• 5 years ago


00:01:58Police capture the bat.
00:02:00Identify him as the famous intellectual, Dr. Krupp.
00:02:11Did you read this?
00:02:17Filthy dogs.
00:02:20I gotta spring the boss. He has plans and we're included.
00:02:23You're right, Lilac. But where, when?
00:02:26Who knows? I'll find a way, Bear.
00:02:29I got a good idea.
00:02:32I'll send him a little message.
00:02:34But that's impossible.
00:02:38Nah, not this way it ain't.
00:02:41The cops will put it in his hand down there at the station house.
00:02:44So you see, then the boss will understand that we're waiting to help.
00:02:49Bear, you better go phone all the guys.
00:02:51Because we'll be needing extra strength.
00:02:53I'll be back.
00:02:57Hey, is the inspector here?
00:02:59He's interrogating the bat in there.
00:03:06Then no one else is mixed up in this business with you.
00:03:11In other words, you work alone?
00:03:14He's lying, inspector.
00:03:16You have to capture two other crooks.
00:03:18One of them is a criminal.
00:03:20And the other one is an intellectual.
00:03:23He's lying, inspector.
00:03:25You have to capture two other crooks.
00:03:27One is nicknamed Lilac.
00:03:28He and another escaped the night you raided the bat's house.
00:03:31All right, how about it?
00:03:33Mister, you better confess all you know about this.
00:03:36I'm warning you.
00:03:43Is this a message for you?
00:03:48You're stalling.
00:03:54Do you know anything about this, doctor?
00:03:58No, I don't.
00:04:00Well, if this man is the bat, by whom was this drawing sent?
00:04:04I don't know, inspector.
00:04:06Possibly by those two men I told you about before.
00:04:09Unfortunately, I haven't got the slightest idea of what they're trying to say.
00:04:15Take him out now.
00:04:17And keep your eyes on him, boys.
00:04:24This message complicates things.
00:04:27Let's all be very careful from now on.
00:04:29This individual is extremely dangerous, you know.
00:04:32Yes, inspector, that's completely true.
00:04:34According to the facts I have on this case,
00:04:36this fellow they call the bat used to be a criminal.
00:04:39That's completely true.
00:04:41According to the facts I have on this case,
00:04:43this fellow they call the bat used to be a very famous doctor.
00:04:46Only his license was canceled years ago.
00:04:49Why, doctor?
00:04:50For carrying out forbidden experiments on animals and human beings.
00:04:53He grafted on parts that didn't belong to the animal's anatomy.
00:04:57And naturally, the results were horrible.
00:05:00Men commit the most terrible crimes.
00:05:03Anyway, with the proof I have filed against this Dr. Krupp,
00:05:06I'll send him away for a good many years.
00:05:08Yes, I hope so, inspector.
00:05:10Don't worry about this. I don't think there's anything to it.
00:05:13I'm very grateful to you all for the help you've given me.
00:05:16And I'd just like to ask one more thing from you, doctor.
00:05:20You bet, inspector.
00:05:21I'd like you to tell me all you know about the men we haven't captured yet,
00:05:24so that I can put a bulletin out right away.
00:05:27I'd be glad to, inspector.
00:05:39Are you going up to bed now, darling?
00:05:41Yes, and good night, Papa.
00:05:43Sleep well now, my sweet.
00:05:45A very good night to all.
00:05:47Good night, Jenny.
00:05:56Well, I think it will feel much better now that this case is cleared up.
00:05:59The bat is going to go to jail, so there's nothing to fear now.
00:06:02No, I don't agree.
00:06:05I don't agree.
00:06:07You're forgetting about the old curse, aren't you?
00:06:09That business is all over now.
00:06:12My father died when he profaned the tomb of the Aztecs.
00:06:15According to the curse, my father was to perish, and me too,
00:06:18because they also blame me.
00:06:20Now stop that.
00:06:22Why worry, Flora?
00:06:23As long as the mummy has the breastplate and the bracelet in his custody,
00:06:27he won't wake up, dear.
00:06:29Now you listen.
00:06:30I want to take you to the altar soon.
00:06:32I really do.
00:06:33Then you can forget all that's past, darling.
00:06:36But until that date, can't you stay here at the house?
00:06:39My daughter's alone.
00:06:40She and I need you so much.
00:06:42You're very sweet, darling.
00:06:52I was sure scared, and I'll admit it.
00:06:54Each time I think about all that's happened to us,
00:06:57the old ticker starts complaining like crazy.
