• 6 years ago
Baideswar is a Village in Banki Tehsil in Cuttack District of Odisha State, India. It is located 63 KM towards west from District head quarters Cuttack. 7 KM from Banki. 56 KM from State capital Bhubaneswar

Baideswar Pin code is 754009 and postal head office is Kalapathar (Cuttack).

Krushnachandrapur ( 3 KM ) , Kalipoi ( 4 KM ) , Golaganda ( 5 KM ) , Mugagahir ( 6 KM ) , Gopamathura ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Baideswar. Baideswar is surrounded by Badamba Tehsil towards North , Bhapur Tehsil towards west , Tigiria Tehsil towards East , Bolagarh Tehsil towards South .

Khordha , Jatani , Dhenkanal , Bhubaneswar are the near by Cities to Baideswar.

Baideswar 2011 Census Details
Baideswar Local Language is Oriya. Baideswar Village Total population is 1506 and number of houses are 317. Female Population is 48.4%. Village literacy rate is 76.2% and the Female Literacy rate is 33.8%.
Census Parameter Census Data
Total Population 1506
Total No of Houses 317
Female Population % 48.4 % ( 729)
Total Literacy rate % 76.2 % ( 1147)
Female Literacy rate 33.8 % ( 509)
Scheduled Tribes Population % 0.0 % ( 0)
Scheduled Caste Population % 38.2 % ( 576)
Working Population % 35.2 %
Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 154
Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 45.5 % ( 70)

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