• 5 years ago
Mr. & Mrs. North -S1E17: Beauty Prize
30min | Comedy, Mystery, Romance | TV Series (1952–1954)

Curious about a beauty contestant who could easily be mistaken for her twin, Pam finds herself backstage at the Miss Venus contest where she fills in for the missing Kitty Pomeroy. Kitty has made numerous enemies of her betrayed lovers and their scorned wives, so its not surprising when she's found dead in the prop room.

Stars: Richard Denning, Barbara Britton, Francis De Sales
00:10Mr. and Mrs. North, starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
01:08Why, hello, darling.
01:10Oh, you poor, hard-working man.
01:13Well, what are you all dressed up for?
01:15I'm going to a fashion show, and you're coming with me.
01:17Oh, ma'am, I can't.
01:18Jerry, I'm very nice, lifting your arm.
01:20No, I'm sorry, dear.
01:21I'm tied up all afternoon.
01:22Business, very important business.
01:24What could be more important business than buying your wife a gorgeous new gown?
01:27No, it's a promotion scheme for a new book that's coming out next season.
01:31Ah, sometimes I feel like a martyr.
01:33I should write a book.
01:37Mr. North, Mr. Villeneuve is here again.
01:40Well, I'd better come out there, Miss Pennington.
01:42Be right out.
01:44Darling, one of my officers dropped by,
01:46and if I let him in here, he'll want to outline his entire new novel for me.
01:49Run along, darling.
01:50Be right back.
01:52Miss Pennington, in what trance did I pose for this?
01:55Oh, dear.
01:56Oh, dear.
01:57Oh, dear.
01:58Oh, dear.
01:59Oh, dear.
02:00Oh, dear.
02:01Oh, dear.
02:02Oh, dear.
02:03Oh, dear.
02:04Oh, dear.
02:05Oh, dear.
02:06Oh, dear.
02:07Oh, dear.
02:08Oh, dear.
02:09Oh, dear.
02:10Oh, dear.
02:11Oh, dear.
02:12Oh, dear.
02:13Oh, dear.
02:14Oh, dear.
02:15Oh, dear.
02:16Oh, dear.
02:17Oh, dear.
02:18Oh, dear.
02:19Oh, dear.
02:21Oh, dear, darling.
02:23Oh, dear.
02:24Oh, dear.
02:26Oh, dear.
02:38Miss Southampton, in what trance did I pose for this?
02:42just came in. It's for their book Mr. North is publishing, Why Not Be Beautiful.
02:48The winner of the contest will win a golden apple, a trip to Hollywood, and her
02:53picture on the dust jacket of the book. My, what a lucky girl, all that and an apple
02:57too. They call it the Miss Venus contest. Don't know why, except maybe because
03:03it's being run off at the Apollo Theater. Oh yes, of course, Venus and Apollo. Beats
03:09me why a girl would ever enter a beauty contest. Not that I ever would of course,
03:13but what do they get out of it? A few years, then they're right back, only
03:18worse than they started. You would make somebody an awfully good mother, Miss
03:21Pennington. Oh, Mrs. North, not me. Haven't got time, too busy.
03:27I'll be running along now dear, I borrowed a magazine in case the fashion show gets
03:41dull. Anything your little heart desires. Oh Jerry, you're such a nice, wonderful,
03:46understanding husband. Pam, you're a very nice, wonderful, understanding wife too.
03:52Goodbye dear. Don't wear yourself out, working too hard. No, not me.
04:05Hiya babes, good luck to each and every one of you. Kitty, I didn't recognize you with
04:12your clothes on. We've got some great competition today kid, but you can do it. I
04:17got to go out front and get some shots of those judges. Who wants to look at judges?
04:20Good luck kid. Is this a stage entrance of the Apollo Theater? Excuse me ma'am, I'll be
04:36with you in a minute. So I said to her, you should have kept me as your press
04:43agent, you wouldn't have wound up in B Pictures. How many years, Kitty baby, gee,
04:48I thought you were here already. What have you done to yourself? You look better than
04:51ever. Oh, it's just that I'm so glad to see you darling. Listen doll, I got you
04:55addressing them all to yourself. None of the other girls around here rate that
04:58much, but none of them rate with me either baby. You know what I did for you Kitty girl?