00:06:59Are you kidding?
00:07:00But that's silly.
00:07:01When things start going wrong, you run like a bunny.
00:07:03Sure, I don't want my head to get broken open, that's all.
00:07:06You sure got plenty of guts.
00:07:08My dear young warrior, just remember this sentence.
00:07:11He who ran came back to say that the other heroes were buried today.
00:07:30All set?
00:08:01How long ago did they leave with the bat?
00:08:03No more than two or three minutes ago.
00:08:05Which way?
00:08:06Toward the north.
00:10:44Meddling fool!
00:10:45You better start saying your prayers because now you're gonna get it.
00:10:48Don't kill him, Lyler.
00:10:49But boss, listen.
00:10:51I know what I'm talking about.
00:10:53Come on now we better get going.
00:10:54I am going to kill this intruder, but in my own way.
00:10:58Heh, heh.
00:11:28The Bat Escapes.
00:11:44Good evening.
00:11:49How did you get in?
00:11:50Who are you?
00:11:51I'm a friend.
00:11:53If you're a friend, why do you wear that mask?
00:11:59That's too long a story to go into right now.
00:12:02I only came here tonight to tell you that you're both in very great danger.
00:12:07The Bat managed to escape.
00:12:10And just why did you come here to the house to let us know?
00:12:13Tell us who you are.
00:12:14I'm called the Angel, and don't think that I'm interested in you two alone.
00:12:18I try to help anyone that's in trouble.
00:12:21My mission is to do all I can do to eliminate crime.
00:12:25There's so much of it around.
00:12:27You asked me about the mask.
00:12:28I hide my identity because it makes my job easier.
00:12:32Tell me another thing.
00:12:33Who helped the Bat?
00:12:34When they were taking the Bat to the penitentiary, Lilac and the other men arrived on the scene.
00:12:39They murdered the guards that were inside the bus.
00:12:41What a ruthless thing to do.
00:12:43I hate to say it, but I couldn't fight that many and win.
00:12:46This is terrible, darling.
00:12:47To what lengths can that man go?
00:12:49Who knows, Doctor.
00:12:50In any case, I came to warn you because you should be ready for anything now.
00:12:54I don't know when or where that man is going to attack.
00:12:57And the police, aren't they on the job too?
00:12:59Certainly they are.
00:13:01Their companions were killed by the Bat's men, you know, and they want revenge also.
00:13:05There are things to do, so I'll be going.
00:13:09And I'll leave you this radio wristwatch.
00:13:11If you ever run into any trouble, just call me if you find it possible to do so.
00:13:16I'll hear you.
00:13:17This is a long-distance radio.
00:13:20Goodbye, Doctor.
00:13:29Now things are really bad.
00:13:30The Bat is scot-free again.
00:13:32When's this nightmare going to end?
00:13:47It was a smart idea to send me that paper.
00:13:57As soon as I spied the Bat on it, I figured you'd planned an escape, so I waited until
00:14:01you came.
00:14:02I was plenty lucky that the plan worked out.
00:14:04I depended on you and you didn't fail.
00:14:06And so I'm going to reward you quite soon.
00:14:10What's the reward, Doctor?
00:14:11The Aztec treasure.
00:14:12Do you mean we'll be going after that treasure again?
00:14:15That's right, Bear.
00:14:17But I don't intend to fail this time.
00:14:19Nothing can get in our way.
00:14:21When I find the treasure, I'll make you all rich.
00:14:23That's great, boss.
00:14:24But how do we find the treasure?
00:14:26Now listen, men.
00:14:28One dark night, and this all happened a long time ago, Dr. Almaden hypnotized his fiancee
00:14:36in order to prove his theory that through the use of hypnotism, a person could be sent
00:14:40back through time to lead a past life.
00:14:45Now you're exactly 20 years old.
00:14:49Tell me, Flora.
00:14:50Tell me where you are.
00:14:51I don't know.
00:14:53Meditate on this thing.
00:14:54I must know.
00:14:57Please think and tell me your old name and where you are at this very instant.
00:15:01I need to know exactly where you are.
00:15:05Tell me where you are.
00:15:07You must tell me where you are.
00:15:10I know.
00:15:13I'm in the Aztec city, Tenochtitlan.
00:15:18Through her hypnotic trance, the doctor sent the girl to the great Aztec city of Pyramids,
00:15:23where she had lived during her previous life.
00:15:29At birth, she had been designated as a servant of the great god Tecatlipoca, and she should
00:15:33have remained a maiden during her lifetime.
