• 4 years ago


00:01:50And why in the world would steel do a thing like that? Gosh, it gives me goose pimples.
00:01:54Yeah, it's tough. Oh, what's the use of hashing it over? I warned her, she thought she was smart.
00:02:00I know, but I feel sorry for her parents. Honest, I do.
00:02:03Oh, June, why feel sorry for her parents? If they paid a little more attention to the kid, maybe it wouldn't have happened.
00:02:08Her parents aren't so bad, Francine.
00:02:11No, they're not bad. Nor is your old man.
00:02:14But just let you be 15 minutes late and he'll beat you black and blue.
00:02:17Sally, you don't need to tell everybody about Dad.
00:02:19I don't have to tell them, they know.
00:02:21Hey, kids, did any of you get a note to report to old man Morfitt right after lunch?
00:02:24Yes, I got one.
00:02:26Must be serious when the principal calls you on the carpet.
00:02:28Gee, I've been absent so much this term, maybe...
00:02:31Wrote notes, didn't you?
00:02:32Yes, but my mother didn't sign them.
00:02:33So what?
00:02:34Oh, I'm scared. I copied Mother's signature off her canceled checks.
00:02:38It's always worked, though, at least till now.
00:02:40Keep it up, kid. When you graduate, you'll get an A in penmanship.
00:02:43Oh, gee, kids, I got an idea. I betcha...
00:02:46I betcha you never had an idea.
00:02:48Oh, I did, too.
00:02:50I betcha they're gonna ask us about Lucille jumping off a pier.
00:02:54What do you know about that?
00:02:55Oh, nothing.
00:02:59Do you see what I see?
00:03:11Oh, I was right. They are policemen.
00:03:14Sure, they're cops.
00:03:16Look, you don't know anything, any of it.
00:03:19Cops never give anybody an even break, understand?
00:03:22I know, but I don't know anything to tell them anyway, Sally.
00:03:24Neither do I.
00:03:25Well, that's good.
00:03:26I can tell them plenty, but I won't.
00:03:29Oh, Betty, you be quiet. You talk too much anyhow.
00:03:31Oh, let her talk. She never says anything.
00:03:34Sure, look at them, them Seamuses.
00:03:36They gotta put on a show, don't they?
00:03:38Where's it gonna get them?
00:03:39Well, anyway, we weren't mixed up with what happened last night.
00:03:42She was really a nice kid.
00:03:44Yeah, but no angel.
00:03:46What do you mean?
00:03:46Well, she used to hang around the merry-go-round, didn't she?
00:03:49Say, that's right. Do you think that Nick had anything to do with it?
00:03:52Listen, Roy, you better not think that out loud.
00:03:54If Nick hears you, you're liable to lose your ears.
00:03:56And he ain't kidding.
00:03:57You know that Nick's a plenty tough guy.
00:03:59Aw, gee, fellas, I didn't mean nothing.
00:04:02Oh, forget it, forget it.
00:04:04Well, I'll read. It's forgotten.
00:04:06It's as safe with me as a grave.
00:04:08Say, Jerry, how fast will this eggbeater of yours go?
00:04:12Oh, she'll do 75 and second on a hot day, I guess.
00:04:15What do you mean?
00:04:16Why, the other night we didn't even have it down to floorboard and we were doing better than 100.
00:04:20Gee, someday I'm gonna have a car that'll do better than that even.
00:04:24I'll see you guys later. There's Sally. I want to see her.
00:04:26Yeah, take it easy, Jerry.
00:04:28So long, stupid.
00:04:30Aw, gee, Rocky.
00:04:31Hiya, Jerry.
00:04:33Hiya, kid. Hiya.
00:04:34Say, uh, Sally, uh, I got a bright idea. Could I see you at the drugstore later?
00:04:39So I'll see you there.
00:04:40Bye. Bye, Jerry.
00:04:41Oh, there's Rocky. Excuse me. Here.
00:04:46Hiya, June.
00:04:47Hello, Rocky.
00:04:48You know, I waited for you until nearly 9 o'clock the other night.
00:04:52I felt like an awful sap.
00:04:54You knew there must have been a good reason.
00:04:55Yeah. Yeah, I can guess, but...
00:04:58The fella thinks all kind of things when...
00:05:00Well, when he's...
00:05:01When what, Rocky?
00:05:02When he's stood up like that.
00:05:04Hey, you weren't out with nobody else, were you?
00:05:06Course not, Rocky.
00:05:10All right, Jack and Jill.
00:05:12Hi-ho, we might as well get it over with.
00:05:14Hey, nobody give their right name.
00:05:17But they know me.
00:05:18That's their tough luck.
00:05:21I wonder, how did you mean that?
00:05:25Oh, well.
00:05:28I really don't know Mr. Moffat.
00:05:30I think she's afraid she might involve someone else.
00:05:34June, this police officer is here to help us.
00:05:37We want to prevent unnecessary tragedy.
00:05:39Not punish anyone after it's happened.
00:05:42You do want to help us, don't you?
00:05:44Yes, sir.
00:05:45But I didn't know Lucille very well.
00:05:47She had different classes than I.
00:05:49By the way, where were you last night?
00:05:52I was... I was to the library.
00:05:55No, sir. With Sally Higgins.
00:05:58I see. Thanks.
00:05:59Shall we have Betty Smith now?
00:06:01All right.
00:06:02Betty Smith.
00:06:06Oh, Emma Smith.
00:06:07Oh, I'm fine. I'm lovely. And how are you?
00:06:10You knew Lucille Dillard?
00:06:12I'll say this.
00:06:13We've been friends for years.
00:06:14Ever since we were children.
00:06:16Oh, ain't it awful?
00:06:17You know who she went around with?
00:06:19Well, gee, no.
00:06:20That was one thing.
00:06:21She didn't ever tell me anything private.
00:06:23Said I was a blabbermouth.
00:06:25Imagine that.
00:06:26I hardly ever say a word.
00:06:28Or maybe she was afraid I'd steal one of her boyfriends.
00:06:34Gee, now I know.
00:06:36You sound just like Dick Tracy.
00:06:40Is he Dick Tracy?
00:06:42Now, be a good little girl and I'll let you know when I hear from Flat Top.
00:06:46Go sit over there.
00:06:48Sally Higgins, Joe.
00:06:54Did you send for me?
00:06:55Why, yes.
00:06:56Miss Higgins, you knew Lucille.
00:06:57Never heard of her.
00:06:59You've read the newspapers.
00:07:00No, I only look at the funnies.
00:07:02Sally, that's not the proper attitude.
00:07:03All right.
00:07:05I know from nothing.
00:07:06I forgot everything I ever knew.
00:07:08You happen to know where you were last night?
00:07:10Well, I'll tell you.
00:07:12I went home, did homework for three or four hours,
00:07:14cleaned house, scrubbed the kitchen floor,
00:07:16got my old lady supper, and went to bed.
00:07:18So what?
00:07:19Sally, you know that's not so.
00:07:20I told them we went to the...
00:07:22Well, you know the words.
00:07:23Dirty little...
00:07:25Girl, girl, please, please.
00:07:29I just told them that we went to the library.
00:07:34You heard what she said.
00:07:36We went to the library.
00:07:37What's wrong with that?
00:07:40We're not making any headway, Mr. Moffat.
00:07:42I'm sorry.
00:07:44All right, girls.
00:07:45Back to your classes.
00:07:52Sally, what are you so mad at?
00:07:54Oh, nothing.
00:07:55I thought you squealed.
00:07:56Anyway, I'm allergic to quiz programs.
00:07:58And isn't it funny?
00:07:59I just love quiz programs.
00:08:05Would you like to talk to some of the boys now?
00:08:07I'm afraid, gentlemen, that would be a waste of time.
00:08:09Do agree that preaching to the kids won't accomplish much?
00:08:12They'll be running the streets tonight again the same as ever.
