• 4 years ago


00:00:55Getting tired? You want me to drive?
00:00:56No, thanks.
00:00:57I want to get there.
00:01:00You know you can't keep your mind on the wheel.
00:01:02Oh, is that so?
00:01:15Marion, let's pick him up.
00:01:17What did I tell you?
00:01:19He looks cute.
00:01:20Anything in pants looks cute to you.
00:01:22Anyway, I'm not taking any chances.
00:01:34Someday you'll go through the windshield doing that.
00:01:38Want a lift?
00:01:39Why, I don't want to crowd you.
00:01:40Throw your bag in the rumble and tumble in.
00:01:44Why don't you relax? He looks okay.
00:01:46You and your intuition.
00:01:48He'll probably hold us up, toss us out, and take the car.
00:01:52Are you kidding?
00:01:55Come on, let's get going.
00:01:59You going far?
00:02:00Nope, just up the road a ways.
00:02:01I've got a job waiting.
00:02:02Going to the construction job?
00:02:04That's where we're heading.
00:02:05Construction job?
00:02:07No, I'm going to the vineyards.
00:02:08I'm a grape picker.
00:02:10Oh, I thought maybe you were on your way
00:02:12to that new cracking plant they've just built.
00:02:14It's quite a project.
00:02:15They're going to make that 100-octane gas for airplanes.
00:02:18You can let me off just before you get there.
00:02:25I'm going to the vineyard.
00:02:27What's that, a trailer?
00:02:29It's a lunch wagon.
00:02:30It's the great Marion Blair Enterprise.
00:02:32Hot meals for hungry bachelors.
00:02:34You see, the married men have wives
00:02:36who put up their lunch on this job.
00:02:37And the single men, poor fellows.
00:02:40Thousands and thousands of single men.
00:02:43They eat us.
00:02:44Sounds like a good deal.
00:02:45You're not joking.
00:02:47Two girls entirely surrounded by bachelors.
00:02:50Speaking of lunch, would you like a bite?
00:02:52Sure, where can we stop for one?
00:02:53What do you say?
00:02:54Sure, where can we stop for one?
00:02:56What do you think we're hauling this lunch wagon for?
00:02:58Fully equipped from prunes to paprika.
00:03:00What do you say, Marion?
00:03:01Let's pull up and put on the feed bag.
00:03:02We ought to keep going.
00:03:03Tell you what, let, uh, what's your name?
00:03:07Let Tim drive while we pick lunch.
00:03:08That way, we won't be losing any time, and you can rest.
00:03:11You need it.
00:03:12You're as crabby as a seafood salad.
00:03:14Well, maybe that would be a good idea.
00:03:17You're not going to put anything more on that sandwich,
00:03:19are you?
00:03:19Why not?
00:03:20It looks like a Dagwood special now.
00:03:22I wonder if he likes mayonnaise or mustard or, uh, or pick-a-lily.
00:03:25You think he's a pick-a-lily type?
00:03:27Why don't you ask him?
00:03:32Hey, Tim, do you like mayonnaise or pick-a-lily?
00:03:35Do you like mayonnaise or pick-a-lily on your sandwich?
00:03:42Mary, drop loose!
00:03:43Do something!
00:03:52Hey, Tim!
00:04:02Oh, stop it!
00:04:08Here we go!
00:04:22Try it out!
00:04:23Try to grab onto the car!
00:04:28Look out, Tim!
00:04:29That'll hit him!
00:04:48Come on, Kathy.
00:04:51This is the first time I ever saw an upside-down chasing a truck.
00:04:55You all right?
00:04:56Oh, gee, I don't know.
00:04:57I got to check inventory.
00:04:59This may be very funny to you, young lady,
00:05:01but do you realize you nearly killed me?
00:05:02Well, what do you think we were doing, having fun?
00:05:04Besides that, you crumpled a perfectly good fender,
00:05:07and you're going to pay for it.
00:05:08You could have gone around us.
00:05:09There wasn't room and there wasn't time, and you know it.
00:05:11Besides, you were driving on the wrong side of the road.
00:05:14Sure I was.
00:05:14They were in danger, and I was trying to help them.
00:05:16And whose fault was that?
00:05:17You hadn't been driving like a crazy maniac
00:05:19and watched where you were going.
00:05:20I was looking back because you were yelling at me.
00:05:22There you see?
00:05:23Even she admits it was your fault.
00:05:25Reckless driving, that's what it was.
00:05:27Who belongs to that?
00:05:29It's ours.
00:05:30You got a license for it?
