• 4 years ago


00:00Live from Television City in Hollywood, brought to you by Chrysler Corporation, maker of these
00:07five great cars, Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, and the exclusive Imperial.
00:20Only Chrysler Corporation brings you the forward look.
00:29And now, Chrysler Corporation presents Michael Rennie, Cedric Hardwick, Mary Sinclair, starring
00:53in tonight's production of Climax.
00:59And now, ladies and gentlemen, your host for Chrysler Corporation, Bill Lundigan.
01:07Good evening.
01:09Tonight on Climax, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
01:14Starring in this classic story of the conflict between good and evil are Michael Rennie,
01:18Cedric Hardwick, and Mary Sinclair.
01:21Mr. Rennie's appearance tonight was made possible through cooperation of 20th Century Fox Studios,
01:26and his next starring role will be in the CinemaScope color production,
01:30Seven Cities of Gold.
01:31And now, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, adapted by Gore Vidal on Climax.
01:46Dr. Jekyll!
01:48Dr. Jekyll, are you all right?
01:50Go away!
01:51Please, sir, let me in!
01:52Go away!
02:16Come now, Paul.
02:18Either Dr. Jekyll's gone or he has not.
02:20Now, which is it?
02:21I don't know, Mr. Utterson.
02:23I can't say, sir.
02:24Oh, it's been a most terrible time, sir.
02:26Over two weeks now, he's been locked in his laboratory, won't come out.
02:31We put his meals there by the door.
02:33Then after we go away, he takes them inside, if he's inside.
02:37Well, it could be.
02:38Look, sir, here are two of the prescriptions he left with me only this afternoon.
02:42Now, you know Dr. Jekyll's handwriting.
02:45Is that his hand?
02:48Very odd.
02:50Very odd indeed.
02:51Yes, but is it Dr. Jekyll's writing?
02:53Well, yes and no.
02:56I should say that under great stress, he might write like this.
02:59Oh, begging your pardon, sir, I think it's the other.
03:01The other? What other?
03:02Oh, you know, sir, you will remember him.
03:03His friend, Hyde, his name was.
03:06But Hyde disappeared a year ago.
03:08He wouldn't dare to return to the police after him.
03:10I believe he's back, sir, and I believe he's done something to Dr. Jekyll.
03:14We shall pay a visit to Mr. Hyde.
03:17If it is he.
03:19Yes, sir.
03:20I should bring a pistol, sir, if I went into that room.
03:24Yes, you may be right.
03:27After all, he is a murderer.
03:31I still don't understand why Jekyll took up with him.
03:33I think it was what you might call an experiment, sir.
03:35Dr. Jekyll knew some very strange people.
03:40Even me?
03:41Even... even murderers?
04:12I say, Dr. Jekyll, are you inside?
04:14Go away!
04:15It's Utterson.
04:16It's your friend, Utterson.
04:18Now, let me in like a good chap.
04:19Leave this house!
04:22That's not Dr. Jekyll's voice.
04:24I was right, sir, there's someone else in there.
04:26You think it's Hyde?
04:27Sounds like him.
04:28If it's you, Hyde, let us in or we'll force the door.
04:33All right, then.
04:34I'll let you in.
04:35I'll let you in.
04:36I'll let you in.
04:37I'll let you in.
04:38I'll let you in.
04:39I'll let you in.
04:40All right.
04:56Oh, no!
04:59Where are you?
05:11He's dead, sir.
05:15It was Hyde, wasn't it?
05:16Yes, sir, it was Mr. Hyde.
05:18Do you think he's killed Dr. Jekyll?
05:21I don't know.
05:23I want you to go to the police.
05:26Tell them the murderer Hyde has been killed.
05:29I shall wait for the police here.
05:31Yes, sir.
05:33I shall wait for the police here.
05:35Yes, sir.
06:03George Utterson, Esquire.
06:06To be opened in the event of my death or disappearance.
06:10Henry Jekyll.
06:17When you read this, dear friend, I shall be dead.
06:20And only this journal will remain to clarify a mystery.
06:23To exert a warning.
06:25And only this journal will remain to clarify a mystery.
06:27And only this journal will remain to clarify a mystery.
06:29And only this journal will remain to clarify a mystery.
06:31To exert a warning.
06:36You will recall perhaps a conversation we had two years ago when you came to see me.
06:40And you found Dr. Lanyon and me arguing.
06:42My dear Jekyll, you astonish me.
06:44A grown man like you talking like a romantic boy.
06:47Lanyon, we're scientists. In theory, nothing is impossible.
06:49That may be true, but some things are clearly improbable.
06:52Your idea is too fantastic.
06:54Mr. Utterson to see you, sir.
06:56Oh, hello, Utterson. We're having a row.
06:58Shall we go to law?
07:00No, we might need your fine legal mind to arbitrate.
07:02Ah, Utterson, Jekyll here has decided to go beyond science.
