• 6 years ago
Just one drop of the Souhait Essential Flawless Face Oil (MRP Rs 350) with its powerful natural ingredients rids you of acne worth 10 teenage years.

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And that's not all. The other super cool products and vouchers in the POPxo Beauty Box are:
MyGlamm Beauty Blender (MRP Rs. 950)
Organic Harvest Pomegranate Lip Balm (MRP Rs. 199)
Blossom Kochhar White Tea & Chamomile Facewash (MRP Rs. 77)
Colorbar Fruit Drop Hydrating Hand Cream
Blossom Kochhar Voucher (Save 20% Off on purchases above Rs. 799
Marks & Spencer voucher (Get Rs 500 OFF on purchases over Rs. 2,500

To watch more beauty hacks, makeup tutorials, skincare hacks, hairstyles and much more, subscribe here - http://links.popxo.com/Subscribe2Beauty

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