Short filmTranscript
00:00Carnation Evaporated Milk presents the George Burns and Gracie Allen Show.
00:30Mamie? Oh, Mamie! Oh, it's seven o'clock, I guess she's still asleep. Mamie, are you
00:45awake? Harry! Harry Morton!
00:54Who is it? Oh, it's you, Harry. I'd know your voice anywhere.
01:01What do you want, Gracie? Well, I just wanted to tell you not to make any noise. Mamie,
01:05Kelly, and the three children are still asleep. You wake me up just to tell me that? Well,
01:10I couldn't tell you while you were asleep, could I? Oh, now, look, Gracie! Shh! They're
01:15sleeping in the trailer in his park right by your house. All right, all right. You go
01:19back and try to get some sleep, too. Don't worry about it. Trailer! Shh! Oh, no. Who
01:30are these people? Mamie Kelly. We went to school together in San Francisco, and her
01:35husband brought her down, but he had to go back. I'll get this out of here if I have
01:39to get dynamite and blast it out. Well, do it quietly, because they're still sleeping.
01:43You tell George I want to see him as soon as he wakes up. Yes, I will, but you won't
01:50enjoy it. When he wakes up, he looks almost as bad as you do. Thank you. Well, Gracie's
02:08girlfriend Mamie Kelly is back. Remember her? Came to stay overnight and stayed two
02:14weeks. This time she says she's going to stay two weeks. This time I'm putting my foot
02:21down. It's now 8 o'clock, and if she's not out of here by Christmas, she'll hear a few
02:27words from me. It's Gracie's fault that they're here. The Kellys told her that they were taking
02:35the children to visit the High Sierras, and Gracie said it would be better to bring them
02:40here where everybody is sober. And not only that, Charlie Kelly knows he can save a few
02:49bucks by leaving his family here. There's a fellow who really pinches pennies. The four
02:55of us went out to dinner one night, and when he saw the waiter come with the check, he
02:59rushed to the men's washroom. But I outsmarted him. I wouldn't let him in. I'm going to let
03:12you in on a little secret. Charlie Kelly used to go around with Gracie. He'd have married
03:17her if I hadn't come along and taken her away, and he has never forgotten that. Every Christmas
03:23he sends me a shirt or a tie, a couple of them. You know, Charlie might have an idea
03:31taking a vacation away from his wife like this. I know a husband and wife who decided
03:37if they took separate vacations, they'd be happier when they got back together. Not often,
03:41just once every five years. They tried it, and it worked great. Now when they get together
03:47once every five years, they're very happy.
03:50It's mine! It's mine! It's mine!
03:59Well, our trailer guests are up. Here we go.
04:02Now children, you behave yourselves and finish getting dressed. I'll be back in a few minutes.
04:07Nanny! Oh, Nanny! I'm so glad to have you here.
04:14Well, I'm sorry we pulled into the street this morning and disturbed you.
04:17Oh, that's all right. I was up anyway getting a glass of milk. You know, George hasn't been
04:21able to sleep these hot nights. Oh, what a shame.
04:23Well, and Carabaghi told me that drinking a glass of milk in the middle of the night
04:27might help George. So every night, whether I'm thirsty or not, I get up and drink a glass.
04:33Gracie, you haven't changed a bit. Oh, and you look good too, Mamie. Come on in the living
04:38room and have a cup of coffee with George. The children haven't finished dressing, but
04:41I'd love it. Oh, girls, hurry up. Breakfast is ready.
04:44Oh, yeah. Oh, do I need this? Oh, Gracie, what a darling dress.
04:51Oh, do you like it? George gave it to me as sort of a surprise.
04:55Oh, really? Yeah, I haven't told him yet.
04:58Oh, what a fine surprise. Hello, Aunt Gracie.
05:04Oh, hello, Jerry. How are you? Oh, Gracie, I spoke to your mother in San Francisco.
05:16Oh, really? How is Mama? Oh, she's fine. Mmm, this is delicious.
05:21Oh, I use Carnation, you know. Oh, by the way, I set in 35 cents and got
05:25that wonderful Carnation cookbook with your autograph.
05:28Oh, yes, those recipes are delicious, aren't they?
