Георгий Гачечиладзе. «Давитиани». Вок.-симфоническая поэма для солиста, хора и оркестра (1971). На слова Д. Гурамишвили. Видео оформлено картинами Георгия Гачечиладзе
George Gachechiladze. "Davitiani". Vocal-symphonic poem for soloist, chorus and orchestra (1971). To the words of D. Guramishvili. The video is decorated with paintings by George Gachechiladze
George Gachechiladze. "Davitiani". Vocal-symphonic poem for soloist, chorus and orchestra (1971). To the words of D. Guramishvili. The video is decorated with paintings by George Gachechiladze