• 5 years ago
Suspense-S3E34: The Juiceman
25min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller | TV Series (1949–1954)

A committee investigating racketeering and political corruption in Chinatown fails to get Chan Sou, a local leader to cooperate. The district attorney convinces a detective and a newspaper reporter to probe further and the two men convince the old man to testify. Before Chan Zu can meet with the investigators he's murdered and his daughter becomes the target of the criminals because they believe her father confided in her before he died.

Stars: Rex Marshall, Robert Emhardt, John Baragrey
00:00And now, Autolite and its 96,000 dealers everywhere present, Suspense.
00:30You have lived in this city a number of years, is that right?
00:54In fact, your daughter was born here.
00:58And during this time, you have, I am told, become a leading citizen of the Chinese section
01:03of the city.
01:07My father says he is honored to be so described, although he would not so describe himself.
01:12Now, in all this time and with all this knowledge, how would you estimate the amount of racketeering
01:19and gambling that goes on down there?
01:25Don't you spill on me.
01:30We are waiting, Mr. Chansu.
01:33Mr. Chansu, will you answer this question?
01:36How would you estimate the amount of gambling that goes on in Chinatown?
01:43My father says there isn't any gambling.
01:45No gambling at all?
01:56I believe you are acquainted with a Michael McDermott.
02:00No, you don't know him?
02:02Surely, Mr. Chansu, you must know this gentleman.
02:06Mr. McDermott, will you stand up, please?
02:09Mr. McDermott has been a detective in your neighborhood for 10 years.
02:13He knows you.
02:14Do you know him?
02:18Yes, I do.
02:20Now that we've refreshed your memory, perhaps you also recollect another gentleman
02:24by the name of Salt Lake Jones.
02:27Mr. Jones, will you rise, please?
02:30Do you remember Mr. Jones?
02:37And you may also remember that Mr. Jones has been a newspaper reporter.
02:43For several years, he worked in your section of the city.
02:47Now, you do know Mr. Jones?
02:53Now, Miss Su, would you say that these two gentlemen probably know what's going on around there?
02:59I suppose so, yes.
03:00And if each of these men testified that gambling was wide open in Chinatown
03:05and was ruled over by one ruthless racketeer called Louis Wong,
03:10would you be inclined to agree or disagree?
03:14You don't know?
03:16Ask your father.
03:22Now, what does he say?
03:24He says they have their eyes to see.
03:27He has his eyes.
03:29His eyes have seen nothing.
03:38Do you know Louis Wong?
03:41Do you?
03:44Ask your father if he knows Louis Wong.
03:50Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.
03:58Hello? Yeah?
04:03Listen, call me back, will you, fella? I'm watching the TV show.
04:06I just asked old man Su, does he know me?
04:13Do you or do you not know Louis Wong?
04:20Never heard of him before, Joe? Is the fine boss down there?
04:26Have you ever heard of Louis Wong paying large sums of money each year for police protection?
04:33My father says he is a simple citizen and begs to be excused
04:37because he is not feeling well considering his age.
04:39Have you ever heard of Louis Wong making large political contributions to both parties?
04:44My father says he is a simple citizen and begs to be excused.
04:47Why are you people so terrorized? Who terrorizes the good people down there?
04:51Louis Wong?
04:52My father says he is a simple citizen.
04:54Yes, indeed, he is a simple citizen and a very poor unworthy one, too.
04:58But the most shocking thing is you yourself, Miss Su.
05:01You're an honest American. Why are you afraid to speak up?
05:04You live in this country. You and your father have enjoyed the rights of this country.
05:09Why do you hesitate to defend them? Why? Why?
05:14Miss Su, Margaret Su, is that right?
05:20What is your occupation?
05:21I'm a school teacher.
05:23Public school teacher?
05:24That's right, Lincoln School, sixth grade.
05:26How many students do you have?
05:29Do you think that some of your students might be watching these proceedings on a television set?
05:35They might.
05:37Now, Miss Su, supposing some of your students are watching you right this minute,
05:41how do you think they might feel about the example you're setting them?
05:45Speak up, Miss Su.
05:47Will you kindly answer the question for the benefit of your students?
05:51What do you say, Miss Su?
05:54That's all for today. Dismissed.
06:07Well, boss, how do you feel now?
06:10Not too bad. I know the girl don't know nothing from nobody,
06:13but I was afraid maybe her old man might talk.
06:16No, he never talk.
06:18Get a hold of the juice man, will you?
06:20We ought to send around a few presents.
06:22I was afraid maybe the old man might tip him off who the juice man is.
06:25Then we'd be done for.
06:26You should worry. You got an old man scared.
06:28Come down, I'm going to do that.
06:34If you don't mind my saying so, sir, I think the only thing I can say is,
06:38I think the only thing I can say is,
06:40I think the only thing I can say is,
06:43If you don't mind my saying so, sir,
06:45I think the only way we can get to the bottom of this is to find the juice man.
06:49The juice man?