00:05:32Hauling a trailer without a license.
00:05:34Why, you're the kind of people to make the roads unsafe
00:05:37for law-abiding citizens.
00:05:38Now, wait a minute, Bob.
00:05:39If you hadn't been going around that curve
00:05:40at about twice the speed limit,
00:05:41you could have turned off in time.
00:05:43Is that so?
00:05:44Yeah, and you stand around here accusing us.
00:05:46Another crack out of you, and I'll call in the law.
00:05:48Is that so?
00:05:50Well, don't call too loud, Bob.
00:05:52I happen to be the law.
00:05:57I didn't ask you to pick me up.
00:05:58I was just standing there.
00:05:59Oh, yeah?
00:06:00You almost threw your thumb out of joint.
00:06:01Well, I certainly didn't ask you for any lunch.
00:06:03Well, if you hadn't been so smart with the sheriff,
00:06:05we wouldn't be in here.
00:06:07Try and talk yourself out of that one.
00:06:09Go on.
00:06:10Oh, for the love of Hannah.
00:06:12Shut up, will you?
00:06:15Honest to goodness, fella, my head feels
00:06:18like it was a time bomb ticking.
00:06:20I've been listening to you and those girls
00:06:21hollering for the past half hour.
00:06:23Pipe down, will ya?
00:06:24You ever try to make a couple of dames pipe down when
00:06:26they think they've got a beat?
00:06:31They're all cowards.
00:06:33Try arguing with them, and they hide behind one another's hands.
00:06:36Yeah, well, what we got to figure
00:06:37is how to get out of here.
00:06:41It would have only been $25 if you hadn't
00:06:42the cracked wives of the judge.
00:06:44Well, I wasn't going to stand there and let
00:06:46them tell us we were a road hazard when
00:06:48it was that great picker's fault.
00:06:50Take it easy, will ya?
00:06:53Oh, it ain't our fault you've been
00:06:55drinking like a storm drain.
00:06:57Hey, look, visitors.
00:06:59I reckon he's sobered up by now.
00:07:01Sure gave us plenty of trouble last night.
00:07:03All right, Spike, you can come out now.
00:07:05Gee, this is swell.
00:07:07Bailing me out, huh?
00:07:08Some week, you're going to draw your full pay.
00:07:09Oh, now, wait a minute.
00:07:11It wasn't my fault. I was standing at the bar, see?
00:07:13Mine and my own business.
00:07:14When this beluga steps up to me and he says,
00:07:16Boilermaker's this putrid.
00:07:17Now, how did I know he was talking about a drink
00:07:19and not me?
00:07:21Tim Scott.
00:07:24You McGee son of a steam fetish.
00:07:26Rod, it's great to see you.
00:07:27I knew I'd run into you someplace.
00:07:29How are you anyway?
00:07:30Fine, fine.
00:07:31Say, you weren't on your way up the line
00:07:32to the construction job.
00:07:33I could sure use you in the crew.
00:07:35I was on my way to another job and ran into a little grief.
00:07:37There ain't any other job for you when I need men.
00:07:39Forget it, Rod.
00:07:40I got a new trade now.
00:07:41Oh, you mean on account of what happened on an Eastern job?
00:07:43I'm not going to send you up high.
00:07:44You can be a chipper right on the ground.
00:07:45No thanks, Rod.
00:07:46I can't take the job.
00:07:48Say, what's Scott's fine?
00:07:49I'll pay it.
00:07:50$50 and the cost of a new fender.
00:07:52If you want to pay the girl's fine, that's $50 too.
00:07:55What girls?
00:07:56Trade on this rap with me.
00:07:57A little auto accident.
00:07:58You're holding me responsible.
00:08:00Well, all right.
00:08:01I'll pay theirs too if it'll get him out of here.
00:08:03Don't strain yourself, mister.
00:08:04We're not asking for charity.
00:08:06Well, what's the matter with you, Lushwell?
00:08:09Gee, you sound just like my ex-wife.
00:08:13I bet you tell that to all the girls.
00:08:14Yeah, and you look like her too.
00:08:17Not even jail can do that to me.
00:08:19All right, here's your $100 and an extra $20 for the fender.
00:08:21Is that OK?
00:08:22Sure, sure.
00:08:23Shouldn't come to more than that.
00:08:24Wait a minute.
00:08:25If you're going to lay off money for us,
00:08:26I want to know where to send it.
00:08:27You can hand it to him.
00:08:29He's the boss rigger on the job you were heading for.
00:08:30We're heading for it.
00:08:32We're heading for it.
00:08:33We're heading for it.
