• 5 years ago
Star Trek Picard 1x05 Stardust City Rag - Promo Trailer - next on season 1 Episode 5
Synopsis: In a flashback, Seven of Nine mercy-kills her close friend Icheb, a fellow former Borg who was on the USS Voyager, after his Borg implants have been ripped out by the black-marketeer Bjayzl. In the present, La Sirena arrives at Freecloud, where Raffi discovers that Maddox is being held prisoner by Bjayzl, who intends to sell him to the Tal Shiar. Picard's crew plan to recover Maddox by staging a prisoner exchange, with Seven (whose Borg implants Bjayzl covets) as the bait. When Bjayzl recognizes Seven, Seven drops the charade and reveals her true intention: to kill Bjayzl to avenge Icheb. Picard persuades Seven to relent, and Maddox is safely recovered and beamed to La Sirena. Afterward, Seven returns to Freecloud and kills Bjayzl without Picard's knowledge. In sickbay, Maddox tells Picard what he knows about Soji and Dahj, explaining that he sent them to Earth and the Artifact in order to discover the true motivation behind the synth ban. Once left alone by Picard, Agnes tearfully kills Maddox, saying "If you'd seen what I saw". Meanwhile, Raffi tries to reconnect with her estranged son Gabriel, who is married to a Romulan woman, but is rebuffed and returns to La Sirena.
Directed by Jonathan Frakes
Written by Kirsten Beyer
Release date: February 20, 2020