06:50Yes, sir. He's the go-between.
06:52He keeps the money flowing from the gamblers to City Hall
06:55and the protection flowing from City Hall to the gamblers.
06:58Salty, wouldn't you say he was the key figure?
07:02Oh, sure. If you get the juice man, sir, you'll get everything.
07:04And Louie Wong plays it smart.
07:06Now, what do you mean by that?
07:08Well, Louie never talks to any cops, any captains or judges.
07:11You never see him out with any politicians.
07:13You see, the juice man does that for him.
07:16Well, then why don't you boys go out and bring in the juice man?
07:19Take the FBI to do that, sir.
07:21I think one good detective and one good reporter is enough.
07:25Good afternoon, gentlemen.
07:26Good afternoon.
07:27Oh, Salty, how about you and me going down to Chinatown,
07:32seeing what we can find out?
07:34Might be an idea.
07:36You know, if we stuck our noses out far enough,
07:39we might find the juice man.
07:42Sounds good to me.
07:44That'll give you a good story.
07:46Give you a good promotion.
07:47Okay, pal, it's a deal.
07:49All right.
08:09Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
08:28Hi there, Joey.
08:33Seen Louie Wong?
08:35Oh, he hasn't been in yet?
08:38I've been looking for him across the street,
08:40but his office is still dark.
09:39Oh, Danny Ngong?
09:47I'm going to be out there, man.
09:50Natoi, juice man.
09:56Hi, now.
09:58Hey, Margaret.
10:00What's the matter with you and the old man?
10:02Are you scared like five rabbits seeing a ghost?
10:04Do you know where we can find any of that committee now?
10:07Sure you want to call them.
10:08Let's go.
10:09Come on.
10:10Come on.
10:11Come on.
10:12Come on.
10:13Come on.
10:14Come on.
10:15Come on.
10:16Come on.
10:17Come on.
10:18Come on.
10:19Come on.
10:20Come on.
10:21Come on.
10:22Come on.
10:23Come on.
10:24Come on.
10:25Come on.
10:26Sure you want to call them or something?
10:29The Father decided to tell them what he knows.
10:31Hey, that's great.
10:32He's ashamed.
10:33We're both very much ashamed.
10:35Don't let that committee get you down.
10:36No, he's determined.
10:37He wants to tell them now.
10:39He's afraid if he waits till morning...
10:42That's just McDermot.
10:43You don't have to worry about him.
10:44Hey, Max, she says her old man wants to spill what he knows.
10:48What does he know?
10:49Does he know who the juice man is?
10:52Yes, he knows.
10:54Are you kidding?
10:55No, he knows. He wouldn't tell me, but he knows.
10:58Look, Margaret, I'll get on the phone and locate somebody on that committee.
11:01You stay here and keep your eye out for Louie Wong.
11:03In the meantime, get the old man ready to go.
11:25All set?
11:46Here, here's the address.
11:48Mac and I can go with you if you want.
11:49Please go with us.
11:51Okay, Mac?
11:52Yeah, sure.
11:53It's a deal.
11:54I must get a cab at the corner.
12:13What did he say?
12:19What did he say?
12:36And now, the second act of...
12:39The Juice Man, starring Cloris Leachman.
13:09The Juice Man, starring Cloris Leachman.
13:29The Juice Man, starring Cloris Leachman.
14:01Oh, I wonder if you could help me locate someone.
14:04Miss Margaret Sue. Do you know where I can find her?
14:07Uh, yes.
14:08At the ice cream parlor. Now.
14:10Oh, thank you very much.
14:20Well there, it's good to see you again.
14:21Hello, Mac.
14:22If you're worried about Margaret Sue, you can relax.
14:24I got me watching her every minute.
14:29I'm not here officially at all.
14:31I read in the paper about your father.
14:34I was very shocked.
14:35I felt I had to talk with you.
14:37Would you sit down?
14:39Of course, when I heard he was killed on the way to see us,
14:41I was deeply disturbed.
14:43Because I am involved and was really responsible.
14:46You mustn't feel that.
14:48Believe me, I feel very badly. We all do.
14:50We're thinking hard to find some new method of investigation
14:54so that we can still uncover the criminal,
14:56but not jeopardize the innocent.
14:59I believe now that your father had answered your questions fully,
15:03as he should have,
15:05that nothing would have happened to him.
15:06They all would have been afraid to get him.
15:08Don't you want some tea?
15:10No, thank you.
15:12I suppose half the troubles in the world come from people like us
15:17who know what's right, only wait and wait.
15:22And then when they do anything about it, it's too late.
15:26I read that your father said something to you just as he was dying.
15:30But according to the newspaper report,
15:32you said he was so weak he couldn't understand you.
15:34Was that true?
15:35Was what true?
15:36Was it true he couldn't understand you?
15:38Don't you want to go outside?
15:40Oh, just as you like.
15:42It's such a warm, sunny day, we could sit outside.
15:45I don't think spring has ever been so late this year,
15:47at least it seems so late.
