• 4 years ago


01:00How you doing today boys? The preacher's in charge today.
01:04What's going on around here?
01:08I wonder what it's all about.
01:10Must be something special.
01:23Well boys, you're welcome to the meeting.
01:27Can't go for that.
01:29Don't want to be either, but it won't do you any hurt.
01:39No way, I want to get a drink.
01:42Not today.
01:44It's a sluice, ain't it?
01:46Can't you read?
01:49Church. Today.
02:00Boys, I'm giving you two hours off so you can join our friends' congregation.
02:05Thank you, boss.
02:11Well, Parson, everything's about ready. I think we'd better start serving.
02:15Oh, I beg your pardon, I mean services.
02:17Yes, Father Hicks.
02:19Everything looks first class.
02:30Hi, Mr. Johnson.
02:32Hi, Jack.
02:33Got a full house today.
02:35Well, we've got a nice chair over there against the wall where you'll be nice and comfortable.
02:41Wonder where those two young scoundrels are.
02:43Oh, that's all right. They'll be here in a minute.
02:46Well, they better be.
02:58How about a little drink?
03:05Behave yourself.
03:16Court is in session.
03:19I mean, church is open. Take off your hat.
03:27My friends, I have asked only the male members of my congregation to attend this sermon
03:34because I wish to discuss a situation that is of vital importance to every man in this valley.
03:42The coming of the sheep men into a cattle country.
03:49Come on, Wally. Hurry up.
03:56Hey, we're late. The old man will be on the warpath.
04:03Ken, you go first.
04:04All right.
04:14Gee, what a peach.
04:17Reckon that must be the new biscuit shooter at the restaurant.
04:21If our young friend, my sermon.
04:26Well, it's right over there, boys.
04:28Thanks, Jack.
04:47Hi, Dad.
04:49Late as usual, huh?
04:51Sorry, Dad.
04:55I have chosen for the text of my sermon this morning
05:01the 39th verse of the 22nd chapter of Matthew.
05:07Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
05:11Now, I beg you to bear these words in mind,
05:16for I realize we are facing a grave crisis.
05:22Congress has declared Laramie Basin closed and leased range.
05:29That means that any man, be he cattleman, sheepman, or farmer,
05:36has a right to come in here, providing he holds a government lease.
05:43Do not let hatred and bitterness rule your hearts.
05:48These men who are coming into the valley are your brothers.
05:52Brothers, eh?
05:54Well, let me tell you, Mr. Sky Pilot, they're not coming into this valley.
05:58Hold your horses, Thompson.
06:02The Parsons' right.
06:06According to this Homestead Act that's just been passed,
06:10these sheepmen have a right to come in here,
06:13and we can't do a blame thing to prevent it.
06:17Do you mean you're turning against your friends
06:21and throwing in with a flock of land-grabbing woolly chasers?
06:25Oh, you know where my sympathies are, Wynn.
06:29I was born a cattleman,
06:31and I ain't got any more use for these ring-tailed, smelly pests.
06:36These strangers within our gates, Brother Gorman.
06:41Eh, as I was saying,
06:44these strangers within our gates have got the law with them.
06:49It ain't easy for me to have to protect these dirty...
06:54These strangers within our gates.
06:58But as long as I'm sheriff of this county,
07:01the law's gonna be enforced.
07:04You cattlemen had a chance to buy or lease the range,
07:08but you didn't do it, and it ain't yours.
07:11Not mine, eh?
07:13The first sheepman that puts his foot on my range
07:16will find out whose it is.
07:18Easy, Dad. We don't want to have any trouble here.
07:24Let us unite in solemn prayer.
08:36We've been friends too many years to let anything like this bust us up.
08:40I ain't friends with no sheepman courting as a sheriff.
08:44If you're thrown in with them dirty murdering varmints,
08:47you better keep out of my way.
08:49That's all I can tell you.
08:52Listen, you two.
08:54I want to see you pull it out the range right away.
08:57Come on, Hickey. Drive out of here.
09:14Say, Ken, the old man said he wanted to see you.
09:19He was looking at you when he said it.
09:22He had blood in his eye.
