Approved | 56min | Western, Drama | 9 November 1944 (USA)
The Rangers are after Yackey and his gang. Posing as an outlaw, Dave arrives as Panhandle's prisoner and works his way into the gang. Tex arrives and joins Wright's committee. Tex plans a trap for the gang but things go awry when the gang catches Tex and the Committee catches Dave and both are about to be hung.
Director: Elmer Clifton
Writer: Harry L. Fraser
Stars: Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien, Guy Wilkerson
The Rangers are after Yackey and his gang. Posing as an outlaw, Dave arrives as Panhandle's prisoner and works his way into the gang. Tex arrives and joins Wright's committee. Tex plans a trap for the gang but things go awry when the gang catches Tex and the Committee catches Dave and both are about to be hung.
Director: Elmer Clifton
Writer: Harry L. Fraser
Stars: Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien, Guy Wilkerson
Short filmTranscript
01:20Thanks, Sheriff.
02:50Drop that gun.
02:52Stand up so we can get a look at you.
02:54Well, you didn't get very far.
02:55Help me out.
02:57Yeah, thanks.
03:00I guess I was given a bum steer being told
03:02Yaki would see me through.
03:04Now that you've got your man, Sheriff,
03:05you'd better get along with him.
03:06You bet I will.
03:07I ain't taking no more chances with this train robber.
03:10Oh, a train robber, huh?
03:12Yeah, and that ain't all.
03:14This time he robbed a bank down there on the railway.
03:16Darn near cleaned it out.
03:18He hid most of the money, but I found some of it on him.
03:21Got it right here.
03:22Enough to send him up for a spell.
03:24Well, come on, let's get going.
03:26Grinch, that's a low-down trick you just pulled.
03:34Oh, thanks again for helping me.
03:37I'll feel a lot better when I get this bank robber
03:39behind the bars and get that bank money under lock and key.
03:44Sorry to see you go, Sheriff.
03:46Maybe it'd be smarter to stay over and take the first stage through.
03:49Oh, you're taking chances.
03:50Well, maybe you're right.
03:51That's what I'll do.
03:52Oh, say, can I have a room to keep him in for a stage con?
03:56Mel, pick the Sheriff up at the room.
03:59The stage won't be here till tomorrow.
04:01Glad to.
04:07Tough luck.
04:08I'm sorry.
04:10But I'm not in jail yet.
04:12No, but you're good in there right now.
04:25I wonder who kicked him off the ride in here.
04:28I don't know.
04:29But I do know I'm taking no chances.
04:33That book shows a nice profit range.
04:37Three bank jobs, two state holdups, one express office.
04:41Not to mention a few odd jobs.
04:43Yeah, like a halfway out here.
04:45Too bad your wife had to sell it to me.
04:47Ain't it?
04:49Well, well.
04:50All the comforts of home.
04:51Yeah, but don't get any ideas about giving me the slip again.
04:55I'm sure you wouldn't be thinking of anything like that, Sheriff.
04:58What did you say your name was?
04:59Why, uh, oh, Perkins, ma'am.
05:02Panhandle Perkins.
05:03Glad to know you, Pumphandle.
05:05Oh, no, no.
05:06Not Pumphandle, ma'am.
05:08It's all the same.
05:10Well, Pan, things couldn't be better.
05:12She's for me and against you.
05:17Well, when they find out we're Rangers,
05:20she'll still be for it again.
05:22She'd be for killing and letting you live.
05:25No, sir.
05:26I'm quit.
05:27Sheriffs always die with their boots on.
05:29But I'm not one of them.
05:30I'm not one of them.
05:31I'm not one of them.
05:32I'm not one of them.
05:33I'm not one of them.
05:34I'm not one of them.
05:35I'm not one of them.
05:36I'm not one of them.
05:37I'm not one of them.
05:38You're not one of them, John, but I'm aiming to die in a nice,
05:41soft, comfortable bed.
05:43Oh, look, Pan, nobody will find out I'm a Ranger.
05:47All right, all right.
05:48Let me down.
05:49Come on, take your cuffs off or we'll
05:50call the whole thing off.
05:51Well, if it isn't the bank president.
06:13We got some bad news, Jackie.
06:17I just came from Delano.
06:19They've organized a law committee in the town with six of them acting as investigators.