15:55Come on, let's go.
15:58Hi, Anna.
16:01How are you?
16:06That was Louis Wong.
16:08Louis Wong?
16:10Actually, I probably put you in worse jeopardy than before,
16:12but the terrible thing is, there's no way we can do this.
16:15I hope you don't mind my sitting here waiting for a story to come up into my lap.
16:18Hello, Jones.
16:19This is the kind of weather that makes me want to give up the newspaper business
16:21and turn to sailor.
16:22What a day to sail.
16:23Hey, there's your friend McDermott watching us.
16:25Is that detective keeping a careful watch on you?
16:27All the time.
16:29Only I don't know who he's watching for.
16:31You think he might be involved with anything?
16:33I'm afraid so.
16:34Oh, Margaret, I don't think so.
16:36If you think so, I think he must have told them about Father.
16:38What makes you think that?
16:39He knew Father and I were on our way to see you.
16:42What was he doing when you went to telephone?
16:44Well, he was keeping an eye out for Louis Wong.
16:46Where was Wong?
16:47In the ice cream parlor.
16:48Mac was on the street.
16:49Couldn't he have tipped him off?
16:51Well, it's an angle.
16:53I'll think about it.
17:00It's terrible to be afraid and whisper every time you want to say anything.
17:05For your sake, I shouldn't be seen with you like this.
17:07Oh, no.
17:08All my life, I'm going to be scared.
17:10I just want to...
17:11Tell me, did your father say anything to you before he died?
17:15Yes, he did.
17:17Name any names.
17:18Not exactly.
17:19Well, what then?
17:21Just before Father died, Louis Wong came up to us.
17:25He acted very friendly, thanked Father for not talking,
17:29and then said he wanted to give him a present.
17:31But your father didn't accept it.
17:34But Louis Wong said he wanted to give it to him anyway,
17:36and that if Father were afraid to be seen taking it,
17:39he should pick it up at the same place, go between gets his.
17:43But he didn't tell you where that was.
17:45No, but I could tell Father knew.
17:47That is what he told you before he died?
17:51He said every Sunday night at 9.30,
17:56the go-between picks up the money from Tim.
18:00Who is Tim?
18:01He's the man on the corner who sells newspapers.
18:55Is that all?
18:56I'd better do a little white work...
19:24Come on in, Margaret, have a drink.
19:38Just for a second, I've got a question to ask you.
19:43You like to hear the fret-wearing show?
20:00Ever since I heard the attorney talking to you, I'm wondering to myself what the devil
20:04your daddy could have said to you before he died.
20:08So would you tell us, and the faster you tell us, the happier you'll be.
20:14He said nothing.
20:16Let's try it again.
20:18What did your daddy say before he died?
20:23Leopold, as they say in the courtroom, you refresh your memory, hmm?
20:32Now then, maybe you'll tell us what you said to the attorney outside on the bench, hmm?
20:36You tell us that?
20:40And what is everything?
20:42Everything my father told me.
20:44Oh, so he did say something.
20:47I've got to tell you.
20:48What did your daddy say?
20:49He said to go... go between.
20:51He said to go between to pick up the money every Sunday night at 9.30.
20:58That's very interesting.
21:01That would mean just about now.
21:04I know, that's why he said it.
21:05Because there he is now.
21:06There's the attorney watching.
21:08I've had the attorney watch it.
21:29I had Tim Houser's State of the World tonight.
21:31Why, I've got a..
21:36Hey, what are you doing, going around, scaring guys like that?
21:38What's the news? Any dope on the Juice Man?
21:40No, not that I've heard.
21:41Well, let me see your papers.
21:44Wait a minute, Juice Man.
21:46You dirty cop.
21:48You dirty cop!
22:00Come on! Hands up!
22:02Get him on fire!
22:06Maybe the attorney would like to ask you a couple of questions.
22:08Yeah, there are a couple of questions I want to ask them and our friend Jonesy.
22:12Come on, let's get down there now.
22:15All right.
22:17And Solly, too.
22:19Maybe you'd like to ask him why he didn't phone you that night.
22:22What do you mean? I called.
22:24Yes, you went to call, but you didn't. You called the ice cream parlor.
22:27That's a lie.
22:28You knew that Louis Worm was there and you told him about Margaret's father.
22:34What happened then, Alipo? I kind of forget.
22:36Did you kind of slip out and throw that knife into her father's back?
22:41All right, take him away.
22:45Is that what happened, Solly?
22:47Come on, come on, a dumb cop's asking you a question. Is that the way it happened?
22:51Yeah, I guess that's about it.
22:53Come on, get up.
22:55I'm taking you down to the station.
22:57Why do I put in my story?
23:05Good night, Margaret.
23:44Good night.
24:14Next week, our story will be Murderer's Meeting, starring Jackie Cooper and featuring Wally Cox.
24:39A story well calculated to keep you in suspense.
24:44Also, be sure to listen to Suspense each Thursday night on your radio.