09:24You better get going.
09:31Oh, he can wait.
09:34I got some official business with a fella over here.
09:38Has he got blonde hair?
10:08Hello, bright eyes and ruby lips.
10:11You two have kept you waiting.
10:13Fresh, aren't you?
10:15Oh, maybe a little forward.
10:18Is there a minstrel show in town?
10:21Nope, just a stranger to soul.
10:25Come on in.
10:28Believe it or not, lady, but this is my best pal, Ken.
10:33A little of worse for wear, but not a bad-looking guy when he gets his face washed.
10:38I do, miss.
10:39As for yours truly, you are feasting your baby blue eyes on the one and only Wally Thompson.
10:45A personality supreme.
10:47Only offspring of Winchester Thompson.
10:50I know you two. You're the pair who gave the West a bad name.
10:54Oh, you've been reading books.
10:56How about my ham and eggs?
10:58How would you like to go with me to the dance?
11:00Hey, all in your horns there, Longhorn.
11:03I ain't exactly crippled myself, you know.
11:06Now listen, miss.
11:08You positively be cheating yourself if you don't go to that dance with me.
11:12Do I get my ham and eggs or don't I?
11:14Well, you two fight it out while I go take care of that old walrus.
11:24Well, pal, we'll have to settle this in the usual manner.
11:27All right.
11:29What'll it take?
11:30I'll take heads.
11:31Fly at it.
11:36As usual.
11:38You have all the luck in the world.
11:40There are your ham and eggs.
11:43Well, have you decided which one of you is going to have the pleasure of my company tonight?
11:47You're in luck, beautiful. It's me.
11:50All right, Romeo. Meet you here tonight.
12:04What do you suppose is going on out there?
12:09See you tonight, Goldie.
12:11The sheepherder's headed this way with his band of sheep.
12:14And he intends to drive them through this town.
12:19Well, if he does, he's in for a lot of trouble.
12:22Hey, boys.
12:24Let's stampede them.
12:28What's the matter? What's up, boys?
12:30The sheepherder's headed this way with his band of sheep.
12:32And he intends to go through this town with them.
12:34And this is a cattleman's town.
12:36We founded it, and there ain't going to be no sheep polluted.
12:39Yes, son. That goes for me, too.
12:41I'm the leading leg of the first sheepherder that steps into this town.
12:46Wait a minute. Wait a minute, boys.
12:48We don't want to start any ranged war around here.
12:51Come on, boys. Stand aside, you two.
12:55Now, take it easy. Let's talk this over.
12:58You heard what the minister said.
13:00We don't want to be too hasty.
13:02You fellas, wait a minute now. Come on. Listen to me.
13:04All of you.
13:06I give you a warning that these sheepherders have the law on their side.
13:09And I'll arrest for murder the first hombres that pulls down on them.
13:12Look here, Sheriff.
13:14I think maybe me and Wally can get them to go around town.
13:16Better let me try it.
13:18All right, Ken. Go ahead.
13:19Come on, Wally.
13:22Now, you fellas, wait a minute. Listen to me.
13:25That's all there is to it.
13:37Well, all I can say is that those two hombres better be successful.
13:42Because law or no law, I'm getting the first sheepherder that comes into this town.
13:47Say, listen, Butch.
13:49You better get that killing idea out of your head.
14:12Wait a minute, Wally.
14:14A sheepherder polluting a perfectly good cowboy's outfit.
14:18What do you think of that, Wally?
14:20What do you think of that, Wally?
14:22Serve him right if we stripped him.
14:25Just my sentiments, exactly.
14:28I'll snare him off of there.
14:30We'll take the chaps off of him, huh? Come on.
14:32You got it, boy.
14:34Come on, Wally.
14:44Hyah! Get off him. Get him, Wally.
14:48Imagine a sheepherder, a lot of nerve,
14:51a sheepherder wearing a good cowboy's pair of chaps.
14:53Hold it. Get him off.
14:54Get him off.
14:55I've never had him on in the first place, eh?
14:58Let's get him, Sam.
14:59Come on. Let's turn him over.
15:01Come on. Let's get these pants off.