06:24Sort of a secret six.
06:26I'm one of them.
06:28Who are they investigating?
06:30That's not the worst of it.
06:33They made a deal with the Idaho kid to lead them.
06:36You know who he is?
06:37Well, I don't know his real name, but I do know he was a head of the group that went
06:42after the Evans gang in Red Bluff.
06:45They were tried and found guilty.
06:47And I don't know all of them but me.
06:51What does Idaho kid look like?
06:53I don't know.
06:54I never saw him.
06:56I left town just before he took over, and I figured on doing the same thing again.
07:05How do we know but what he ain't in this territory right now?
07:08I'm going.
07:10Oh, the Idaho kid.
07:12That's what some folks call me, ma'am.
07:14Say, has he been telling you things about me?
07:16If he has, don't you believe him.
07:17But I want to, because I'm afraid I'll not be very welcome at a halfway house where Mr.
07:21Yackey learns who I am.
07:23No need to be worried, Arlene.
07:25I forgot to tell you, Tix is a lawyer.
07:27Where are your law books, Tix?
07:29Did you bring them with you?
07:30Sure did.
07:31Both of them.
07:32Well, the law books will be along later this stage.
07:35We'll talk as we go along.
07:37Got to hurry if we want to get a halfway house before sundown.
07:40Come on, boys.
07:42Come on, Tate.
07:45Come on.
07:58That sheriff getting out of here with all that bacon.
08:03It would be too bad, wouldn't it?
08:10I still don't like it.
08:11That's too much of your money to risk.
08:13Oh, stop crying.
08:14You're going downstairs and gambling your head off.
08:16In fact, you're going to be a gambling fool.
08:18That's me all right.
08:19But remember one thing, you must lose.
08:22Well, that won't be hard for me.
08:25Ever since I first opened my big brown eyes in this world, I've always been on the losing end.
08:3225 in the red.
08:34You win again, Sheriff.
08:36I'm sure you're lucky today.
08:37You bet this is my lucky day.
08:40Why don't you put it all on the double O, Sheriff?
08:44Make a killing.
08:46Around and around she goes.
08:48Why she stops nobody.
08:54I'm sure you're lucky today.
08:56You bet this is my lucky day.
09:0028 in the black.
09:02You lose, Sheriff.
09:04Lady Luck forgot where you live.
09:06Hey, wait a minute.
09:07Now, I can't play for keeps.
09:08I can't lose that.
09:09It ain't my money.
09:10What do you mean it ain't your money?
09:12Well, I got it from him.
09:14It's part of the bank loot.
09:16Do you mean to tell me that you lost all of my bank loot?
09:19Well, you're as bad as he is.
09:20Why, he's worse.
09:21He ought to be in jail himself.
09:22He will be if he tries to put you in.
09:25Yeah, go ahead.
09:26Sheriff, stick me in jail and listen to me.
09:28Tell him what you did with the money you took off of me.
09:30Oh, I'm a ruined man.
09:32A ruined man.
09:33Why, I can't never be no Sheriff no more.
09:36I don't want to go to jail.
09:38Well, you'll be if you don't get these bracelets off of me
09:41He's right.
09:42I knew it, Sheriff.
09:43Buster was hung for doing just what you did.
09:45I can't remember what I done with the key.
09:48It's a good thing you didn't swallow it,
09:50you no good waster of my hard-earned money.
09:54Now, keep out of my way, you ex-Sheriff.
09:59Glad to see you're getting out of your clutches.
10:01The drinks are on me.
10:02Set them up, Del.
10:04Make mine plain soda.
10:11Excuse me.
10:12Oh, look, this is mine.
10:13I don't know what it is.
10:14It belongs to the house.
10:16I don't know what it is.
10:17I don't know what it is.
10:18I don't know what it is.
10:19I don't know what it is.
10:20I don't know what it is.
10:21I don't know what it is.
10:22I don't know what it is.
10:24Fork it over.
10:25Oh, no.
10:26I worked hard for this money.
10:28You call blowing a safe hard work?
10:30You stole it.
10:31You mean you did.
10:32With that crooked wheel.
12:39Thanks for the favor, stranger.
12:42I reckon you'd do as much for me if my back was turned.
12:49Check it out.
12:52Go ahead, pick it up.