07:06Leaving me far behind.
07:07I'm only a doctor.
07:09A simple, ordinary doctor.
07:10Like me.
07:12You're not simple. You're not ordinary.
07:14You know what this outrageous fellow proposes to do?
07:17Raise the dead?
07:18Better than that.
07:19He wants to find the soul.
07:21He wants to play with it.
07:22Now you're simplifying.
07:23You're simplifying.
07:24I merely suggested that one way of discovering the nature of the soul
07:27would be to dissect it the way you would any other organism.
07:29Yes, but I was under the impression the soul was not tangible.
07:32Neither is the air, but we know it exists.
07:34We can alter it.
07:39See? Fire.
07:41We're burning oxygen.
07:43This match is creating carbon dioxide.
07:46We've altered a substance no one can see.
07:49And why not the soul?
07:50Why not indeed?
07:52But where do you find it?
07:54In the mind, I should think.
07:56Those parts of the mind which regulate behavior?
07:59Why would it take up this poker, my dear Lanyon, and kill you?
08:02Well, I wouldn't put it past you. You're mad as a hatter.
08:04I should suffer terrible pangs of conscience afterwards.
08:06That would be my soul punishing me.
08:08Well, it is a small matter of the law, you know.
08:10All right.
08:11But suppose the mind could be so changed
08:13that I could strike Lanyon to the ground and feel nothing.
08:16Only pleasure in a violent act.
08:18And there is something, you know, in all of us,
08:20a caged beast which delights in horror and destruction.
08:22The whole idea is far too fanciful.
08:24Slightly unwholesome.
08:28I believe I'm on the track of something quite fantastic.
08:30The soul?
08:31The soul.
08:32Good and evil.
08:34I believe it's possible artificially to produce
08:36either a monster or an angel in the same man.
08:41Where's my tea?
08:42I came here for tea, not a black mass.
08:45You shall have your tea, my old intolerant friend.
08:47Monster or an angel.
08:50Would you really believe that human beings are both?
08:52I do.
08:54Oh, none of us is either very good or very bad.
08:56We're just a mixture.
08:58A blend, you might say, like...
09:00like Lanyon's beloved China tea.
09:02Bring it in, please.
09:03But aren't you afraid to upset the balance of a soul?
09:07Why not?
09:08I'd only bring out what was already there, what was good.
09:10The angel.
09:12But suppose you release the monster.
09:15Suppose, my dear Jekyll,
09:17suppose, my dear Jekyll,
09:19that you uncage the monster.
09:22That's a risk one would have to take in the interest of science.
09:26Jekyll, you're impossible.
09:28But the tea?
09:29A proper blend, no doubt of it.
09:32Milk and sugar?
09:34Oh, I saw a client of yours.
09:36I was aware I had spoken too soon of my great interest.
09:39But I was curious to see how Lanyon and how you, Utterson,
09:42would respond to the idea of my experiments.
09:45I determined to say nothing more of my work until I was further along.
09:51As you remember, that winter we did not meet often.
09:54I was daily, nightly engaged in my work,
09:57my deliberate and hazardous journey into the soul itself.
10:01Thank you, Paul.
10:02Yes, sir.
10:05Yes, Paul.
10:06Sir, don't you think...
10:07Well, I mean, it's not my place, but...
10:09I work too hard. I need a rest.
10:11Exactly, sir.
10:13You know, it's not natural, all these hours you spend here.
10:16Only today, Dr. Lanyon called, and much put out he was to,
10:19and you wouldn't receive him.
10:20Paul, I'll make you a promise.
10:22Either I conclude my experiments this week,
10:24or I give them up altogether.
10:25Oh, thank you, sir.
10:26It would be a great relief to us all.
10:28This staff's fairly...
10:32I had no idea when I made Paul my promise
10:34that success was at hand.
10:37After months of tedious experiment,
10:39I had found, almost by accident,
10:41the proper substances which, combined,
10:43had the power to split the soul in two.
10:47The basic preparation involved a solution
10:49in which certain salts were combined and balanced.
10:52On this occasion,
10:53I added to them one of the new powders brought to me by Paul.
11:03The change in the solution's color was not anticipated.
11:06For a moment, I hesitated.
11:08I had been my own guinea pig from the beginning.
11:11I had tried on myself all the formulae which had failed.
11:15Now, if I was to succeed,
11:18did I dare take the consequences of my extraordinary act?
11:22I paused uncertain for a single heartbeat.
11:30Then I drank the liquid.
11:43For a moment, I thought I was dying,
11:45sinking into oblivion.
15:03That was the wicked Mr. Hyde.
15:08Get out.
15:21The usual, Mr. Hyde.
15:22The usual.
15:23Two glasses.
15:24Yes, sir.
15:25This is my party.
15:32Come on, Doc.
15:33You promised.
15:38Hey, now then, what do you think you're doing?
