• 6 years ago
Kegel Exercise is away to train and improve the muscle tone of your pelvic floor. It was named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, an American gynaecologist, and it’s meant to improve your sexual function as well as the control over your urine and faeces. This applies to men and women.

So, the benefit of Kegel Exercise is mainly to treat some cases of urinary incontinence in women, and also fecal incontinence (very mild cases), and also to treat pelvic prolapse, especially in women who have suffered severe prolapse with the pregnancy. You can train the pelvic muscles to improve the muscle tone. Also to improve your sexual function as a woman who has difficulties reaching orgasm, or after giving birth and you’re noticing that your vagina has become a bit wider than normally. In men we can treat fecal and urinary incontinence (minor cases of it), and also we can help men, by doing it, to improve or laten their ejaculation, so for premature ejaculation; it’s a way to delay the ejaculation.

So this exercise strengthens the pubococcygeus muscle and also the levator ani muscle. Mainly these two muscles are affected by this exercise you’re making.

You can do it without any tools, but women can use balls, like this one for example, and they can introduce it into the vagina and do the exercise.

What we need to know now is how to do it. First you need to find the pelvic floor muscles. Let’s see here. They’re supposedly here in women, in this area, in the lower part of the pelvis, and by men you can see it with the arrow.

What you need to do is learn how to find the muscle, and the first time you find it; it would be easy to do it while you’re urinating. Try mid-stream to stop the urine from flowing. So, stop it mid-stream. So what happens is that when you stop it you’ve actually made the muscle contract. This muscle is what we’re looking for. So what you need to do is contract it as strong and often as possible but not during urination or defecation. Only the first time, when you try to locate it. Don’t make a habit of it cause this might cause problems.

Second thing is to perfect your exercise. So you do it as often as possible, and concentrate that you’re only working on that muscle and not working with other muscles, like abdominal wall or leg muscles or anything. Just that muscle. So try to count and find the muscle and keep contracting it.

The third step is to maintain your focus, so, only that muscle, and to keep repeating. So repeat: Ten seconds the contraction, and then ten seconds relaxed, and then ten seconds contraction… Try to make it as many times as possible, at least three time a day.

When to do this and where? When you’re sitting at your desk or when you’re reading emails, or in the car or when you’re waiting for the bus. You can just do the exercise about anywhere you want.

This method is not recommended for people with urinary tract infections, chronic constipation or prostate problems.

Try to repeat Kegel Exercise as often as possible and you’ll find results within 4-5 months.

Best of luck!

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