• il y a 6 ans
Can you guess, what is the total Bank balance of PM Narendra Modi? As he filed nomination in Varanasi Today. According to his affidavit which he filled today in nomination. Modi has a bank account in SBI Bank at Gandhinagar branch. The total balance of account till 31 march 2019 is rupees 4,143 only. Currently, Modi has a total cash of rupees 38,750. If we talk about his investment, so PM Modi has an FD of rupees 1,27,81,574 with an NSC of rupees 7,61,466 and bond of rupees 20,000. He has insurance of rupees 1,90,337 and has four gold rings worth of rupees 1,13,800. Modi also owns a house at Gandhinagar which has been bought for rupees 1,30,488 and now its value is for rupees 1,10,00,000. Now you not only #PMModi but also know his total wealth. #PMModiBankBalance

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