• 5 years ago
"The Memory's a *funny* thing - isn't it?

An incredible feat of engineering, it sits in the medial temporal lobe,
and it's most impressive FUNCTION : Is It's FILING System.

It's better than ANYTHING a Supercomputer could do.

Another of My Favourite Facts - given that,
THAT'S What This Trial is All about :
Right Answers,
Wrong Answers,
Knowledge -- Truth

....is that, when we are remembering something,
we're not *actually* recalling The Original Event....
What we are *DOING* ,
is remembering the LAST time, we remembered it --

So we are CONSTANTLY wiping Our Pasts,
and editing together A NEW One -

One that makes SENSE to Us, NOW -- in The Present.

ALL Memories, therefore,
are by Definition :

A Lie.

They change.
WE change them.
Which isn't A Crime, A Conspiracy, just....

Human Nature.

We can project Guilt, say -
Back onto An Event
That was, in fact, *perfectly* innocent.

I'm asking you all
To Try and Resist
A More Entertaining Falsehood
in favour of less-extraordinary Truth :

That Major Ingram simply knew The Answers to those Questions --
And *THAT'S* Why He Got Them RIGHT.
