I didn't know Mr. Owens knew anything about it.
00:53:25Well, I didn't until yesterday, Sandy.
00:53:27And you mean you approve of all this shenanigans?
00:53:29Well, under the circumstances, I think it's all right.
00:53:31As long as we return Briar to Mrs. Crawford by tomorrow night.
00:53:34Oh, well, the way this horse is shaping up,
00:53:36I reckon you haven't got anything to worry about.
00:53:38You won't have to turn him in.
00:53:39That's what I wanted to hear.
00:53:40But are you sure you're going to feel well enough to drive him?
00:53:43You mean I'm too old?
00:53:46Well, son, horses are in my blood.
00:53:48I drove home many a trotter before you were born.
00:53:51And if you've been to many selkie races lately,
00:53:53you know a man practically has to be 90 before he's considered
00:53:56old enough to drive one.
00:53:58I'm not 90, but sometimes I feel like it.
00:54:01But one other thing.
00:54:03Is something wrong?
00:54:05Mrs. Crawford said she had a line on where Briar was.
00:54:07She said she could pick him up.
00:54:09Well, maybe we could have her arrested for impersonating
00:54:12a human being.
00:54:14You can't let her find Briar before the race.
00:54:16She'd be sure to stop it.
00:54:18We've got to hide him someplace else.
00:54:20Do you have a feasible place?
00:54:21Who's feasible?
00:54:22I know.
00:54:23Mr. Felix will hide him right in his own stable.
00:54:26I know he will if I ask him.
00:54:28Could we do it right now?
00:54:29Sure, honey.
00:54:30He's right near the school, and I have to be there pretty quick.
00:54:32That's OK, honey.
00:54:33You can ride right in my lap this time.
00:54:35A brother owns.
00:54:36You'll be staying over, of course.
00:54:37I wouldn't miss the race for anything.
00:54:39I've got a lot at stake.
00:54:40Don't worry.
00:54:41I'll bring you home a winner.
00:54:42I hope so.
00:54:43Hope those pink elephants and white rabbits aren't too much
00:54:45for Briar to pull.
00:54:46Oh, there's only one animal I'm interested in from now on,
00:54:48and that's Briar.
00:54:50We'll see you back at the house.
00:54:55The tip I had was right, Mrs. Crawford.
00:54:56The horse is in Dorchester.
00:54:58But where in Dorchester?
00:54:59It's a big town.
00:55:01Where is he?
00:55:02I don't exactly know that, but it shouldn't be too hard
00:55:04to get hold of him.
00:55:05He's going to be in a race tomorrow.
00:55:06A race?
00:55:07But that's absurd.
00:55:08May be, but there's a horse named Briar
00:55:10entering the Dorchester steak race.
00:55:12That's the big race of the week.
00:55:14But that's ridiculous.
00:55:15No one would enter a stolen horse in a race.
00:55:17Must be another Briar.
00:55:18I don't think so, ma'am.
00:55:19Ma'am, I spoke to him.
00:55:20Said somebody saw the horse harnessed to a sulky
00:55:22early in the morning.
00:55:23And the description sounds just like our Briar.
00:55:25But who entered him?
00:55:26He's entered in the name of G. Miller.
00:55:28G. Miller.
00:55:29Gary Miller.
00:55:30That boy.
00:55:32So Mr. Owens has been holding out on me.
00:55:35But that boy's too young to drive a race.
00:55:38Did you get the name of the driver?
00:55:40Yes, ma'am.
00:55:41When I called up long distance, he said the name of the driver
00:55:43had just been filed.
00:55:44It's Crawford.
00:55:47So that's it.
00:55:49I'm beginning to see daylight.
00:55:51Sandy's mixed up in this thing too.
00:55:53And her grandfather.
00:55:55All of them trying to keep from me what's rightfully mine.
00:55:58Shall I go after the horse, ma'am?
00:55:59No, Joe.
00:56:00Not today.
00:56:01I'll go up tomorrow.
00:56:04So that's why Sandy wanted to stay there over Saturday.
00:56:08Yes, Joe, we'll go to the races tomorrow.