00:15:37But she fell in love with Popoca, a great Aztec warrior, who defied the laws that governed
00:15:42their lives in those days and made her his.
00:15:45However, the high priest discovered their secret, and they were taken as prisoners to
00:15:50the lower temple, into the presence of the god Tecatlipoca, to receive their punishment
00:15:56for violating his laws.
00:15:58They were made to kneel before the high priest, who ordered that the sacrificial fires be
00:16:28Popoca was sentenced to be buried alive, to keep watch through the endless centuries
00:16:49over the breastplate and the bracelet.
00:16:52His soul was cursed, so that he'd never be able to find eternal rest.
00:16:57She was sentenced to death, not an honorable death as a servant of her god, but as a simple
00:17:02sacrifice to appease his anger.
00:19:27And that's the story of the experiment that I was witness to, since I was watching through
00:19:43the window of Dr. Almedon's laboratory.
00:19:46He learned what he wanted.
00:19:48He decided to try to find the objects that show exactly where the treasure is located,
00:19:53the great Aztec treasure, guided by Flora, who recalled perfectly well that she had been
00:19:59there in her trance.
00:20:00They found the objects there.
00:20:01I saw them later.
00:20:02They're spectacular.
00:20:03And naturally, their value is incalculable.
00:20:07When I was incarcerated by the police, I learned the bad news later that Dr. Almedon had replaced
00:20:13the two things in the tomb, the breastplate and the bracelet.
00:20:17Only how will we find the tomb now?
00:20:18That ain't gonna be an easy job.
00:20:20Lilac, why are you so innocent?
00:20:22I told you the whole story, and you still ask me questions.
00:20:27There's nothing hard about it.
00:20:29Can't you see that we will employ the same method that Dr. Almedon used?
00:20:34Hypnotizing that woman just the way he did.
00:20:36You're getting smart, Lilac.
00:20:37So I suppose you understand how you are to proceed now.
00:20:40Ah, I begin to see.
00:20:43Later tonight, we'll kidnap the girl and bring her here.
00:20:47But don't go there armed, Lilac.
00:20:48It's risky to use guns because a bullet might kill the girl or the doctor.
00:20:52Yeah, I won't forget that.
00:20:55We'd better be going.
00:21:48Well, at last I have the papers finished.
00:22:55Well, now let's go up to bed.
00:22:57Tomorrow there'll be plenty of things to do.
00:23:27That's enough.
00:23:42Let him alone.
00:23:43Come on now.
00:24:06Well, it seems you've got two birds with just one kidnapping.
00:24:09That's right, boss.
00:24:10We had to bring the kid along.
00:24:11She busted in on us, and we didn't want to risk her messing up our plans.
00:24:13That's just fine.
00:24:14Now it'll be much easier to get Dr. Almedon, when he's needed, untied.
00:24:24Good evening, young lady.
00:24:26It looks as if we're face to face once more.
00:24:29I certainly hope my men didn't mistreat you.
00:24:31Aren't you going to tire of including us in your crimes, Dr. Krupp?
00:24:35I'll get tired the day I can put my hands on the thing that can help me to progress in my work.
00:24:39The Aztec treasure.
00:24:42No, young lady.
00:24:44I know you think I'm lying.
00:24:46But I assure you I don't want the money to use it as others might use it.
00:24:49Success brings total joy.
00:24:51The Aztec treasure is only for my work.
00:24:54I need riches in order to make an important experiment that...
00:24:57that I want the world to see.
00:24:59And that way I'll reach the pinnacle.
00:25:01I know what you're thinking.
00:25:03You're sure I'm going to guide you straight to where you imagine those ornaments are hidden.
00:25:06Exactly, young lady.
00:25:08Well, I hate to disillusion you, Dr. Krupp.
00:25:10I don't know where they are, so I can't take you.
00:25:12Now, that's very interesting.
00:25:14Well, it's obvious.
00:25:15They didn't tell you my fiancé went to the tomb and replaced the object.
00:25:19No, young lady.
00:25:21I don't forget anything.
00:25:23I know it.
00:25:24In that case, you must have heard
00:25:26that there was an explosion that destroyed the temple completely
00:25:29and that my father was killed as well.
00:25:31I do hope your poor father didn't suffer too much.
00:25:34But I imagine the pyramid is...
00:25:36is still where it was before.
00:25:38Am I right?
00:25:40Now, listen.
00:25:42I'm not completely stupid, though you think so.
