• 4 years ago


00:00Here are the lights on that step, will you?
00:10Charlie, Charlie, give me a minute.
00:20Okay, just what do you do here?
00:41You see, I have to keep a complete record of everything.
00:44The clothes the actors wear in the various scenes,
00:47how they come into the scenes, right or left, and what they do.
00:51Rather a complicated business, isn't it?
00:53Yes, but very necessary.
00:55Now take this scene they're rehearsing now, for instance.
00:58It's a retake of something we did a month ago.
01:01Here's the record of it.
01:03Oh, I see.
01:04So you have a lot to do, haven't you?
01:06Well, it could hardly be called a holiday.
01:13Now we pick it right up from here, see?
01:17That last was better, but you're not getting it yet, old man.
01:20You've got to get under it.
01:23And by the way, this drinking of yours is the cause of this retake.
01:28So come on, snap out of it.
01:30Let's try it again.
01:31All right, let's go.
01:37Elsie, Elsie, where are you?
01:41And why not, may I ask?
01:44I called her away.
01:47She's going to meet me at my apartment.
01:50You see, Elsie really works for me.
01:54Yeah, that's better, only don't stick again when we take it.
02:00Oh, Rex.
02:02Have you got that scene fixed yet?
02:04Just a second.
02:10We'll change that last speech, see?
02:12Make it read, you see, my dear, Elsie really works for me.
02:17She is my sister.
02:19Yeah, that clears it up all right.
02:22Well, come on, folks, now we'll take it once more.
02:24And you add to your speech, she's my sister, see?
02:28Come on, let's get going.
02:30Oh, all right, I'm not deaf.
02:43Hey, Smoke, bring that lamp over here, will you?
02:52That's perfectly all right.
02:53It was rather an embarrassing position for me, wasn't it?
02:55Yes, well, I did my good deed for the day.
02:58Quiet, folks, quiet, please.
03:00Oh, pardon me.
03:01Will you excuse me?
03:07Say, you'll have to get back here.
03:08You're in too close.
03:09Back here, please.
03:12Mike, bring me a cobble, Mike.
03:15Oh, I beg your pardon.
03:28Hello, Valerie.
03:30How are you?
03:32Sit down.
03:34Say, who was that young man who just kept me from falling?
03:44That's Bob Adair, a friend of Rex Forsythe.
03:47He's a reporter on the New York paper.
03:52How do you feel about it?
03:53It's okay with me.
03:54All right, let's take it.
03:56All right, quiet, everybody.
03:57Here's the tape.
03:58Grab a set, please.
04:01All right, camera.
04:03Scene 26, retake.
04:12Where is she?
04:18Jeffrey, what are you doing here?
04:20Is it strange for a husband, even a discarded husband, to visit his wife?
04:27Elsie won't answer.
04:29And why not, may I ask?
04:31I've called her away.
04:33She's going to my apartment to meet me.
04:36You see, my dear, Elsie really works for me.
04:41She's my sister.
04:43That's it.
04:50You beast.
04:52If people could see you like this, they'd know why I'm divorcing you.
04:55What's the matter with you, Andre?
04:57Now, don't start anything here.
04:59Now, come on, old man.
05:01Don't mess with my affair.
05:02I tell you, I can't stand it.
05:05That's Andre Latham for you.
05:08Valerie, did you get what I wanted?
05:10Yes, Miss Gladden.
05:11They were sorry it took so long.
05:14I should think they would be.
05:17That's all right.
05:18Run along, dear.
05:19I'll see you at home.
05:20Yes, Miss Gladden.
05:21Will you dine there?
05:22Not this evening.
05:23There's a dinner party at Calvin Green's.
05:26Come on, I'll walk over to your dressing room.
05:29Did I say you could?
05:31Oh, come on.
05:36Okay, you all set?
05:37Let's go.
05:38Oh, I'll meet you in the office, Bob.
05:43Okay, Rex.
05:47All right, boys, wrap them up.
05:48Bring down your diffusers.
05:50You all grouch.
06:04Come on, Rex.
06:05What's the matter?
06:06What have I done now?
06:09Why did you ditch me for lunch and eat with Warren's sibling?
06:12He's my director, and the star always has to be nice to me.
06:17He's my director, and the star always has to be nice to her director.
06:22You're nice to everybody.