00:08:18Gee, Sally, I've got to get home, really.
00:08:20Oh, Jerry's gonna drive you.
00:08:23He'll only be a minute.
00:08:25Well, I wish he'd hurry.
00:08:27I've simply got to get home.
00:08:29My brother will be furious.
00:08:30Oh, June, someone ought to beat that old man of yours to a pulp.
00:08:36Oh, stop it!
00:08:37He needs to hold up!
00:08:39Stop him, will ya?
00:08:41He's dead!
00:08:52Slice, hold up.
00:08:53Two women, one man.
00:08:55Getaway car.
00:08:56Dark roadster.
00:08:57Probably hopped up.
00:08:58This is one for V for Boston.
00:09:01Balance not obtained.
00:09:07Last reported speeding north on Highway 8.
00:09:10Hold up.
00:09:11Two women, one man.
00:09:12Two women and a man.
00:09:15Three kids, if you ask me.
00:09:17OK, wind her up.
00:09:25Stop this car!
00:09:26I want to get out!
00:09:27I'll get you, little dope.
00:09:57I want to get out!
00:10:13Are you crazy, Nick?
00:10:14Playing around with these young kids.
00:10:17Oh, pipe down, Mimi.
00:10:18Pipe down nothing.
00:10:20You know what happened last night with that high school kid.
00:10:23Why, if they ever find out she used to come here, they might lose her son.
00:10:26Listen, Mimi, we got nothing to worry about.
00:10:28We got chaperones so we can deal with the Bobby Sox trade.
00:10:31It's legal.
00:10:33What's the matter with you?
00:10:34You're making dough, ain't you?
00:10:36Money, yes.
00:10:38But most of all the money we make, I give to you.
00:10:41And what do I get?
00:10:43You get me, baby.
00:10:45I know, Nick.
00:10:47Whenever there's nobody else around, you're all for me.
00:10:51Oh, they'll never get us.
00:10:52This thing can do 100.
00:10:54Nice going, Jerry.
00:11:05Oh, Nick.
00:11:06It's OK, Jerry.
00:11:07I saw it.
00:11:08But we're in a jam.
00:11:09All right, get this heap out of here and hide it.
00:11:11Sally, who's this?
00:11:12Oh, she's all right, Nick.
00:11:14Always asking for trouble, aren't you?
00:11:15Oh, wait a minute.
00:11:16Take her inside and lose her in the crowd.
00:11:18Thanks, Nick.
00:11:19Now, you won't leave them in our place.
00:11:20Remember what happened last night.
00:11:21Will you shut up?
00:11:23Come on, hurry up.
00:11:25Get this thing out of here, Jerry.
00:11:26OK, Nick.
00:11:45He's hurt pretty bad.
00:11:50Why don't you go take care of those kids?
00:11:52Let them take care of themselves.
00:11:53Why don't you be nice?
00:12:04Now, listen, Mimi.
00:12:05Don't talk too much.
00:12:06All right, all right.
00:12:10Did you see this?
00:12:11Yeah, we were right over there.
00:12:20Hand those, Joe.
00:12:22Where's the car that hit him?
00:12:23About 40 miles from here, the way he was traveling.
00:12:26Could you describe it?
00:12:27Not good.
00:12:28It was one of those big old jobs, built like a locomotive.
00:12:31Wasn't it, baby?
00:12:32Yes, it was a big automobile, and green.
00:12:35Green, eh?
00:12:37Did you happen to catch the license number?
00:12:38That's almost a silly question, officer.
00:12:41Yeah, I guess it is.
00:12:42No, no, I mean he was going so fast.
00:12:45Yeah, I know.
00:12:47You're Mimi, aren't you?
00:12:51Well, I'm going to look your place over.
00:12:53What for?
00:12:56I'm just curious to see how the other half lives.
00:12:59You know, the younger half.
00:13:01Sure, any time.
00:13:02It's all open and above board.
00:13:10Gee, kid, you were terrific.
00:13:11I'd give anything to ruin rugs like you do.
00:13:14Sally, how could you do it?
00:13:15Oh, shut up.
00:13:16It's an act.
00:13:17Gee, Judy, ain't you glad you came?
00:13:19How come you've never been here before?
00:13:22Oh, I just love it.
00:13:23This place just sends me.
00:13:25Aren't you thrilled?
00:13:26Oh, listen, Zippo, why don't you dry up?
00:13:28She's got a headache.
00:13:30Well, gee, I never get headaches.
00:13:32First, you've got to have a head.
00:13:36What did you say?
00:13:37Skip it.
00:13:39That's what I thought you said.
00:13:43Oh, oh, gee, look, it's a policeman.
00:13:49Well, take a good look.
00:13:52Much obliged.
00:13:55Oh, Mimi, we're going to be raided.
00:13:57Oh, be quiet.
00:13:58Sally, you don't say no.
00:13:59Let him handle cops.
00:14:00I know.
00:14:01You know, Mimi, I don't like the job of decorating you, darling.
00:14:06What's the matter with it?
00:14:08You see these tables?
00:14:10If I were you, I'd put in a lot of cradles.
00:14:14You police think you are very, very funny, don't you?
00:14:17Well, I don't think so.
00:14:19We're not asking what you think.
00:14:21Well, maybe it is better you don't ask me what I think.
00:14:24Uh, don't mind her.
00:14:26She's got a bad temper.
00:14:27We're running a decent place.
00:14:29Regular Sunday school.
00:14:31Oh, the kids are all right.
00:14:32Let them have fun.
00:14:33They don't get away with anything.
00:14:34We watch them.
00:14:36With chaperones.
00:14:37On the merry-go-round payroll, eh?
00:14:39Sure, why not?
00:14:40It's legal, ain't it?
00:14:41Oh, sure.
00:14:42It's legal.
00:14:53Oh, hello, Mr. Policeman.
00:14:57What do you expect to find, liquor?
00:15:02How old are you?
00:15:03She's 17.
00:15:05What are you doing, playing games?
00:15:06You tried to pump us this afternoon.
00:15:08You're her mouthpiece, eh?
00:15:11She just isn't used to flexing.
00:15:12I mean policeman.
00:15:14You don't seem to be bothered that way.
00:15:20Hi, Steve.
00:15:21Hello, Anna Anne.
00:15:22What's the dope?
00:15:24Do the kids fix up in this?
00:15:25Steve, this is...
00:15:26Nick Gordon.
00:15:27I know Nick.
00:15:28Nick Gordon, Steve Cronin.
00:15:30Evening dispatch.
00:15:31Newspaper man, eh?
00:15:33Step outside with me, will you, Steve?
00:15:35You stay here.
00:15:38Oh, gee.
00:15:39They're leaving.
00:15:41Oh, ain't that too bad?
00:15:42I've just been sitting here dying.
00:15:44Oh, dear.
00:15:45Oh, dear.
00:15:46Oh, dear.
00:15:47Oh, dear.
00:15:48I'm dying, waiting for some excitement to start.
00:15:51Listen, deadhead, you're having fun.
00:15:52Why don't you be quiet?
00:15:54Sally, can't we go?
00:15:55Oh, no.
00:15:56The kicks are just about to start.
00:15:58I hope you're satisfied.
00:16:00That policeman is suspicious.
00:16:02Oh, forget it.
00:16:03He's just another dumb pavement bomber.
00:16:05The trouble with you is you think too many people are dumb,
00:16:09including me.
00:16:10Oh, no, baby.
00:16:11You're smart.
00:16:12Oh, is that so?
00:16:13Well, after what happened to that girl last night,
00:16:15you better get smart, too, dear.
00:16:17We're in the clear.
00:16:18We had nothing to do with that.
00:16:20Come on, let's have a drink.
00:16:27This one's registered to Nicholas B. Gordon.
00:16:29That is cool.
00:16:30Well, it doesn't mean he's got a clean slate.
00:16:32Say, just what have you got against this Nick?
