• 6 years ago
Check out this tutorial for a quick DIY pedicure you can try at home. Follow these steps to get the perfect pedicure at home for perfect nails.
- Fill a basin with warm water and add some shampoo to it
- Let your feet soak in the basin for 2 to 5 minutes
- Scrub them with foot file while they are wet
- Apply foot scrub to get rid of dry skin
- Rinse and wipe them with a damp towel
- Clip your nails and apply cuticle softener and remover at the base of the nail
- At last, apply the foot cream and rub gently.
You can do this once a week or once in a two week depending on your environment and amount of dirt you collect in your cuticles.
This pedicure at home will give smooth looking and clear nails looking fab for a week.

#diy #pedicure #pedicureathome

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