06:24That's the trouble.
06:26You're just jealous.
06:28You know men are a part of my life.
06:31I know it too well.
06:34But you know who I really love, don't you?
06:43Say that you love me, Rex.
06:46Oh, I suppose I'll end up by marrying you.
06:49Oh, but monsieur, I'm not yet a divorce from Andre.
06:52My dear husband.
06:54Yes, and when he kissed you, I could have...
06:56Yes, and you showed it too.
06:59You're a funny old thing, Rex.
07:01But run along, my dear.
07:02I must rest.
07:06My bad luck, I can't take you to Cal Green's party tonight,
07:09but I've got to work on your next story.
07:11My office is riding me, worse luck.
07:14Don't you worry, darling.
07:15There'll be a lot of nice men there.
07:17I won't be lonesome.
07:19You little devil.
07:23Run along.
07:32You little devil.
07:43You are beautiful.
07:55Who would have driven this bit of steel into your heart,
07:57but have found a home instead in his?
08:00I didn't know then that you had made a fool of me,
08:02as you have of me, as you have of dozens of others.
08:05Jeffrey, I swear.
08:07Worshipping you, I married you,
08:09took you from the gutter, made you a lady.
08:13And you betrayed me with my best friend.
08:16But the moment for atonement is here.
08:18Behind you stretches a pathway of selfishness,
08:20lies deceit.
08:21Ahead of you, darkness, oblivion.
08:23For like the meteor that flamed and died,
08:25you too shall die.
08:28Die, die, die, die, die, die, die.
08:35For the love of Pete.
08:38Why don't you get some air in here?
08:41They have a pretty fair story, this falling star thing.
08:44Why'd you steal the idea?
08:46Hey, no cracks out of you, fella.
08:48Come on, get on your feet.
08:49I gotta get to work.
08:53Oh, say.
08:54You're about to lose your star boarder at last.
08:58Now I'll have a few peaceful days and sober nights for a change.
09:01Oh, yeah?
09:02Well, I could go for a few myself, then.
09:04Get off that.
09:06What's the matter?
09:07That city editor of yours got on his ear again?
09:09Has he?
09:10Get a load of this.
09:11Mr. Robert Adair,
09:12care of Rex Forsythe's screenwriter
09:14at Eminent Studios, Hollywood, California.
09:17Now that you have solved the Donahue murder case
09:19and given Hollywood an eyeful of New York's worst reporter,
09:22I would deem it a great favor if you would see your way clear
09:24to come back to New York and give your newspaper a break.
09:27Love and kisses.
09:29Sarcastic mug.
09:31You know, I have a sneaking idea I will kiss the old buzzard,
09:33and boy, will he burn.
09:36Too bad there aren't a few more murders for you to solve.
09:39I'd like to have you stay on.
09:42Not wishing anybody any hard luck.
09:44Oh, say.
09:45You going to Cal Green's party tonight?
09:46No, confounder.
09:47I've got to try and get Irma's next story finished.
09:50Well, I'm going,
09:51and boy, I'm going to put on a good old-fashioned bust.
09:53One that'll last me till I hit home.
09:56Is Miss Gladden going?
09:58Oh, she'll be there, all right.
10:01Oh, by the way,
10:02who was that good-looker on the smith today?
10:05Oh, you mean Valerie Christine?
10:06That's Irma's secretary.
10:13Boy, one look at her and my heart did handspring.
10:17Hey, what are you doing?
10:19Let me go!
10:20Let me go!
10:21Drop that gun!
10:22Drop it, I say!
10:29What are you trying to do?
10:31Let me go!
10:32Wait a minute.
10:33Hurry up!
10:34Let me go!
10:35Let me go!
10:36Let me go!
10:37Let me go!
10:38Let me go!
10:39Let me go!
10:40Let me go!
10:41Let me go!
10:42Let me go!
10:43Let me go!
10:44Let me go!
10:45Get a hold of him.
10:47Get out of here.
10:48Now, you're not convicted here.
10:49Take your hands off of me!
10:52She's still my wife.
10:55He don't belong in here.
10:57He was making love to her.
10:59It's all his fault, I'm telling you.
11:00Now, she's going to divorce me,
11:02so she can marry,
11:03so she can marry him!
11:05That's who she wants to marry!
11:06Here, break it down.
11:07Never mind.