00:25:44Suppose that the temple actually did tumble down.
00:25:47In that case, we'll remove the remains
00:25:49and rescue the ornaments. I have plenty of men.
00:25:51But don't think I'm going to help.
00:25:53Naturally, you'd refuse.
00:25:55I know your type, and I expected that you would.
00:25:57Why should you want to assist?
00:25:59But if I were to use the method that your fiancé used...
00:26:02Not hypnosis.
00:26:03Precisely, my dear.
00:26:05Do you forget that I know a great deal about this?
00:26:07I'd apply all my strength and fight you
00:26:09under those conditions you couldn't hypnotize me.
00:26:11You're absolutely right.
00:26:13But since you did learn a great deal through your father,
00:26:15and I didn't forget that fact,
00:26:17you undoubtedly know that there are certain drugs
00:26:20such as this one that I have prepared
00:26:22that make a patient quite willing to...
00:26:25cooperate completely, my dear.
00:26:33Flora, what are they going to do to you?
00:26:35No, don't! Don't hurt Flora!
00:26:37Take that brat away. Lock her up.
00:26:40We'll just wait around 12 hours.
00:26:43Then I'll begin to hypnotize her.
00:26:52Oh, this head.
00:26:54This time they really broke my body to pieces.
00:26:56They must have scouted me, or at least it feels like that.
00:26:59But now we'd better do something.
00:27:01We can't sit around here crying.
00:27:03I'm afraid that little Jenny and Flora are in danger.
00:27:05Unfortunately, we don't have any information
00:27:07as to where that bat's hiding.
00:27:09I'm going to call the police.
00:27:11No, no, Edward.
00:27:13No, no, Edward, no!
00:27:15That could be dangerous.
00:27:17You see, if you call the police, they might kill the girls.
00:27:20Yes, Pinkheart.
00:27:22And frankly, the best thing we can do
00:27:24is wait until the bat telephones us
00:27:26and we'll know what it is he has in mind then.
00:27:28Yes, I guess you're right, but who can bear such a situation?
00:27:32Just to wait and wait, and we can't do a thing.
00:27:35Yes, Edward, it's true, but nothing can be done.
00:27:38So please try to calm down.
00:27:44Hey, listen.
00:27:46Why didn't you ask for help from the angel?
00:27:48It happened so fast, you know.
00:27:50Anyway, last night I hit the little radio.
00:27:52Now I ain't calling.
00:27:54Oh, what good would that do?
00:27:56After they steal the horse, you close the stable.
00:27:58Great Jupiter, how this bump hurts.
00:28:00I swear that whoever did it
00:28:02busted me on the head with a bulldozer.
00:28:04Come closer for a second.
00:28:06Look, I don't want to alarm Edward,
00:28:08but I can assure you that the bat's going to phone him
00:28:10tomorrow or Wednesday.
00:28:12Now, should he do that, I think it would be a good idea
00:28:14if you put in a little call to the angel.
00:28:16I've been getting too many lumps lately, you know,
00:28:18and my brain just can't stand too much gaff.
00:28:20Yes, sure.
00:28:22Sure do.
00:28:28Good morning, boss.
00:28:30Lilac, bring in Flora immediately.
00:28:33Yes, boss.
00:28:36Come on, he's waiting.
00:28:39Didn't you hear? The boss is waiting.
00:29:06You can start the work now.
00:29:08Why, she didn't even try to resist.
00:29:10A few cc's of my drug,
00:29:12and your resistance disappeared, right?
00:29:23Lie down right there.
00:29:25I'll be right back.
00:29:27Come on.
00:29:29Come on.
00:29:31Come on.
00:29:33Lie down right there.
00:29:36Do as you're told.
00:29:50She has great willpower. I'm really astounded.
00:29:53Even under the effect of the drug,
00:29:55her unconscious mind continues to put up a fight.
00:29:57She reflects a strong and rebellious personality.
00:30:00There. Pull the curtain.
00:30:04I'll start to work on her right away, Lilac.
00:30:07You gonna hypnotize her, boss?
00:30:12Flora, I'm your master.
00:30:18Give me your hand.
00:30:22And now look me straight in the eyes.
00:30:25Flora, I'm ordering you.
00:30:31You're getting tired, Flora.
00:30:34You're getting tired.
00:30:36You're getting tired.
00:30:45Yes, you're slowly getting tired.
00:30:48You feel that you want to rest.
00:30:50You feel that you must rest.
00:30:55You are sleeping.
