• 5 years ago
I've bene taking a break from streaming to work on writing this month, but wanted to come back for my community to have a Thanksgiving Day special (a lot of clipping took place from the Livestream to get this down to 1 hour.) This is a 12 person tournament with the AI set to hard. I hope everyone enjoys the vid!

First Round Matches:
Vigilante Gravehawk V. Gate Guardian Indigodye
Forest's Chosen Pandaninja V. Phillip the Unknown
Master of Disguises IAintAngry V. Celtic Warrior Sulfuric
Witcher Dynamite V. Elf Maiden Zannara

First Round Bye:
Witcher EvilBlooDude
Dryad Darlin'
Sorcerer Jaycee
Local Hero Gamerchick

Twitch ~ https://www.twitch.tv/jayceeauth
Twitter ~ https://twitter.com/Jaycee1786
Donate ~ https://streamlabs.com/jayceeauth/tip

Music - Blade And Switch: Phyrnna ~ https://www.phyrnna.com