15:03Come on.
15:09Holy orange coats.
15:11He's a sheep.
15:13Why, you. You, you bully, you.
15:15What's wrong with you, Judy?
15:20Listen, miss.
15:21We're downright sorry.
15:23We thought you was, well, what you ain't.
15:28Be about your business, you two.
15:31Listen, partner.
15:32We come down here on a right friendly mission.
15:35You aiming to take these sheep through town?
15:37What if I am?
15:39I advise you not to do it.
15:41Place is full of cattlemen.
15:43They threaten to start shooting the minute your bellwether sets a hoof in the street.
15:46No cattleman's gonna bluff me.
15:48I have a government lease to the east side of Big Creek.
15:51And I'm not going around the town just to please them.
15:54Maybe we'd better go around, Dad.
15:58She's right. You better take them all around.
16:00That'll look as if I'm scared.
16:02And no sheepman's backing down from a cattleman.
16:05Tell you what we'll do.
16:07We'll meet you halfway.
16:09You take them around the town, we'll help you herd them.
16:11That'll make things even.
16:13That's fair enough, Dad.
16:15And then if we have help, we won't lose any time.
16:19Maybe you're right, Judy.
16:21Miss, let me take that off, will you?
16:24We didn't mean it. You know that now, don't you?
16:35What a little peach, eh?
16:37All right, Romeo.
16:39Calm down.
16:40We got work to do.
16:41Yeah, come on.
16:42Nursemaid in the herd of sheep.
16:52Sure hope Dad don't find out about this.
16:55Come on, darling.
16:58Was you talking to us, Miss?
17:01I was talking to the sheep.
17:11Come on, darling.
17:12Come on.
17:14Ready your harks, my darling.
17:18Hey, Ken.
17:20Did you ever see such eyes?
17:23Keep your mind on your work.
17:40Come on.
18:01Hope he ain't still mad, Miss.
18:03Me and Wally's both sorry for what we done.
18:06Well, we were kind of rough.
18:09It's a swell dance in town.
18:11And I'd certainly be honored.
18:13Hey, listen.
18:15It's a dance, not a convention.
18:17Guess you forgot to sign little Goldilocks up, haven't you?
18:21And listen.
18:23I'm intending to go to that dance myself.
18:26And all I'm needing is a pardon.
18:30I'm afraid I couldn't go in this outfit.
18:32And it's all I have.
18:34But thank you anyway.
18:49Hey, Wally.
19:03Getting married?
19:05Oh, no.
19:07Not yet.
19:16How complete.
19:17Everything down to the, uh...
19:19Yeah, yeah.
19:20You better put in a couple of those, too.
19:26I got some very nice, very nice goods here.
19:31How do you like that?
19:32Is that the best?
19:33Yes, sir.
19:34Well, put one in.
19:35All right.
19:36Now, here's some other.
19:37These are...
19:38Whatever you say.
19:39You put it right in there.
19:40All right.
19:41Anything else that goes with it?
19:42Why, sure.
19:43I've got something in this box here that I'd like to show you.
19:47Yeah, yeah.
19:48I want one of them.
19:49And give me a couple of those.
19:52All right.
19:53I gotta write a note.
19:54You got something I can write a note on?
19:55Why, sure.
19:58And I want a dress.
19:59A dress?
20:00Yeah, one for a dance.
20:02Yes, sir.
20:07All right.
20:21I'm sure that this dress will fit her.
20:23That's fine.
20:24Well, you wrap everything up.
20:25Yes, sir.
20:26If anyone comes in before I get out,
20:28we pretend I've been buying a new saddle.
20:32Yes, yes.
20:33That's right.
20:38Want to take these things with you?
20:40No, thanks.
20:41You just leave them here.
20:43And I'll call for them tonight.
20:46All right.
20:47I think that's what you said.
20:49Well, don't say anything.
20:56I'll see you later.
20:57All right.
21:27Howdy, howdy.
21:28Howdy, Ken.
21:29What can I do for you?
21:31Well, I could use some flannel underwear.
21:33Have you got any?
21:34Oh, sure.
21:35How many suits?