00:16:34Nothing as yet.
00:16:35He's a cool customer.
00:16:37Am I talking for publication?
00:16:39Strictly off the record.
00:16:41Look here, Hanahan, you and I are both working toward the same end.
00:16:44This skit situation.
00:16:45Only you're using the law, and I'm using the press.
00:16:48What do you say we get together?
00:16:50You reporters always figure the police are hiding things.
00:16:53Now look.
00:16:54Places like these, licensed and operating within the law,
00:16:57that are responsible for half the juvenile delinquency in this country.
00:17:00Well, that's part of the cause, yes.
00:17:02It's up to you and I to find a cure for it.
00:17:05Well, I'll try to close the merry-go-round.
00:17:07That may help some.
00:17:08Hanahan, you're always popping off about closing up the honky-tonks.
00:17:12You've closed four or five now, and what good has it done?
00:17:15You're always tearing down.
00:17:17Why don't you try building things up once in a while?
00:17:19Be constructive.
00:17:20Well, I'll admit that something's got to be done.
00:17:23What, I don't know.
00:17:25Maybe it'd be a good idea to turn the kids loose in a place of their own.
00:17:28Maybe you've got something there.
00:17:30Closing that merry-go-round is the first on my list.
00:17:35Have it your way.
00:17:36And so they'll go looking for a great big sedan for a couple of days.
00:17:40Then it'll blow up.
00:17:41Believe me, you're in the clear.
00:17:43You're quite a guy, Nick.
00:17:44Oh, it was a cinch covering that one up.
00:17:47Say, what kind of a touch did you make with Jerry?
00:17:50Candy store.
00:17:52Could you take us home?
00:17:54Sure, anything you say.
00:17:56But you'd better get a hold of yourself.
00:17:57You're nervous.
00:17:58That's no good.
00:17:59Oh, I'll be all right.
00:18:00Nick's right, June.
00:18:01Compose yourself for a while.
00:18:03Suppose those cops are waiting for us down the road.
00:18:05You'd blabber all over and it'd be curtain for all of us.
00:18:08Oh, I wouldn't ever tell anything, Sally.
00:18:10Oh, wait a while.
00:18:11Then we'll go.
00:18:12How about a sandwich?
00:18:14Oh, no.
00:18:15I don't know what to do.
00:18:17If I don't get home pretty soon, my father will be terrible.
00:18:20Oh, that old lemon squeezer.
00:18:22Is that all that's biting you?
00:18:24I'll fix him.
00:18:25I did it for you before and I can do it again.
00:18:28Where's the phone?
00:18:29You know where the phone is.
00:18:30I mean, have you got a nickel?
00:18:34Can I make the call for you, too?
00:18:37You can talk soprano.
00:18:39Sally, don't.
00:18:40Please don't.
00:18:41Oh, stop worrying.
00:18:56You're among friends, say.
00:18:58Mr. Thompson, this is Mrs. Hagan, Sally's mother.
00:19:04Well, I'd love to have June stay here tonight.
00:19:07They're doing homework.
00:19:10The music?
00:19:12Why, that's the radio.
00:19:14Oh, no.
00:19:15No trouble at all.
00:19:17She's such a lovely child.
00:19:20Really, Mr. Thompson?
00:19:22Oh, yes.
00:19:23Yes, indeed.
00:19:24And thank you so much, Mr. Thompson.
00:19:27Good night.
00:19:40Well, kid, that pension's off your old man for the night.
00:19:43Sally, you sure know all the angles.
00:19:46Couldn't find out a thing.
00:19:47Well, I guess that's all for now, Joe.
00:19:49Report into headquarters.
00:19:50Tell them it looks like the hold up and the hit and run tie in together.
00:19:54We're working on it.
00:19:56Steve, I've been doing a lot of thinking, you know, about these kids.
00:20:02What's missing today is the old-fashioned family circle.
00:20:05Now, when I was a boy...
00:20:06Yes, yes, I know all about it.
00:20:09When you were a boy, you rode around town on a horse and buggy four or five miles an hour.
00:20:13But today, things are different.
00:20:15Today, things are sizzling.
00:20:16That is all, Miller.
00:20:19No, Hanahan, I'm afraid you're wrong.
00:20:21I mean the old family circle went out with a bustle.
00:20:24But it's not coming back, believe me.
00:20:26What we need is something to replace it.
00:20:28Something new.
00:20:30Well, your guess is as good as mine.
00:20:33See you later.
00:20:36You know, Miller, sometimes I almost believe he's right.
00:20:42Dance with me, Nick.
00:20:55I'll be right back.
00:20:56What's wrong now?
00:20:57I said I'd be right back.
00:21:01That guy kills me.
00:21:06Anything I can do for you, Mr. Cronin?
00:21:08No, not particularly.
00:21:10Well, if you're thinking of writing up the merry-go-round, I hope you make it a good one.
00:21:14Anything you want, son of a house.
00:21:17Enjoy yourself.
00:21:22Feel better?
00:21:23Oh, yes, thank you.
00:21:24How about a little something to pep you up?
00:21:26A little drink?
00:21:27Oh, no, thank you.
00:21:28Hey, what about me?
00:21:31You don't need a thing.
00:21:33Oh, there's Jerry.
00:21:34Gee, I'm glad he didn't get caught.
00:21:42Hiya, dude.
00:21:43Oh, hello, Docky.
00:21:45Oh, hello, Roy.
00:21:47Oh, Jerry, hello.
00:21:50Hiya, sweet.
00:21:51What do you know?
00:21:52Dead on paper?
00:21:54June, I never expected to find you here.
00:21:57Things happen.
00:21:58What did Jerry tell you, Francie?
00:22:01What should he have told me?
00:22:04What's up, Nick?
00:22:18Come on and dance with me, Roy.
00:22:20Oh, that rug's been cut up enough already.
00:22:22I'll dance.
00:22:23You just walk around me.
00:22:24Gee, Sally, I just got my shoes shined.
00:22:27Why don't you give in, Roy?
00:22:28That's just what he's going to do.
00:22:30Come on, Roy.
00:22:31All right, but just this once.
00:22:33What do you think happened here?
00:22:35Rocky, how about you and me wrestling in random?
00:22:39No, maybe later.
00:22:40No, well, I'll go knock myself out with somebody else.
00:22:48June, how come you're hanging around a joint like this?
00:22:52Rocky Webster, you have no right to ask me such questions.
00:22:56What are you doing here yourself if it's so awful?
00:22:59Well, it's different for me.
00:23:01Well, it's no different than...
00:23:03Oh, stop it.
00:23:04It's just that I don't want to see you get your fingers burnt.
00:23:07That's all.
00:23:08As if you cared.
00:23:10Well, it may sound like I care.
00:23:13As if you cared.
00:23:15Well, it may sound wacky, but I do care.
00:23:20Oh, Rocky.
00:23:26So you stuck up a candy store, huh?
00:23:29How much you get?
00:23:31You're lying.
00:23:32You heard me, Nick.
00:23:34You little dope.
00:23:36How many times have I told you to lay off those kind of jobs?
00:23:39I know the old geezer didn't have more.
00:23:41Now get this straight, Jerry.
00:23:42I don't want to catch you fooling around with those petty larceny rackets anymore.
00:23:46All right.
00:23:47All right.
00:23:48Where's that car?
00:23:49It's in a place.
00:23:50They'll never find it.
00:23:51Get rid of it for good.
00:23:53What do you mean?
00:23:54I know all the angles.
00:23:56Oh, a wise guy, huh?
00:23:59I hang around with you, don't I, Nick?
00:24:01Never mind that.
00:24:02Take that heap apart and junk it, understand?
00:24:04Listen, Nick.
00:24:05I ain't going to junk that heap.
00:24:06Listen, you.
00:24:08All right, Nick.
00:24:10All right.
00:24:12All right, now get out of here.
00:24:13Go out the back way and keep under cover, understand?