11:08Look at him.
11:09Look at him.
11:10He thinks,
11:11he thinks she loves him.
11:13Just another fool.
11:14Like me.
11:15Like Sibley.
11:16Like everybody.
11:17Come on, Andrew, old man.
11:18Come on.
11:19You, too.
11:20My best friend.
11:22You love her, too.
11:25Look at me.
11:27I was a star.
11:28Wasn't I?
11:29Of course you were, Andrew.
11:30Of course.
11:31Well, she,
11:32she did this to me.
11:35I tried to kill her.
11:36Didn't I?
11:38But, they,
11:39they can't have her.
11:40They can't.
11:41She belongs to me.
11:42To me.
11:44you've got to stop this.
11:45You've got to.
11:47you can get him out of here.
11:49All right.
11:50Come on, Andrew, old man.
11:51I'm your friend,
11:52and I understand.
11:53Come to my office.
11:54Come on.
11:55All right.
11:57You understand, don't you?
11:58Of course I do.
11:59That's a good fellow.
12:06All right, Rex, old boy.
12:07Don't worry.
12:08We'll take care of everything.
12:13Rex, dear.
12:15Tell Norman to bring the car around.
12:18I want to get out of here.
12:20Are you all right?
12:22Maybe you'd better not go tonight.
12:23Oh, I'm all right.
12:24Run along now.
12:27Rex, please do as I ask.
12:30All right.
12:43I've got to get out of here.
12:44Wait a minute.
12:45Come on.
12:46Andrew, sit down, will you?
12:49You've made a fool of yourself once today.
12:51That's enough.
12:53I know what I'm doing.
12:55Yeah, I suppose you knew what you were doing
12:56when you tried to kill Irma.
13:06did I do that?
13:07Yes, you did.
13:08You did.
13:09You did.
13:10Did I do that?
13:11Yes, you did.
13:15Let me out of here.
13:17Sit down there.
13:19Now, you stay here until you pull yourself together.
13:22All right.
13:41I suppose you'll send this to your confounded paper.
13:44No, if I sent that bushy-haired old editor of mine
13:46anything but a murder story, I'd get the gig.
13:51Chances looked pretty good there for a minute, didn't they?
13:57You're not taking her too seriously, are you, old man?
14:00What's that?
14:11You're not taking her too seriously, are you, old man?
14:20You're not taking her too seriously, are you, old man?
14:23I wouldn't intrude into personal matters if I were you, Bob.
14:30Yeah, I guess you're right at that.
14:37See you at the house.
14:50Bye, Mr. Larkin.
16:17Oh, Miss Gladden?
16:19Mrs. Sibley is waiting in the drawing room.
16:23Mrs. Sibley?
16:30How long has she been here?
16:32Quite some time, I believe. The maid let her in.
16:36All right. Tell her I'll see her. Here.
16:39Yes, Miss Gladden.
17:50I suppose you know who I am.
17:52Oh, of course, Mrs. Sibley.
17:54Won't you sit down?
17:56I came here for just one reason, now, Mrs. Gladden.
17:58To tell you that you can't get away with it.
18:01Really, Mrs. Sibley?
18:03I don't know what you mean.
18:05Then I'll tell you.
18:07You leave my husband alone.
18:09I don't care.
18:11I don't care.
18:13I don't care.
18:15I don't care.
18:17I don't care.
18:19You leave my husband alone.
18:21Do you understand?
18:23Don't be dramatic.
18:25Warren and I are simply good friends.
18:27Good friends.
18:34Devotedly, Warren.
18:40Good friends.
18:44And why not?
18:47Now, you listen to me.
18:49But Miss Gladden said if you called again,
18:51she didn't want to see you.
18:53Well, tell her I'm here, please.
18:55Or she'll see me.
18:57She's got to see me.
18:59Oh, all right.
19:01You wait here.
19:11Remember, Irma Gladden,
19:13I've warned you.
19:15Oh, I'll be very,
19:17oh, so very careful, Mrs. Sibley.
19:25Send my mail, Valerie.
19:27Yes, Miss Gladden.
19:29Oh, Miss Gladden.
19:31Yes, Norman.
19:33The young man who calls himself Robert Worth
19:35would like to see you.
19:37Will you tell the young man
19:39who calls himself Robert Worth
19:41I don't care to see him.