05:31Yes, and so economical too. Do you know that one can of Carnation makes enough muffins
05:36for 24 people? Really? And I've been throwing those cans
05:39away. Say, you know, Mamie, I'm worried about Mama.
05:47She said she was going to call me. Well, she told me she tried to get you on
05:50Saturday, but your line was busy. Well, it couldn't have been. I left the
05:53receiver off the hook all day so nobody else could call me.
05:57Well, that explains it then. Oh, Gracie, I have to fix a zipper on this
06:01bathing suit. How do you like it? Oh, it's kind of daring, isn't it?
06:06Charlie doesn't like me to wear it. Oh, George is fussy about his things too.
06:12How are you, George? Gracie!
06:14Oh, hi, Melinda. Hello, Shari.
06:21No, no, no. Skate upstairs, Melinda. Put it down.
06:25George ought to be up by now. Oh, yes, awesome.
06:28George! Yes?
06:30Come down and say hello to Mamie. And hurry!
06:33I have a lot of shopping to do while I'm down here.
06:42Did you see George? Oh, he always shows off like that when we
06:46have company.
06:48I pretty near broke my back on that skate.
06:51Well, George, you shouldn't play with children's toys at your age.
06:56Yeah, I guess I'll never learn. Well, say hello to Mamie.
06:59Hello, Mamie. Hello, George.
07:01What would you like with your coffee and rolls, dear?
07:04Sloan's liniment.
07:07Children! Breakfast is ready.
07:10You know, I'm sorry Charlie couldn't stay.
07:13Breakfast is ready.
07:15You know, I'm sorry Charlie couldn't stay.
07:17Oh, I am too, but he had to get back to work.
07:20Frankly, I'm just as glad, though, Gracie. He's such a noisy sleeper.
07:23Really? Yes, you know, sometimes at home he snores so loud he wakes himself up.
07:27Oh, well, he can correct that.
07:29Tell him to sleep in the next room where he can't hear it.
07:44Well, I can see where I'm in for some trouble.
07:48I don't mind Gracie seeing old friends from San Francisco.
07:51I love old friends, and I love San Francisco, and I love the three children.
07:56But I'd love to see Gracie's old friends and the three children in San Francisco.
08:02How about that Charlie Kelly dumping his family in my backyard like this for the entire summer?
08:07But I'll get even with him.
08:10Someday I'll let Gracie spend an afternoon in his house.
08:15I'll see you later.
08:16Oh, my neighbor's the mortgage.
08:18I'm going down to the office to get some sleep.
08:22Look, honey, at three o'clock in the morning, crash goes my picket fence.
08:26At seven o'clock, Gracie is hammering on the door over there saying,
08:30Harry, Harry, don't make any noise!
08:33Well, isn't that funny? None of this woke me up.
08:36Nothing ever wakes you up.
08:38How do you sleep that way?
08:40Well, it's easy. I just pretend I'm listening to one of your jokes.
08:45Don't give me that. You've been that way all your life.
08:47On our wedding day, you even fell asleep during the ceremony.
08:51Oh, Harry, I wish you'd tell my friends that.
08:54They'd think I was unconscious.
08:57Very funny. Very funny indeed.
08:59Follow the leader, follow the leader, follow the leader.
09:01Over the bridge, over the bridge, over the bridge.
09:03Along the river, along the river, along the river.
09:06Over the mountain, over the mountain, over the mountain.
09:09Pope the elephant, Pope the elephant.
09:16Pope the elephant, Pope the elephant.
09:19You tell Mamie to get that trailer full of gypsies out of here.
09:23Now, Jumbo, watch your blood pressure.
09:27That's right, that's right. Side with them.
09:30Did you hear about the mud pies that were made this morning?
09:33All children make mud pies.
09:35Yes, yes. But not in my new hat.
09:40Well, I'll clean it up. Now, you go to the office.
09:45I will not go to the office until I know that this trailer is moved.
09:48Blanchett's parked on my hibiscus bush.
09:52I thought I heard you two out here.
09:54Where's Harry?
09:56Oh, Harry. You don't have to hide your head just because I saw you in your pajamas this morning.
10:03No, no, Gracie. It isn't that. The trailer's parked on his hibiscus.
10:08Oh, that must be painful, Harry.
10:14Should I get you an outfit?
