• 5 years ago
A RAVENOUS colony of seagulls praying on an elderly shopper in coronavirus-stricken Spain have been captured on camera.

In the attack, which looks like it’s been taken from the script of Alfred Hitchcock’s Hitchcock’s horror classic, The Birds, the gulls can be seen tormenting the elderly person who is carrying their shopping in Benidorm.
Locals claimed online the aggressive birds have now taken to attacking people on brief trips for groceries in the ghost town resort.

Their normal source of food is said to have vanished after bars and restaurants were shut and everyone was ordered to stay inside on Monday.

Spain has become the fourth-hardest hit country in the world, after China, Italy which has now become the epicentre of the outbreak, and Iran.

A total of 1,002 people have died in Spain after testing positive for coronavirus.

British tourists holidaying in the country were this week urged to ‘leave now’, after the government said hotels would be on shutdown from next week.


