Learn The Half Forward Bend Pose | Ardha Uttanasana |Simple Yoga For Beginners |Mind Body Soul
In Sanskrit, Ardha Uttanasana means "intense half stretch pose." The pose certainly gives your hamstrings a great stretch, but it also encourages good spinal alignment. Forward bends also stimulate your abdominal organs and promote good digestion.
This pose gives you a great opportunity to practice your yoga breathing, increase your focus, and calm your mind. It's also a great way to build up strength and flexibility you'll need for advanced yoga poses and sequences.
In Sanskrit, Ardha Uttanasana means "intense half stretch pose." The pose certainly gives your hamstrings a great stretch, but it also encourages good spinal alignment. Forward bends also stimulate your abdominal organs and promote good digestion.
This pose gives you a great opportunity to practice your yoga breathing, increase your focus, and calm your mind. It's also a great way to build up strength and flexibility you'll need for advanced yoga poses and sequences.