21:36I don't know, let me look at it.
21:39At my size?
21:40Yes, sir.
21:41That's right, I think about three of them.
21:43Three suits?
21:44Just right.
21:45It's kind of hot for this sort of underwear, isn't it?
21:48I don't know, I wear them the year-round.
21:51That's all right.
21:52Just take them over here and wrap them up for you.
21:55Okay, I'll be right here.
21:57Well, here you are, Ken.
21:59Oh, by the way, Wally was in here just now.
22:02He was?
22:04Too bad I missed him.
22:06Well, I'll see you later.
22:25Oh, by the way, did you get any of that favorite jam of mine?
22:29Yes, yes indeed.
22:45Playin' nurse mate to a lot of filthy sheep.
22:51Oh, wait till I get my hands on them.
22:54I'll show them.
22:58And the funny part of it is, they seem to be getting quite a kick out of it.
23:01Getting a kick out of it, eh? Well, you just wait.
23:05It looked to me like they were headed for your east range.
23:08What? Headed for my east range? Why?
23:13Now, I happen to be riding that way, Mr. Thompson.
23:16Suppose I stop and warn them they're trespassing.
23:19Trespassing? Ha! They're trying to steal my east range!
23:24Shall I take care of the matter for you?
23:26Yes! Run them out! Every last one of them!
23:30All right, Mr. Thompson.
23:33Trespassing? Ha! Well, you just wait.
23:38You! Get out there!
23:41The minute those two young scoundrels get here, bring them in here!
23:44I want to see them at once!
24:00Wally! Hank! What's happened?
24:04Plenty! The old man found out about you herding him sheep and he hit the roof.
24:13Really? Yeah. He busted three canes.
24:17Three? Uh-huh.
24:25Hello, Wally. Hi, Sam.
24:27Say, boy, we're in a heap of trouble.
24:29Dad's found out about our playing little Bo Peep to that herd.
24:32Yeah, he craves your... He wants to see you.
24:37He wants to see you.
24:43Well, we just as well got over with.
24:47Come on.
25:00Better let me handle this alone, Wally.
25:03Ken, your shoulders are bigger than mine.
25:05This is all yours, boy.
25:12Those two scurrying...
25:17Higgins! Higgins! Where's my stick?
25:22I want my cane, Higgins!
25:34I wonder what that rotten smell is.
25:37The boys must have corralled a couple of skunks.
25:43I'm sorry, sir. I guess it was me.
25:47I guess I got too close to them sheep.
25:51Where... Where is that other sheep herder?
25:56Dad, Wally didn't have anything to do with that.
25:59I got him into it.
26:01I was just trying to keep that bunch in town from making trouble, that's all.
26:04So, you're taking the blame for Wally again.
26:07Look here, Dad.
26:09Do you know how grateful I am for everything you've done for me?
26:13Picking me up when I was a homeless boy.
26:16Bringing me here and treating me like one of your own.
26:19Why, there isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do to spare you unhappiness.
26:25Look, Dad. Times have changed.
26:28We're not living in the old days now, when possession was nine points to the law.
26:32Things haven't changed for me.
26:35I settled the reins my cattle grazed on.
26:38And I'm a-keeping it.
26:41Yeah, Dad, but don't you understand?
26:43These sheep herders have leased or bought the land from the government.
26:46If you start any trouble with them, well, you'll be...
26:49You'll be bucking Uncle Sam, that's what you'll be doing.
27:17Ha, ha.
27:19Well, I see you're still in one piece.
27:26I'm worried about your father, Wally.
27:30He's headed for a lot of trouble unless we can make him listen to reason.
27:34Listen to reason? About sheep men?
27:37Boy, you're an optimist.
27:40It's a good thing that sheep girl turned us down.
27:44Imagine what would happen...
27:47if the old man knew that we took her to a cattleman's den.
27:53Oh, yeah.
27:55Yeah, that would be kind of funny, wouldn't it?
27:59Hey, handsome.
28:03You ain't seen her since she turned us down, have you?
28:06Seen her? Why?
28:08No, no. Of course not.
28:12You sure?
28:14Sure. I ain't seen her, really.