10:15No. Get me George.
10:18Oh, all right. Come in and say hello to Mamie.
10:21Gracie, Gracie, there's something I'd like you to say to Mamie.
10:24I'd like you to show her something.
10:26Mud pies in my new hat.
10:28Oh, Harry, you shouldn't have done it.
10:32Ah, but the children will love them.
10:37One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
10:53Harry, you throw that in and you'll go in after it. Give me that.
10:56Why, the very idea.
10:58They shouldn't put those things around where you can sit on them.
11:01You can't expect reasoning from a three-year-old mentality.
11:05This is Gracie's?
11:09Oh, that's funny.
11:12Oh, hello, sweetheart.
11:14If you're looking for your teddy bear, that nice man has it.
11:20Now, you be sweet to her, Harry.
11:29Pretty little girl.
11:33Nice dress.
11:35Nice pigtails.
11:38And do you know what little girls are made of?
11:41Sugar and spice and everything nice.
11:44That's what little girls are made of.
11:51I've taken everything I'm going to take from those.
11:55Now, they're putting skates around.
11:56They're putting skates around.
11:57Look, if they really want to kill somebody,
11:59they shouldn't hide them way over there.
12:01They ought to put them right here in the middle of the yard.
12:03Harry, Harry.
12:05It's nice of you to like children, but making mud pies in your new hat?
12:09Harry, I didn't know that you were...
12:11We've been friends for many years,
12:13but if you don't get these kids out of my hair...
12:15Hey, hey, hey, relax.
12:17They're only children.
12:19Take a little swim and cool off and forget about it.
12:22What's the matter with that?
12:23Cool off, forget about it.
12:24Cool off, cool off.
12:25I cannot cool off.
12:26Either you get rid of those kids or I will.
12:28Oh, no, you don't.
12:29Oh, yes, I will.
12:31Oh, no, you don't.
12:32Oh, yes, I will.
12:59Well, gee, if that's all it takes to make Harry happy,
13:03I'll put George in the pool every day.
13:17Dried off pretty fast, didn't I?
13:21California sunshine is murder.
13:24You know, things dry so fast here
13:26that if you want to seal an envelope,
13:27you've got to lick it from the inside.
13:30I'm not angry at the children for leaving their toys around.
13:33I used to do the same thing.
13:35I'll never forget when I was five years old,
13:37my father stepped on my cigar cutter.
13:42In fact, he was the first one ever to wear
13:44open-toed shoes on Rivington Street.
13:47I'm going back a lot of years.
13:49He caught a cold.
13:50Oh, isn't that Harry Bunzel with him?
13:54Hi, Willie.
13:55Hi, George.
13:56You know my pal, Harry Bunzel.
13:57Oh, Harry, how are you?
13:59Oh, George, gee, it's wonderful to see you.
14:03Hey, that's my brand.
14:05Well, good.
14:06I've been staying down at the beach with Bill.
14:07This is his coat I've got on.
14:08The pockets are full of those.
14:11Where do you get these, Bill?
14:12Oh, same place as George does, Harry.
14:16He gets them wholesale.
14:20You know, George, Harry and I have been staying
14:22down at the beach for a couple of days,
14:23and I want you to shake hands
14:25with the world's greatest announcer.
14:27Oh, no.
14:28Harry, come here.
14:29Oh, Bill.
14:30This is a wonderful compliment.
14:32Yes, it is.
14:33It is.
14:34It is.
14:35It is.
14:36It is.
14:37It is.
14:38It is.
14:39It is.
14:40It is.
14:41It is.
14:42It is.
14:43It is.
14:44It is.
14:45It is.
14:46It is.
14:47It is.
14:48What a wonderful compliment.
14:50Now, just minutes.
14:51If you want the world's greatest, George.
14:52Shake hands with Bill.
14:53Coming from Harry it's a great, great...
14:54George, will you listen to?
14:55Do I know what I'm talking about?
14:56This is the fellow, huh?
14:57This man is the greatest.
14:58Harry, coming from Bill.
14:59No, I told you.
15:00He is.
15:01Bill, coming from Harry.
15:07You're hurting me.
15:11You know, Harry,
15:12you know Harry, if you're half as good as Bill thinks he is,
15:14you're the world's greatest.
