• 7 years ago
Looking at the past, it can be seen that some of the world’s most renowned creative masterminds had some touch of madness too. Many researches have shown that genius and madness are those two end of the human mind that really are linked. Of the many variations of geniuses, it seems to be intensely linked to a variety of moods.
There is a common highly idealized belief that madness in some way amplifies the creativity in geniuses like writers, artists, musicians, scientists and so on. Nevertheless, all significant creative geniuses’ creations have two very significant components, talent and technique, and the most worldwide and essential aspect of the technique is single-minded doggedness, which might reach to a point some might consider it madness or obsession. Even the most acknowledged geniuses find that staying power must follow the instinct. For instance, Einstein's did not work out his ideas just in a day. It took him a great deal of discipline, and numerous trials and errors, to reach one particular idea.