00:24:17Okay, Nick.
00:24:18But don't rush me.
00:24:31Hey, boy.
00:24:32You sure shake a mean tootsie with these pussies.
00:24:35You sure kick a ride yourself, kid.
00:24:38Say, have you any of that jivy wivy that goes to your hitsie witsie?
00:24:44No, but I've got some of that jivy wivy that goes to your tootsie witsie.
00:24:49Well, give me, give me, give me.
00:24:58Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
00:25:02I see you're still here.
00:25:04Have a drink?
00:25:05No, thanks.
00:25:06Just leaving.
00:25:07Come back again sometime.
00:25:13Oh, that was fun.
00:25:20No, nothing else.
00:25:23Rocky, do you want to take me home?
00:25:25June, are you out of your mind?
00:25:27Why, you go home and there's no place else to go.
00:25:30I'll let her go where she wants to go.
00:25:32I'll go find Cherry.
00:25:33All right.
00:25:36Come on.
00:25:45What are you doing here, Rocky?
00:25:47Oh, I was looking for Jerry.
00:25:49You don't see him, do you?
00:25:50No, but I didn't mean nothing.
00:25:52Okay, beat it.
00:25:53Take your nickel somewhere else and don't come back, understand?
00:25:56Oh, gee, Nick, what did I do?
00:25:58I was just looking for Jerry, that's all.
00:26:00Means nothing to me.
00:26:01He's a small-time screwball.
00:26:03Well, I ain't.
00:26:04I'm on a level, Nick.
00:26:05I'm all right, honest.
00:26:08How do I know?
00:26:11How do you like this?
00:26:12Where'd you get that?
00:26:14It's my old man's.
00:26:15That's poison, kid.
00:26:17Ah, it ain't loaded.
00:26:19It's broken.
00:26:20I thought maybe you'd lend me a couple bucks on it, that's all.
00:26:24Well, maybe I will.
00:26:28Drop it in there.
00:26:30How about five?
00:26:31Make it three.
00:26:32Oh, if my old man ever finds out about this...
00:26:34Never mind about that.
00:26:35Just so the cops don't find out about it.
00:26:37And let me tell you something, sonny boy.
00:26:39Never carry a rod unless you got a reason to.
00:26:43Can I get it back, Nick?
00:26:45Sure, when you pay me.
00:26:48Forget it.
00:26:49Come on out and play.
00:26:50Thanks, Nick.
00:26:52Mr. Policeman, what can I do for you?
00:26:54Not a thing.
00:26:55I'm doing all right.
00:26:57It seems like you always are.
00:26:59You're such a busy character.
00:27:03Hey, the cops.
00:27:04Beat it.
00:27:05Out the back.
00:27:12You back again, what do you want?
00:27:13Yeah, I'm a cop.
00:27:14I'm a cop.
00:27:15I'm a cop.
00:27:16I'm a cop.
00:27:17I'm a cop.
00:27:18I'm a cop.
00:27:19I'm a cop.
00:27:20What do you want?
00:27:21Get out of my way.
00:27:35What's the big idea?
00:27:36Who's that kid?
00:27:37Never saw him before.
00:27:39He knows his way around pretty good for a stranger.
00:27:43Any of you know that boy who just run the other office?
00:27:45No, sir.
00:27:46He wasn't with me.
00:27:47Honest, he wasn't.
00:27:48Maybe you'll remember later.
00:27:50How about you?
00:27:51Uh-uh, not me.
00:27:53She doesn't know him either.
00:27:54Officer, what is the beef?
00:27:57That boy is all right.
00:27:58I will vouch for him.
00:28:00Oh, isn't that just fine?
00:28:02Mimi, it might be smart to run these youngsters out of here tonight.
00:28:05The law says so?
00:28:07No, just a friend.
00:28:09Just a who?
00:28:10I said a friend.
00:28:12Oh, la, la.
00:28:13What I think of my friends, they could not print.
00:28:17And that goes for you, too.
00:28:20I'll remember that.
00:28:22All right, son, come on along.
00:28:24Honest, officer, he's been with me all evening.
00:28:26You sure of that?
00:28:27Yes, I am.
00:28:28Well, in that case, you better come along, too.
00:28:30All right, Joe, take him out.
00:28:32Come on, get your coat.
00:28:34Come on, come on, let's get going.
00:28:36We'd better clean house.
00:28:38Smart guy, huh?
00:28:39Now we go broke.
00:28:41Listen, baby, I believe in cooperating with the police.
00:28:43You heard what he said.
00:28:44Run them out tonight.
00:28:46Tomorrow's another day.
00:28:48Once you are right.
00:28:50All right, we close up.
00:28:52Everybody go home.
00:28:54Okay, kids, go home.
00:28:59Kids, scram.
00:29:01Go home.
00:29:02Now I'm closing up.
00:29:03And you two, please.
00:29:05Go home and go back tomorrow night.
00:29:07We'll have some more fun.
00:29:08Gee, isn't it a shame having to go home so early?
00:29:10Maybe it's better.
00:29:11Oh, don't be a droop.
00:29:13Oh, look, tell your old man you decided not to stay at our house or something.
00:29:17We haven't got the room anyway.
00:29:18I'll have to make up something.
00:29:20Well, make it good.
00:29:21Maybe one of the kids could take us home.
00:29:23Nothing doing.
00:29:24I'll take you both home.
00:29:25Gee, Nick, do you really mean it?
00:29:27On the level.
00:29:32Where do you think you are going?
00:29:34I'll be right back.
00:29:35I heard that before.
00:29:36And you'll hear it again.
00:29:39Oh, you, you split chick.
00:29:50This is where you get out, Sally.
00:29:52I thought we were going to take June home first.
00:29:54I want to talk to June.
00:29:56Good night, Sally.
00:29:57Good night, Nick.
00:30:02I wonder what she's so mad at.
00:30:04She'll get over it.
00:30:14Hey, what's your hurry, beautiful?
00:30:22I didn't say I was in a hurry.
00:30:24As far as I'm concerned, the night's still young.
00:30:26Well, let's start right from here.
00:30:28Why not?
00:30:33Wait a minute.
00:30:34Why did you leave the merry-go-round tonight without telling me?
00:30:37Oh, Nick thought I was wide open for the cops.
00:30:40Someday I'll get even with that guy.
00:30:42I wouldn't try that if I were you, Jerry.
00:30:44You know that Nick stops at nothing.
00:30:46Let's forget about him.
00:30:48Let's just concentrate on you.
00:30:50My mother might hear us.
00:30:52Then who knows, Nick might come back.
00:30:54Okay, let's go some other place.
00:30:56All right.
00:30:59Nice evening for a ride, especially with you.
00:31:02Oh, yes.
00:31:03Would you mind pulling up over here?
00:31:05I live just down there.
00:31:07I wouldn't want anyone to see me coming home at this hour.
00:31:16Good night.
00:31:17Wait a minute.
00:31:18Do you have to go now?
00:31:19Oh, yes.
00:31:20If my father should be awake...
00:31:21I'll go with you.
00:31:22Oh, no.
00:31:23No, thank you.
00:31:24Good night.
00:31:40Good night.
00:31:56Daddy, what are you doing up so late?
00:31:59Reading the paper.
00:32:05I thought I'd better not stay at Sally's after all.
00:32:08You're very thoughtful of you, June.
00:32:10I talked to Mrs. Higgins.
00:32:12Yes, I know.
00:32:14I talked to Mrs. Higgins, June, not Sally.
00:32:19What a nice daughter you turned out to be.
00:32:21A cheat and a liar.
00:32:23I'll make a decent girl out of you yet.
00:32:26But, Daddy, let me explain.
00:32:28You can't explain anything.
00:32:32Daddy, let me tell you.
00:32:34You can't tell me anything.
00:32:38Don't you ever come running back again to me with your lies.
00:33:28Oh, you had me scared.
