• il y a 17 ans

American people, i'm really afraid that if you don't do it, you will regret it... all his life! ( McCain's life!)

"I have a dream": ok! "Yes we can": Why not! But what else again!? Now, it's really time to do some thing... to do it! We have an exellent and unique historical opportunity with Maître Barrack OBAMA for that. 95% of the world hopes this! Even Nicolas Sarkozy, from the french right political, so from McCain political family hopes that!!! Good luck OBAMA, Good luck America! Dood luck world ! enough 8 years! enough stupid wars. Long live the peace!

The video maybe seems treat an other subject than US election and OBAMA. Believe me, it's not really that. The more big problem and curse in the world is the discrimination. The racism is the first thing who leads at war's way. It's the same seine that they play evrey time everywhere in the world. So my video concerns the discrimination in France, my country. Me, too i have a dream ... to see an other world... better than this. I hope that Barack OBAMA will win because he is the only one who is able to personify the change of which the world needs now. I hope that my video and my play and my touch at lute have given you some pleasure. Thank you Bye bye. Regards .
bob dit l'art.

Que peut-on attendre, au juste, d'une frustrée parmi les... "cauhcues" !? Si Hillary Clinton gagnait elle représenterait bien les cocus, et moi j'ai coutume de dire: les élections, c'est comme à la Redoute, votez aujourd'hui, vous payerez demain!

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Merci pour votre viste, et à bientôt.

bob dit l'art