15:41I'm sure you'll find another companion.
15:44Oh, yes.
15:45Yes, of course.
15:46I didn't mean to.
15:48Why, yes.
15:56Why don't you sit down, my girl?
16:04You're that Mr. Hyde, aren't you?
16:07Yes, I'm that Mr. Hyde.
16:10What a fine girl you are.
16:13They say you're the wickedest man in London.
16:16Yes, I am.
16:17I'm the wickedest man in London.
16:20I'm the wickedest man in London.
16:22They say you're the wickedest man in London.
16:25Do they?
16:49How wicked do you think I am?
16:52Why, I don't know.
16:53But you're awful cheeky, pulling me over here like this.
16:56Away from a gentleman friend.
16:58But you're glad you're here, aren't you, my girl?
17:00Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
17:04Why don't you come a little closer?
17:07I'm not sure I want to.
17:10Come here.
17:13You know, none of that.
17:15I'm not what you think.
17:16And it's a public place.
17:23Yes, my friend.
17:25I realised early that I was involved in an infernal game
17:28whose prize was nothing more nor less than my living soul.
17:32But I could not help myself.
17:34I enjoyed being Mr. Hyde.
17:40Hyde was younger, more daring than I.
17:43He did all the things I had only contemplated in shameful reveries.
17:47And at first I saw no harm in unleashing Mr. Hyde from time to time.
17:51The sense of danger exhilarated me.
18:07So it's Mr. Hyde. Come back to us.
18:09All right, my girl, let's go.
18:11Let's go, he says.
18:13Just like that.
18:14Just like he was a real fine gentleman or something.
18:17You'd better get a move on, mister.
18:21Shall we move on, my girl?
18:22No, we will not.
18:24Now off with you.
18:26You filthy devil, get out of here!
18:31Filthy devil, did you say?
18:45All right, what's going on here?
18:47Look, look at me. Look at me and Hyde.
18:49He tried to murder Miss Bellos. He ran out down there, down the alley.
18:52Come on!
19:18Open up in there!
19:21Open up in the queen's name!
19:25Come on, open up!
19:29Open up, come on!
19:47Open up!
19:51Good evening, officer.
19:52Oh, it's you, Dr. Jekyll.
19:58There's something I can do for you, officer.
20:01As a doctor, I realized at that moment that Mr. Hyde had become a disease which I could no longer control.
20:08Mr. Hyde was now capable of murder.
20:18In just a moment, we'll return to the second act of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
20:23And now your host, Bill Lundigan.
20:27Each week, Mark Gilmore announces at the start of Climax,
20:30live from Television City in Hollywood.
20:33Well, I thought that you might get a kick out of seeing Television City live from Hollywood.
20:39And here it is, Television City.
20:45Live from Hollywood.
20:47Incidentally, when you think of Hollywood, you think of pictures.
20:52Here are some taken of me driving into the studio the other day for a rehearsal.
20:56And what a view you get through that wraparound windshield.
21:00And, sure enough, here are some pictures.
21:03And what a view you get through that wraparound windshield.
21:07And, sure enough, right on time and driving a DeSoto hardtop with that color sweep styling,
21:13a pretty lady in a pretty car, Mary Costler.
21:21Here comes another member of the team, our commercial producer on the show.
21:24And his name is Bud Cole, and as you can plainly see, he owns a Dodge Royal Lancer, and he loves it.
21:33Now, here's the man I was talking about who says,
21:36live from Television City in Hollywood, Mark Gilmore,
21:40a Chrysler man from way back this year driving a New Yorker.
21:45And off we go to the studio.
21:49Nice looking cars, aren't they?
21:56Hi, Mary.
21:57Hi, Mary.
21:59And you know something?
22:00Whether it's Television City in Hollywood or around the square in your own hometown,
22:04you're seeing more and more cars of the forward look from Chrysler Corporation.
22:09You can spot them at a glance by their smooth flowing lines,
22:12the most distinctively styled cars on the road today.
22:16Why don't you drive one and find out what a difference there is?
22:20And now we continue with Climax, tonight starring Michael Rennie, Cedric Hardwick, and Mary Sinclair,
22:26live from Hollywood.
22:40I vowed that never again would I take that potion which every fiber of my body now craved.
22:47I plunged into the good world again.
22:49I saw old friends.
22:51I gave up my time to charity.
23:01But I realized that should I ever again become Hyde,
23:04I might not be able to return in safety to my own house,
23:07especially since the suspicions of the police were so strong.
23:11I might not be able to return in safety to my own house,
23:14especially since the suspicions of the police were already aroused.
23:18I should need an ally,
23:20someone who would keep for me the potion I needed to restore myself from Hyde to Jekyll.
23:31I decided that Dr. Lanyon, in his innocence, was the man.
23:38I gave him a package containing the potion,
23:40and I asked him to give it to a Mr. Hyde, should that gentleman ever call.