28:34Hello, Butch.
28:35Hello, Sheriff.
28:37Say, you don't intend to go into the dance with that load on, do you?
28:42No, we were just going to take a look in.
28:45No dance for me, Sheriff.
28:47I got important business.
28:49All right, Butch, but remember, don't start anything.
28:57Say, listen. Can't you keep your big mouth shut?
29:00Listen, Pete.
29:02The Sheriff ain't going to be flattened about us...
29:05and the rest of the town is all going to be in the dance.
29:09Now, those sheep are on old man Thompson's range, ain't they?
29:14Well, who's going to get blamed for it if anything happens to them?
29:19Now, listen.
29:21All we got to worry about is collecting our money for their herd.
29:25Now, go on and get the boys. We'll be getting out of here soon.
29:28But listen, Butch, you're...
29:30Go on and get the boys.
29:40Well, well.
29:42There ain't Miss Goldie waiting for our little Wally.
29:49Ken, I've decided to let you take Goldie to the dance.
29:55Now, ain't you big-hearted, Wally?
29:57Oh, now, listen, Ken. You've got a way with women.
29:59Tell her I've broken the news to her.
30:01Well, I'll tell her.
30:03I'll tell her.
30:05Oh, Wally.
30:06Oh, now, listen, Ken. You've got a way with women.
30:08Tell her I've broken her leg or my neck or something. Will you?
30:14All right.
30:15It's a pal.
30:27Howdy, miss.
30:29Was you waiting for somebody?
30:31Say, where's Laramie's other gift to women?
30:33I'm sick and tired of waiting.
30:37Well, if you was waiting for that pal of mine, you're liable to take root and grow here.
30:42Meaning just what?
30:44Well, I kind of hate to talk about my pal that way.
30:48But you see, Wally's very changeable. Awful changeable.
30:52I guess you just slipped his mind altogether.
30:55Slipped his mind?
30:57Say, just what are you trying to get at?
30:59Where is he?
31:01Well, he's over there in front of that dance hall.
31:03It was the last time I saw him.
31:05Waiting for another girl.
31:13Come back here, you cheap Welsher!
31:47Help! Help!
32:02Good evening, Miss Judy.
32:04Gee, you look scrumptious.
32:06Did what I sent you fit all right?
32:10I can manage, thank you.
32:12Good evening, Miss Judy.
32:14Good evening.
32:20There's a little present for you in the backboard.
32:23By the way, Wally, take care of the team, will you?
32:26Like a good pal.
32:40What the...
32:55Well, a dirty, lop-beard, bow-legged, throat-cutting porcupine.
33:02Say, how's that old stepdad of yours?
33:05Still set against me?
33:07Nah, he's all right.
33:09Don't worry about him, Sheriff.
33:11Everybody having a nice time here, huh?
33:13Yes, they're having a real time.
33:15How about taking care of that, Sheriff?
33:31Now, listen, Buck.
33:43You boys get that herd moving, and we'll go over and take care of the old man.
33:47Come on, fellas.
34:01Ready! Ready!
34:24Well, I guess he's gone.
34:28We better get rid of this evidence.
34:30Aye-aye, boys.
34:32Well, how about smoking him out?
35:01It was awfully sweet of you to send me these lovely things.
35:05You have very good taste.
35:08Of course I have.
35:10I always pick the best.
35:14What's the matter, Wally? Ain't you dancing?
35:18Oh, yes, you are.
35:20And with me.
35:21That was a fine trick to play on a lady.
35:23You good-for-nothing imitation of a worm.
35:25I'd like to bury this old man.
35:27You good-for-nothing imitation of a worm.
35:29I'd like to bury this axe in your skull.
35:31Please, please, Goldie.
35:32Well, I won't enjoy it any more than you will, but you're going to dance with me.
35:35Oh, honest, I can't dance.
35:36Come on, you fork-flushing Romeo.
35:38An act is so you like it.
35:39Honest, Goldie, I can't dance.
35:50I see you found him.
35:51You bet.
36:09Can I have the pleasure of this?
36:25Miss Judy! Miss Judy!