00:30:57You are sleeping.
00:30:59You are sleeping.
00:31:01You are sleeping deeply.
00:31:05You sleep the sleep of the dead.
00:31:11You're sleeping.
00:31:27Well, now I have her in my power.
00:31:30In her trance, she'll do anything I tell her.
00:31:33And now what do you do?
00:31:35I'll proceed with Flora to the pyramid.
00:31:38But I consider it expedient to take Dr. Almond and prisoner.
00:31:42When we return with the breastplate and the bracelet,
00:31:45he can decipher the hieroglyphics on those objects, Lilac.
00:31:48And in turn, they'll tell us exactly where the Aztec treasure is.
00:31:52So now we go and bring the doctor here, right?
00:31:55No, undoubtedly they're prepared.
00:31:58If you go, they're likely to capture you.
00:32:03I have another plan.
00:32:05You could reach him on the telephone.
00:32:07That'll be easy.
00:32:08And phone him right now.
00:32:31Who's speaking?
00:32:32Dr. Almond?
00:32:33Yes, this is Almond.
00:32:35Pay close attention to what I'm going to tell you, doctor.
00:32:38Who is this, please?
00:32:41This is Dr. Krupp.
00:32:43I'm sure you must realize now
00:32:45that your fiancée and your daughter are both in my power.
00:32:48Yes, so what should I do now, Dr. Krupp?
00:32:50You are to come here to this house alone.
00:32:53This is the address, so write it down.
00:32:58Go ahead.
00:33:00Mount Lorraine, number 22.
00:33:03Do you have it?
00:33:07You are to be here in 30 minutes, doctor.
00:33:09You're an intelligent man, but I'll repeat it, doctor.
00:33:12You are to come to this address alone.
00:33:15If you should decide not to,
00:33:17then your girlfriend would have to suffer for your defiance.
00:33:21You understand?
00:33:22You win.
00:33:24I'll go.
00:33:29And now we'll wait here for Dr. Almond,
00:33:32so that I can carry out the plan.
00:33:36I heard him on the extension.
00:33:38What are you going to do?
00:33:40I'm leaving right now.
00:33:42What will you do if it's a trap?
00:33:46There's no other alternative. Flora's in great danger.
00:33:49Should I go wake up Pinkott?
00:33:51He told us something happened.
00:33:53No. He said to go alone.
00:33:55You two better stay here.
00:33:57If it's at all possible, I'll call you later.
00:33:59We'll wait.
00:34:11Angel! Angel!
00:34:13Yes, Bobby. What's the matter?
00:34:15Angel, we've got troubles and they're bad.
00:34:18Edward ran out just now.
00:34:19He's gone to the Bat's hideout.
00:34:21They got Jenny and Flora captive.
00:34:23Give me the address.
00:34:24Yes. Mount Lorraine 22.
00:34:26I'm scared they'll hurt them, Angel.
00:34:28Please hurry and get there.
00:34:30I'm leaving right away, Bobby.
00:34:32And try not to worry.
00:34:33I'll do everything possible to save them.
00:34:35Thanks, Angel.
00:35:19Let's go.
00:35:50They're entering.
00:35:52Pretty soon we'll be getting started and we'll find the treasure.
00:36:02Please take a seat.
00:36:20Now, where's my daughter and where's Flora?
00:36:22Your girlfriend is there.
00:36:28And your daughter in there.
00:36:31You dog! If you hurt them, I swear I'll...
00:36:33Calm down, Dr. Almaden.
00:36:35They're not harmed. Don't worry.
00:36:37She's only sleeping now.
00:36:39Witness my hypnotic power.
00:36:41Why, you black-hearted pig!
00:36:43You ugly rat!
00:36:44I'll kill you!
00:36:45I'll kill you!
00:36:46I'll kill you!
00:36:47Why, you black-hearted pig!
00:36:48You ugly rat!
00:36:49Shut your mouth!
00:36:53It's very easy to beat a man when he's tied.
00:36:55And cowardly.
00:36:56Dr. Almaden.
00:36:57Don't insult me like that or I'll make you pay for it.
00:37:02I don't doubt for a second that you're plenty of man.
00:37:05I'd be glad to try you out.
00:37:07I have a pair of fists that could break your head.
00:37:11But right now I want to get something that's more important.
00:37:13After it's mine, I...
00:37:15I promise that you and I...
00:37:17I want to fight you, doctor.
00:37:23I'll tell you my intentions.