00:08:34I'll have to check on the job you were heading for.
00:08:35We're heading for his right.
00:08:37My wagon's busted inside now.
00:08:38We're down to our last quarter.
00:08:40Are you the two girls who were coming up on the lunch wagon?
00:08:42Yeah, that's right.
00:08:43Oh, and forget about it.
00:08:44We were waiting for you.
00:08:45I'll send a crew down to fix the wagon.
00:08:46And you can draw dough for supplies.
00:08:48Well, only if you'll take my note for it.
00:08:50Sure, I'll take a note.
00:08:51Now, wait a minute.
00:08:52The girls think I was at fault.
00:08:53You'd better take my note.
00:08:54Listen, you couldn't pick that many grapes.
00:08:57What's this about picking grapes?
00:08:58Don't tell me that's the job you've been yapping about.
00:09:00Yeah, I'm a grape picker now.
00:09:02you can do a real man's work all right I'll take the job but only until I pay for
00:09:06everything the fender the fines in
00:09:09a wagon does that suit you that's a deal Jim but remember I'm not staying as soon
00:09:13as I pay off I'm leaving is that clear don't bother we'll take the law come on don't
00:09:18start any more argument I can't get over it same way same shape and everything
00:09:24flipping brow you can't help being ugly but you could stay indoors just like my
00:09:30ex wife just like her.
00:09:59I hope I got this to be in the place you want to move it a couple of more times
00:10:03and you'll think I'm
00:10:03an elephant well never mind five when the new with
00:10:06a blow the extra special lunch for all four if there's one thing I like to eat more
00:10:11than anything else it's food. Just.
00:10:17Got another job for you yeah. Now leave that.
00:10:24Our eggs are fresher than
00:10:25a wolf whistle. Our spinach has no sand P.S.
00:10:31We don't serve spinach. I was gagging just like my ex wife. Must have been you
00:10:39who made
00:10:39a gag. It comes you hitchhiking friend.
00:10:48Don't say that good looking character which one of them I everything all right yeah
00:10:53thank you want to be our first customer I got to get them started leave and serve
00:10:58him I'd have to be awfully hungry.
00:11:08You know I get my hands. He's
00:11:10a well the boss of the crew a great old rusty. I tell you how to go. Perfectly out
00:11:16right yeah when you see what we've got to do to make
00:11:19a deadline I'll just shake hands with Tim Scott you know chipper glad to know you
00:11:24Tim just be plenty and I'll be part of all. Bill Madden our grinder this is
00:11:30a yeah I know that's not the one here joining your crew and I'm through nobody's
00:11:36making me work with you either I'll wait
00:11:38a minute you two guys if I had any other place to put you there why don't you let
00:11:41bygones be bygones because my brother wouldn't like it because. Another accident
00:11:47might happen if you always were
00:11:48a loud mouth. I don't know what you two guys got against each other why that we
00:11:53a job to do here. This plan is going to make
00:11:57a hundred octane gas for those planes flying over Japan my kids flying one of the
00:12:02more gas we make the sooner we'll get home that's more important than any grudge you
00:12:07two get against each other. I guess you're right just come on.
00:12:11Now. You know if I didn't need men so badly at
00:12:18fire that matter what you saw about his brother Sam was with him when Tim was
00:12:22a high man back he took
00:12:23a bad spill Sam was killed it's always blamed him for saying him had nothing to do
00:12:29with it as
00:12:29a matter of fact Sam grabbed him when he fell you say Tim was
00:12:32a high man and when you take
00:12:33a chipper's job for that's not in his class now he hasn't been the same since he took
00:12:37that fall he's scared to go high too bad what he needs to do is to go up again
00:12:42that's the only thing I'll cure him and you can't force him keep him busy with
00:12:45a Jeff and don't let him tangle with Bill don't worry I can still bust up
00:12:49a fight after but a couple of heads to do it.
00:13:07. I
00:13:30can hardly wait for lunch today I'm going to have
00:13:32a good hot meal plenty of soup meat potatoes pie and coffee oh boy yeah where
00:13:37you're going to get all that ain't you heard the lunch wagon
00:13:40a couple of gals run one I'm sure reminds me of my ex wife. Looks like her talks
00:13:45like her. I want. To get out that she can and why cook like her.
00:13:55On with me you'll be eating like
00:13:57your lunch box here. I got them and I am.
00:14:03Off in the corral.
00:14:18I don't like home cooking I always say even if it ain't cooked at home.
00:14:22I. Think the man you have to have.
