Gun Disarms from various Martial Art styles, including Krav Maga, Russian Spetsnaz and Hapkido. This "hands up Irst" technique is designed to deal with a head level gun position. If it is lower than chest you may be wiser to start with hands your lower, whether they are raised or hanging down. The attacker can clearly see your hands up higher, but the distance is shorter to the gun. It doesn't matter if he can see your hands because his cognition will not be fast enough to react when you grab the gun from that distance, granted you train. Also your hand is faster coming down because it is not fighting gravity...
Song: Star of the Conqueror (Radio Edit) by Dhruva Aliman -
For the montage...Clips from the following videos (in order)... Watch them for full detailed instruction....
glock grabbed
Krav Maga Gun to the head while kneeling defense
Best Gun Disarm
Krav Maga Sherman Oaks Human Weapon Jarret Waldman teaching
How to take a gun away from an attacker
How-to Disarm a Gunman
Krav Maga Self Defense Techniques Hostage Situation
How to Defend Yourself Against a Rile
Russian Spetsnaz gun Disarming
Krav Maga Shotgun Defense
Gun Defence
gun defence
gun in the face defense 2 innocent bystanders
FrontLine Krav Maga One hand Gun takeaway
jericho pistol grabbed
Song: Star of the Conqueror (Radio Edit) by Dhruva Aliman -
For the montage...Clips from the following videos (in order)... Watch them for full detailed instruction....
glock grabbed
Krav Maga Gun to the head while kneeling defense
Best Gun Disarm
Krav Maga Sherman Oaks Human Weapon Jarret Waldman teaching
How to take a gun away from an attacker
How-to Disarm a Gunman
Krav Maga Self Defense Techniques Hostage Situation
How to Defend Yourself Against a Rile
Russian Spetsnaz gun Disarming
Krav Maga Shotgun Defense
Gun Defence
gun defence
gun in the face defense 2 innocent bystanders
FrontLine Krav Maga One hand Gun takeaway
jericho pistol grabbed