00:33:30Hey, you weren't...
00:33:32You weren't thinking of doing that, were you?
00:33:35Oh, June, that's no good.
00:33:38That's what Lucille did.
00:33:40Right here, too.
00:33:41I know.
00:33:43But I'd never do a thing like that.
00:33:45Then what are you doing down here so late?
00:33:49My father was waiting up for me.
00:33:51I was just afraid to go in, that's all.
00:33:54What are you doing down here yourself?
00:33:57Oh, I can't go home either.
00:33:59The cops will be waiting for me.
00:34:01I wish there was something I could do.
00:34:04Oh, Rocky, I don't care what happens.
00:34:06But I'm not really bad.
00:34:08Somebody ought to sock that old man of yours.
00:34:12Oh, come on, June.
00:34:14Maybe it's best you go home anyway, huh?
00:34:17No, I don't want to face him yet.
00:34:20It's so quiet and...
00:34:22I don't know, kind of peaceful here.
00:34:27Yeah, I understand.
00:34:29But you can't stay out here all night.
00:34:33Oh, June, this is all wrong.
00:34:35Nobody ever gives a darn about us kids.
00:34:38We have feelings the same as grown-ups do.
00:34:41I wish we both could get out of this town.
00:34:48June, let's get married.
00:34:51Yeah, married.
00:34:52What could anyone do about it after we did it?
00:34:55But you're not 21, and I'm only 17, Rocky.
00:34:58So what?
00:34:59Martha Washington was only 15 when she was married.
00:35:02And look what she got, a president.
00:35:05I'd never be a president.
00:35:07I'd sure try and be a top guy to you.
00:35:10Oh, Rocky, I don't know.
00:35:12I'm afraid.
00:35:15Of me?
00:35:17Oh, June, I'm not so tough as I seem.
00:35:20It's just that when I was a kid,
00:35:22I found out if you go around with a chip on your shoulder
00:35:24that most guys are afraid to knock it off.
00:35:27Once in a while, you've got to fight your way out.
00:35:29You've got to be hard-boiled to get by.
00:35:31That's all.
00:35:33I didn't mean that, Rocky.
00:35:35I do like you.
00:35:37You're the only one that's been kind to me.
00:35:39June, I know a kid I can borrow a car from.
00:35:43You look 18, and I'll say I'm 21.
00:35:46What do you say?
00:35:47Well, if you think it wouldn't be a mistake.
00:35:50I think it would be.
00:35:52A very bad mistake.
00:35:58Don't you ever go to bed.
00:36:00I can't sleep.
00:36:02You kids keep me awake nights.
00:36:04All right, come on.
00:36:06Both of you.
00:36:07Hey, you ain't taking her no place.
00:36:09Oh, yes, I am.
00:36:11We're all going to see Judge Craig.
00:36:13Now, come on, Rocky.
00:36:15Come on, June.
00:36:25You're okay, kid.
00:36:30Why don't we knock over a little gas station?
00:36:32Get ourselves a little easy cash and have some fun along with it.
00:36:36You know, Jerry, I got a big thrill out of knocking over those soft touches.
00:36:40You and me both.
00:36:43Sally, how about using your car?
00:36:46What are we waiting for?
00:36:47It's not a thing.
00:36:48Let's go.
00:36:49All right.
00:36:54What's he doing with Rocky and June?
00:36:56Well, it's the sense he isn't taking them home.
00:36:58He's not taking them anywhere.
00:37:00What are you going to do?
00:37:02You remember that cop we ducked in Oak Grove.
00:37:04Yes, but this cop's no farmer.
00:37:06Yeah, well, we'll soon find out.
00:37:11Hello, Jerry.
00:37:12Hiya, Rocky.
00:37:14Hey, officer, they didn't do anything.
00:37:16How do you know so much about it?
00:37:18Well, we were with them.
00:37:20Listen, why don't you go jump in the lake and leave us kids alone?
00:37:22Every place we go, you pop up.
00:37:24Well, we won't go into that right now.
00:37:26I don't believe them.
00:37:27They weren't with us.
00:37:28They're just trying to cover up for us.
00:37:29Hey, wait a minute.
00:37:31All of you, wait a minute.
00:37:32Second, third, I think you better all come along.
00:37:35Come on.
00:37:36Be reasonable, will you, officer?
00:37:38I'm reasonable.
00:37:39Hey, why don't you cool off and let us alone?
00:37:41Don't mind about that.
00:37:44Let's get out of here while he's taking a bath.
00:37:46Yeah, come on.
00:37:47Rocky, you've got to help him.
00:37:49He might drown.
00:37:51Rocky, Joe, hurry up.
00:37:54Rocky, throw something to him.
00:38:04Hey, Rocky.
00:38:05Hey, Rocky.
00:38:06Hey, Rocky.
00:38:07Hey, Rocky.
00:38:08Hey, Rocky.
00:38:09Hey, Rocky.
00:38:10Hey, Rocky.
00:38:11Hey, Rocky.
00:38:12Hey, Rocky.
00:38:25Let's get out of here.
00:38:28Why did you throw him a rope?
00:38:30Oh, Sally, you just can't do things like that.
00:38:32Oh, isn't that just too bad?
00:38:34Listen, Softy, Jerry and I are gonna knock over
00:38:36a gas station.
00:38:37Do you want to join us?
00:38:39I'm going over to Betty's.
00:38:40Well come on.
00:38:41before that cop gets out.
00:38:51Ah, come on, June.
00:39:12Good evening. What can I do for you?
00:39:15Um, say, can I talk to you for a minute?
00:39:36I don't think you have any money.
00:39:38Oh, yes, I have.
00:39:40Here, what's that going on?
00:40:11How much do we take?
00:40:13Six forty.
00:40:15Ah, chicken feet.
00:40:17Say, I know another place.
00:40:18Oh, yeah? Where at?
00:40:19Right down around the first turn.
00:40:21Okay, swell, then that's it.
00:40:26Best hamburgers in the country.
00:40:31I said all the trimmings.
00:40:33What's got everything? Onions, mayonnaise, greens?
00:40:35Yeah, well, there's something else I want, and it's in that register there.
00:40:38In the register?
00:40:39Yes, in the register.
00:40:40The greens. Now hurry up and put them in that sock.
00:40:44Step on it.
00:41:10Well, what did we get this time, sugar?
00:41:13Thirteen cremolias.
00:41:24Less than twenty bucks.
00:41:26You wouldn't hold out on me, would you, Jerry?
00:41:28Count it yourself, beautiful.
00:41:30You see that freight over there?
00:41:32Sure, I see it. What about it?
00:41:34Pulling out before morning for a big town.
00:41:36We could hop it.
00:41:37Why hop it? We could take my car.
00:41:39Don't be silly. That car of yours is hotter than a lightning bug on a mustard plant.
00:41:43Oh, we'd be picked up before we even got out of town.
00:41:45Yeah, but even so, the few bucks we picked up last night wouldn't last long in a big place.
00:41:49We'd make more.
00:41:50Boy, I know a fellow back east who'd give us sixty bucks a week, guaranteed.
00:41:54Well, that would tide us over till we could make it on our own anyway.
00:41:58I don't know. Nick wouldn't like it.
00:42:01Nick? What's that guy got to do with it?
00:42:03Will you forget about him, Sally?
00:42:05I'll marry you if that's what's bothering you.
00:42:08Oh, I don't know what to say.
00:42:10Maybe we'd better wait a while so I can think it over.
00:42:12Wait? Not me. I'm leaving tonight.
00:42:14Either you're coming with me or you're not.
00:42:16Oh, all right. Only I'll have to go home first and pick up a few things.
00:42:19Now you're talking, Sally.
00:42:21I'll meet you right here in one hour, okay?
00:42:24See you later.
00:42:38Are you looking for a ride?
00:42:49Oh, I'm dead tired.
00:42:51Glad to give you a lift. Where do you go?
