• 6 years ago
Hagazussa Horror Movie Trailer HD - Synopsis: In a remote Alpine village in the 15th century, the orphan Albrun grows up to become a marked woman. The scapegoat of ancient superstitions and monstrous misogyny, this self-styled witch begins to assert her otherworldly birthright. The plague she conjures makes human cruelty look pathetic and small by comparison. This atmospheric debut feature from Lukas Feigelfeld is a haunting pagan death trip and a startling vision of psychedelic horror.

Director Lukas Feigelfeld
Writers Lukas Feigelfeld
Actors Aleksandra Cwen, Celina Peter, Claudia Martini, Tanja Petrovsky
Genre Horror, Foreign
Run Time 1 hour 42 minutes
In Theatres April 19th, 2019 |© 2019 Doppelgänger Releasing