15:16BILL RUDIN Daniel Knows Offers
15:17DANIEL No seriously, George, I'm not kidding.
15:19Bill is sensational.
15:21You know, we younger announcers look upon
15:23him as our ideal.
15:28BILL Younger announcers?
15:31Take off my coat.
15:33Just take it off, that's all.
15:34I'll take off my coat.
15:35GROVER Bill wait a minute.
15:36Listen, we're friends.
15:38I love you.
15:39Well, I do, I love him.
15:40him. I've listened to him since I was this high.
15:43A little fella.
15:43That high?
15:46Why, you...
15:47you local station break announcer!
15:50Take off my tie!
15:51Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill!
15:53Calm down!
15:55Okay, but we older fellas have our memories.
15:58Remember the John L. Sullivan...
16:00Get off of my side, will you?
16:01I'll do that, yeah.
16:02I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:03I'll do that, yeah.
16:04I'll do that, yeah.
16:04I'll do that, yeah.
16:05Bill, look, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.
16:07You know, I wouldn't...
16:08Oh, no, not much.
16:09He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:11He's like a father to me.
16:12He's like a father to me.
16:12He's like a father to me.
16:12He's like a father to me.
16:13Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:14Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:14Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:15Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:16Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:17Harry Bonzell, take off my shirt.
16:18And take off my undershirt, too.
16:23You know, Harry, if you don't put your clothes on,
16:25Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:27Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:28Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:28Gracie is going to put you in the refrigerator.
16:28Oh, gee.
16:29Oh, gee.
16:29There's refreshments on the patio.
16:29There's refreshments on the patio.
16:29There's refreshments on the patio.
16:30Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:31Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:32Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:33Oh, sure.
16:58Isn't that nice?
17:00Hey, hey, give me that.
17:02In the dress.
17:03Come on, get in.
17:04Inside and stay in there with your mother.
17:07Giving a little girl like that a gun.
17:09Boy, this can hurt people.
17:11Something like this is, is, is, is, is.
18:31Now get off there as soon as you go right in there
18:34and clean up that window you broke.
18:35I never.
18:36Don't you know it's dangerous
18:37to play with guns in the yard.
18:38If you want to shoot,
18:39go in the house.
18:43ring the children
18:44and come on.
18:46Oh, thank you Bill.
18:47Let's put it right here,
18:49Okay, Gracie.
18:50Right over here.
18:51What's the matter with him?
18:52Oh, you know, Bill.
18:54I just hate to see
18:55a man reach his second
18:59I'm not that rich.
19:00I'm not that old.
19:02Oh, not you, Bill.
19:06Why, you don't even look 30.
19:08Oh, Gracie, you're wonderful.
19:10Oh, sure. As a matter of fact, you look about 25.
19:14You know something, you're just a doll.
19:17Oh, you stop that, you 20-year-old rascal.
19:24Well, I'll tell you something, I feel a lot better.
19:27Hello, Bill.
19:28Oh, hello, Mamie, how are you?
19:30Hi, Bill.
19:31It's nice to see you.
19:32Well, I have to run along, so I'll see you all later, huh?
19:36Bye, Mamie.
19:37The children didn't drink all their milk today.
19:40Is it all right if I give it to them now?
19:42Oh, don't bother, Gracie.
19:43I always fix their food with carnation and they get plenty of milk anyway.
19:47Oh, that's wonderful.
19:48Mamie, you are a very astute mother.
19:51Isn't she? And smart, too.
19:54Now, take this luncheon, Bill.
19:56Here's tomato soup, creamed with carnation, and sandwiches.
20:01And in Gracie's refrigerator, I have some butterscotch pudding made with carnation, too.
20:05Oh, wonderful, Mamie.
20:06And listen, Mamie, look at the money you save by using carnation in your cooking, too.
20:10Now, let me ask you something.
20:12Would you girls like to see me do a little magic trick?
20:14Would you?
20:15Would you like to have a look? Just a minute.
20:18Now, you see this can of carnation evaporated milk?
20:21Now, I'm going to show you something.
20:22Now, I'm going to show you something.
20:23I'll show you how to turn this can of carnation into a full quart of good, whole milk.
20:28Now, you want to see that trick?
20:30You want to see it, honey? Okay.
