Lucinda "Luce" Price is a strong-willed 17-year-old living a seemingly ordinary life...
Luce finds herself being courted by two mysterious students to whom she feels oddly connected. Isolated and haunted by strange visions, Luce begins to unravel the secrets of her past and discovers the two men are fаllen Angels, who she learns have loved her for centuries.Luce must choose where her feelings lie, pitting Heaven against Hell in an epic battle over true love.
FALLEN Trailer
Genre : Adventure, Fantasy
© 2017 - LG
Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Movie, Blockbuster... We keep you in the know!
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Luce finds herself being courted by two mysterious students to whom she feels oddly connected. Isolated and haunted by strange visions, Luce begins to unravel the secrets of her past and discovers the two men are fаllen Angels, who she learns have loved her for centuries.Luce must choose where her feelings lie, pitting Heaven against Hell in an epic battle over true love.
FALLEN Trailer
Genre : Adventure, Fantasy
© 2017 - LG
Comedy, Kids, Family and Animated Film, Blockbuster, Action Movie, Blockbuster... We keep you in the know!
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Short film