00:56:11We'll put a stop to their little game
00:56:13just before the big race.
00:56:15I like surprises, Joe.
00:56:17I'll pass out a couple.
00:56:19The whole thing is a low, cheap double cross.
00:56:22People should know better than trying that on me.
00:56:24I think you're right, ma'am.
00:56:32I'm sure you will, Grandpa.
00:56:34I certainly will, honey.
00:56:36Your cough isn't bothering you, is it?
00:56:38My cough?
00:56:39No, no, not at all.
00:56:42I thought I smelled your cough medicine.
00:56:44Oh, oh.
00:56:45Oh, well, I just took a little.
00:56:47Just to make sure I won't cough.
00:56:49Good luck, Mr. Crawford.
00:56:50Yeah, thank you, Joe.
00:56:52Oh, Mr. Owens.
00:56:53Yeah, you're very kind.
00:56:55Come on, Sandy, I'll show you to your seat.
00:56:57See you after the race, Gary.
00:56:59Sure, while we collect the money.
00:57:05Oh, hello, Joe.
00:57:06What are you doing here?
00:57:07I found Brian.
00:57:08Mrs. Crawford ordered me to get him right now.
00:57:10Wait a minute, Joe.
00:57:11Join your mother, will you, honey?
00:57:12I'll see you later.
00:57:14You know Brian's in this race.
00:57:15That's just the idea.
00:57:16He ain't going to be in no race.
00:57:17Well, I'm sure Mrs. Crawford can wait
00:57:18until after the race is over.
00:57:19She don't think so.
00:57:20She wants me to grab him right now.
00:57:21And I'd like to do a little grabbing on a horse myself.
00:57:23Yeah, I can understand that.
00:57:24I'd like to stop you some way.
00:57:26Nothing's going to stop me.
00:57:28Heaven forgive me.
00:57:45Mr. Hans!
00:57:54Mr. Hans!
00:57:56What's the matter?
00:57:57You better come quick.
00:57:58Mr. Crawford's awful sick.
00:58:01Mr. Crawford.
00:58:02What happened?
00:58:03That's what I want to know.
00:58:04What happened?
00:58:05Nothing happened.
00:58:06I got a turkey on my head, and I was just giving him a drink.
00:58:11I'm afraid Mr. Crawford won't be able to drive today.
00:58:14Oh, gee.
00:58:15He's a pretty sick man.
00:58:16Oh, who's sick?
00:58:17I never felt better.
00:58:18The way I feel, I could run the race
00:58:20without a horse and win it.
00:58:21Next race.
00:58:22The Dorchester States.
00:58:24Winners first.
00:58:28Give me a hand, Jack.
00:58:41Where have you been?
00:58:43Oh, just around.
00:58:46Last call.
00:58:47All entries in the Dorchester States on the track, please.
00:58:51Last call.
00:58:55Breyer, Miller entry.
00:58:57Owens replacing Crawford.
00:58:58Crawford took suddenly ill.
00:59:00Owens substituting for Crawford, driving Breyer.
00:59:04I'll put a stop to that.
00:59:10Joe, what are you doing?
00:59:12Well, I met Reverend Owens.
00:59:13He asked me where I was going.
00:59:14I told him I was going after Breyer.
00:59:15Nothing would stop me.
00:59:16But he did.
00:59:17Clipped me on the chin.
00:59:23So he clipped you?
00:59:24Well, no one else was around.
00:59:26Oh, I'm sorry.
00:59:27It's all right.
00:59:28It's all right.
00:59:29It's all right.
00:59:30It's all right.
00:59:31He clipped you.
00:59:32Well, no one else was around.
00:59:35He'd do that.
00:59:38He'd even drive in a race.
00:59:40Of course he would.
00:59:41He's got to get that money, Mother.
00:59:43He'll do anything as long as it's honest.
00:59:46They're off.
00:59:48They're off.
00:59:59Come on, David.
01:00:00David, come on.
01:00:01Come on, Breyer.
01:00:03Come on, Breyer.
01:00:04I think that horseboy's sure got something, Mrs. Crawford.
01:00:07It's someone's a man who is driving him.