19:44So, that detective agency
19:46has come to life at last.
19:48Well, it's about time.
19:50Well, I've got to see her, I tell you.
19:52I'm going to see her.
19:54I tell you, she doesn't want to see you.
19:56Well, close that window and put out my pajamas.
19:58Well, are you going to pay her, or must I call her a cop?
20:00Please, dear.
20:02Because I won't wait for you.
20:04Oh, please let me in.
20:06I've got to see her.
20:08Oh, please let me in.
20:10I've got to see her.
20:30You don't understand. I've got to.
20:32Come on, see it.
20:38Hello, sweetie.
20:40Oh, still got on your high hat.
20:42Miss Gladden wishes to see you in her boudoir.
20:44In the boudoir.
20:46Oh, boy.
20:48I'm jealous of you, sweetie.
21:08I've been one one eight one. Yes. It's me Norman. Come in.
21:35Hello. Police headquarters. Yes, I'd like to talk to Captain Summers, please. Thank you.
21:54Oh, hello. This is Irma Gladden, Captain. No, I'd rather not explain over the phone.
22:02It's in connection with what we talked about a few days ago. Yes, I do want someone arrested.
22:13Yes, 830 will be all right. You know my home? Beverly Drive. Yes,
22:21I'm going out, but I'll wait. Thank you. Goodbye, Captain.
22:25Oh, Norman, I'd forgotten about you. May I speak to you, please?
22:55Hiya, slave.
23:25I thought you were gonna get swanked. No, Cal Green switched bootleggers on me.
23:29Took the enamel right off the teeth. Good old black coffee. That's worse than Cal's gin.
23:42The one I love by Rex Versailles. What's the matter, stuck? Plenty. I'll give you an idea.
23:51There are three men in love with the same girl. Are you trying to be funny?
23:58Oh, I'm sorry, old man. I didn't think.
24:11Was Irma there? Mm-hmm. The center of attraction as usual, I suppose.
24:18She wasn't exactly lonesome. You know, Rex, there's something fascinating about that girl.
24:23What is it? I wish I knew. Some women are like that. Literature and legend are full of them.
24:32Yeah, and they usually ride for a fall, too. Some women are too fascinating for their own good.
25:11Full service, Miss Gladden. Miss Gladden!
26:12Hello. That's for you. Oh, thanks. Al. Hello, Bob. This is Captain Summer speaking. I'm up at the
26:31Gladden place. Al McGladden's been murdered, and I want you to come up here as soon as you can.
26:41Right. I'll be right over. Yeah, I know where it is.
26:57What's the matter? You better get a hold of something, old man. You're gonna take a jolt.
27:03What's happened, Bob? Irma's dead.
27:13You want to come along?
27:20Yes, of course.
27:32Six or seven stubs. One about every ten minutes. That means whoever was sitting with her talked
27:47at least an hour. Yeah. You say she left Calvin Greens alone about two o'clock, huh? Yeah,
27:58just about. Uh-huh. That would make it happen roughly about 3 or 3.30, eh? Mm-hmm. Let's see
28:08what his nibs has to say. Right. Well, bullet ended right side, passed upward through heart,
28:22and out on the left shoulder. Death instantaneous. Well, see you later.
28:26It's cold. It's cold along toward morning. Just another murder.
28:39Handed the precise kind of a wallop, eh? Yeah, he's pretty much in love with her, I guess.
28:43I'll go.
29:13Not a clue, right? Maybe you'd like to run along home, Mr. Precise. I'll stay if you don't mind.
29:20Just as you say. Bob here was telling me what happened in the studio this afternoon. Do you
29:27mind if I ask a few questions? Anything. Anything to help. I think I'll go upstairs and look around
29:32a bit. Right. Delaney's up there snooping. Oh, Delaney. My old friend Delaney. Has he found
29:38anybody to question yet? No, not yet, but he's hoping. Now, I know it's tough on you,
29:46but could you give me the details as you remember them as to what happened in the studio this
30:21afternoon? When you get through smelling the floor, Sergeant, you can sniff on that for a while.