00:42:53Oh, just down the straightaways. Not very far.
00:42:56Working a night shift, eh?
00:42:58I guess you could call it that. Keeps me out late.
00:43:01That's too bad. I'll be glad to drive you right to your door.
00:43:05Oh, we're practically home now.
00:43:07You can pull up to the curb right there.
00:43:14I haven't seen you around this neighborhood. Where do you live?
00:43:17That house.
00:43:18That's funny.
00:43:19What's funny about that?
00:43:20That's my home.
00:43:22You must be kidding.
00:43:23No, I'm not kidding.
00:43:29What's that?
00:43:30Something that goes boom, boom, boom.
00:43:33What's that?
00:43:34Something that goes boom, boom, boom.
00:43:36You wouldn't want to hear it, would you?
00:43:38Put that gun away.
00:43:39You're a very foolish young girl to make a move like this.
00:43:41You old guys are pretty silly picking up young girls like me.
00:43:44But you will keep doing it.
00:43:46Well, I'm old enough to be your father.
00:43:48And I don't happen to be the kind of man that picks up young girls like you.
00:43:52Oh, I know all about that kind of a line.
00:43:54You probably have a nice wife and lovely daughters.
00:43:56I have.
00:43:57Now put that gun away and get out of this car.
00:43:59In just a minute.
00:44:00But not yet.
00:44:02Now start shelling out.
00:44:10Well, where have you been?
00:44:11That train's about to pull out.
00:44:12Well, I came as soon as I could.
00:44:14Where's your suitcase?
00:44:15I'm not going, Jerry.
00:44:17Not going?
00:44:18Well, why not?
00:44:22Where'd you get that, Sally?
00:44:23It was easy.
00:44:24Like falling off a log.
00:44:26That's why I'm staying here.
00:44:27Well, count me in.
00:44:29I couldn't use you, Jerry.
00:44:31So long.
00:44:44What are you two doing up so late?
00:44:47Sally, look at that clock.
00:44:51So what?
00:44:53What are you doing out this late?
00:44:55Where have you been?
00:44:56Going places.
00:44:57Doing things.
00:44:59I've been waiting up for you for hours.
00:45:00Well, I didn't ask you to.
00:45:01Never mind.
00:45:02To give you a good whipping.
00:45:03Good job.
00:45:04She needs it.
00:45:05Maybe you two aren't sleepy.
00:45:06But I am.
00:45:07Good night.
00:45:11What on earth are we going to do with her?
00:45:13You should have thought of that years ago.
00:45:15That's right.
00:45:16Blame me for everything.
00:45:17You know Sally's always been a wild one.
00:45:20It's the way you brought her up.
00:45:21The way I brought her up.
00:45:22Why, I've been working my fingers to the bones for years.
00:45:25Cooking, sewing, cleaning.
00:45:27Doing without things so that Sally could have them.
00:45:30So she could go with nice girls and make a good appearance.
00:45:34Oh, if she don't keep off the streets at night,
00:45:37she'll make her next appearance in jail.
00:45:41We ought to turn that girl over to the juvenile authorities
00:45:44before she does something to disgrace us.
00:45:46I tell you, that girl's boy crazy.
00:45:49Don't you know the time we had keeping her from seeing that Jimmy Courtney?
00:45:53I'm certainly glad he left town.
00:45:58Yes, we were just a couple of kids who loved each other.
00:46:01That was wrong.
00:46:06What do you want?
00:46:07Turn out that light and get to bed.
00:46:12Oh, Jimmy.
00:46:13I wasn't like this when you were here.
00:46:16I was never interested in anybody but you.
00:46:21I wanted to marry you.
00:46:23To settle down and raise a family like every girl does.
00:46:28But they wouldn't listen to us.
00:46:30And now you'll never be happy and neither will I.
00:46:33I just don't care what happens anymore.
00:46:46Look, June.
00:46:47Let's go to your house and have an L with your dad, huh?
00:46:50No, he's too hot-headed.
00:46:52He doesn't have a chance to explain anything.
00:46:55Oh, it's you again.
00:46:57Yeah, it's me again.
00:46:58Now we'll go see Judge Craig.
00:47:00Oh, look.
00:47:01Can't we just forget about it?
00:47:03As far as you two are concerned, I'll forget what happened last night.
00:47:06But we're still gonna see Judge Craig.
00:47:13Do you have to do this?
00:47:15You'll thank me for doing it, Rocky.
00:47:24Who is it?
00:47:25Detective Hanahan, Judge.
00:47:30Sorry to disturb you at this time of night,
00:47:32but I thought perhaps you'd talk to these youngsters.
00:47:34I'm afraid they need us.
00:47:36They don't look bad to me.
00:47:38Come in.
00:47:45Well, well, now.
00:47:47What's it all about?
00:47:49Any charges against them?
00:47:52Probably a misdemeanor.
00:47:53I'd rather not book them at the jail unless there's no other way.
00:47:56That's mighty decent of you, Lieutenant.
00:47:58What seems to be the trouble?
00:48:00Well, Your Honor, there's a gang of kids
00:48:02been working the big markets, snatching women's pocketbooks.
00:48:05Yes, I know, I know.
00:48:07We picked up a boy, Roy Ford, and Francine Van Pelt.
00:48:10Young Ford admits grabbing a purse
00:48:13and claims this boy put him up to.
00:48:15Oh, young Fagan, eh, son?
00:48:18No, sir.
00:48:19The name's Rocky Webster.
00:48:21Is it true, Rocky, what the lieutenant said?
00:48:24Oh, no, sir.
00:48:26Not exactly, but I wasn't mixed up in it.
00:48:29And I know Roy wasn't to blame.
00:48:31He wouldn't have done it by himself.
00:48:32Why do you do these things?
00:48:34Oh, I don't know, sir.
00:48:36It's just to get some money to run around with the gang, that's all.
00:48:39Does your father know you run with a gang?
00:48:42No, sir.
00:48:43He never bothers about what I do.
00:48:47The girl, what about her?
00:48:49June Thompson, Judge.
00:48:51Her trouble's mostly in late hours and bad company.
00:48:54Why do you young people have to keep such unearthly hours?
00:48:58Why aren't you at home, June?
00:49:00I did go home, sir.
00:49:01And you went out again?
00:49:02Yes, sir.
00:49:03My father was waiting up for me.
00:49:05Oh, why don't you tell him, June?
00:49:06He slaps her all over the place for nothing.
00:49:09These other two children, where are they?
00:49:11Oh, they're over at headquarters.
00:49:13You see, Judge, in most of these cases,
00:49:15the parents are more guilty than the children.
00:49:17I agree with you there.
00:49:19They got me out of a sound sleep.
00:49:21Now take the telephone and get them out of their beds.
00:49:25You're not going to wake my father, are you, Judge?
00:49:27Yes, but don't worry.
00:49:28Get on the telephone, Lieutenant.
00:49:31And I agree with Lieutenant Anahem
00:49:33that for the time being, at least,
00:49:35any official charges against these children be dropped.
00:49:38So they may not be branded as juvenile delinquents on court record.
00:49:42However, there is a very, very serious indictment
00:49:46against you, the parents,
00:49:48for neglecting to properly rear your children.
00:49:50Judge, Judge...
00:49:51I'll come to you in a moment, Mr. Thompson.
00:49:54The obligation to your daughters and sons
00:49:56doesn't end with just feeding them,
00:49:59making sure they're washed behind the ears.
00:50:01No, no, indeed.
00:50:03It goes far deeper.
00:50:05There must be a constant effort made
00:50:07to intelligently direct their social life out of the home
00:50:11as well as in it.
00:50:12Mr. Webster,
00:50:15do you think you've given your son, Rocky,
00:50:17the attention he needs?
00:50:18Who? Me?
00:50:20Yes, you.
00:50:22Why, why, I love my boy.
00:50:24I'd do anything for him.