13:00Give it to him.
13:02That bank robber?
13:03That bank robber.
13:05Any man who can whip red ought to trail along with me.
13:08That's exactly what I came here for,
13:10to trail along with you.
13:12Sheriff, go get my gun.
13:15Ex-sheriff, I mean.
13:17Oh, Clint.
13:20Oh, Clint.
13:23This young lady is the late Joe Arthur's niece, Arlene.
13:26She's here to take over the halfway house according to his will.
13:30I didn't know Joe had a niece,
13:32or ever left a will when he was killed.
13:35I can't believe it.
13:36Well, he did.
13:38I'm representing this author.
13:39My name is Tex Haines, lawyer.
13:42I'm here to inform you that she is the owner of this business,
13:46as well as a lot of other properties around here.
13:48Well, if that's the way it is, that's it.
13:52I always thought that Joe was holding something back from me
13:54when he let me buy in with him.
13:57Shake hands with your partner.
13:59I'm sure we'll get along all right.
14:01I'm sure we will.
14:02Step out to the bar, folks.
14:03The drinks are on me.
14:11This is Joe's niece, Miss Arthur.
14:13She's moving in.
14:15You don't say.
14:19I've been trying to place you.
14:22Haven't I met you somewhere?
14:24I wouldn't be surprised.
14:25You being a lawyer and me having to appear in court
14:28several times in my life.
14:30Oh, you fool around in law, too, huh?
14:32When I'm in court, the law doesn't fool.
14:36I thought I knew you.
14:37You may have seen me, mister, but you don't know me.
14:42My mistake.
14:44Well, goodbye and good luck.
14:46Thank you, Mr. Haynes.
14:47I'll look you up the first time I'm in Delano.
14:50Goodbye, Miss Arthur.
15:14You got a light?
15:27Oh, maybe it ain't such a bad life.
15:29Why don't you two bury the hatchet and kind of
15:31string along together?
15:32Oh, yeah?
15:33So he can find out what I did with my bank loot,
15:35come back and lose it like he did the money in my belt?
15:38I should say not.
15:39I'll never ask you again what you done with that loot
15:42if you'll just let me drag along with you.
15:44I don't want to be no lone wolf.
15:46All right, all right.
15:47Get him strung along.
15:48Well, thanks, sir.
15:50Just between those three, you did hide that out of dry wells,
15:53didn't you?
15:54Wait a minute.
15:55I didn't mean that.
16:13Maybe the rest of the loot is buried at dry wells
16:15or someplace near it.
16:17Who knows?
16:18You want to keep him here?
16:20You might see if he'd like to play along with us.
17:13Do you always walk in on people in the middle of the night?
17:17Good coffee.
17:18Have some.
17:20Seeing as how I made it, I will.
17:26I guess you got my letter, Mr. Wilder.
17:28You wouldn't be here.
17:30What letter?
17:31Don't ask questions, panhandle.
17:32Meet Tex Haines, sometimes known as the Idaho Kid.
17:37Say, Kid works on the same side of the fence as I do.
17:40Say, Kid works on the same side of the fence as we do.
17:43Well, I'm on the fence, too.
17:45Think of all the lead I dodged putting you in good
17:47with Klendiaki and his gang.
17:49I was just trying to part your hair, panhandle.
17:52Have you joined up with Klendiaki?
17:54Yeah, that's the general idea.
17:55Started one probation.
17:57So far, we haven't anything to go on.
18:00Where does Jackie fit in?
18:01Well, he's a kingpin.
18:03My, I bet he's cagey, ain't he, Dave?
18:05We'll have to bait a trap to draw him out.
18:08I understand some of his men hang out in town.
18:11Yeah, I figure to start my trail there in the morning
18:14when I go to the bank to deposit this ranger money we used
18:17to convince Jackie I was one of them.
18:19It'll be safer there, I'm telling you.
18:21That Red's got a mighty hungry look in his eye for our money.
18:39You brought us some bad news today, Lee,
18:41about the Idaho kid.
18:43Now, I've got worse for you.
18:45Arlene Arthur moved in the halfway house just after you left
18:48and took over her uncle's interest.
18:50She'll probably take over his interest in the bank, too.
18:52She could.
18:53Joe owns 60% of the bank's stock.
