• 6 years ago
A 12-year-old who was born with no arms hasn’t let her disability stop her from competing in karate, soccer, dance and baseball. Zoe Bosanic was born with a condition called Bilateral Upper Extremity Amelia, which meant she was born without arms. Born in China, she was adopted as a toddler by Brian and Karrie from DeWitt in Michigan. The Bosanic family, who had already adopted one of their two children, wasn’t planning on adopting more, but once Karrie saw Zoe’s photo she immediately fell in love. Due to her condition, she initially struggled to stand up. “When we first brought her home, she was falling a lot because she didn’t have good balance,” said Karrie. Nowadays Zoe is practicing four sports and competing in three of them. “I play four sports: karate, dance, baseball and soccer and I play three sports competitively: karate, dance and soccer.” Her siblings say she always had the drive to achieve whatever she wanted to. “She’s definitely got the personality type to be so good at everything she does. I won’t lie, it makes me jealous a little bit because she’s amazing at sports that I can’t even do,” her sister Taylor said. Unfortunately, when Zoe is out in public she often gets stared at. “Just walking around I’ll notice people are staring or pointing. We’ve even had people just come up and touch her, it’s strange,” Taylor explained. Although Zoe is very independent, she does receive some help from her specially trained dog Mochi.