30:29You're here again. I thought you'd gone out of my life. Not yet. You think you're pretty smart,
30:38don't you, Bob Adair? Well, let me tell you something. Smells played a very important part
30:44in the famous Mulberry case. Now, let's see. It was in 1913. Yes, 1913. The minute I entered that
30:57old lady's room, I got a whiff, an odor, see? It was lavender. Yes, sir, lavender. I said to
31:05myself, Delaney, this means something. Now, there was a son-in-law, see? And the minute I laid my
31:13eyes onto him, I know there was something queer. So, I ran that smell down and down and down until
31:22I pinned it right on him. Hey, oh, there you are. Sergeant, I have a clue. Good. What is it? A necktie.
31:30Great. Every murderer leaves a clue, which means Churchy's Lahami. I beg your pardon? Churchy's
31:40Lahami. That's French for find the man. Oh. And you find the man that owns that necktie, you found
31:49the murderer. It's a cinch. I think you're right, Sergeant. I'll turn it over to Captain Summers.
31:54Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute. You don't need to turn it over to him. Let me see it. Let me.
31:59I've got all the clues. Say, what are you trying to do, make a mug out of me? No, it's too late,
32:08Sergeant. Yeah? Hey, you know what? This is a clear case of robbery. No, camouflage. The room's in too
32:20much of a mess. It's overdone. Something deeper than robbery in this, Sergeant. That's what I thought.
32:25Oh, Captain Summers. Here he is. We picked him up on Hollywood Boulevard. Good work, Ed. Find anything? This.
32:34The lady. There. I'll get to the bottom of this. Come here. When did you first enter Miss Gladden's
32:52employ? A year ago. She discharged you, huh? Yeah, this afternoon. Where were you between 2.30 and 3.30
33:01this morning? Walking home from Hollywood to 6th and Alvarado, where I live. This is Norman, Miss Gladden's chauffeur.
33:09Chauffeur, eh? Well, is that a crime? Huggins found this on him. A report from the James Agency substantiating Miss
33:24Gladden's belief that he had stolen and pawned one of her rings. Oh! Where'd you get this? I took it from Miss Gladden's
33:32boudoir this afternoon when she discharged me. There you are, clean as a nose on your face. You stole her jewels, she fired you,
33:42you came back and killed her. What? Well, what do you mean? What do I mean? You killed Irma Gladden, didn't you? And what?
33:55Hey, what's that? That's nuts in French. Another smart crack out of you and you're under arrest. Aye, you're an hour late, Flatfoot.
34:05That's enough. Were you here tonight? Yes, I was. I came back to ask Miss Gladden to give me another chance. I wanted to square myself.
34:17Waited around until 1.30 and then started walking home like I told you. You're just full of virtues, ain't ya? Well, we're holding you up
34:26a last knee anyway. Who's gonna press the charge, Sergeant? Now, you're a great help now, ain't ya? Huh! Look him on suspicion.
34:44Miss Gladden? Oh, Miss Gladden?
34:56Hey, come here, come here, come here, listen. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Nobody gets away while Delaney is on the job.
35:16You'll tell it to the captain. Come on. Come on, come on, come on. I caught her. She's trying to beat it away from the house. Oh, I haven't done anything. Oh, Mr. Forsyte, please, please tell them who I am.
35:34This is Valerie Christine, Miss Gladden's secretary. I see. If you don't mind, I'll go now. All right. You want me along, old man? No, I'm all right. Good night.
35:56Oh, you're running away, Miss Christine. Yes, why were you running away? I wasn't. I live here. I was coming home. I saw Miss Gladden. I was frightened. I didn't know what I was doing. I ran.
36:11You see, she admits it. Where were you between 2.30 and 3.30? Easy, Delaney. You weren't home this evening? No. I received a message quite early to call on... There was something strange about it because I... Well, I... I stayed until just a little while ago. And my friend hadn't sent me a note at all. Let's see that note.
36:34I... I don't remember where I put it. Oh, I know. I left it up in Miss Gladden's boudoir. I was there when it came. You think it was a false message to get you away from the house? Yes, because... I'll get it for you. Oh, no, you won't. It's all right, Delaney. All right.
37:02That dame will bear watching.
37:07I ought to question her again. I think she did it. Don't think.
37:32Help! Help! Help!
37:39Help! Help! Help!
37:54Oh, help! Oh, stop it! Oh, stop it!
37:58Somebody help!
38:00I've got him! I've got him! I've got him! Put out those lights, somebody! I've got him! I've got him! I've got him!
