The famine forces Joseph's brothers to travel to Egypt to seek food and this gives Joseph an opportunity to punish them. He sends them home, ordering them to come back with Jacob and his favorite brother, Benjamin. Finally, Joseph forgives his brothers and becomes an example for the many Jews who live in Egypt. Jacob, called Israel by the will of God, is dying and his twelve sons gather at his bedside. It is here, by the will of the old patriarch, that the twelve tribes of Israel have their roots. The sons of Israel remain in Egypt for many years as prolific and hardworking refugees in a foreign land, concerned only with exploiting their labor and the wealth it produces- that is until...
"In the beginning"... with these words the Bible begins the story of the great mystery of the origins of time, existence and the history of the Universe. It also contains the proclamation of the Word of God, invisible and omnipotent, creator of heaven and earth, who turns once more to his people with the promise of the salvation which man has awaited since the moment of his creation and of his first sin...This is the subject of the "most widely-read book in the world" from which, in thirty-nine episodes, we evoke characters and events so that young people of the new generations can appreciate the richness of this great treasure.
"In the beginning"... with these words the Bible begins the story of the great mystery of the origins of time, existence and the history of the Universe. It also contains the proclamation of the Word of God, invisible and omnipotent, creator of heaven and earth, who turns once more to his people with the promise of the salvation which man has awaited since the moment of his creation and of his first sin...This is the subject of the "most widely-read book in the world" from which, in thirty-nine episodes, we evoke characters and events so that young people of the new generations can appreciate the richness of this great treasure.
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