00:50:27But I'm a poor man.
00:50:29I can't do all I'd like to.
00:50:32But I'll do anything you say, Judge.
00:50:35I'm going to hold you to that, Mr. Webster.
00:50:39And may I suggest that you spend less time in saloons
00:50:42and more time with your son, Rocky?
00:50:45The boy whose mother couldn't get here.
00:50:47Oh, that's Roy Ford, Judge.
00:50:49She works nights.
00:50:51That's him sitting over there.
00:50:52Oh, Roy.
00:50:53Yes, sir?
00:50:55Do you understand, young man,
00:50:57that your mother is working to provide you with a home
00:51:00so that you can go to school
00:51:02and have the advantages of other children?
00:51:04Yes, sir.
00:51:05Well, I'd be ashamed if the moment my mother turned her back,
00:51:08she couldn't trust me.
00:51:10What do you think?
00:51:11I'm sorry, Judge. Honest, I am.
00:51:14I guess the trouble with us kids is
00:51:16we never stop to think enough.
00:51:18I'm glad to hear you say that, Roy.
00:51:21Sit down.
00:51:23Now, Mrs. Van Pelt,
00:51:25I understand you are the president of the afternoon club.
00:51:28Why, yes, Your Honor.
00:51:30Mrs. Van Pelt, you're a very busy woman, no doubt.
00:51:32In my opinion, far too busy.
00:51:35And interested in your clubs and social activities
00:51:38to pause a moment for a heart-to-heart talk
00:51:40with your daughter, Francine.
00:51:43More and more in this day and age,
00:51:45young people need mature advice and guidance.
00:51:47And if they don't get it in their own homes,
00:51:49they're going elsewhere.
00:51:51That's always dangerous.
00:51:53The tragedy of Lucille Billerton
00:51:56should remain always fresh in our memories.
00:51:59And I can't help but feel
00:52:01I'd had someone to confide in.
00:52:03If you have faith, she would have been a healthy,
00:52:06normal young lady.
00:52:08And living today.
00:52:10You had something to say, Mr. Thompson?
00:52:13Yes, sir, Your Honor.
00:52:15Judge, I agree with everything you've said.
00:52:18The waywardness of my daughter is really my fault.
00:52:21I promise she won't bother you again.
00:52:24Not if I have to beat respectability into her.
00:52:27You believe in physical punishment, then?
00:52:29You're darn right I do.
00:52:31Spare the rod and spoil the child.
00:52:33When I was a boy,
00:52:35I was punished, and punished good.
00:52:37Never did me any harm.
00:52:39Mr. Thompson, it's apparent you have certain privileges.
00:52:42But none of them gives you the right
00:52:44to abuse and maltreat your daughter.
00:52:46It's the only way that I can get her to mind me.
00:52:49I'm afraid you're a man of very violent temper, Mr. Thompson.
00:52:52And I warn you that you'll have to find
00:52:55some more gentle method of maintaining discipline in your home.
00:52:58And if you don't,
00:53:00we'll have to take further measures.
00:53:03I hope you understand that, Mr. Thompson.
00:53:08Yes, sir.
00:53:12Well, there's nothing further to discuss.
00:53:15Thank you all for coming.
00:53:17Good night.
00:53:19Good night.
00:53:21Much obliged, Judge.
00:53:23I'm sure this late session will do a lot of good.
00:53:25Well, we'll see if it will.
00:53:27Judge, you're a swell fellow.
00:53:29No, survive yourself, Steve. Good night.
00:53:31Good night.
00:53:33Can we go?
00:53:35You're on your own.
00:53:37But I want you to promise me something.
00:53:39Yes, sir.
00:53:41You know that little trip you were talking about?
00:53:43Postpone it for a while.
00:53:45Say, a couple of years, huh?
00:53:47Okay, fine. So long.
00:53:49Good night.
00:53:51Good night, kids.
00:53:53Don't swell with me lately.
00:53:55They couldn't possibly flunk you out now.
00:53:57No, it's all on account of my old lady.
00:53:59She's been reading all that junk in the newspaper.
00:54:01Either I go to school and study, or I don't go out nights.
00:54:03I'm no dope.
00:54:06I'm almost glad things happened the way they did.
00:54:08It's kind of snapped us all out of it.
00:54:10Hey, June! Sally!
00:54:14Rocky, is it really yours?
00:54:16You bet.
00:54:18Hey, June, remember the time when we were going to Elope or something?
00:54:20Well, this is the bus that I was going to borrow from that kid.
00:54:22I get it.
00:54:24You borrowed it. In other words, it's hot.
00:54:26Hey, where do you get off with that stuff?
00:54:28I got this the hard way.
00:54:30I worked at the grocery store every night after school,
00:54:32as clean as a whistle.
00:54:34You know, I sort of like it that way.
00:54:36Get it?
00:54:38Yeah. Sprouting wings, ain't you?
00:54:40What's it to you?
00:54:42Hey, June, you want to go to the show tonight?
00:54:44Sure, Rocky. I'd love to.
00:54:46You too, Sally? We could get Roy.
00:54:48Are you kidding?
00:54:50I don't run around with little boys anymore.
00:54:52Besides, I have a date.
00:54:54Who with?
00:54:56Well, it's none of your business.
00:54:58But it could be Nick Gordon.
00:55:00You sent for me, Nick?
00:55:02I want to talk to Jerry.
00:55:04You'll excuse us, won't you, baby?
00:55:06Certainly, darling.
00:55:14Sit down, kid.
00:55:18Jerry, I generally work alone,
00:55:20but I got a sweet little tip that's too big
00:55:22for me to handle by myself.
00:55:24Hey, count me in, will you?
00:55:26You want to take the short end?
00:55:28Sure, sure, anything.
00:55:31I need some dough, bad.
00:55:33What's the dough?
00:55:35There's a big payroll I've been watching for some time
00:55:37that's just asking to get knocked off.
00:55:39Now, a guy brings it down at 10.45
00:55:41to pay off the night shift at 11 every Thursday.
00:55:43Yeah, this is Thursday.
00:55:45Right. Friday, you'll be in the dough.
00:55:47Now, you take care of the guard.
00:55:49I'll grab the satchel.
00:55:51And there should be plenty in it for us.
00:55:53You get 10%, okay?
00:55:55Sure, sure, it's okay.
00:55:57But I ain't got no rod of my own.
00:55:59Open that top drawer.
00:56:09Say, this is really it!
00:56:11Gosh, thanks, Nick.
00:56:15you remember that hopped-up heap you had
00:56:17that fractured the guy's skull out front?
00:56:21Where is it?
00:56:23I did what you told me to, Nick.
00:56:28Don't say that. You're lying. Where is it?
00:56:30But it ain't hot no more, Nick.
00:56:32On the level.
00:56:34That's all I wanted to know.
00:56:36We're gonna use it tonight.
00:56:38Oh, sure, sure.
00:56:54Okay, Bill.
00:56:56Be right with you.
00:57:04For once, you're a minute early.
00:57:06I was just going to...
00:57:08Get back there. This is a stick-up.
00:57:14Act natural. You won't get hurt.
00:57:16Yeah, you hurt him.
00:57:21Get over there.
00:57:25You be good.
00:57:29Answer him.
00:57:31Okay, Bill.
00:57:38Pull him up.
00:57:42Toss me that satchel.
00:57:49Keep your paws up, you.
00:57:52Don't come out for five minutes.
00:57:56Jerry, open that door.
00:58:09Come on, Sally, get going.
00:58:11What about Jerry?
00:58:12Forget him. Get going.
00:58:2138 Stubnose, number A, 3-144-7861, series G.
00:58:38Why, what's this all about?
00:58:56I, uh...
00:58:57Do you own a revolver, Mr. Webster?
00:58:59Why, yes, but I have a permit.
00:59:01I know.
00:59:02Where's that gun now?