23:44He'd only come to you if I was inaccessible.
23:47Well, all this seems to make very little sense, but I'll give it to him, of course.
23:51When does he have to call?
23:53Never, I hope.
23:54Confess now, dear Dr. Jekyll. Your ears have been burning, haven't they?
23:58Pleasantly, I hope.
23:59I've been telling Lady Agnes that you work far too hard.
24:02Suddenly, like a black cloud across the sun, their faces grew dim.
24:06Their chats are like the noise of starlings,
24:08and I knew I could not endure them for another moment.
24:20Good gracious.
24:21What an extraordinary thing to do.
24:23You see? Overworked, I'm sure of it.
24:26He looks frightful.
24:27Well, I imagine the party's over, don't you?
24:30Oh, yes.
25:08So he says to me,
25:09will you marry me, Doctor?
25:10And I says, marry you?
25:12Do you mean to say you said no?
25:15Are you out of your silly mind?
25:17I thought at first he was fooling me,
25:19till he takes me straight to meet his old mum.
25:21Then, of course, I says yes, just like that.
25:23Oh, you are a lucky one.
25:25I should think so.
25:26And he's a good, reliable sort.
25:28He works regular, which is important, I say.
25:30You're right.
25:31They don't grow his kind on no tree.
25:33Don't think I don't know it.
25:35Hello, Harry.
25:38Is he coming in tonight?
25:39Very lucky, and he don't approve.
25:41But ain't it something?
25:43Me being married to a fine chap in Tunbridge Wells.
25:46I suppose you'll go and live there?
25:47Those are our plans for the present.
25:49Oh, and aren't we grand?
25:51When's the nuptial going to be?
25:52Next month.
25:53And we'll go to Brighton on our honeymoon.
25:55Three days, it'll be.
25:56Three old days by the sea.
25:58Oh, some girls have all the luck.
26:03Oh, look over there by the door.
26:05Ain't that Mr. Ives?
26:07It's him all right, the beast.
26:09Imagine his daring to show his ugly face around here,
26:11after what happened between him and us.
26:17Smile, my girl.
26:19Aren't you glad to see your old friend?
26:21This girl's no friend of yours,
26:23so just find somebody else to bother.
26:25But I want to bother you, my girl.
26:27I'm sure you'd miss me.
26:29Let's have a little wine in that booth over there.
26:32I'm waiting for my fiancée and have no time for strange men
26:35who don't behave themselves properly.
26:38Who do you think you are now?
26:40The only one who's good enough for you.
26:43Some poor fool's making an honest woman out of you.
26:46Don't talk to me like that.
26:48You like being talked to that way.
26:50Your man doesn't know how to talk to you.
26:52I do, but your man doesn't.
26:55Please, Mr. Ives.
26:57I can't stay here with you.
26:59You stay here with your friend, your only friend.
27:01Please, Mr. Ives.
27:03I've got to go.
27:04Please, Mr. Ives.
27:05I've got to go.
27:06Please, Mr. Ives.
27:07I've got to go.
27:08Please, Mr. Ives.
27:09I've got to go.
27:10Please, Mr. Ives.
27:11I've got to go.
27:13You don't like me?
27:15Oh, I do.
27:16I like you.
27:17I do like you.
27:18But my girlfriend's wife and she's over there expecting.
27:21You'll not leave here till I say you can.
27:24You and I are going to see a great deal of each other from now on.
27:30Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
27:32Where's my girl?
27:33She said she'd be here tonight.
27:35She was waiting for you.
27:36Then he came in, Mr. Ives.
27:38Mr. Ives, they're sitting over there.
27:42Oh, so he came back, did he?
27:45Well, he's going to get taught a lesson.
27:48Don't be careful.
27:50You know, I'm over here talking to Mr. Ives.
27:55Oh, Mr. Ives, I really must be going.
27:57Sit down, my girl.
27:58She's going, Ives.
27:59Go away.
28:00Listen, you.
28:01You're going to get a good thrashing and I'm going to give it.
28:08Wait for this funeral, my girl.
28:38I'm glad to see you, doctor.
28:41Has he an appointment?
28:42No, sir.
28:43He seems very agitated.
28:49Show him in.
28:52Will you go in, please?
29:09You are Mr. Hyde.
29:11Give me the package.
29:13I shall do no such thing.
29:15You, sir, are a murderer.
29:17It is my duty to report you to the police.
29:21Get that package.
29:23You can't intimidate me.
29:25You promised, Jekyll.
29:26Now get me that package.
29:27Then call the police if you like.
29:28I will not be an accomplice to murder.
29:30How do you know it was murder?
29:33The name of your friendship with Jekyll.
29:34Give me that package.
29:36Go to him yourself.
29:37I can't.
29:38No, of course you can't.
29:39He won't traffic with a killer and neither will I.
