• 3 years ago
recorded via iptv, see dates below.

0:00 mini-id
0:01 15s id - red (march 15, 2021 7:23am)
0:17 15s id - green (march 2, 2021 11:03am)
0:33 15s id - blue (april 1, 2021 5:35am)
0:49 15s id - white (march 3, 2021 8:30am)
1:05 15s id - red (2) (march 30, 2021 7:02am)
1:21 15s id - blue (2) (march 31, 2021 6:39am)
1:37 30s id - red (march 2, 2021 11:42am)
2:08 60s id - red (march 30, 2021 8:15am)
3:09 endcards

Format: MPEG-TS
Overall bit rate: 1878-4007 kb/s
Video: Format: AVC
Video: Format/Info: Advanced Video Codec
Video: Format profile: Main@L3.1, Main@L4
Video: Width: 960 / 1920 pixels
Video: Height: 540 / 1080 pixels
Audio: Format: AAC
Audio: Format/Info: Advanced Audio Codec
Audio: Format version: Version 4
Menu: ID: 4096 (0x1000)
Menu: Menu ID: 1 (0x1)
Menu: List: 256 (0x100) (AVC) / 257 (0x101) (AAC)
Menu: Service name: Service01
Menu: Service provider: FFmpeg
Menu: Service type: digital television

(tags) olympic channel hd eng check your local listings you're youre watching the olympic channel home of team usa u.s.a. 15s id 30s id 60s id 1m id olympic channel ident olympic channel idents olympic channel id olympic cha continuity variant variation iptv 1920 1080 identchannel2 identchannel ident channel 2