18:56What'll I do, Jackie?
18:57You won't do anything.
18:58I'll do it for you.
18:59With the Idaho kid moving out of town,
19:01it means we've got to make a clean up and move on.
19:03Worse than that.
19:04I've got to make a clean up and move on.
19:06Where do we start?
19:07In the bank vault.
19:08When you open up for business in the morning,
19:10have the money in bags on the floor.
19:12Red and the boys will walk in like customers
19:14and walk out with the cash.
19:15No trouble with shooting.
19:16Miss Arthur's welcome to the bank after we empty it.
19:19But what about me?
19:20Where do I come in?
19:21Don't worry.
19:22You'll be taken care of.
19:25Come on.
19:26Come on.
19:56All right, folks.
19:57All right.
19:58Get around here.
19:59Get around, folks.
20:00Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:01Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:02$1 a month.
20:03All right, folks.
20:04All right.
20:05Get around here.
20:06Get around, folks.
20:07Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:08Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:09$1 a month.
20:10All right, folks.
20:11All right.
20:12Get around here.
20:13Get around, folks.
20:14Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:15Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:16$1 a month.
20:17All right, folks.
20:18All right.
20:19Get around here.
20:20Get around, folks.
20:21Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:22Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:23$1 a month.
20:24All right, folks.
20:25All right.
20:26Get around here.
20:27Get around, folks.
20:28Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:29Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:30$1 a month.
20:31All right, folks.
20:32All right.
20:33Get around here.
20:34Get around, folks.
20:35Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:36Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:37$1 a month.
20:38All right, folks.
20:39All right.
20:40Get around here.
20:41Get around, folks.
20:42Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:43Guaranteed to kill a wild race of men and bees.
20:44$1 a month.
20:45All right, folks.
20:46All right.
20:47Get around here.
20:48Well, it's open, doc.
20:49A young lady happens on it.
20:50I don't understand.
20:51Well, we'll make it plain.
20:52This author is taking over her late uncle's interest.
20:54And we want the books.
20:55We're checking the cash on hand at the same time.
20:56Get around, folks.
20:57Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
20:58Come into my office.
20:59I'll have the books brought in there.
21:00Come in.
21:01Come in.
21:02Come in.
21:03Come in.
21:04Come in.
21:05Come in.
21:06Come in.
21:07Come in.
21:08Come in.
21:09Come in.
21:10Come in.
21:11Come in.
21:12Come in.
21:13Come in.
21:14Come in.
21:15Come in.
21:16Come in.
21:17Come in.
21:18Come in.
21:19Come in.
21:20Come in.
21:21Come in.
21:22Dr. Perkins, famous Indian oil.
21:23Can't please you a long demanded deal.
21:35I'd like to deposit this money for safekeeping.
22:02Well, you came to the right place.
22:05There's 500 head of cattle sold.
22:08That's right.
22:10What's this entry?
22:12Oh, that?
22:13That was a loan to John Phillips.
22:28Get out of here, quick!
22:48The Idaho Kid's in town!
22:49And I'm giving it to you.
23:20Come on, I forgot to load it.
25:16Come on, let's go.
25:40How'd you make out?
25:50Ask him.
25:51He double-cropped it.
25:52Wait a minute.
25:53You never told me you were going to clean out the bank.
25:55What were you doing there?
25:56Fixing to do a little business on my own.
25:58One red here started the fireworks.
26:00Better trail along with us.
26:02We'll all do better.
26:03Yeah, maybe we will.
26:06All right, I'm willing.
26:08It's a deal.
26:09It's a deal.
26:21Good evening, gentlemen.
26:23We'll call this meeting to order.
26:25Despite the presence of the Idaho Kid,
26:27the bank was raided,
26:29and a member of this committee John Ellis killed.
26:32All the money that came after is back in the bank vault.
26:35But that's not enough.
26:36We want everyone connected with the raid.
26:38And when we catch them, we'll give them a fair trial.
26:40And if found guilty, they'll hang.
26:45Did you get a good look at any of them?
26:47I did.
26:48The only one that wasn't masked.
26:50Are you sure he was one of the raiders?
26:52He shot at me.
26:55I started a story going around town this afternoon
26:58that a quarter of a million dollars
27:00had come in to Delano secretly
27:02and was in the vault of the express company.
27:05What good will that do?