29:41In the name of everything you love, give me that package.
29:44I will not help you.
29:50Get it.
30:08Now listen to me.
30:10I promised Jekyll that should you call, I'd give you that package.
30:14Will you have it?
30:16Now please go.
30:38Now then.
30:42You who have always had such narrow views.
30:46You who have always derided my theories.
32:35Help me.
32:37Is this witchcraft?
32:41The science.
32:43The blackest magic of all.
32:45I've gone mad.
32:47This is a dream, a nightmare.
32:49No, it's true.
32:51I am Dr. Jekyll.
32:53I am Mr. Hyde.
32:56I can't believe it.
32:58You've seen it?
33:03What have you done then?
33:05I've fallen into the pit.
33:11You are a murderer.
33:15Yes, Mr. Hyde killed a man last night and I am a murderer.
33:23Who are you?
33:25How can you be two men?
33:27Remember when it started, Lennie.
33:30Remember what I told you.
33:32That each man is both a monster and an angel.
33:36Through science he could be either.
33:39I succeeded, Lennie.
33:41I've uncaged a beast.
33:44Surely once you did this thing it was enough.
33:47I thought so.
33:49I thought so but I couldn't stop it.
33:51I tried but I couldn't.
33:53Lennie, there's something in me which craves to be Hyde and I can't stop it.
34:11What now?
34:13I don't know.
34:15Are you...
34:17Do you have to do this terrible thing again?
34:20I don't know, I can't think.
34:23Is it like a drug?
34:25Must you become Hyde in spite of your better self?
34:28I'm not sure.
34:30But I know this.
34:32If I do this thing again I shall die.
34:35I'm being torn apart by this beast.
34:40Then, Jekyll...
34:42I think it better that you die.
34:48You say this to your friend.
34:50Your old friend.
34:51I say it because you are my old friend.
34:53Because your soul may soon be lost forever if it's not already damned.
34:56Am I, Jekyll, responsible for what Hyde does?
34:58Can I help what this brute does?
34:59You are Hyde.
35:01And you chose of your own will to be Hyde.
35:04So you are a murderer and a blasphemer.
35:07I only wanted to find the soul as an experiment.
35:09You found the soul.
35:10You experimented.
35:12You've gone further than any man was meant to go.
35:17Your fate is no longer for man to decide.
35:21Then I'll never take that potion again, I swear it.
35:24The damage is done.
35:25The corruption has already started.
35:31I'll devote my life to this.
35:32I'll do more than that.
35:33I'll work in the charity hospitals.
35:35I'll do anything you say, Lanyon.
35:36Do what you must.
35:38You'll never see me again.
35:42You'd better go now.
35:44Lanyon, you and I are old friends.
35:46We have nothing to do with this other creature, Hyde.
35:49You are Hyde.
35:50But so are you.
35:51Every man has a Hyde within him.
35:53I have kept mine caged.
35:55I did what I did out of curiosity, out of innocence.
35:59You meddling fool.
36:01You have dared to challenge God.
36:03You reek of hell.
36:05Get out.
36:09Get out.
36:24In just a moment, we will return to the third act of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
36:28And now, once again, your host, Bill Lundigan.
36:33In the course of a year's driving, you naturally run into a lot of different road conditions,
36:37and not all of them are ideal.
36:40For example, here's the kind of driving that we all enjoy.
36:45We're on a wide, smooth highway.
36:48You're really rolling along with never a bump.
36:50But now and then, you're likely to encounter a stretch like this.
36:53And believe me, the going can get rough.
36:56So, Chrysler Corporation engineers decided to find a way to give you a ride
37:01that will be smooth on rough, rutted roads, as well as on a boulevard.
37:05And here is the secret.
37:07This is an Oraflow shock absorber.
37:09It was developed by Chrysler Corporation exclusively for Chrysler Corporation cars.
37:14And it may look just like an ordinary shock absorber, but it definitely is not.
37:21For this unique Oraflow shock absorber is built to absorb more pounding and bouncing on a rough road like this
37:27than any other passenger car shock absorber in the industry.
37:31The Oraflow shock absorber literally soaks up the bumps,
37:34keeping your car level on its course and the ride soft, smooth, and beautifully controlled.
37:40We call it the boulevard ride.
37:42And believe me, that's the right name for it.
37:45You get a ride that's as soft and smooth as a feather bed.
37:48And here's a tiny tot enjoying to the full the ride of her mother's new Chrysler Corporation car.
37:57And there you have it.
37:59The smoothest, easiest riding cars on the road today,
38:02thanks to the only shock absorbers in the industry that give you a real boulevard ride.
38:08And right now is a wonderful time to buy a Chrysler Corporation car.
38:11You'll find your dealer is eager to arrange the best possible trade-in and best possible payments.
38:17So, why not see him tomorrow?
38:20And now, we return to Climax.
38:37I refuse to accept Lanyon's grim analysis.