05:05I got influence around here. Now you go on a number three spot, that's a very
05:08lucky number see, and one of the electricians here, pal of mine, when you
05:12start walking across the stage, he picks you up in a rose amber spot. Here you are,
05:17dressing room C. Now you're gonna win that contest tonight darling, and you
05:20and I fly right out of here to Hollywood tonight. Ah, you just close that big
05:25beautiful mouth. Mmm, I know what's worrying you. You don't have to think
05:30about Mort anymore. My attorney wired me this morning that he picked up the
05:33divorce papers. We can get married anytime you want. I'm coming. Oh you doll,
05:39you. I gotta beat it now baby. I'll look in on you again before you go out the
05:42door and knock them dead. Good luck.
05:46Why you great big stinker you. What kind of a line is this you're handing me?
05:51Oh Kitty, take it easy. I mean to take it easy you big bum and you're the one that's
05:56gonna make it possible. Don't hand me that. You got plenty stashed away, and all I
06:02gotta say to you Mr. Desmond is, fork over that five grand before the banks
06:06close today, or Uncle Sam's gonna get a letter from little old me, and I guess
06:12you're old enough to know that when Kitty Pomeroy tells, she tells all. Oh Kitty,
06:16have a heart. I've got a heart already and it's all mine. If I open my trap and spill
06:22just a few of the earnings that you never declared on your income tax, you'd
06:27be behind bars for the rest of your natural life. Why you dirty little rat, I
06:31could break your neck. You lay a finger on me and I'll fix you but good. Now get
06:35out of here will ya? I gotta win a prize for my breathless beauty.
06:45Kitty Pomeroy, if it actually wasn't too good for you, I could wish you was dead.
06:50Get out! Seven years bad luck and I hope you get it.
06:58My gosh darling, what's the matter with you? No, it's that Kitty Pomeroy. She's got
07:03her claws in me but good. Oh she's a devil all right. She's been after me ever
07:06since she found out you and I are married. You come with me Gus. We'll take care of
07:11Miss Pomeroy.
07:17Come in.
07:23For the love of Mike. May I come in Miss Pomeroy? Sure. Go ahead and close the door.
07:33I just don't believe it. I didn't either when I saw your picture. That's why I had
07:38to come and see for myself. Who are you? I'm Mrs. Gerald North. Gerald North? Say,
07:46ain't you one of the judges in this here contest? Yes he is. Well, well ain't that
07:56just dandy. Look Mrs. North, what'll it cost to buy your husband's vote? That's what
08:03you come for ain't it? No, I didn't come for that. I just came because of what
08:07killed the cat. What? Oh, out of curiosity. I didn't get you at first. Well now you're
08:17here, maybe we can make a deal. How about it? Couldn't you be curious about that?
08:22What do you want? Telephone call for you Miss Pomeroy. Okay. Look, I'll be right back. Stay here will you? I want to talk to you.
08:40May I have a few words with you Miss Pomeroy? Oh you see, I'm not... You have Mark
08:46madly in love with you. Isn't that enough? Can't you leave my husband alone? Oh, you
08:50don't understand. Oh, stop it will you? Do you have to make life miserable for every man you've ever
08:54known? You'd better be careful Miss Pomeroy, or you'll be sorry. I'm warning you. My dear young
09:01woman, I'm only trying to tell you... Listen Kitty, I've known you for a long time, so don't try any of
09:06your airs on me. That Lady Catherine Pomeroy stuff doesn't impress me one little bit.
09:11Excuse me. What are you doing here? Spying on me again? Don't be silly. I'm gathering material for a special article for a magazine. Yeah, well don't try anything funny you see. I got the divorce papers today. You and I are all washed up. Oh Mark, please. Give me another chance, please.
09:41Don't make a scene will you? We've had it Maude, I tell you and I'm through. I saw you with that cheap little Pomeroy girl. Oh Mark, how could you slip that low? Will you please not paw me? And don't call the girl I'm going to marry cheap. Marry? You wouldn't marry her. You bet your life I would. She's going places and I'm going with her. I took you for nothing. I taught you everything you know. How can you forget all that? I took you out of a trapeze act and put you in the big time. You bore me Maude. You've always bored me.