36:27Daisy, what is it?
36:29Something terrible's happened.
36:30It's about your dad.
36:32They attacked the camp.
36:33I'm scared to kill him.
36:37Come on, Wally.
36:44Oh, oh!
36:45Oh, boy, oh!
36:51Wait a minute.
37:05If you was to tell me that my horse could jump over the moon, I'd believe you.
37:12Because when the old man gets so crazy that he takes in a sheep herder's daughter,
37:18nothing makes sense.
37:21Oh, what was he to do?
37:23Her dad was killed and the sheep ran off.
37:27Somebody had to take her.
37:34But why the old man?
37:36That's what I'd like to know.
37:39It appears to me that there's something mighty funny somewhere.
37:46Look at him over there.
37:48If that don't just make you sick.
37:57But you've never let me really thank you for all your kindness to me.
38:01Oh, Judy, you know you're always welcome here with me.
38:06I know.
38:09But somehow, I simply can't forget that horrible night we found dead.
38:16You must forget, Judy.
38:19I know.
38:21I've tried.
38:22But it haunts me.
38:26If ever I find the man who murdered my father, I believe, I'd believe I'd kill him.
38:38Hello, Dad.
38:39Hello, sonny.
38:41Do you mind if I steal Judy for a little while?
38:44It's a swell afternoon for a ride.
38:46I'd love to.
38:48But I promised to go riding with Ken.
39:06Ready, Judy?
39:08Do you mind, Mr. Thompson?
39:10Of course not.
39:11Run along and enjoy yourself.
39:13I'll get my hat.
39:27You're getting to be a pretty fast worker, aren't you, handsome?
39:30Oh, I don't know.
39:32Kind of, maybe.
39:39While you're waiting for Judy, would you mind coming down and looking at the trap I got for the coyotes?
39:45Well, all right.
39:47Tell Judy we'll be right back.
39:50Yeah, he'll be right back.
39:54The fellow who sold me this told me I could catch anything in it.
39:57Well, we'll give it a look.
40:16Where's Ken?
40:18Well, you see, Judy, he got awful interested in that new trap we got for stray coyotes.
40:24Oh, he has to be excused.
40:43If I ever get out of here, I'll do to him.
40:50What are you doing, playing the groundhog?
40:54What are you laughing at?
40:55Get me out of here, Higgy.
40:56Can't you see I'm caught in this trap?
40:57It's hurt.
40:58Hurry it up, will you?
41:02With a fine pal like you, we might get a whole hitter.
41:06Watch out.
41:07Watch the fingers.
41:11Boy, what a relief.
41:15Say, listen, Higgy.
41:17Have you ever been in love?
41:19How's it feel?
41:24You've had five or six wives, you ought to know.
41:28Say, did you ever have a toothache?
41:33No, I don't think so.
41:35Well, did you ever have a stomachache?
41:39Yeah, I guess I've had a stomachache all right.
41:42Well, it's ten times worse than both of them put together.
42:04Say, what's the big idea, you old horned toad?
42:10I ought to cut your heart out.
42:13Hold on.
42:14What are you going to do it?
42:18Hey, get off me.
42:19Get up.
42:20Give up?
42:21Give up my eye.
42:22You give up now?
42:24You enjoy your ride, little lady stealer?
42:26Oh, it serves you right for that dirty trick you played on me at the dance.
42:31Took me a week to square myself with Judy.
42:49Hey, handsome.
42:51How do you think dad would feel about having a sheep girl for a daughter?
42:58Well, I don't know, Wally.
43:01Might please him a lot.
43:04He thinks an awful lot of Judy, you know.
43:11That's funny.
43:14What's funny?
43:16Oh, nothing.
43:18Nothing at all.
43:38Hi, Ken.
43:39Hello, Sheriff.
43:40Glad you rode in.
43:42What's up?
43:43Anything wrong?
43:44Well, there's some ugly rumors going around town about the killing of this sheep herder, Winters.
43:50Butch Martin's back in town and he's been flashing a big roll of money over in the saloon
43:54and kind of hinting that it's payment for getting rid of Winters.