38:40I refuse to be defeated.
38:42With all the strength and will left in me, I did my best to atone for my unholy deeds.
38:50But like any criminal, there were loose ends to be attended to.
38:53I was forced to deal with the police.
38:56In Dr. Jekyll's laboratory several months ago.
38:59He and Dr. Jekyll were quite friendly, weren't they?
39:01It would be presumptuous of me to say, I shall get the doctor.
39:13Good evening, officer.
39:15Oh, sorry to trouble you again, Dr. Jekyll.
39:17That's perfect. You're all right. Why don't you sit down?
39:19No, no. Thank you, sir.
39:21You know about the murder in Soho?
39:24Yes, I read about it.
39:26We understand that Hyde was a friend of yours.
39:29Not a friend, no.
39:31But you were acquainted with him?
39:34Why didn't you tell me about it?
39:36I'm afraid I didn't.
39:38But you were acquainted with him?
39:41Why didn't you tell me about this the night I first came to your laboratory?
39:45Because you never asked me.
39:47You simply asked if Hyde was concealed on the premises, and I said no, because he wasn't.
39:51You were not concealing him?
39:53And you're not concealing him now?
39:55No, I am not. You may search the house.
39:57Thank you, sir. We plan to.
40:00Now, Dr. Jekyll, this man Hyde obviously strikes me as the sort of chap a man like you would know.
40:08Can you tell me what you know of him?
40:11Not much, officer.
40:13You see, I do a certain amount of research into the criminal mind.
40:18I use Hyde as an experiment, as an example.
40:20Any idea where he's gone?
40:22No, but I don't think he's apt to return to London.
40:25Then he has left the city?
40:26I should think so.
40:28You know, Dr. Jekyll, you could be in very serious trouble if you were to try to protect or conceal him now.
40:34Yes, I know that.
40:37Can I speak to you frankly, sir?
40:41Well, this man Hyde, he doesn't have anything on you, does he?
40:44I mean, he's not an extortionist or a blackmailer.
40:47Good heavens, no, officer.
40:50Now, I detest the fellow quite as much as you do, and I'm free to denounce him if you should capture him.
40:54Good. I'm glad we can count on you.
40:56Now, have you any idea where he might have gone?
40:59Well, as I told you...
41:00The police were less problem than I'd anticipated.
41:03They believed that in some way I'd been victimized by the odious Hyde,
41:07and after a thorough search of my house, they left me alone.
41:10As time passed, they gave up their quest for Hyde, assuming he had left the country.
41:20I destroyed all my drugs and compounds to safeguard myself against all relapse.
41:34Now I would turn to charity, to good works, as I had promised Lanyon.
41:39I grew more and more secure.
41:42I had caged Hyde once and for all, and I was myself again.
41:50So confident was I that I paid a call one evening to a certain cabaret in Soho.
42:04Oh, I love you.
42:06But I can't breathe you in. I bet you I'll bite you.
42:13Come on, love, give us a little smile.
42:15There's nothing to smile at.
42:17But you can't go on breathing your life away.
42:19What's done is done.
42:21I wish I was dead, too.
42:23Come now. You're still young and attractive, and you've got ever so many admirers.
42:28I only want these.
42:30Come on now, Purkoff. Purkoff.
42:33Oh, here comes a top.
42:42He's coming over this way.
42:44I think he's going to come and talk to you. You mark my words.
42:52Good evening.
42:53Good evening.
42:56Excuse me, I'll just go and join my friend.
43:01May I sit down?
43:02Suit yourself.
43:04You're not waiting for anyone?
43:06No, I'm not waiting.
43:21It's a pleasant evening.
43:23A pleasant evening?
43:24Yes, a pleasant evening.
43:27A weight of champagne, please.
43:28Yes, sir.
43:32You know, the girl who was fiancé...
43:34I had come partly out of curiosity, and partly out of a desire to make amends.
43:39To help in some practical way this girl whose life I'd ruined.
43:44He fell dead, right here in this room, dead.
43:49We was to be married in three weeks' time.
43:52With a trip to Brighton on our honeymoon.
44:02I'm sorry.
44:06How can the likes of you know what it is to have your life ended?
44:09But your life's not over.
44:11Not over, is it?
44:12How many chances do you think a girl down here has of a decent marriage?
44:16I'm sure you'll have many more.
44:19I should have known when I first saw him.
44:21What he'd do.
44:22What he was.
44:24Your fiancé?
44:25No, the other.
44:26Mr. Odd.
44:28I could get my hands on him right now.
44:30I'd twist a knob in his heart.
44:32Was he so terrible?
44:34He was like the devil himself.
44:37So very bad.
44:39He was worse than bad.
44:40He was so, so waitfully...
44:43He attracted you.
44:45I'm sure he's miles away by now.
44:47I'd try to catch him and hang him by his neck.
