Bergman Island Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: BERGMAN ISLAND follows a couple of American filmmakers, Chris (Vicky Krieps) and Tony (Tim Roth), who retreat to the mythical Faro island for the summer. In this wild, breathtaking landscape where Bergman lived and shot his most celebrated pieces, they hope to find inspiration for their upcoming films. As days spent separately pass by, the fascination for the island operates on Chris, and souvenirs of her first love resurface. Lines between reality and fiction will then progressively blur and tear our couple even more apart.
directed by Mia Hansen-Love
starring Vicky Krieps, Tim Roth, Mia Wasikowska, Anders Danielsen Lie
release date October 15, 2021 (in theaters and on VOD)
directed by Mia Hansen-Love
starring Vicky Krieps, Tim Roth, Mia Wasikowska, Anders Danielsen Lie
release date October 15, 2021 (in theaters and on VOD)
Short film