27:07You don't think Yackey would trust his men with that much money, do you?
27:10He'd be afraid they'd run out on him.
27:12Who wouldn't?
27:13If that amount of money doesn't bring Yackey into this town himself,
27:17nothing ever will.
27:18I must admit, that's a big hunk of bait.
27:21To catch a big fish, you have to use a big hook, Henry,
27:24even though there's no real bait on it.
27:27Too bad it's night and we can't see the expression on their faces
27:30when they find out there's nothing in that Fargo safe.
27:35I'm afraid the lamp will be on us if they don't show up.
27:38Say, that is possible.
27:40Possible, but not likely, Henry.
27:42Not if I know Mr. Yackey.
27:45We'd better get all set so we can spring the trap once they're in it.
28:03A quarter of a million.
28:04That's a lot of dinero.
28:05Well, I got a straight in Delano.
28:07It'll be the biggest haul we ever made.
28:09Wait a minute.
28:10Why did you do that?
28:11Because what's going on out there is none of your business.
28:14Everything that happens at Halfway House is my business.
28:16Your Uncle Joe thought that, too.
28:18And look what happened to him.
28:19Just what did happen to him.
28:21Butt in and you'll find out.
28:23I intend to.
28:25When we reach town, you boys spread out and cover the streets
28:27in case we should be discovered.
28:29All right.
28:35What's the matter?
28:36Didn't the boys invite you to go with them?
28:38No, but I reckon they still think of me as being a lawman.
28:42But you know I can't never be that no more.
28:48Oh, I'll be seeing you.
29:04I'll be seeing you.
29:34Somebody's following us.
29:46We'd better make a move.
30:01What are you up to?
30:03Well, I was just bouncing there all by myself.
30:05Say, ain't I a real outlaw now?
30:07Sure, but you've got a lot to learn about this business.
30:09Well, gosh, you can't learn nothing unless you let me
30:11string along with you.
30:12You'll keep out of this.
30:17But what a snake.
30:19Yank his book with all their names and the jobs he pulled in.
30:22Good work, panhandle.
30:23You get and keep out of my way.
30:48They're coming.
31:06With all of them masked, we don't know if Yankee's with them or not.
31:10Well, I'm not sure.
31:12But I'll bet he's one of them kind up at that post.
31:14Do the job together, Red.
31:16This is your first time with us, so you stay here as lookout.
31:26You all keep that one covered.
31:28I'll go around the building and come at them from the other end.
31:32When I close in, we'll get him and the two inside.
31:40I think we ought to close in now, Chuck.
32:11Let's take a look at you.
32:14You're the gent who tried to shoot me in the bank.
32:16Oh, I shot above your head.
32:18Get Tex Haynes.
32:19He'll explain who I am and what I'm doing here.
32:21We can see what you were doing here.
32:23You just stopped me from arresting Yankee in the act of blowing that safe in there.
32:26Since when does one of Yankee's own men arrest him?
32:29I'm a Texas Ranger.
32:30If you're a Ranger, prove it.
32:31Get Tex Haynes.
32:32He'll do that.
32:33All right.
32:38Let's go.
33:08All right.
33:28Get up with your hands in the air.
33:35All right.
33:36Come over here.
33:44Well, look what we drew.
33:47Mr. Haynes, the lawyer.
33:49Or if I'm not mistaken, the Idaho kid.
33:52That's possible.
33:53You don't know it is.
33:54I've been suspicious of you since I first saw you.
33:57It looks like you hold a winning hand.
33:59Well, we always do.
34:01You made a mistake in getting yourself in his hands.
34:04I've had losing hands before, but I'm still here.
34:08Get on your horse, kid.
34:24I don't care if there's no sun tomorrow.
34:29Let the stars fade and fall from the sky.
34:35After all, what's the use in sweet parties?
34:41I don't care since you told me goodbye.
34:47I don't care if I lose earthly fortune.
34:53I don't care if I live now or die.
34:59How could life hold a meaning without you?
35:05I don't care since you told me goodbye.
35:11I don't care if I never hear music.
35:17It would only bring tears to my eyes.
35:22Not a song did you leave in my heart, dear.
35:28I don't care since you told me goodbye.
35:34I don't care what the world says about me.
35:40I don't care since I trusted your lies.