44:50Do you have any idea where he's gone?
44:52Who knows?
44:54I suppose you read all about it in the papers.
44:57There it all was.
44:58My name and everything.
44:59Just like the Queen's name.
45:01There I was.
45:04You can see some of the things they say about the horrible crime and so on.
45:08My name's spelled wrong in the early editions, but they got it right later.
45:12Yes, I read these at the time.
45:15I don't know what my poor mom would have said.
45:17She'd seen a daughter's name like that.
45:20Of course, it was on the same page as the Queen's.
45:26My mom's dead.
45:31Would you like a little champagne?
45:32All right.
45:33That's a nice drink.
45:37I'd like to help you if you'll allow me.
45:39No, none of that.
45:41Why, I already know who you are.
45:44I'm just an idle philanthropist.
45:48That's different.
45:50But don't get no ideas about me.
45:52Even if I was involved in a crime of passion.
46:01My side.
46:02It's awful loud.
46:03A gentleman laughing you down here.
46:05Oh, well.
46:06You see, I'm a doctor.
46:07I do charity work in these parts.
46:09That explains it.
46:11I'll bet you're a good doctor.
46:13You really must be the kindest.
46:14As we talked, I found her oddly attractive.
46:17And I resolved to help her in any way I could.
46:21As we chatted, even the cabaret seemed less tawdry and disagreeable.
46:26A sister of mine in Norfolk needs a housekeeper.
46:28I'm sure you'd like her very much.
46:31You're not just playing with me.
46:34I mean it.
46:35And no obligations.
46:36Oh, I sigh.
46:38This beats everything.
46:41Are you feeling all right?
46:44Just a headache.
46:46But with the heat in here, it's very close.
46:49Would you like to take a turn outside?
46:52No, thank you.
46:54There was a strong sense of unreality while we talked.
46:57I would appreciate that.
46:58So I was seeing the world through a heavy, muffling veil.
47:03Say, you do look wrong.
47:06Yes, I'm not...
47:08I'm not...
47:09I'm not feeling very hearty.
47:11Shall I get you a cab?
47:19We'll take a drive, my girl.
47:22What did you sigh?
47:27You sounded just like him for a moment.
47:31You frightened my girl.
48:37A thunderbolt had struck.
48:39I had become Hyde without wanting to.
48:41Without having first taken the potion.
48:44With every ounce of will left to me, I forced myself.
48:47I forced the evil Hyde to return to the laboratory.
48:50And desperately I searched for the chemicals necessary to transform me back into myself.
48:55But there was none left.
48:57All had been destroyed.
49:10The next morning, however, I found I was again myself.
49:15I was again Dr. Jekyll.
49:19I gave Poole various instructions.
49:21He was to go to the chemists.
49:23He was to order the ingredients I needed for my compound.
49:26I spoke urgently.
49:28For I had no idea when I might again become that monster whose evil power over me was nearly complete.
49:34I don't want to see anyone, Poole.
49:36I'll be working in my laboratory for the next while.
49:38To bring my meals, just leave them outside the door.
49:40Very good, sir.
49:41Oh, Poole.
49:42I want the door into the laboratory.
49:44One that leads into the street. I want it padlocked.
49:46Yes, sir.
49:47From the outside.
49:48From the outside, sir?
49:49Yes, Poole, and you keep the key. I shan't need it.
49:51Yes, sir.
49:58I took every precaution to keep the monster caged.
50:01At least within the house.
50:03So far I have.
50:06Though the nightmare is now becoming more than I can endure.
50:10I no longer know which I am.
50:13Jekyll or Hyde.
50:20It was soon evident that the most necessary ingredient, a certain salt, was no longer available at any chemists.
50:27It had been a flawed chemical, an impure salt.
50:31And its very impurity made it impossible to duplicate.
50:36No luck, sir.
50:38They say the salts you've got are the same as they've always said.
50:41Tell them they're lying.
50:43Tell them to look again. Tell them you want them all.
50:45Yes, sir, I will.
50:59I have known now for some days that I shall never leave this room again.
51:05I have given up all hope.
51:08My life is now a battleground where good and evil are at war.
51:12And the victory of either one will mean my death.
51:15So great has been my sin.
51:35The police officer, Mr. Utterson.
51:38The body's in here, officer.
51:40Well, we'll have a look and then I'll take your testimony.
51:42Who will ask me to come?
51:44It's all over now.
51:46You know the truth, then?
51:49It's all in here.
51:51He left this journal for me.
51:53It's a perfectly clear case of self-defense, isn't it, Mr. Utterson?
51:58Oh, yes, that's quite correct. He assaulted me with criminal intent.
52:02But what's he done with Dr. Jekyll? That's the important thing.
52:05The whole matter is out of our hands.
52:07Ah, that it is.
52:09Well, Mr. Hyde, you got what was coming to you, that's certain.
52:13No, officer.
