• 6 years ago
THE FAT BOY CHRONICLES Movie trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In this heart-warming, family friendly, tale, Jimmy Winterpock, an obese high-school student who deals with bullying and trying to lose weight. The film is inspired by a true story about an obese 9th grader in Cincinnati and a novel was released in 2010. The film also deals with other issues that teenagers face in an uplifting an compassionate way.

Jimmy always gets teased by the football team for being overweight. As a school assignment he writes about it in his journal, but soon he finds out that he’s not the only kid in school with problems.

Eventually, Jimmy begins jogging with his father, with a goal to lose 38 pounds. Jimmy begins tutoring Robb Thurman, who is the football captain. As Jimmy and Robb become friends, Robb tells his teammates not to harass Jimmy any more.