00:14:29Her job or just a minute one ticket to the great I'm not everything I'm going to
00:14:33know I'm. Going to. Know that I don't care.
00:14:41About me. I don't want me to. Are you married now
00:14:48you. Think that. You know I'm your wife.
00:14:55Think of me another hamburger when double. My wife used to cook up
00:15:00a mess of black eyed peas sweet potatoes no other.
00:15:06Never live in the snow in the snow. Long time but it's going to be worth it I think
00:15:12the girl said they were going to have pork chops with apple sauce and angel food
00:15:30When he won.
00:15:31The war.
00:15:42Wow. How did I know I didn't know I'm going to be such
00:15:47a crowd.
00:16:54I don't you get some sleep right I got to work out
00:16:56a couple of problems first that cat crackers are pretty difficult assignment
00:17:00isn't it I don't know what the boss said this afternoon plants got to be making
00:17:04gasoline in two months to me is right you're pretty hard sure. Washington's writing
00:17:09him harder it's
00:17:11a big job Tim it's important it's got to be done what's your main difficulty men
00:17:16like to get some good experienced high man. Rod. Nothing.
00:17:51You know.
00:17:58You know. You're.
00:18:17Him him wake up. Him wake up.
00:18:22Him. What happened you were having
00:18:27a nightmare what was it that fall again. I guess. I'm all right now.
00:18:52You. Brother what corn but good but good. What can I do for you
00:18:59how long is that offer open a food I was referring to I'm not married I'm waiting
00:19:03for somebody might give me
00:19:04a cup of coffee OK. You still munching when you made me promise I wouldn't take
00:19:09a drink I suppose you've got
00:19:11a fellow with something boy what a cavity nothing else to do around here I'm
00:19:14beginning to understand why your ex wife is your ex wife up till now I haven't
00:19:19found any ham in this sandwich take another bite. Not that you must have just
00:19:26gone past it. Oh I'm Cassie there's something I want I don't know where you're
00:19:33going to put it. No it's it's not that you see.
00:19:41Would you go to the boilermakers ball with me me go to the boilermakers ball with
00:19:45you. After all those invites I've turned down don't answer that question when is
00:19:51it. As if I didn't know. Saturday night OK this is wonderful.
00:20:01And that reminds me you're going to the boilermakers ball with me well thanks for
00:20:05letting me in on what's good politics or the customers will be there the good
00:20:09politics to be seen with
00:20:10a boss anybody says it is and I'll take care of it well what I wear a suit of
00:20:14armor I won't just bring a lead pipe and
00:20:16a rubber hose in the bar. Here comes baseball Joe. Sorry I kept you
00:20:24waiting we just finished working on that spirit and it's good yeah they're going to
00:20:28fill it with pentane and test it in a few minutes just doing a good job on it so I
00:20:31a cup of blackjack Welcome to Tomain Manor how do you have it without cream of
00:20:35that sugar without wisecracks Jeff said you wanted to see me about something
00:20:39important yeah there's
00:20:39a job open on the main tower. I'm in yeah you know better than that right now wait
00:20:45a minute take it easy happy coffee. Say
00:20:52don't you gals ever get off from behind that counter going to lead to something I
00:20:57was going to suggest you might want to climb up to the top of the main tower or
00:20:59maybe the bubble tower bubble yeah those tall towers over there. You mean they
00:21:04build those tall things just to blow bubbles well not exactly but there's
00:21:08a terrific view from up there on
00:21:10a clear day you can see all of San Francisco Bay and today is
00:21:13a clear day oh gee I'd love it you mean I can climb up there sure I got
00:21:17a half hour to spare I'll take you how about you can't not me I'm
00:21:21a firm believer in terra firma and
00:21:23a farmer it is the left terror I guess what do you say Tim. No thanks I'm not
00:21:28interested not don't be like that it'll be safer for Mary we'll put her in between
00:21:31us right. With you you scared to go up there see a guy who talked up so brave to
00:21:38the sheriff at the wrong time never mind I'll go well now you're talking let's go
00:21:43a way to lead on to the bubble tower and bring me
00:21:46a bubble. I won't forget this right.
00:21:55Just so but a lot of wolves around.
00:22:08The. Quite
00:22:13a client but it's worth it when you get there this is one slimming treatment I've
00:22:16never had.
00:23:51Tim keep going.
00:24:04Are you going to hold on up to him.
00:24:19Right let me down I got to get down you better climb down I'll get him.
00:24:23You. Take it easy Tim look up. Keep your eyes up here.
00:24:35Come on you're all right. Let's go. Come on you're all right we'll get down.