20:31Now, watch this.
20:32You see, carnation evaporated milk, just as it pours from the can, is more than twice as rich as ordinary milk.
20:39See that? See how creamy it is?
20:42Now, watch.
20:43By filling up this bottle with water, now you get good, whole milk.
20:48Magic. Oh, boy. Blackstone the magician.
20:53All right.
20:54Now, this milk costs one-third less than ordinary bottled milk.
20:59Isn't that great?
21:00Now, Sherry, you take and put this in the kitchen, in the refrigerator, honey, and we'll have milk for all purposes.
21:06How'd you like that, baby?
21:07Hey, Bill!
21:10Yeah, Harry?
21:11Look what I found in the house.
21:12Hey, that's mine!
21:13Oh, honey, gee, I haven't seen one of these things in years.
21:16I used to have one with a gun.
21:18Harry, I...
21:20Come on, let's get out of here!
21:26What, what, what happened?
21:27What, what, what, what, what happened?
21:31Gee, everybody, everybody, everybody is...
21:59You know, Harry Morton might not speak to me again as long as he lives.
22:03And at the rate I'm going, that might be about two or three hours.
22:08Ah, but the kids won't stay here long.
22:10By tomorrow, all the windows will be broken, the houses will be burnt down,
22:14the water will be out of the pool, they'll have nothing to play with, they'll go home.
22:18So you see, there's nothing to worry about.
22:21Ah, I'd better go in and see what the children have done for me.
22:27Yes, Gracie?
22:28Oh, George, look what Mamie brought from San Francisco.
22:31Our old high school yearbook.
22:33Where are the children?
22:34Well, Mamie's getting them ready for bed.
22:36Oh, well, good, good, we can relax for a little while.
22:39Let me see that.
22:40Oh, you're gonna love this.
22:41This might be interesting.
22:45Oh, look, that's Millie Brown.
22:48She was the smartest girl in the class.
22:50Gracie, there's something I always wanted to ask you.
22:53How far did you go in school?
22:54Well, if I liked a boy, I'd let him put his arm around me.
23:01Yeah, that's what I meant.
23:03Oh, there's Millie again.
23:05You know, I remember that dress she's wearing.
23:07It was her mother's.
23:08It cost $7.07.
23:10That's an odd figure.
23:11Yeah, she got that from her mother, too.
23:16There's another picture of Millie Brown.
23:21The Andrews sisters going up to wash their teeth.
23:27Say, Millie Brown was very popular, wasn't she?
23:29Oh, yes.
23:30You know, she almost married my oldest brother, John.
23:35You remember John?
23:37He used to take saxophone lessons by mail.
23:41A lot of people take saxophone lessons by mail.
23:43Yeah, but he didn't have a saxophone.
23:45Oh, he did it without a saxophone.
23:47So he'd blow the lesson in an envelope and then mail it to a friend who had one.
23:51Who had a saxophone?
23:53I'm surprised that Millie gave him the air.
23:56He sounds real nuts.
23:59Say, who is this fellow with his arm around him?
24:02Oh, that?
24:04That's Mickey Rockford.
24:06Mickey Rockford?
24:08He used to come to my house and we'd sit in the van.
24:10But my little niece Jean used to hang around and watch.
24:13So Mickey would pull a quarter out of his pocket and say,
24:16three's a crowd and there's a good movie at the Bijou tonight.
24:19Mickey was pretty smart.
24:21What happened?
24:22Oh, I don't know.
24:23When I got home from the Bijou, he was always gone.
24:28Mickey missed a lot of good pictures, didn't he?
24:30Yes, he certainly did.
24:31Oh, here come the Andrews again.
24:34Good night.
24:35Good night.
24:36Good night.
24:37Good night.
24:38Good night.
24:39Good night.
24:43Oh, yeah.
24:44Oh, you know what the little one did today?
24:47Well, she was playing with your wristwatch
24:48and she dropped it.
24:49You mean to say you gave her my good wristwatch?
24:52Well, now, now, don't get excited, it didn't break.
24:54Luckily she dropped it in the pool.
24:57Well, I must remember to jump in everyday to wind it.
25:00Yes, and while you're down there,
25:02you might as well pick up your camera.
25:06Gracie, I want you to speak to those children.
