• 5 years ago
Mistresses of Indonesian MPs have launched a TikTok protest at the country’s controversial new jobs law by posting “remember me” videos of themselves threatening to expose their salacious affairs unless the law is reversed. The government says the changes are to boost the economy which has been hard hit by the pandemic, and it aims to simplify the country's complex business, labour and environmental laws in an attempt to attract investment. President Joko Widodo said they wanted to remove red tape, but it is also reduced worker rights by reducing severance pay to a maximum of 19 months, and gets rid of minimum wage by job sector towards minimum wages set by regional governors. The amount of time off is also reduced for one day a week instead of two. Firms will also only be forced to file applications on environmental grounds on projects that are regarded as high risk. In recent days, many TikTok users, mostly female, have claimed to have had affairs with Indonesian MPs and posted clips suggesting they would go public unless the law is ditched. On 9th October, Indonesia's President Joko Widodo defended the flagship job creation law after violent protests erupted in opposition to the legislation. Critics say the law undermines labour rights and weakens environmental protections.