01:00:09Oh, I can't help it.
01:00:11I hope.
01:00:12I can't.
01:00:13Come on, Breyer.
01:00:14Come on, Breyer.
01:00:15David, bring him home.
01:00:16They have their horse.
01:00:17David, bring him home.
01:00:18They have their horse.
01:00:19David, bring him home.
01:00:29Come on, David.
01:00:31Come on, Brian.
01:00:32Come on, Brian.
01:00:34David, bring him home.
01:00:47Come on, Brian.
01:00:48Come on.
01:00:49Come on, Brian.
01:01:06Come on, David.
01:01:07David, come on.
01:01:08Come on, Brian.
01:01:09Come on, David.
01:01:10Come on, Brian.
01:01:11Come on, Brian.
01:01:12Come on, David.
01:01:16Come on, Brian.
01:01:20Come on.
01:01:21Come on.
01:01:22Come on.
01:01:24Come on.
01:01:26Come on.
01:01:27Come on.
01:01:37We had to win.
01:01:38We tried so hard, we just had to win.
01:01:43You just had to win.
01:01:47It's all right, darling.
01:01:49It's all right.
01:01:54I should have known better.
01:01:56I might have crippled you for life.
01:01:58I don't think I did.
01:02:00Tough as that for you.
01:02:02You wanted to win.
01:02:03You could have too.
01:02:04So die.
01:02:05But not at that price.
01:02:14Give him a rubdown, will you?
01:02:18How do you feel, Mr. Crawford?
01:02:19I feel fine.
01:02:20Give me that cap.
01:02:21I'll show you how to win a race.
01:02:23I'll bring you home a winner.
01:02:26Oh, David.
01:02:33I'm sorry.
01:02:34I'm sorry.
01:02:35I'm sorry.
01:02:36I'm sorry.
01:02:37I'm sorry.
01:02:38I'm sorry.
01:02:39I'm sorry.
01:02:40I'm sorry.
01:02:41I'm sorry.
01:02:43Gary, do you still want to stay here after Briar's gone?
01:02:47I never want to go anyplace else, Mr. Owens.
01:02:49All right.
01:02:50I'll go ahead with the adoption.
01:02:52Yes, sir.
01:02:53I sure like you for a daddy.
01:02:55I'll try to make it up for you for Briar.
01:02:57Time heals a lot of things.
01:02:59It's worth it.
01:03:02It was for Pop that we're losing Briar.
01:03:05So it's OK, Mr. Owens.
01:03:07How is he, Gary?
01:03:09Oh, he's just fine.
01:03:10I've been giving his leg a rub down to make sure.
01:03:12You know, the vet said that Mr. Owens stopped just in time
01:03:15or he'd been late.
01:03:16Yes, I know.
01:03:17And he must never race again.
01:03:18Oh, that's all right.
01:03:19He won't mind if he can just stay around.
01:03:22Hello, everybody.
01:03:23I thought I'd find you back here.
01:03:24Hello, Sandy.
01:03:25How's Briar?
01:03:26Oh, he's just fine.
01:03:27When you get him over to your house.
01:03:29When what?
01:03:30Oh, Reverend Nolan, my mother sent me back to give you this.
01:03:32Thank you, Sandy.
01:03:35She's paid off the church debt.
01:03:37It's worth paid in full.
01:03:38And she wishes us the best of luck.
01:03:41It worked, Mr. Owens.
01:03:42It worked.
01:03:43It always works, Gary.
01:03:44What does that mean, Cousin Pamela?
01:03:46Are you going to marry Reverend Nolan?
01:03:48Yes, dear.
01:03:49Oh, that's wonderful.
01:03:51And are you going to adopt Gary?
01:03:53Just as quick as we can.
01:03:55Then Gary and I will be cousins, won't we?
01:03:58That's right.
01:03:59I think it's a pretty good idea myself.
01:04:01I don't.
01:04:03Why not?
01:04:04Because I want to marry you.
01:04:06And cousins can't get married.
01:04:08It can be arranged by the time you get around to it.
01:04:10Are you sure?
01:04:12I don't know how I could possibly live without Gary.
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