25:08It's just too hot for us to sleep in the trailer.
25:10Could we sleep in here?
25:11Well, of course, Mamie.
25:13Now, let's see, um...
25:14Oh, George, you can sleep on the divan.
25:16Here I go again. I'll see you later, Mamie.
25:18Oh, you girls can sleep in the guest room upstairs.
25:20Blanche, let us arrest you!
25:22And George, be quiet now!
25:25And Mamie, you can sleep with me.
25:27Oh, Gracie, can I...
25:28Oh, hello, Mamie.
25:29Hello, Blanche.
25:30Can I sleep over here tonight?
25:31Oh, sure, Blanche. What's the matter?
25:33Oh, Harry's fit to be tied.
25:35He climbed into bed tonight and he found this turtle.
25:37Scared him to death!
25:39Well, Harry would scare anybody.
25:42The poor little turtle.
25:45Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
25:48I found Oscar!
25:51Now go on to bed, girls.
25:53Gracie, Gracie, Gracie, can I see you a minute?
25:55Oh, sure.
25:56Uh, partner, Gracie, I've got a wonderful idea.
25:58We just hooked our car onto the trailer.
25:59You go out and start the motor.
26:01I'll throw some things in the bag.
26:02When I say okay, you step on the gas.
26:04I'll jump on the back and we'll get away for a couple of days.
26:06Oh, that'll be fun!
26:08Excuse me.
26:12What's going on?
26:13I don't know.
26:14Well, why are they acting so mysterious?
26:16Maybe something happened outside.
26:17Do you suppose...
26:18Oh, there's the trailer!
26:21Oh, the children shouldn't leave those skates there.
26:23Oh, my, look.
26:24It's Gracie in the trailer!
26:26Okay, here we go!
26:26Oh, Gracie!
26:27Okay, Gracie, start the truck!
26:40Gracie will be back in just a few moments, ladies and gentlemen.
26:43How about those kids and Mamies?
26:45They're really something, aren't they?
26:46Well, at least...
26:48The dice show that they're brimming with good health.
26:50The kind of health that's normally enjoyed
26:51by any youngster who starts off
26:53as a baby on carnation evaporated milk.
26:56You see this little fella, isn't he just the picture
26:59of happiness and contentment?
27:00Uh-oh, what's this?
27:02Oh, that's better, Mother.
27:03There's nothing like a bottle of good carnation milk
27:05to make a fella glad to be alive.
27:07But even more important, thanks to carnation,
27:10millions of babies like this one
27:11have grown strong and healthy each day,
27:13developing as babies should develop.
27:15Each day, gaining in weight, firm, healthful weight.
27:19Is it any wonder that eight out of 10 mothers
27:21who use carnation say their doctor recommended it?
27:24It's no wonder at all.
27:25You can't buy better milk for your baby than carnation.
27:28So, for your baby's sake,
27:30for a healthy, happy, contented baby,
27:33here is the milk to use.
27:35Carnation, the milk every doctor knows.
27:38And now, here is carnation's own contented couple,
27:40ladies and gentlemen, George and Gracie.
27:51Thank you very much, Gracie and I.
27:52We'll be back again two weeks from tonight.
27:54See, George?
27:55Look, that's us on the radio television mirror.
27:58Oh, yes.
27:59And there's a story in here by Jack Benny,
28:01written about us that's very, very humorous.
28:04And it's good too, I read it.
28:06Gracie, you look very pretty on this cover.
28:08Oh, thank you, George.
28:10You know, if I'd known 25 years ago
28:12that you were going to be this handsome,
28:13I'd never have married you.
28:16No, I would have waited until now.
28:18Say goodnight.
28:19Yeah, goodnight.
28:20Come on, Gracie.
28:22Come on, Gracie.
28:51In tonight's show, Harry Bonsell,
28:53appeared as himself,
28:53Sarah Selby was Mamie Kelly,
28:55the little girls were Shari Robinson,
28:57Melinda Plummer, and Jerry James.
28:59The wet George Burns was played by Dick Crockett.
29:01Your conductor was Wilbur Hatch.
29:04George Burns and Gracie Allen Show
29:05will be back again in two weeks.
29:07This is Bill Goodwin saying goodnight for Carnation.