Abu ali sina history Drama in urdu ( ابن سینا )URDU HINDI DOCUMENTARY Episode 12 / SN Qudsia
For the crater, see Avicenna (crater).
"Ibn Sina" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Ali Sina (activist), Bu-Ali Sina University, or Lenin Peak (mountain peak).
Ibn Sina and often known in the west as Avicenna was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of early modern medicine. Avicenna is also called "the most influential philosopher of the pre-modern era". He was a peripatetic philosopher influenced by Aristotelian philosophy. Of the 450 works he is believed to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.
Who was Abu Ali Sina | Ibn e Sina | Muslim Scientist Series | Islamic Golden Age
Ibn Sina, also known as Abu Ali Sina, Pur Sina, and often known in the West as Avicenna, was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers, and writers of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of early modern medicine.
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For the crater, see Avicenna (crater).
"Ibn Sina" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Ali Sina (activist), Bu-Ali Sina University, or Lenin Peak (mountain peak).
Ibn Sina and often known in the west as Avicenna was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of early modern medicine. Avicenna is also called "the most influential philosopher of the pre-modern era". He was a peripatetic philosopher influenced by Aristotelian philosophy. Of the 450 works he is believed to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.
Who was Abu Ali Sina | Ibn e Sina | Muslim Scientist Series | Islamic Golden Age
Ibn Sina, also known as Abu Ali Sina, Pur Sina, and often known in the West as Avicenna, was a Persian polymath who is regarded as one of the most significant physicians, astronomers, thinkers, and writers of the Islamic Golden Age, and the father of early modern medicine.
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