35:46Though I realize I'm traveling the wrong road,
35:52I don't care since you told me goodbye.
36:02The Idaho kid don't seem worried none.
36:06He will be in a minute.
36:09Well, have you made up your mind about me?
36:11Not quite.
36:13Some of the boys are for shooting him now and getting it over with.
36:16Yeah, the worst way is to die.
36:19I'm thinking of one that you won't like.
36:22Shouldn't be hard for you.
36:24Believe me, it isn't.
36:27So what are we waiting on, Yaki?
36:30We've got the Idaho kid.
36:32You know what he did to the Evans gang.
36:35He hung them all but me.
36:38Let's do the same thing to him.
36:41Are you going to save yourself before we take you outside?
36:46Except that I still don't like the idea.
36:59I'll go see Yaki right away.
37:01We've got bad news for him.
37:06How did it come to Delano?
37:07They know you've got their man but they've got your own wife.
37:09They're going to try him and if they find him guilty, they'll hang him.
37:12They let me talk to him and he said to tell you he had a little black book with all your names in it.
37:27The book's gone.
37:28Where is it?
37:29Dave White's got it, I tell you.
37:30I've seen it but the committee don't know it.
37:32He said to tell you if you didn't get him out, he's going to turn it over to them.
37:37All right, Mr. Haynes, you're a lawyer.
37:39Tell us how to get Dave White away from your committee.
37:42Well, you could send someone with this message.
37:45We have Tex Haynes.
37:48Hang Dave White and we'll do the same with your man.
37:51And that's just what's going to happen.
37:54Get going with that message.
37:55Why me?
37:56I just come from there.
37:57Besides, my feet are killing me.
37:59I can't imagine what's wrong with it.
38:01Well, sure, sure.
38:02I'm going right now.
38:03Oh, wait a minute.
38:06If I were you, I'd send Miss Arthur with him.
38:10The committee might not believe him.
38:12Go with him.
38:14And tell them that if our man is not back here by the time that clock strikes ten,
38:18the Idaho kid will be dancing on air.
38:21I'll tell them.
38:33All right.
39:04Oh, I changed my mind.
39:28For an hour now, you've stuck to the same story.
39:30I'll give you one more chance to change it.
39:32Look, I've told you who I am, why I'm here, what I'm doing in Delano,
39:36and why I was with the Yaki gang last night.
39:38You still insist that Tex Haynes wrote to you asking you to meet him here?
39:41That's right.
39:42The letter's on file at Ranger headquarters.
39:43You expect us to swallow that story about your being a Ranger?
39:46We know that you showed up at the halfway house wearing handcuffs
39:49and trying to get away from the sheriff.
39:51If you're a Ranger, why can't you produce your papers and your staff?
39:55I gave them to Panhandle, my partner, to hide.
39:57Just in case the Yaki gang got suspicious, they wouldn't find them on me.
40:00That's what you say, but you can't prove it.
40:07What's the matter with you?
40:08Oh, my feet are killing me.
40:13You must be the sheriff.
40:14Don't you know that every minute counts?
40:16Two men will die if we don't get to Delano in time.
40:18I'll die before we get there.
40:20My boots are killing me.
40:22Oh, come on.
40:31You've had a fair and impartial trial.
40:34You men will give your verdict by the card you put on the table.
40:38A red card means jail.
40:40A black one, a rope.
40:47All black.
40:49Stand up.
40:56Hey, partner.
40:57Hey, partner.
40:58You got a message for whoever's in charge of law and order here.
41:01Concerns a fella named Tex Haynes, better known as the Idaho Kid.
41:05Come with me.
41:10For attempted bank robbery and the killing of a bank teller,
41:13you'll be hung at ten o'clock.
41:15Whoa, whoa, whoa.
41:16Hey, hey, you can't do that.
41:17Wait a minute.
41:18Wait a minute.
41:20Hold everything.
41:21You can't do that.
41:22Well, I suppose you're going to tell us that he's a Ranger.
41:24Sure is, and I'm working with him.
41:26Yesterday, you were a sheriff, and he was escaping from me.
41:29Maybe we'd better investigate you, mister.
41:32Give them my papers and start, Panhandle.
41:35I'll show you who's a Ranger.
41:40They're all gone.