00:37:26I'm going to accompany your lovely fiancée to the pyramid.
00:37:29The breastplate and the bracelet are there.
00:37:31I want them.
00:37:33You'll stay tied here in the house.
00:37:35I'll leave a couple of men to guard you.
00:37:37When we do return, I'll make you...
00:37:39sit down and decipher the hieroglyphics.
00:37:42So that we'll obtain the Aztec treasure, doctor.
00:37:44But that's very dangerous. You're crazy.
00:37:46I know all the danger involved.
00:37:49I could tell you what happened to us in the tomb, doctor.
00:37:52You'd go anyway, wouldn't you?
00:37:53Exactly. So it's useless to waste your breath.
00:37:57I guess you're right.
00:37:58But you're going to take the consequences.
00:38:00Watch what you're saying, friend.
00:38:02Don't think that my aim is to threaten you.
00:38:05But there are certain supernatural things.
00:38:08Mysteries that amaze us all.
00:38:09And you didn't study that, doctor.
00:38:11I'll hear all about it later.
00:38:13Your conversation is very interesting.
00:38:15But now the only thing I want to know...
00:38:17is if you intend to cooperate with me.
00:38:19I haven't the slightest intention.
00:38:22But I have methods.
00:38:24I can persuade you.
00:38:26In that case, why did you bother to ask?
00:38:29Crop as soon as I've deciphered the hieroglyphics.
00:38:31You'll free us. I want your word.
00:38:33You have my word.
00:38:34You'll all be set free.
00:38:38The alarm just rang.
00:38:39There's a stranger out there.
00:38:41Why you... If you dare to call the police...
00:39:12It's the angel.
00:39:14I certainly want to thank you, doctor.
00:39:16Now we can finish him.
00:39:17We better put a stop to this.
00:39:19You two stay and watch the doctor.
00:41:12I'll work on this one.
00:41:14You others can finish the angel.
00:41:16I didn't think that you and I would have our little fight so soon, Dr. Almaden.
00:41:52You know I'm getting pretty sick of your interference in my affairs.
00:41:56But I stopped you tonight and I can't permit you to continue.
00:42:00I don't even want to find out who you are.
00:42:03It really doesn't matter since you're no longer a threat.
00:42:06You'll be dead pretty soon and...
00:42:08I won't care about your true identity.
00:42:10All I can say is bon voyage.
00:42:13I don't admire your valor.
00:42:15All right, take him to the death chamber.
00:42:26Now, Leloch, we'll be going to the pyramid.
00:42:29I'm ready.
00:42:34Can you hear?
00:42:36Answer, I command you to answer.
00:42:38Can you hear?
00:42:42Come here, then.
00:42:46You two will stay here to watch the doctor and the girl.
00:42:48If you make another mistake, you'll pay with your lives, understand?
00:42:51Yes, sir.
00:42:54Laura, come.
00:42:56We'll be going.
00:43:11Where are you taking me?
00:43:12You'll find out soon enough.
00:43:33In just a couple of minutes now, you'll be dead.
00:43:35We better go. They're all waiting out there for us.
00:43:37We better go. They're all waiting out there for us.
00:44:07I'm sorry.
00:44:08I'm sorry.
00:44:09I'm sorry.
00:44:10I'm sorry.
00:44:11I'm sorry.
00:44:12I'm sorry.
00:44:13I'm sorry.
00:44:14I'm sorry.
00:44:15I'm sorry.
00:44:16I'm sorry.
00:44:17I'm sorry.
00:44:18I'm sorry.
00:44:19I'm sorry.
00:44:20I'm sorry.
00:44:21I'm sorry.
00:44:22I'm sorry.
00:44:23I'm sorry.
00:44:24I'm sorry.
00:44:25I'm sorry.
00:44:26I'm sorry.
00:44:27I'm sorry.
00:44:28I'm sorry.
00:44:29I'm sorry.
00:44:30I'm sorry.
00:44:31I'm sorry.
00:44:32I'm sorry.
00:44:33I'm sorry.
00:44:34I'm sorry.
00:44:35I'm sorry.
00:44:36I'm sorry.
00:45:07This is the Angel.
00:45:08My life depends on the strength of a light cord.
00:45:11I want you to come running to Mount Lorraine number 22.
00:45:14The address that you gave me before.
00:45:17First I'll wake him pink-eyed.
00:45:18He might lend us a hand.
00:45:19There's not a moment to lose.
00:45:20I want you here in five minutes.
00:45:22Five minutes.