52:15That's not Mr. Hyde.
52:17That's Dr. Jekyll.
52:19What are you saying, sir? I saw him with my own eyes.
52:22It was Mr. Hyde.
52:23Look and see.
52:32It is Dr. Jekyll.
52:34I don't understand.
52:39The beast and the monster.
52:41The angel.
52:44It was an unholy thing he did, separating them.
52:51But only the good remains.
53:09We've arranged a rather unique fashion show for you this evening.
53:13Now, maybe the fashion shows you're used to seeing feature what the best-dressed man or woman is wearing today.
53:19But this fashion show we call what the best-dressed car is wearing,
53:23and here's Mary Costa to tell you all about it.
53:27Thank you, Bill.
53:29Here we see a full array of custom accessories from the Mopar division of Chrysler Corporation.
53:35That's mo for motor, par for parts.
53:38These accessories are the smartest, most durable, and most fashion-right that you can get for your car.
53:44And you can get them in a minute in your own neighborhood.
53:47But now, let's go to the home plant of Mopar at Centerline, Michigan.
53:54This is Mopar, the most efficient parts plant in the industry,
53:57where 2,000 employees work to handle each order the day it arrives,
54:01whether by teletype, by wire, or by mail.
54:04Here is where emergency orders are received, every dealer knowing he can phone direct.
54:09All orders are checked against microfilm records that show the original specifications of every Chrysler Corporation car or truck.
54:16The order is then broken down electronically into year, make, model of car, and part or accessory needed.
54:23After this, the order is taken to the pneumatic tube system
54:26to be instantly whisked to a clearing center in the plant called Grand Central.
54:31Every order must arrive here and then be routed by skilled operators
54:35to exactly the right point in this vast warehouse that covers almost a million square feet.
54:40An important division of Chrysler Corporation, Mopar serves your car needs from coast to coast.
54:46To handle your demand nationwide, over 100 truck and freight car loads of parts and accessories leave Mopar daily.
54:55And of course, the best part is you can get these custom, fashion-wise accessories
55:00and factory-approved parts at your dealers, at service stations, and at thousands of general garages all over the country.
55:07And in every case, Mary, you can be sure that every Mopar part or accessory is designed and built
55:13with the same rigid specifications and the same high standards of quality as the cars themselves.
55:19Remember, Mopar Division of Chrysler Corporation, a forward look in service.
55:26Thank you very much, Mary Costa.
55:27Right, Bill.
55:29Ladies and gentlemen, next week on Climax, one-night stands starring Bob Crosby and the Bobcats,
55:34John Forsythe, Bob Sweeney, Boris Leachman, and Donald Buchan.
55:38Hey, hey, what's going on here?
55:42Well, that's a gin mill blues. Bring back any memories?
55:45I will be, will be, will be.
55:47That is my old Marine Corps friend, Bob Crosby.
55:49Semper fi, Bill.
55:50Semper fi to you, too.
55:51And incidentally, speaking of the Marine Corps, don't I remember that one time back during our Marine Corps years,
55:57we were in the Russell Islands on Benico, wasn't it?
55:59That's right, right out of Boubou.
56:01Boubou, Boubou.
56:02And I asked you if you were ever going to get back together with the original Bobcats.
56:06Pretty tricky, pretty tricky, Willie, to tell the folks out there that we are next Thursday on this same show,
56:13the Bobcats 15th straw.
56:15And, Bill, I'm very, very complimented to have playing the part of Joe Sullivan, our piano player,
56:20the wonderful, wonderful actor, John Forsythe.
56:24Hi, John. Come on in. Join us.
56:26Hi, Bill.
56:27Thank you for those kind words, Brother Robert.
56:29Met him.
56:30You know, I was just telling Bob this afternoon, what a real treat this is for me to play this show.
56:34Because, first of all, Bill, I've always been crazy about jazz.
56:37And secondly, because I think this is a true and completely different kind of a story about the men who make music.
56:43What sounds to me as though we're really going to have an excellent show next week.
56:47Well, I certainly hope so, and I hope the folks out there are going to like it.
56:50We're going to play Little Rock Getaway, Gin Mill Blues.
56:53Say, Rob, Rob, Rob.
56:54Yes, sir.
56:55Let me ask you something, Willie.
56:56Who do you think we ought to get to play the part of Bob Crosby?
57:01Well, I wonder. It would be awfully nice if Brother Bing did.
57:05Bing Crosby.
57:06Well, I think he should. After all, I've played his life many, many times.
57:10Goodbye, Bill. See you later.
57:11See you.
57:12Goodbye, Rob. See you later.
57:14Next week, and, John, we'll all be looking forward to seeing you in the Bobcats next week in One Night Stand,
57:20also starring John Forsythe, Bob Sweeney, Cloris Leachman, and Donald Booker.
57:24This is Bill Lundigan saying thank you, and don't miss it.
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