00:24:43Take it easy now look up.
00:24:53All right.
00:25:23All right.
00:25:41Here we are out all safe and sound let me alone on a pimpless and just leave me
00:25:44alone. That's
00:25:49a thank you get from
00:25:50a guy like that I guess I asked for it. Oh yeah sure you did what did you do with
00:25:55that save his life I nearly killed him killed him maybe there's
00:25:58a school up here but I don't get it I made him go up I planned the whole thing so
00:26:02you'd shame him into it look give it to me slowly when you all I know is that
00:26:07since I met you you've been acting like
00:26:09a nurse made it goes way back and I broke him into the game so you should have
00:26:13known him then he was
00:26:14a top rigger himself full of fight going places he'd have been
00:26:18a construction engineer in no time. What happened to him took
00:26:22a fall about six stories with another high man the other fellow was killed Tim was
00:26:28hurt badly but he lived mainly because he fell on the other guy. After that he
00:26:34a hypsophobia you know scared of height and he dropped out of sight. Well you know
00:26:40the rest. Gee I feel like
00:26:43a heel riding. I figured if I could shame into going up again. You saw what
00:26:49happened. You better go after me look pretty sick. Now see you later.
00:27:10those gratings Joe. Jeff have you seen Tim yeah I passed him near the spears
00:27:17running the pen. Somebody look worried anything wrong I just had
00:27:20a message to call our neighbors my wife's taken sick they said it's tough let me
00:27:24know what you find out.
00:27:26Yes Mr Thomas How's my wife. You got
00:27:32a telegram from the war department. You better read it to me Mr Thomas.
00:27:42My son. Missing in action.
00:27:48Thanks Mr Thomas. I'll get my car come right home.
00:27:56I. Can't. Wait
00:28:02a minute when I'm through all I'll let me explain there's nothing to explain you
00:28:06just use me for
00:28:07a job to set yourself up with that thing now you're talking like
00:28:10a sap am I I told you I didn't want to part of this job in the first place now
00:28:14that you've shown what
00:28:15a brave guy you are and what a chicken hearted stooge I am I'm getting out go
00:28:18ahead be pigheaded run away like this and you'll prove you got
00:28:21a yellow streak. Can you crazy fool you.
00:28:29The spears ball it's going to keep everybody away I'll get the squad.
00:28:35That's the right goes up and back
00:28:37a month. Dangerous cigarette mark but I didn't anything Mike said it all Hey that
00:28:42gas is murder and the whole night through Danny Joe phone the fire chief the rest
00:28:45of you guys get down the road stop.
00:29:29I agree but what's with you passion or asthma I got to get plenty of hot coffee
00:29:32quick the fires out what's the rush for one of the fellows that was hurt in the
00:29:36explosion Tim you know what they heard badly no shock mostly the dog says but the
00:29:41other fellow Jeff Tim saved his life there in the first date now give me the coffee
00:29:45when you go on back to the job Spike I'll take the coffee over all right thanks see
00:29:50you after cash. Why the sudden switch want to be
00:29:55a Florence Bloomingdale or something. I gave him something to put him to sleep
00:30:03I know how rocky you feel Scott. Rod told me about your saving Jeff. But this plant
00:30:09the government project we're trying to meet
00:30:11a heavy schedule that's fearful of such as back a month what are you getting at
00:30:15fear don't blow like that unless somebody was careless you ran
00:30:19a test on it didn't you sure we ran
00:30:20a test we're fighting time man we didn't get
00:30:23a chance extra every well experienced men on the job that is necessary and
00:30:28standard I'm going to be frank with you Scott that's fear blue because of
00:30:33a weakness maybe
00:30:35a chip to close out Tim's
00:30:36a careful worker he wouldn't do that how do we know you told me yourself he was
00:30:40a high man not
00:30:41a chipper what you doing on
00:30:42a job like this well as personal reasons we'd rather not go into all right you may
00:30:48have to eventually the government inspectors will be investigating investigating
00:30:52what what do you think I did you got to find out what made that spear blow you
00:30:56better be around to answer questions the doctor wanted to say. I like the way
00:31:02they believe in
00:31:03a guy around here.
00:31:17Well. I don't like you I'm feeling OK I can't in
00:31:24the parking lot when I live.