38:13Lights! Put out the lights! I've got him!
38:19Hey, Kat, Kat, I didn't know it was you. It was dark. I didn't know...
38:23Open up the window!
38:24Go on, you big sap!
38:27Go on!
39:00Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
39:02Well, which way did he go? Which way did he go?
39:04Your guess is as good as mine, Cap.
39:06It's a good thing it is, or I'd be in bad shape.
39:08Ed, go around and see what you can find on the other side of the house.
39:11Delaney, I'll tell you what you'll do now.
39:12Good. What is it, Cap? What is it, Cap?
39:14Nothing. You just keep out of my way, that's all.
39:17Here. Here's a glass of water for you. It will make you feel better.
39:20Oh, thanks.
39:26Is that the note that took you away from the house?
39:30Well, don't you want me to see it?
39:33Well, I...
39:34Please, I want you to see it.
39:36I don't want you to see it.
39:38I want you to see it.
39:39I don't want you to see it.
39:41I don't want you to see it.
39:43I don't want you to see it.
39:45I don't want you to see it.
39:46Well I. Please.
39:56Come on really. Isn't there something you want to say.
40:03No not now. Please. You can tell me about it later.
40:10Trust me. I really do want to help you you're very
40:15kind. You know you have
40:19a beautiful name. I'm glad you like it. Aren't you the least bit curious about
40:25mining. I already know it. Mind reader no.
40:33I have someone. At the studio. And then you were curious to.
40:40Well. Oh does your head hurt much. It's all right.
40:48I'm afraid there's something wrong with my heart.
40:58If I did not disappear in the thin air serious about no just
41:03a crack in the head that door open or close when you make your best guess.
41:06And. Why why it was open of course it was closed and locked whether
41:13attack Miss Christine was in that closet while we were in the room well maybe it
41:17was. The only idea what might have been. Well it may have been Robert
41:23Worth Miss Gladden's first husband she married him before she ever thought of
41:27Hollywood in the career then when she became famous she divorced him threw him
41:32over just as she was ridding herself of Andre Layton for. Someone else who come
41:38on who. It's common knowledge that Rex Forsythe was madly in love with.
41:45What makes you think Robert Worth might have been in there he tried to see Miss
41:48Gladden this afternoon you see he still loved her in spite of everything I say
41:55about that note you found it Miss Christine we searched the room but it wasn't
42:00here where it might have sent it probably did. But I think you know.
42:08Round up Robert Worth book about suspicion of murder. I want to question simply.
42:15Simply why. And relate that show for to. My office morning.
42:22Got that down got what down what are you looking for. I lost my pencil and I lost
42:27my pencil you know what. Next thing you lose your job. Miss Christine I want to
42:33you know to about tonight.
42:40Do you want to tell me now yes I'll tell all I can let's go to Henry's and you can
42:45tell it to me over sandwiches and coffee I'll get my coat.
43:15You put those papers there so you're ready to know.
43:25All right listen to this.
43:28Who killed her my glad the police don't know do we know we don't. Know.
43:36Sergeant Delaney reports the old bromide that the police expect to make an arrest
43:41shortly do we know we don't want to talk with what.
43:49There's another one listen to this. The progress thus far made by the police in
43:55the Gladden case would do credit to
43:58a correspondent school for detectives.
44:04I don't handle them newspapers you'll handle them newspapers you'll handle them if I
44:09ever hear you say you'll handle them again I'll break up. What have you done what
44:15have we done what nothing nothing.
44:19Nothing. Can we pin anything on him can we pin anything on him I'll answer no we
44:25can not.
44:31Speak easy all night. Forgot where I can't remember where.
44:38He started with you want to change his mind and came back at four o'clock in the
44:42morning but nobody saw him. There's
44:45a separate session without all night looking for
44:47a husband couldn't find him and makes the chief out of committing the crime.
44:54That's over he said he was walking home from Hollywood to Alvarado.
45:02And Robert what happened to Robert what happened to Robert. I don't know you
45:09suppose I thought you know what I've got the fact that I don't want to drag that
45:14that drag that you'll probably love the drag that like
45:17a lot. Come in.
45:24And they got what's good about it. All the papers haven't been very kind so far I
45:30think. That's something.