41:41For the life of me, I can't think what I done to them things.
41:44Well, for the life of me, you'd better.
41:46Well, it's your fault.
41:47You told me to hide them so Yaki and none of that gang could find out who we are.
41:51That's just what I done.
41:52Oh, come on, Panhandle.
41:54What'd you do with them?
41:55Oh, I can't think of nothing.
41:56My feet hurt me so bad, I can't remember nothing.
42:00Mr. Wright, if you hang Dave Wyatt, Yaki will hang Tex Haynes.
42:03They've set a deadline.
42:04If Dave isn't back at 10 o'clock, it'll be too late.
42:07They sent you with that message?
42:10They wouldn't dare.
42:11But they will.
42:12If Dave isn't at the halfway house at 10 o'clock...
42:14They want us to exchange our prisoner for theirs?
42:20It's up to you.
42:26The verdict stands.
42:28I'll rig the gallop.
42:29You'd better start thinking and doing it fast.
42:31That rope is almost around my neck.
42:36There's no time to Dave on the road.
42:38I've had a fellow watching for over an hour.
42:40Mel, bring us those prints.
42:43Turn back.
42:44Turn back.
42:45Go time in thy flight.
42:47Make me a boy again just for the night.
42:50Turn back.
42:51Turn back.
42:52Go time in thy flight.
42:54Make me a boy again just for the night.
43:05Say something.
43:10I don't know who he is, but he's a good man.
43:13He's a good man.
43:14He's a good man.
43:15He's a good man.
43:16He's a good man.
43:17I don't know who he is, but he sure has forgotten you.
43:20Well, he's your friend.
43:21He don't care what happens to you now.
43:23Oh, I wouldn't say that.
43:26After all, maybe my friends think you won't hang me.
43:30You know, a lawyer comes in handy sometimes.
43:33In a very few minutes, you won't be much of anything.
43:35I'll say you won't.
43:37We're ready to swing him any time you give the word, Jackie.
43:42Won't be long now.
43:43We'll take him off his own horse.
43:48Now, ain't that right, nice of him?
43:50We're going to give you the last ride on your own horse.
43:56I can't think of anything nicer, mister.
44:06Works good, Frank.
44:07Bring the wagon back.
44:09I'd like to be granted one last request.
44:13Panhandle, for not being able to remember
44:15what you did with our credentials,
44:17I'd like to leave you one last thing to remember me by.
44:20Oh, gosh.
44:21My boot.
44:22Oh, boot, boot.
44:23That's it, that's it.
44:24No wonder my feet have been killing me.
44:26Oh, boy.
44:27No wonder my feet have been killing me.
44:28Here, help me get this off.
44:33There you are.
44:34There you are.
44:35Now, now, who says we ain't rangers?
44:38David Wyatt, Norwalk.
44:41Untie him.
44:42Untie him.
44:44We take our orders from you, rangers.
44:46Now, you better follow me,
44:47because we haven't much time to stop a real hanging.
44:49By the way, this is a record of Jackie's crimes
44:51and the money they got for each job.
44:53In case I don't get back, the names are in it, too.
45:12Hey, what's the matter?
45:35I thought we was going to hang that guy at 10 o'clock.
45:3710 o'clock we will.
45:38a. Ten fifteen.
45:49Times up. Too bad. I was having
45:57a fine dream. I dream that you and your gang is hanging to
46:01a big tree if the other way you're swinging alone and now.
47:20Right behind me let me get out.
47:41The the.
48:05That's one of the. I'll tell you.
48:11The the.
48:41The the.
49:11The the.
49:41The the.
50:00Well I love.
50:11The the.
50:41The the.
51:11The the.
51:24You know got me.
51:39Thirteen back.
51:47I'm glad you ran your hands to Texas letter in person I'm still wondering one letter
51:52time back. When I found out I was coming to head Henry's committee I wrote Dave
51:58a letter but to keep it quiet that Jackie was our game and I told you
52:02a funny story and I've been laughing about it ever since Jackie and his gang I'm
52:07laughing now I don't guess they are laughing but Henry go easy on Bill and if she
52:12made it possible for me to get away I see she gets all these. I've got
52:16a vacation I'm coming back here I hope it's soon.
52:22If I read it along all that.
52:29I always did thank you and it was better than. Good luck.