00:31:25With. Him I'm
00:31:32a. What can I say to that. We had talked to you
00:31:39before we climbed the bubble. Was rotten. And the same guys I was
00:31:46then. It's
00:31:47a little more roughed up that's all outside of that I'm the same guy yeah but I'm
00:31:51different. Now I didn't know that. I told you. Why can't
00:31:59he keep his big mouth shut because he wanted to set me straight he knew it was
00:32:03a matter with me why did he have to insist on my going up just to make me look
00:32:06cheap with you Oh that's when you're wrong he thought if he could get you to climb
00:32:10again you get over your phobia. Believe that.
00:32:14You. Stop here every night for
00:32:18a few minutes. Love you isn't it. Why does everyone keep on worrying about me I
00:32:24didn't want to come here in the first place Tim Rod's right you're too valuable
00:32:28for picking grapes. Look at that tremendous project.
00:32:35They tell me they make enough gas every day for five thousand bombers. Pretty
00:32:40important. You're making incentive speeches to. Anyone need them.
00:32:47All right Miss America you get the gold medal I'm not checking out. Want to know I
00:32:52don't think you're to blame for that they're blowing you. You know about that
00:32:58radar. You're terrific you think so then why are you taking me for dinner.
00:33:04And. You're also
00:33:07a pretty fast worker. One of us has to be. Meaning I'm
00:33:11a little slow on the uptake. Well.
00:33:19And when they brought the roast beef I like it so don't burn it turned out to be
00:33:22a we both laughed so hard Marianne got the hiccups and where'd you go out to the
00:33:27hula I don't pay drive the band there is hot or no river seems to me for
00:33:30a sick man you did a lot of stuff and there was nothing wrong with me that
00:33:34a cozy evening with
00:33:35a bouncy babe wouldn't do it and then after that you were dropped through at the
00:33:39doorstep of course no I went up to her apartment you're dead Cassie was there.
00:33:48I was girl Cassie you know I don't see how I could have been so wrong about
00:33:52Marianne I guess we just got up on the wrong foot but now you're right in the groove
00:33:56yeah she's even going to break
00:33:58a date with some dope just to go to the border makers bar with me Saturday night
00:34:01she's going with you. When you get in there don't use
00:34:08my toothbrush to.
00:34:18Get I want to get
00:34:19a little bite before the stampede. My face clean enough to eat you have
00:34:24a who want to eat it what do you want Boston cream pie. Yeah I don't think that's
00:34:29a nice way to talk don't bother cutting it I'll take it just as it is you want
00:34:34a fork or shall I give you
00:34:35a shovel fork will be all right. We pay for those dishes ourselves remember.
00:34:41The matter with you you're as nervous as
00:34:43a jumping bean with
00:34:44a palsy well I made a date for the ball tonight what's wrong with that so did I
00:34:49know but I made it with two men oh fine who were the two lucky fellows right and
00:34:54can. Get better and better which one you're going to break the date with.
00:35:03So we start walking back to Los Angeles now or wait till after lunch I never did
00:35:07anything like this before in my life get me out of it Cassie Oh no it's like
00:35:13a girdle you have to get out of it by yourself. Oh right yeah I'm glad you dropped
00:35:20by. I got
00:35:21a break that day tonight not tell me anything Tim said you were going to break
00:35:25a date with some dope to go with him Oh but I didn't tell him it was you well thanks
00:35:30very much and what's the idea anyway well you said yourself he needed help and he
00:35:35was feeling so low. When he asked me I just couldn't turn him down worried about
00:35:41his morale yeah that's right well what about my morale Oh I feel off.
00:35:49But there's still the other days and places to go out of promise sure well save me
00:35:55some dances tonight anyway every other one well OK as long as you're sure it's
00:35:59nothing serious between you and Tim Oh no nothing serious.
00:36:03On. Don't you take time out to breathe not when I'm eating.
00:36:16How'd you happen to open
00:36:16a lunch wagon on account of my win your win yeah I was losing it being chased
00:36:22around counters by cafe owners.
00:36:34And what's the idea with all these people around it looks
00:36:38a beautiful it couldn't help it's just because I'm not surrounded with hamburgers
00:36:41and pig's neck I'll wash behind the ears to think for
00:36:45a boy to make his ball that's overdoing it.
00:37:03I. Know I'm.
00:37:19Sure for the first time in history there are going to be any brawl. But you're
00:37:24trying to be rough. I'm sorry sure but you won't have any use for this Oh no well
00:37:29what's all that that's
00:37:30a scrap for the scrap drive but
00:37:32a scrap drive by the scrap drive.
00:37:45Why that's
00:37:45a lot of mama with Bill that he's got a large economy.
00:37:58The floor is too slippery. Well I used to dance with my wife all the time that
00:38:04explains everything he didn't divorce you. Oh Cassie don't be like that.