43:59He brags that I don't dare touch him for fear of making trouble for Winn Thompson.
44:06I see.
44:08Puts any way in the dead Thompson hired him to kill Winters.
44:11You know that's a lie, Sheriff.
44:13Why, I can't figure Winn Thompson hiring no killer to do his dirty work for him.
44:19Butch is lying, Sheriff.
44:21I'm going to make him admit it.
44:25Say, by the way, Sheriff, you couldn't mosey out of town for a half hour or so, could you?
44:31You know, just in case I had any trouble making Butch talk.
44:34He's inside right now.
44:49Well, look who's here. Come on, have a drink.
44:52I want to have a talk with you, Butch.
44:54Well, go ahead.
44:55Well, I want it private-like.
44:57Private-like, eh?
44:59Well, listen, if you've got anything to say to me, say it here.
45:03I suppose your step-pappy wants to see me again, eh?
45:06Got another job for me running off.
45:10Oh, no, you don't. Keep your hand off that gun.
45:13All right. Come on, you jerk.
45:16Get over there before.
45:18All right, come on, Butch.
45:20Get over there. Get over there, you.
45:22Way over.
45:24All right, stay there.
45:30Dad, Butch has been telling everybody that you hired him to kill Winters.
45:33Just a minute.
45:35You've got this thing mixed a little.
45:37I never said you paid me for that job, Thompson.
45:40Though I'm not saying that I won't come back to collect
45:43after the money I got for them sheep is gone.
45:46You better get off your high horse.
45:48You're just as much responsible for what happened to Winters as I am.
45:52I got my orders direct from you to get Winters off.
45:55From the way you talk,
45:58I didn't gather you wanted me to handle him with kid gloves.
46:23Dad, I found this note in Judy's room.
46:26It's addressed to you.
46:36Sit down, Dad.
46:46Hey, I haven't been able to find Judy anywhere since we came back from the ride.
46:49Have you seen her?
46:54Well, come on. Can't you say something?
46:59What's this?
47:01What's this?
47:04I can no longer accept charity from the man who
47:09caused my father's death.
47:16Say, she doesn't think, Dad, that you had anything to do with that.
47:21I did, Wally.
47:23I sent Butch Martin to drive Winters off my range.
47:28To drive Winters off my range.
47:31You sent Butch to murder...
47:33Easy there, kid.
47:35My dad had nothing to do with that.
47:37Butch just saw a chance to steal Winters' herd.
47:39Blame it on Dad in case anybody found it out.
47:41But he just said he sent Butch.
47:43Yeah, to warn Winters to stay off his range, that's all.
47:46Off of your range?
47:48You knew it wasn't yours.
47:50You knew that Winters had a legal right to settle there.
47:53What did you care about the law or anyone else's rights?
47:56What matters to you is your hatred of sheep men.
47:58They're not human beings to you.
48:00Don't talk like that, Wally.
48:02Don't you think Dad's suffered enough?
48:04Dad suffered.
48:05What about me? I've suffered.
48:07And I'm gonna suffer.
48:08Because I've lost Judy.
48:10You suppose she'll ever talk to me again?
48:12The son of the man that murdered her father?
48:16No, I'll keep out of this.
48:18I had hoped to make everything up to Judy.
48:21Hoped that she'd never find out.
48:26I don't know how she did either, Dad.
48:28Just us two that knew.
48:30Oh, just the two of you, eh?
48:34Well, I know how she found out.
48:36You told her.
48:37Wally, you're crazy.
48:38Crazy? Well, let me tell you something.
48:40You've made a great mess out of this for her.
48:42You've made a great mess out of it for me.
48:44Both of you.
48:58Can you tell me where I'll find Miss Judy Winters?
49:09I'm so glad to see you.
49:11Well, I'm glad to see you too.
49:15I come over to...
49:19You've got to go back, Miss Judy.
49:22Go back?
49:24To the ranch?
49:27It's about broke Dad Thompson up.
49:29You're leaving the way you did.
49:31About broken him up?
49:33Do you expect me to be sorry?
49:35After what he did to my father?
49:41Mr. Thompson had nothing to do with your father's...
