Srishty Rode walks the ramp in an off-shoulder white gown for brand Kiaan. Television actress Srishty Rode is a vision in white as she walks the ramp for the Bombay Times Fashion Week 2019. Dressed in an off-shoulder white gown and crystal tiara, Srishty looked like an angel.She walked for a clothing brand Kiaan and was dressed as a Christian bride in a white gown. Currently, Srishty is taking a break from television and busy with other endorsements post her reality show. The actress has been on a vacation spree and mixing work with pleasure. Check out her stunning video.
#SrishtyRode #BombayTimesFashionWeek2019 #SrishtyRampWalk
#SrishtyRode #BombayTimesFashionWeek2019 #SrishtyRampWalk