• il y a 7 ans
PACTE is a three year project, financed by the Erasmus + program, wich focuses on physical activity rates across Europe from a municipal perspective and on the creation of Active Cities

In this video, John Marsden as a representant of Liverpool City Council, answers to the following questions : "What does Liverpool city see in the PACTE project ? " and "Can this strategy be replicated across Europe ? "

PACTE project is led by Sport & Citizenship (France) and is further composed of 8 additional partners that are:
- The association for international sport for all- TAFISA (Germany)
- The International council for sport science and physical education- ICSSPE (Germany)
- The European physical education association- EUPEA (Switzerland)
- The European Federation of company Sport- EFCS (France)
- The national association of Italian municipalities- ANCI (Italy)
- The European cyclists federation- ECF (Belgium)
- The Baltic region healthy cities association (Finland)
- The City of Liverpool (UK)


