Have you ever thought about all the things you can do while waiting for your significant other to finish up in the bathroom? Maybe a three-mile jog, get a load of laundry done, or even bake cupcakes with your kids? Relle finds time to do all of that, plus get in a quick Target run.
When it comes to taking out the trash, Relle doesn't like to wait on her husband Shane either. When she asks him to take out the trash, she doesn't want to hear that he'll be there in a minute. If you want a job done right now, you gotta do it yourself.
via [Relle & Shane](https://www.tiktok.com/@relle_and_shane?)
When it comes to taking out the trash, Relle doesn't like to wait on her husband Shane either. When she asks him to take out the trash, she doesn't want to hear that he'll be there in a minute. If you want a job done right now, you gotta do it yourself.
via [Relle & Shane](https://www.tiktok.com/@relle_and_shane?)