• 4 years ago
Annually, it is estimated that 3,000 people die as a result of it.
While hippos are entertaining to observe from afar, they are not as calm as they appear.
Hippos are the most hazardous terrestrial creatures in Africa, despite being vegetarians.
Male hippos will zealously guard their territories, and female hippos will grow enraged if anything comes between them and their young.
Hippos can gallop at speeds of over 19 mph on land and weigh over 3,300 pounds, and a male hippo's canine fangs can grow to be over 20 inches long, so keep your distance!
After multiple close encounters with hippos when canoeing on the Zambezi River, I have a healthy regard for them.
I'm also aware of a few people who have lost limbs — or even their lives — as a result of hippo attacks.