00:45:23I'll be there.
00:45:24Listen you, where's the Angel?
00:45:35He's taking a little nap in the prettiest place, Doctor.
00:45:38Isn't that right, boy?
00:45:45I hear you!
00:45:46I got inside the house.
00:45:47So now where?
00:45:48Come on.
00:45:49Toward the rear of the house.
00:45:58Hey, Angel, it's a dead end.
00:46:13Right in front of you.
00:46:14You'll see a secret door.
00:46:17To open it, press the button on the left-hand side.
00:46:20It's high up.
00:46:23Look around and find something to push me back and forth with, but hurry!
00:47:15Thanks, Bobby.
00:47:16I've never been so close to death as I was hanging in that chamber just then.
00:47:19Are you sure you weren't hurt?
00:47:21Now we've got to go in and rescue your brother.
00:47:23I don't know how many men are in there standing guard, but I know we've got to use our heads
00:47:26this time.
00:47:27Come on.
00:47:28You hear that?
00:47:29Who made that noise?
00:47:30I don't know.
00:47:31We'd better investigate.
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:33I don't know.
00:47:34I don't know.
00:47:35I don't know.
00:47:36I don't know.
00:47:37I don't know.
00:47:38I don't know.
00:47:39I don't know.
00:47:40I don't know.
00:47:41I don't know.
00:47:42I don't know.
00:47:43I don't know.
00:47:44I don't know.
00:47:45I don't know.
00:47:46I don't know.
00:47:47I don't know.
00:47:48I don't know.
00:47:49I don't know.
00:47:50I don't know.
00:47:51I don't know.
00:47:52I don't know.
00:47:53I don't know.
00:47:54I don't know.
00:47:55I don't know.
00:47:56I don't know.
00:47:57I don't know.
00:47:58I don't know.
00:47:59I don't know.
00:48:00I don't know.
00:48:01Why haven't those boys returned?
00:48:04I don't know.
00:48:05Here they come now.
00:48:06Get your hands in the air.
00:48:07Get their guns.
00:48:11Get in there.
00:48:12All of you.
00:48:21Angel, how can I ever thank you?
00:48:23Come on.
00:48:27Papa, Papa!
00:48:28Jenny, my darling.
00:48:31Calm down, dear. Don't worry. There's nothing to frighten you.
00:48:34Bobby, I want you to take Jenny to the house and keep your eyes open, understand?
00:48:37Sure, Dad.
00:48:38Now, give me that pistol.
00:48:40And your fiancée?
00:48:41The bat took her to the pyramid. Let's go find her.
00:48:43Come on.
00:48:57She didn't lie. There are signs of an explosion.
00:49:00All of you, come down here.
00:49:11We've got to comb this place thoroughly.
00:49:12I know that the breastplate and the bracelet are here.
00:49:30What's this?
00:49:40Move the rock back.
00:50:00Boss, that's the monster that attacked us in Dr. Almaden's house.
00:50:09Now, that's a stupid thing to say, Lilac.
00:50:12It's only a mummy that's lain there for centuries.
00:50:15It's most probable that the explosion uncovered it.
00:50:17But, boss...
00:50:23I found it at last.
00:50:30It's the bracelet, look.
00:50:33We'll find the treasure now.
00:50:36Get your hands up.
00:50:38The angel. He escaped once more, the meddler.
00:50:46All right, get over there.
00:50:49All of you, too.
00:51:00Throw down your arms.
00:51:03Give the breastplate and the bracelet back to the mummy.
00:51:06No, obey or the girl gets a bullet right now.
00:51:09Lilac, start firing. Drop that zombie before he murders us.
00:51:25Help her up.
00:51:30Help her up.
00:52:00This time we really are in a jam, doctor.
00:52:17I'm sorry we caused you trouble. You didn't have to risk your own neck.
00:52:21Don't worry about that.
00:52:25The only thing that can save us now is the mummy.
00:52:30We'll get it all and we'll gain time.
00:52:32But do you really think that the mummy will find this house, doctor?
00:52:36Yes, because there are undecipherable mysteries surrounding his ceremony of burial.
00:52:41Superior forces can guide the mummy, obviously.
00:52:44It's happened like that on other occasions.
00:52:47So I really do think that the mummy could come tonight.
00:52:51To recover the objects that the Aztecs placed in his custody.
00:52:54Don't forget that the bat's stolen before, angel.
00:52:57I'm sure now that...
00:53:00Come on.
00:53:03The boss is out there waiting.