00:38:19You know I must be on my ear about you why. I never felt much like dancing before.
00:38:26I feel like I'm. Even to that music.
00:38:34Getting kind of warm in here isn't it you know that too. You mind getting me drink.
00:38:40Far looks like
00:38:41a menagerie and I'll be back in a jiff with
00:38:43a beer you wait right over here. About my fear
00:38:51I've had to write them give me
00:38:52a couple of beers Jack take your time is plenty heady. About time you were going to
00:38:56save me every other day I just couldn't quit out in the dances with the close
00:39:00together OK but I'm going to wait right here for the next.
00:39:10About time.
00:39:13I. Got
00:39:20a feeling this is going to be
00:39:21a big even little room for you sure but what I'm making. With a cow when you're
00:39:28feeling still taking your vitamins pipe fitter. On your point I'm going to stick
00:39:33a strong disguise in the war and I suppose you think you're
00:39:36a regular Amazon could be yeah I'm not putting up or shutting up on
00:39:41a little contest of strength for instance. Yeah little fella down there.
00:39:51You mean I don't you want. What about that you're fifty bucks you can't let them.
00:39:57Not like you know. He's going to your hands. He's pipe fitters all muscles no
00:40:04brains I suppose you're
00:40:05no muscles and no brain yeah no leave me alone when you can see. The boys are all
00:40:12in we're going to make suckers out of these guys gentlemen I assure you he's only
00:40:16had one drink and that was buttermilk can see please. Well how about I got two
00:40:23hundred bucks here that says none of you pipe fitters can lift
00:40:25a little guy it's
00:40:26a crime but I'll take fifty of it and I'll take twenty of them I get
00:40:30a guy and what happened the first time he takes me out on a date he goes completely
00:40:33but certainly entirely not the little lady will hold the best. All we got to do
00:40:40is lift them yeah come on one side or one side I feel like you.
00:40:48Want to pipe fitters think you can lift care if he tries. You don't mind if he puts
00:40:52his finger on your neck when you're trying to lift them do you know you don't care
00:40:55if he hugs me. What he's going to do think of me I'm laughing all right go ahead
00:41:03when you're.
00:41:15For me.
00:41:24What's the matter can't you lift them. You left. Let me try it OK.
00:41:34What's with this finger business anyway plan plan is
00:41:40a mine yours and if you pipe fitters had announced the brains you know what I'm
00:41:44talking about you're looking for your baby.
00:41:52Better drink your beer. You don't mind if I wait do you. It's been
00:41:57a pretty long day and don't you think we better get back to him I let you go back
00:42:01to him how do I know you get back to me you were swell to let me break the day
00:42:05don't you think Tim seems like
00:42:06a new man I think I like the other one better not so much competition. Well I
00:42:10knew you were sorry for but I didn't think you were going to fall for it well he's
00:42:13been having so much trouble and I thought he needed cheering up that's why I came
00:42:17with him in the first place something the matter but oh no everything's fine fine.
00:42:23What do you think you are
00:42:24a kangaroo crab come on let's get another drink you take one more drink I'm going
00:42:29to leave you flat go ahead I'm tired of all the around anyway.
00:42:38Shut up I can lift them at one hand.
00:42:46What are. What a bunch of suckers you mean.
00:42:52Wonderful maybe I underestimated your brain sure you know what you're going to get
00:42:56out of this honey. A fur coat. Hey watch out for our dough hey wait a minute it
00:43:03ain't all your dough I got fifty bucks in this and that's enough for a fur coat
00:43:06ain't it honey. Let me help you.
00:43:18Let me be your gal palsy give me a five and straight give my pal a drink too.
00:43:23What's the matter can I be nice to your palsy everybody else is you're trying to
00:43:28a dirty crack and don't know how you always want one of those smart guys smart enough
00:43:33not to listen to you or maybe you ought to listen to me and wise up. I need some
00:43:38more help.
00:43:40I. Want to.
00:43:47Talk to
00:43:48a pal the gals making a jump I had to tell Rod the only reason she came with you
00:43:53was because she was sorry shut up go ahead and ask it here they come ask it she
00:43:59said she was sorry for everybody sorry for you for
00:44:02a second but you thought she came with because she liked you shut your big trap
00:44:06when you know I won't shut up and I got away with killing my brother I just like
00:44:11you to know what people think about you for
00:44:13a fortune to jump.
00:44:18Right. And he went into them screws on the floor you
00:44:25just give me back my girl.
00:44:49Where are you going.