10:11Not always Mark. Just since the first day you met that kiddie Pomeroy. What is this line you're trying to hand me Gus? And don't try to threaten me. Listen, I'm waiting for that five grand so I'll latch on to it sucker. Men are such bums.
10:37Huh? I didn't mean you pop. What am I doing? Whistling backstage. I'm out of my Chinese mind. Who is it? Is it you Mrs. Noss? Are you in here Mrs. Noss?
11:07Kitty baby, you're still in your clothes. Get out of them quick. I've got to get this contest rolling in about five minutes. I go crazy every time I see you. You don't have to explain one little thing to me. It's in the bag honey. We're holding all the aces this time. Now let's get going.
11:25Overture girls, on stage everybody. Overture. Is Pomeroy in there? Don't answer. Last time I seen her she wasn't even ready. Hey Fred, you better scratch Kitty Pomeroy. She's never going to make it now. Go away.
11:55Thank you, thank you, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. This is Mark R.M. seeing your Miss Venus contest. Now ladies and gentlemen, in the wings of this theater we have some of the most beautiful girls in the world. Each one ready to stake her claim to the title of Miss Venus.
12:25A title which will take her to Hollywood. Now ladies and gentlemen, your applause will be greatly appreciated and our honorable judges here will make a note of it. We're all ready to go and I hope you are. Now our first contestant is Miss Dixie D'Amour. Let's give her a nice big hand, shall we? Miss Dixie D'Amour.
12:55Oh thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. Wasn't she lovely? And now our second contestant is Miss Mona Gregor. Let's give her a nice big hand, shall we?
13:25There he sits, rests.
13:43Thank you, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. And now, a very lovely little lady, Miss Kitty Pomeroy.
13:55Pardon me, may I borrow those a moment?
14:26I think I'm definitely going crazy.
14:48The group here on the stage are the final contestants selected by the judges for the grand prize in the Miss Venus contest. If you'll excuse me, I'll get their selection. Thank you very much.
14:58Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to announce the winner of the Miss Venus contest, the recipient of the Golden Apple, Miss Kitty Pomeroy.
15:17Now won't you say a few words, Kitty?
15:20Well folks, I'm absolutely speechless, but I would like to say, bless you one and all, and Hollywood, here I come!
16:15Come in.
16:45Are you my wife or aren't you?
16:47Oh, Jerry.
16:50Pam, darling, you're shaking like a leaf.
16:53I'm so scared, Jerry, I'm so scared.
16:56I should think you should be. Now what's this all about?
17:00Oh, you'll never understand. It all started as a kind of a joke. We look so much alike, this Kitty Pomeroy and I, and you were one of the judges.
17:08I know, I should have told you, I'm sorry. Now go on.
17:11Well, I was in here talking to Kitty before the show started, and she went to answer the phone, and then they couldn't find her, and I saw her bathing suit, and the music started, and next thing I knew, I was out there in the spotlight.
17:24And not much else. Now what about this Kitty? Did they find her?
17:28I found her. Murdered.
17:33She's lying in the prop room across the hall. Oh, Jerry, it's all my fault.
17:37Oh, what are you talking about?
17:39Well, if I hadn't played this joke, maybe she wouldn't be dead now.
17:42Nonsense. When did you find her?
17:44Just now. I heard her moan from the prop room, and I went in, and there she was, dead. Oh, Jerry, I'm so scared.
17:52Shh. Listen.
17:54Someone went into that room across the hall.
18:08It's the prop room. I bet it was Mona.
18:10You stay here. I'll go in there.
18:12I'm going with you. I got you into this.
18:16Here. Take this. We may need it.
18:21We may need it.
18:52I could have sworn I saw someone come in here.
19:00She does look like you.
19:02But she's dead. I'm not, but I could be any minute, couldn't I?
19:16Jerry, hide. It must be the murderer.
19:23I'll be right over there.
19:27You trap him. I'll get him.
19:35You in here, Kitty?
19:37Hey, Kitty.
19:40What you doing here?
19:42I thought you'd come back.
19:44I got to lay my cards on the table, Kitty.
19:50Three grand was all I could get together.
19:52But I'll get down on my knees in everlasting gratitude if you'll accept it.
19:56But it wasn't you.
19:57It wasn't me what?
19:58You weren't in here. You...