00:59:04Why, it's... it's home, hidden in a suitcase.
00:59:11Is that your gun?
00:59:13It was mixed up in a hold-up last night.
00:59:16I... I didn't... I didn't do it.
00:59:19Where were you last night?
00:59:21In... in Mike's beer parlor.
00:59:23I... I wasn't drinking.
00:59:25And, uh, what time did you leave Mike's?
00:59:29Why, when... when he closed up.
00:59:33Well, check on that...
00:59:37that boy of yours, Rocky.
00:59:40Where was he last night?
00:59:41I don't know.
00:59:43My boy?
00:59:44My boy, Rocky?
00:59:46He wouldn't be mixed up in anything like that.
00:59:48I didn't say he was.
00:59:50Oh, thanks.
00:59:51I know if you knew Rocky, he's a... he's a good boy.
00:59:57I tell you, Nick was at my place all last evening.
01:00:01Nick has nothing to do with it.
01:00:03And I tell you, I have lots of witnesses to say so.
01:00:07No doubt about it.
01:00:09There's no need of getting excited, Mimi.
01:00:11This is merely a routine questioning.
01:00:13We've got to do these things when a man is shot
01:00:16and doesn't regain consciousness to speak for himself.
01:00:19Well, I repeat, Nick has nothing to do with it.
01:00:22I didn't say he did.
01:00:24I'm going to find out who did do it.
01:00:26Well, you won't find out from me.
01:00:27Why don't you let me go?
01:00:29You can go any time you want to.
01:00:31I've got nothing on Nick.
01:00:33But on the other hand, I wouldn't put murder past him.
01:00:36Or you either, for that matter.
01:00:38Why, you flat feet!
01:00:40It's all right, Mimi.
01:00:42I guess Nick is in the clear.
01:00:44If he'd pulled the job, you'd probably have been with him.
01:00:47What do you mean?
01:00:48Oh, nothing.
01:00:49Go on, let me figure this by myself.
01:00:51Now, the bird I'm looking for had a dame with him.
01:00:54Sally Higgins!
01:00:55He took her with him!
01:00:59What'd you say, Mimi?
01:01:00Oh, nothing.
01:01:02I'm just excited.
01:01:04I'm going.
01:01:13They're picking up Nick Gordon for murder.
01:01:15Put it on the teletype.
01:01:16Hold the radio.
01:01:19I just picked him up and hopped up car.
01:01:22Oh, wait a minute.
01:01:23We didn't do nothing.
01:01:24Now, take it easy, Rocky.
01:01:26What'd you do with that gun you took from your father?
01:01:28What gun?
01:01:29Oh, now listen, son.
01:01:31If you had walked in here ten minutes ago, you'd have been mixed up in a murder.
01:01:34I know now you didn't do it.
01:01:36There's one thing I want to find out.
01:01:38Now, come on, Rocky.
01:01:40Tell me about that gun.
01:01:41If you know anything, Rocky, you'd better tell him.
01:01:43Well, I...
01:01:44Rocky, tell him.
01:01:45Tell him what you told me.
01:01:46I didn't mean it.
01:01:48I just swiped her from my dad.
01:01:50I harked her with...
01:01:51I know.
01:01:52With Nick Gordon.
01:01:54Well, it all fits in now.
01:01:57Steve, Nick Gordon's our man.
01:02:00I think you got something there.
01:02:01All right, you kids can go.
01:02:03Come on, Joe.
01:02:04You come with me.
01:02:05Mind if I tag along?
01:02:06No, come on.
01:02:07Glad to have you.
01:02:12Rocky, gee, you look scared.
01:02:14I was.
01:02:15It was really a close call.
01:02:16Come on, Joe.
01:02:17Let's get out of here.
01:02:18All right.
01:02:24Hey, they're not losing any time.
01:02:38I hope Nick doesn't get away.
01:02:40Hey, let's follow them.
01:02:56Oh, Nick!
01:03:00What's wrong?
01:03:01What's the matter?
01:03:02The police.
01:03:03They'll be here.
01:03:04They're after you.
01:03:05Oh, calm down.
01:03:06How do you know?
01:03:07Where have you been?
01:03:08Where you were gone.
01:03:09They came to get you.
01:03:10They took me.
01:03:11Take me?
01:03:12Take me?
01:03:13Take me?
01:03:14Take me?
01:03:15Take me?
01:03:16Take me?
01:03:17Take me?
01:03:18Take me?
01:03:19Take me?
01:03:20Take me?
01:03:21Take me?
01:03:22Take me?
01:03:23They took me.
01:03:24So you squealed on me.
01:03:25Oh, no.
01:03:27They know anyway.
01:03:28Oh, you've got to get away.
01:03:29Nick, please hurry.
01:03:30They got nothing on me.
01:03:31But you've got to hurry, and I'll go with you.
01:03:34You're staying here.
01:03:35Oh, Nick.
01:03:36Whatever you've done, I don't care.
01:03:39And wherever you go, I go too.
01:03:41Oh, please, Nick.
01:03:42Take me with you.
01:03:44You're not going anyplace, Mimi.
01:03:46Nick's through with you.
01:03:47Why, he'll never be through with me.
01:03:53I'll show you something.
01:03:55I'll show you.
01:04:08Oh, God.
01:04:09I'm breaking up.
01:04:10Breaking up.
01:04:12You heard me.
01:04:14You'll never get him.
01:04:15I swear.
01:04:16I've got him, you dope.
01:04:17You'll never get him.
01:04:18He's no good.
01:04:19First he will hang, then you will hang with him.
01:04:21All right, shut up.
01:04:22Come on.
01:04:23You're not going.
01:04:27That'll hold her for a while.
01:04:28Yeah, but you didn't stock her heart enough.
01:04:30Come on, let's go.
01:04:35Oh, come on, Nick.
01:04:36Hurry up.
01:05:07What happened?
01:05:08Oh, that Nick.
01:05:10He punched me.
01:05:11Where is he now?
01:05:12He's gone.
01:05:13Gone with that Sally Higgins.
01:05:15I hope you get him.
01:05:17There's only one way he can get out of town.
01:05:19All right, Joe.
01:05:20Take her in.
01:05:21Steve, come on with me.
01:05:25They've gone, all right.
01:05:41They didn't get him.
01:05:47They didn't get him.
01:06:17Nick, the Ford car.
01:06:31Yeah, yeah.
01:06:32They won't get us.
01:06:38Look at that fellow drive.
01:06:39It won't help them.
01:06:42We'll never catch up with them now.
01:06:44Hey, Joe, I know a shortcut.
01:06:46I know a shortcut.
01:06:52Oh, hurry, Nick, hurry!
01:07:16I'm sorry, Mr. Hanahan. I couldn't help it.
01:07:29It was an accident, really.
01:07:30Honest, it was.
01:07:31I know, Rocky.
01:07:33Keep your chin up, sister. Everything's going to be all right.
01:07:35Well, I guess that closes this case.
01:07:37Yeah, looks like it closes the merry-go-round, too.
01:07:39You're wrong again, Hanahan. The merry-go-round's going to stay open.
01:07:44Sure. The kids have to have someplace to go to blow off steam.
01:07:47We're going to provide that place for them.
01:07:49Yeah, who's going to run it?
01:07:51I don't know. Maybe the kids.
01:07:53The who?
01:07:54The kids.
01:07:55That's what I thought you said.
01:07:57Steve, let's you and I go down and check on this thing.
01:08:14Sure was a swell idea, Steve.
01:08:28Yeah, I'll say.
01:08:29There ought to be more places like this where the kids can really knock themselves out.
01:08:32You're right, Rocky.
01:08:33And there will be, too.
01:08:35We'll see to that.
01:08:36Come on, Jim. Let's jump.
01:08:44Come on.
01:09:09You see, Steve?
01:09:10This is what they wanted.
01:09:13Just like I've been telling you.
01:09:16What did you tell me?