• 3 years ago
Annette Movie (2021) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Los Angeles, today. Henry (Adam Driver) is a stand-up comedian with a fierce sense of humor who falls in love with Ann (Marion Cotillard), a world-renowned opera singer. Under the spotlight, they form a passionate and glamorous couple. With the birth of their first child, Annette, a mysterious little girl with an exceptional destiny, their lives are turned upside down. A film by visionary director Leos Carax (Holy Motors), with story and music by Ron & Russell Mael, of Sparks, this original musical is a journey of love, passion, and fame.

directed by Leos Carax

starring Adam Driver, Marion Cotillard, Simon Helberg, Rila Fukushima, Kiko Mizuhara, Natalie Mendoza

release date Coming Soon (in theaters and on Amazon Prime Video, U.S.)