00:53:13Get up.
00:53:24Where did you put Flora?
00:53:26I think I should tell you, Dr. Almaden, that I intend to use her as a hostage.
00:53:30I'll set her free in a while, doctor, once you have deciphered these hieroglyphics here.
00:53:36What's more, do this work and you'll get a part of the treasure once the treasure is found.
00:53:41It's a deal?
00:53:43All right, I accept, but under one condition.
00:53:45Which is?
00:53:46She is to sit in here while I work and she must be conscious.
00:53:49Very well, Dr. Almaden.
00:53:51Did you hear?
00:53:52I'll bring her in.
00:53:54You know, there's something I'd like to find out.
00:53:58Won't you tell me who or what injects life into the mummy?
00:54:02Certain spirits command it.
00:54:05Are you trying to say there are powers that are completely supernatural?
00:54:08That give orders to the mummy, doctor?
00:54:11There's a lot you don't know about these things and you shouldn't meddle.
00:54:14I told you that.
00:54:15Well, it's all the same with me.
00:54:17Actually, I'm only interested in the Aztec treasure.
00:54:22I'll use that money to continue my experiments, doctor.
00:54:38Wake up, Flora.
00:54:52Edward, dear, they beat you.
00:54:54Why did they tie you?
00:54:55There, there, calm down, Flora.
00:54:56Later I'll explain the whole business.
00:54:58Well, Dr. Almaden, I did what I just promised.
00:55:02I hope that you'll do the same and get started.
00:55:04You'll keep your word, I suppose, and decipher this message.
00:55:08Yes, doctor.
00:55:09Edward, no.
00:55:10But I'll need a book that's in my house first.
00:55:12What's it called?
00:55:13It's called Ancient Aztec History.
00:55:15It has certain important keys I need.
00:55:17It's the only way I can decipher the hieroglyphics that must be brought here.
00:55:20Ah, but who will bring it, doctor?
00:55:22Simply telephone my house.
00:55:23My young brother will bring it here.
00:55:25But do you really mean you're going to do it?
00:55:32Who's speaking?
00:55:33Your brother.
00:55:34He has a few words.
00:55:39Edward speaking.
00:55:40I'm fine.
00:55:41And Jenny?
00:55:42All tucked in.
00:55:43Anna's with her now.
00:55:45Now listen, Bobby.
00:55:48There's a bookcase close to the desk in the study.
00:55:50There is a heavy book.
00:55:51Ancient Aztec History.
00:55:53I need it at Mount Lorraine, number 22.
00:55:55You're saying you returned?
00:55:57That's the bat's place, Edward.
00:55:59Yes, the bat's place.
00:56:00Now come quickly.
00:56:18The Vulture
00:56:34Before we go on with this thing,
00:56:36and especially since you both have expressions that are very sad,
00:56:40I think it would be a good idea if we saw the face of our friend, the angel.
00:56:43Could be that he has a happier look.
00:56:47In just a moment. You'll all know who this defender of justice really is
00:56:56You so this is the famous angel a pink cot you're the angel
00:57:05You're a timid and cowardly helper dr. Almaden
00:57:08Congratulations, you had us fooled. I
00:57:11Hate to say it, but I guess the angels finished now doctor that explains why you ran the moment
00:57:16You found yourself up against danger
00:57:18And I used to call you a coward
00:57:20Forgive me pink cot. I
00:57:23Never associated the two
00:58:27Tell me are you just about through doctor? No
00:58:30I've only translated the first half of the message. We'll try to work faster then I
00:58:35Can't work any faster. I'm sorry. Dr. Krupp
00:58:39What hours all the time you have to get the translation completed should you not get it done
00:59:16You must finish it in five minutes, dr. Almaden
01:00:08Finished perfect. I
01:00:11Hope you'll keep your promise and set us all free doctor. Hey, I is and of course, you know what to do now
01:00:17I like don't you
01:00:33Crop just what do you intend to do murder us all? What do you think you heartless unscrupulous pig?
01:02:21And now no mortal is going to discover the estate
01:02:23And now no mortal is going to discover the Aztec treasure
01:02:48And now no mortal is going to discover the Aztec treasure
01:02:53Those riches don't belong to us and the mummy
01:02:57Since they destroyed the temple of the cutlip oka. He has no reason to go there
01:03:07In my opinion
01:03:08He'll probably find some place where mortals seldom tread a spot where he can sleep his eternal sleep and keep watch over the objects that
01:03:15His forefathers entrusted to his care