49:46With his death, Judy.
49:49He hired the killers.
49:53Well, that's where you're wrong.
49:58I did it.
50:01Mr. Thompson sent me over to arty your father off the range.
50:06Well, I didn't want to have a run-in with him.
50:09So I...
50:12I paid Martin to go over and give him his marching orders.
50:17Dad Thompson is not to blame for any part of it.
50:20There's nothing to keep you from going back and be happy.
50:25You think a lot of Dad Thompson.
50:27Don't you, Ken?
50:33Wally thinks a lot of you too.
50:35He loves you.
50:37I know he'd make you happy.
50:44I won't be around to keep reminding you of things that's happened.
50:48And I'm pulling my freight out of here right now.
50:52You'll promise me, won't you?
50:54Promise you'll go back.
51:47Yeah, that sure was a dirty trick all right.
51:50Pretending to be your pal and all the time cutting you out with your girl.
51:55Well, don't get about it.
51:57That's all over.
51:59Pretending to be my friend.
52:01I'll get him.
52:05Listen, I had a hunch that that grandstand player Ken's in standing in with the sheep men
52:11was just to get on the good side of that girl.
52:14That's all he did it for.
52:19Well, I'm telling you something.
52:22When he comes in here, I'm starting to shoot.
52:27Boy, show him your chops.
52:30Sure hard to figure Wally gunning for Ken.
52:40Is Ken here?
52:43He was here, but he left a little while ago.
52:45Did he say where he was going?
52:48No, only that he was going to find Wally.
52:54Anything wrong?
52:56Ken and Wally have had a row over something.
52:59And if they meet, there's going to be a shooting scrape.
53:05You go to the ranch.
53:06He may have returned there.
53:07And I'll ride toward town.
53:25Hello, Wally.
53:30Hello, you double-crossing cheat.
53:35I want to talk to you, Wally.
53:38You don't have to tell me anything.
53:40I saw plenty.
53:42Oh, come on, Ken.
53:43Let's get out of here.
53:44Come on.
53:49Now you, go for your gun.
53:53Go for your gun!
53:54Wally, you don't know what you're doing.
54:02That'll do, kid.
54:04Now you're getting some sense.
54:06Come on.
54:07We'll go get the rest of those dirty sheepherders.
54:10Let's get them.
54:11Come on.
54:18What did he get you, Ken?
54:19An arm jacket.
54:20Let's put a bandage around it.
54:22Just quick.
54:23I got to get out of here.
54:36What's wrong, Ken?
54:37Wally's gone crazy, Sheriff.
54:43Come on, boys.
54:44Get your horses.
54:45What's the matter with you?
54:58We're quitting this right here.
55:02Oh, I see.
55:03It's the girl, eh?
55:05No, but we can't go on with this.
55:08So you're turning yellow.
55:10No, I'm not yellow, but I'm not a murderer.
55:12Well, I am.
55:31Butch Martin shot him.
55:32I saw the whole thing.
55:34How bad did it get you, boy?
55:36You go away from me, you dirty double-crosser.
55:40You take care of him, Judy.
56:02That's Butch Martin and his gang.
56:04You're looking for trouble.
57:03Come on.
57:04Come on.
57:06Come on.
57:07Come on.
57:08Come on.
57:09Come on.
57:10Come on.
57:11Come on.
57:12I ought to finish you.
57:42Got all the reason in the world to do it, too.
57:50I guess the Sheriff will take care of that, though.
57:54All right, Sheriff, you can take care of him.
57:55I gotta go.
58:08It's his shoulder, Ken.
58:10Did you get your badge, Ken?
58:13Just nicked me.
58:15The main thing is, did you get him?
58:18Sure I did.
58:20Tie him up and give him to the Sheriff.
58:22That'll be a prize on snakes like that.
58:27Why, there is, handsome.
58:35Oh, don't be so dumb.
58:38Judy's been explaining a lot of things to me.
58:42Haven't you, Judy?
58:46I told him that, well, that...
58:49That it was kind of tough to get the right guy to propose around here.
58:55So I figured I'd help her out a bit.
59:04Go on, go on, kiss her.