Tian Jingzhi, 29 years old, is a well-known female B-list actress in show business. She brings mutant Xue Lingqiao back to the mortal's world in an accident and then starts their supernatural relationship. Wishing Tian can live a peaceful human life, Xue leaves when he's took his revenge. And Tian soon finds herself getting pregnant after their breaking up. To protect Tian and their baby, Xue comes back and lives next to Tian in secret. Tian gets more popular after her pregnancy unexpectedly, and is pursued by a mysterious young hunk Yun Zhen. The same with Xue, Yun is also a mutant and he is more than three hundred years old. Tian's uncle Qiu Yuebai, who was saved by Tian's grandpa Qiu Guolin, is a mutant too.
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