• 4 years ago
This woman was setting her hair with a roller hairbrush. Unfortunately, her hair got stuck inside the brush, and she was unable to detangle it. Her mom stepped to her rescue with a scissor and chopped her entangled hair. She looked traumatized with her unevenly cut bangs after the mishap but continued laughing at her fate.
00:00 oh my god
00:00 are we getting anywhere? I can't I got it. You need to hold the handle. Okay. You want me to keep holding it?
00:11 No I got it. Oh are you ready? Oh no.
00:16 Oh these are just like really intense layers now. Don't worry I already have layers. Might as well
00:23 keep it going. Oh my god. It's still getting caught back in. I just gotta cut it down here.
00:34 You want me to pull it as... Dad I can't believe this is happening to me. I feel like I'm a six year old.
00:50 It starts to come out now.
00:53 You ready? No.
01:04 I don't even know. You're not even cutting my hair. I was. Okay hi.
01:15 Just do what you must. Just do it. I got it. I'm just doing it.
01:20 I feel crazy. Just do it.
01:25 Oh my god it's so bad.
01:43 We gotta go.
01:45 Let me brush it out. No mom it's horrible.
01:59 It's horrible. No.
02:09 I look like a boy. I look like a boy right now. Okay. Okay. Oh my god. I have a moment.
02:27 Hey boys, hey girls. I'm gonna kill myself.