45:40Why it's the note that took you away from the house that night signed and Ray and
45:43really it's
45:44a said he did it I thought so all along. Where to find it Bob
45:51I got my cards are on the table Andre Layton is Miss Christine's brother. What's
45:57the story about well even though Miss Glenn was divorcing Layton he still loved
46:03her so he sent to New York from Miss Valerie to come out here and take
46:06a position with her as her secretary. He thought that she might be able to change
46:11things you know perhaps a good influence. Were you at your brother's house that
46:16night yes he came in about three thirty terribly upset he he doesn't remember
46:23sending me the note that isn't his handwriting I checked on that I don't have to
46:28be proved I'm sorry Miss Layton the circumstances warrant placing your brother
46:35under arrest no no way I didn't give you
46:37a bum steer on that Donahue case but. No you didn't do me
46:42a favor hold off on Layton until tomorrow until we've all had
46:46a chance to look at Miss Gladden's last picture falling star what's that got to do
46:49with it I might have
46:51a lot to do it I think you're crazy understand as soon as you've seen the picture
46:55they can have
46:56a try to get away if you arrest him now I don't ruin it do this for me. For us.
47:05Only a suspect. It could be anyone of several. Any one of several.
47:13I got
47:14a warrant for Layton's arrest I'll handle it Captain.
47:21Some are speaking. To any way. Robert worth.
47:30All right go ahead I know who killed her McLeod. I thought done.
47:36And I'm afraid for my life. Room three six.
47:44Stratton arms apartment. Let me get
47:48a car hurry right now you can come on to where your brother see that he stayed
48:44I'm I'm.
49:14I'm. Through the heart.
49:22Happen I think I know the answer I'm serious as I've never been before in my life
49:27well I want you to use your authority to have
49:30a private showing of falling star and have everyone there that is connected with
49:34the picture. All right thank you
49:41Delaney. And you stay here and take care of the body.
49:51Healthy healthy. Is she.
49:58Jeffrey what are you doing here it's
50:00a strange for a husband even a discarded husband to visit his wife. Else he won't
50:06answer my dear and why not may I ask. I called her away she's going to my
50:12apartment to meet me. You see my idea else he is really working for me.
50:19She is my sister oh I see. She's here to spy on me well my Lord now that you
50:26discovered everything what are you going to do about it. You know you've made
50:32a fool of men for the last time.
50:37If we are. What do you mean I see you remember it the token of our meeting in
50:45India that dagger that saved your life. What are you going to do.
50:53You remember the night. Rightly in the sky then plunged into the dark.
51:00That drink crazed fool would have plunged this bit of steel into your heart but it
51:05found a home instead in his. Oh I didn't know then that you had made a fool of
51:12him as you have of me I've got another home Jeffrey I swear.
51:18Worshiping you I married you took you out of the gutter made you. Lady.
51:25And then you betrayed me. With my best friend. But the moment
51:33for atonement is here behind you is
51:35a path of selfishness lies deceit. Before you darkness oblivion.
51:43Has that media blamed and died so you too shall die.
51:59Yes I did it I do it again I killed it I shot Robert Worth to because he knew I knew
52:05that Valerie Christine was Andre Leighton sister I wrote the note to make it look as
52:09though he did it I planned the whole thing just as I wrote it for the screen just as
52:12you saw it what does he do to Robert Worth married him for a few paltry thousands
52:18made him a stepping stone to fame and Andre Leighton look at him look at him you
52:24remember what he was and see what he is now but drink raised hope that was once a
52:28man and Warren simply my friend Andre's friend another fool like me yes I went
52:35there that night to our home pleaded with her to marry me but she laughed at me said
52:39that I was a fool like him like simply like a dozen others that I had served her
52:44purpose and that she was through with me through selfishness lies deceit.
52:50And you if it hadn't been for you snooping around reading my scripts putting two and
52:54two together.
52:54And. I got.
53:11Yeah. Yes. No no no no quit.
53:19Q you I T quit.
53:22Q as in Quincy you as in Eureka.
53:32I as in Idiot.
53:35T as in Tamale.
53:44I will repeat the straight telegram collect going to Albert Bailey managing editor
53:50the Daily Journal New York City pull in your heart comma you big boo stop you can't
53:58fire me comma I quit stop love and kisses.
54:07That's right.
54:09What is the signature please.
54:12Oh. Yes.
54:17Mr Bob. Mr and Mrs Bob.