• 4 years ago
Albino Zebras
Although rare, certain zebras can develop leucism, a condition that causes them to seem pale and practically golden. Leucism is a partial loss of pigment that gives blonde zebras their distinctive golden coloration, similar to albinism.

Albino Domestic Dogs
Dogs with merle or piebald coats are sometimes mislabeled albino due to white flecks in their fur. A dog must not have any melanin in her skin, fur, or eyes in order to be termed a true albino.

Albino Caribou
Only a few albino caribou sightings have ever been documented, with most of them coming from Alaska's far reaches.

Albino Kangaroos
While most albino kangaroos are kept in captivity, there have been reports of a wild, albino kangaroo just outside of Australia's capital. Park rangers believe he's about two years old, which is a true feat for an albino kangaroo—albinism predisposes them to hearing and vision issues, which can make life in Australia's bushland extremely difficult.

Albino Cats
Albinism does not apply to all white cats. Albino cats have no color pigmentation in their skin, fur, or eyes, whereas white cats have a gene coded for white fur.

Albino Alligators
Although alligators are abundant in the swamps and lakes of southeastern America, albino alligators are unlikely to be found. In truth, only approximately a dozen albino and leutistic alligators exist in the world, and they are all kept in captivity.

Albino Humpback Whales
Albino whales have been seen off the shores of Australia and Norway, but they must travel great distances in search of nutritious plankton. These whales' skin can take on a yellowish tinge depending on the health of the plankton they're eating.

Albino Sea Turtles
Sea turtle populations are dropping all around the world, and albino sea turtles are incredibly rare. They're actually rather high on the world's list of endangered animals.

Albino rabbits
Albino rabbits are uncommon in the wild because their coat color makes them vulnerable to predators, but they're quite

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