• 6 years ago
"46용사 희생 헛되지 않도록"…천안함 폭침 9주기 추모행사

Today marks the ninth anniversary of the sinking of South Korea's Cheonan warship that claimed the lives of 46 sailors.
To remember the victims, the nation's defense ministry held a commemorative event in front of the memorial stone located within the Cheonan ship exhibition facility at the Second naval fleet command on Tuesday.
This marked the first time the annual event was held in front of the memorial stone, which was installed last November.
Defense ministry spokesperson Choi Hyun-soo said the country will never forget the lives of the soldiers, promising efforts to strengthen military readiness.
A joint civil and military investigation team concluded that the sinking was caused by a torpedo attack by North Korea.
Pyeongyang has been denying any involvement in the incident.


