• 4 years ago
Bolshoi Movie (2017) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: At the beginning of the 2000s Pototskiy (Aleksandra Domogarov, UNION OF SALVATION), a once-promising but now drunken ballet dancer, notices Yulia (Margarita Simonova) dancing on the street of provincial Shakhtinsk, who turns out to be a "difficult teenager" with more than one conviction. He travels with Yulia to Moscow and shows her to his former teacher, the once-famous Soviet ballerina Beletskaya, who teaches at the ballet academy. Possessing an independent character and direct manners Yulia is admitted to the academy, where her fight has just begun.

Director: Valeriy Todorovskiy
Cast: Margarita Simonova, Anna Isaeva, Alisa Freindlich, Alisa Freindlich