00:45:07Right you better stop and they'll murder each other yeah I'll stop it who started
00:45:11it. And don't matter something about Tim's girl Tim started it I better get in there
00:45:18I won't have
00:45:18a man left to work come on you stay out of. Down here and I'll see what I can do.
00:45:52Want to go for it I think it's got
00:45:54a wooden leg and I got
00:45:54a break. So what I did.
00:46:06Want to make it. What a party. It's got to keep for him you.
00:46:15Don't like no soft drink either. I got an idea. You stand right here and
00:46:22you don't want to hit and I have to mark.
00:47:14My voice like this up there.
00:47:45I had share of no good your friend sure play rough they sure do you poor man
00:47:51Cassie Rod send you. Well open up your. Bailed out and we know
00:47:58Rod sick of the routine you mean he's going to leave us here he's too busy to be
00:48:02fooling around with you guys this morning he said you can bear yourselves out
00:48:06thank you some close to him we ain't got any dough look this means five days I
00:48:10need this he's got
00:48:11a big lift and job today well if he needs to get you out well I've got to go to
00:48:16work see you in
00:48:17a five day brain. Cassie. As soon as I get out of here I'm through for
00:48:24good I see what you mean when. Five days by.
00:48:32Five days in
00:48:33a pig's eye we're getting out of here we're going down and put our dough from the
00:48:36job and then I'm spamming with you getting out of here yeah that's just what we're
00:48:41doing you always carry that tool belt with you oh you never can tell when you're
00:48:44going to need it last night I needed it to replace it.
00:49:05In check and tested yeah good it's our last of the operation be glad when I kept
00:49:10in place. Already run OK clear away underneath give us
00:49:15a go signal. I want to start living OK.
00:49:40I'm. Back in the second.
00:49:50Hello Jeff what are you doing here but you can take
00:49:51a week off so I know you were shorthanded I'll say I'm shorthanded half the crews
00:49:55in jail what
00:49:56a party they gave themselves as one guy can stay in jail because it becomes out
00:50:00he's going back again who's that bill Matt the government inspector had me look
00:50:04a section of the sphere the blue you know what that no good booze lapper did he put
00:50:09his grinder in my well the shell was thin as paper Oh wonder it blew sure was
00:50:14a grinder not
00:50:15a chipper sure as I'm standing here good that clears him I'll drop down to jail
00:50:19and I tell him. What
00:50:25a time I can't wait. You've got the biggest lifting job they'll have. Makes me wish
00:50:31I was up there what's the matter you got cold feet now made up my mind I'm going
00:50:36with. Better hurry or they'll have sheriff's off. What are you doing here waiting
00:50:43a closing check yeah I'll I'll go see what's holding them up I got you to go to
00:50:47work here Tim I thought it was going to do you some good but now you've got to get
00:50:50a piece and why don't you stop your preaching and let me alone.
00:51:20Jackson the boom snag. You're going to keep on being stubborn about it but you've
00:51:24got Mary and now why don't you just leave it go at that why you stupid long line
00:51:28up on the cable holding the boom the snap the lift the gear is stuck somebody's
00:51:32got to cut it loose. You know what he said yeah one of the cables is gone the
00:51:39others might go any minute.
00:51:48Whom breaks loose that capital hit the ground like
00:51:49an earthquake will be able to get another one finished for six weeks this would
00:51:52happen when my high men are in
00:51:54a jug. Only one thing to do that but then cut that cable loose and we can let the
00:51:59cap down easy put new cables on
00:52:00a boom and finish the job give me
00:52:02a tool belt somebody here Joe give me
00:52:05a cutting torch.
00:52:23Going up it's right there that's
00:52:26a dangerous job you know I'm. Going to be all I know about you I'm.
00:52:35I never knew that.
00:52:55I. Want to cable the only time to give
00:53:05a new. We're going to do something.
00:54:31Thank you I'm going to crash any second all right this time you won't get away
00:54:36from them there can't somebody do something.
00:54:46That the trackers on the cable hang on to them so they don't pull out to write
00:54:50what do you think you're going on about.
00:56:30Got to do it this time.
00:57:46Many gets right off of the boom and cuts it free to
00:57:48lift the cap down.
00:59:06Come on tell me you're doing.
00:59:19That Rick will hold just
00:59:21a couple of minutes.
00:59:48Weather of the room.
01:00:14How do you feel right. You came up and got me
01:00:20a lot of the best I met in the business. Second.
01:00:30Yeah sure OK they can go get them after the honeymoon you got to come back and
01:00:34work that off you can't keep me away right goodbye Ron thanks very much.
01:01:00What is that for you.