20:00Kitty, you look scared. Oh, honey, don't cry.
20:03I'm sorry I said them mean things to you.
20:05I didn't mean to make you go and bust your mirror.
20:08I was so short with you.
20:09I don't get you. But you'll take the three grand, won't you?
20:13Look how much you owe Uncle Sam.
20:15Well, Kitty, you know the figures. It's almost twice this.
20:18Look, I want you to go down to the Internal Revenue Office.
20:21Tell them there's been a mistake.
20:23Give them this as the first payment and tell them that you'll pay them the rest as soon as you can.
20:27You mean that?
20:28You betcha.
20:29Oh, Kitty, you're an angel.
20:31I never thought I'd live to see the day I'd be saying that to you.
20:34But so help me, you're a real, live, breathing angel.
20:40Say, what is all this?
20:42Hey, is this a frame-up?
20:43Kitty? Kitty, are you decent?
20:46Hide again. It must be him.
20:50I'm in here, Mark.
20:54You did it, Kitty. We're on our way. Hallelujah.
20:56Listen, sweetheart, I got the plane tickets.
20:58We're gonna fly out of here tonight like a regular 20th century magic carpet.
21:01And I'll meet you in a few minutes.
21:02You throw some studs in the bag and I'll pick you up at the hotel.
21:06What's the matter, honey? Did I knock you off your feet?
21:10Mark, I want you to tell me something on the level.
21:15Now, don't interrupt.
21:17It's very important that you and I get started off on the right foot.
21:21This is a big move you and I are about to make, and...
21:24I want to be sure of where your wife fits in.
21:27Now, just a minute.
21:30How do you know she wouldn't try to get even?
21:32I know how wives are.
21:34They may not care a rat for their husbands.
21:37I can't say as I blame them.
21:39Husbands are a dime a dozen anyway.
21:41But you know the old saying about how hell hath no fury.
21:45She might do anything for revenge.
21:48How do you know she wouldn't try to kill me?
21:53She might take a carving knife and stab me in the back.
21:57She'd be guilty of murder and wind up in the electric chair.
22:01Give it to me straight, Mark. Do you think she might ever try to kill me?
22:04What are you talking about?
22:07Wow, that was close.
22:09Oh, this rope's been cut. Someone tried to kill you.
22:11Then I know who the murderer is.
22:13Who? Mona.
22:14My wife?
22:15Mona killed Kitty because she was jealous of you.
22:17Killed Kitty? What are you talking about?
22:22She's still here.
22:24Don't let her get away!
22:26Stop it, Mona!
22:30Stop it, Mona!
22:32Mona, what do you want?
22:35Then it isn't you. You weren't the one.
22:38Say, what is this?
22:39Don't let the murderer get away!
22:44Officer, catch that woman! She's a murderer!
22:47Keep the door! You'll find her in the car!
22:49Watch out!
23:05It's my wife! She must be crazy!
23:29Come on, darling. We're going home.
23:31Hey, I don't understand this Kitty baby.
23:33This isn't Kitty, Buster. This is my wife.
23:43What are you doing, darling?
23:45I'm figuring out my expense account for Hollywood.
23:49Darling, I want a trip to Hollywood.
23:51I'm going to be a movie actress and write a book.
23:53You don't understand, darling.
23:55Would you object if I went out with Clark Gable?
23:57It would just be for publicity purposes.
23:59Pam, listen.
24:00Maybe I should have lunch with Bob Hope.
24:02Dorothy DeMore could chaperone us.
24:04Pam, a girl named Kitty Pomeroy won the beauty prize.
24:07That's right, and I...
24:08Kitty's dead and gone, so the beauty prize went by default to Mona Gregor.
24:12But I won it.
24:14It's a jiff. I have my career all planned.
24:17Darling, I've had your career planned for a long, long time.
24:20As what?
24:22As my ever-loving wife.
24:24Oh, Terry, how nice.
24:27Oh, Terry, how nice.
24:29I don't mind giving up Hollywood at all.
24:49Mr. and Mrs. North is directed by Ralph Francis Murphy.
24:53A John W. Loveden production.
24:56Produced by Federal Telefilms.
24:59Starring Barbara Britton and Richard Denning.
25:01Featuring Francis DeSales.
25:16This has been a film presentation.
